Internal Server Error (500) AWS Elasticbeanstalk deployed flask app - postgresql

I have deployed various versions of the app previously with no errors.
However, I had to make some modifications on two tables in my AWS RDS running PostgreSQL. alter table NAME alter column NAME type date using to_date(...)
I've done that directly on the AWS RDS and modified SQLAlchemy column accordingly. date = Column(Date)
Any API call that sends queries these two tables returns Internal Server Error - In the meantime, there are no errors in deploying this version of the app and moreover from my python interpreter running any SQLAlchemy code that queries any of these two tables always returns what's expected.
I have tried several ways to fix this. The only one that worked is to remove the line date = Column(Date) from SQLAlchemy setup file - Then there was no 500 on any API call but of course that doesn't help as I need that column!
Any help on this will be highly appreciated really...


How to know mock postgres host name?

I´m trying to create some unit tests on a python aws lambda proyect using moto.
I´ve created an rds postgres instance using:
def rds(aws_credentials):
with mock_rds():
yield boto3.client("rds", region_name="us-west-2").create_db_instance(
EnableCloudwatchLogsExports=["audit", "error"],
How do I know (or set) the host name in order to run queries?
Is that even possible? I don´t know if this is a real (or almost) database instance.
Thanks in advance.
It is not possible to run actual queries against Moto - RDS responses are completely mocked.
Moto's describe_db_instances-method does return an endpoint in the Endpoint.Address-attribute, but this is hardcoded - see

PostgreSQL "forgets" default schema when closing data source connection

I am running into a very strange issue with Spring Boot and Spring Data: after I manually close a connection, the formerly working application seems to "forget" which schema it's using and complains about missing relations.
Here's the code snippet in question:
try (Connection connection = this.dataSource.getConnection()) {
ScriptUtils.executeSqlScript(connection, new ClassPathResource("/script.sql"));
This code works fine, but after it executes, the application immediately starts throwing errors like the following:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "some_table" does not exist
Prior to executing the code above, the application works fine (including referencing the table it later complains about). If I remove the try-resource block, and do not close the Connection, everything also works fine, except that I've now created a resource leak. I have also tried explicitly setting the default schema (public) in the following ways:
In the JDBC URL with the currentSchema parameter
With the the spring.datasource.hikari.schema parameter
With the property
The last does alleviate the issue with respect to Hibernate managed classes, but the issue persists with native queries. I could, of course, make the schema explicit in those queries, but that doesn't seem to address the root issue. Why would closing a connection trigger this behavior?
My environment:
Spring Boot 2.5.1
PostgreSQL 12.7
Thanks to several users above who immediately saw what I did not. The script, adapted from an older pg_dump run, was indeed mucking with the search_path:
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
Removing that line, and some other unnecessary ones, resolved the problem. Big duh on my part.

Prisma 2 with different databases

I'm new at prisma 2 but have got a database working. I have used prisma 'init' and 'migrate dev' to create database tables for my model and can interact with the database using the Prisma client - prisma 2.22.1
Usually for a project, I'd have dev, test and prod environments and use env-cmd to set the relevant differences, e.g. connection details for getting to the database.
With prisma 2 however, it seems like there's a single .env file that is used for the database connection details, so I cannot see how to proceed for the different environments.
Note that I'm not meaning different types of database - in this example all are postgresql.
I can see possibilities for getting past this hurdle, for example for the script to write a suitable .env file according to the required environment as part of running the app, but 'not ideal' really doesn't give this idea the review that it deserves. Or getting more computers.
Any suggestions please for using different databases from the same project? Am I missing something basic or is it deliberately blocked?

Rails 5 Upgrade Issue: database configuration does not specify adapter

I received the following error after upgrading my application to Rails 5 and it is somewhat cryptic:
...connection_specification.rb:170:in `spec': database configuration does not specify adapter (ActiveRecord::AdapterNotSpecified)
I found the solution to this problem, it turns out that in my case since I was connecting to multiple databases that there was a subtle change in what Rails 5 expected over Rails 4.
If you are connecting to multiple databases the establish_connection used within the model connecting to the separate database requires a symbol instead of a string in Rails 5.
establish_connection :secondary_database
Where as the following no longer works:
establish_connection "secondary_database"
In my case some of my old database connections had used the string argument and were failing, causing me to think that there was an strange incompatibility between Rails 5 and my code base. I thought I would share this as I do not see it documented anywhere specifically.

How to insert data into my SQLDB service instance (Bluemix)

I have created an SQLDB service instance and bound it to my application. I have created some tables and need to load data into them. If I write an INSERT statement into RUN DDL, I receive a SQL -104 error. How can I INSERT SQL into my SQLDB service instance.
If you're needing to run your SQL from an application then there are several examples (sample code included) of how to accomplish this at the site listed below:
Additionally, you can execute SQL in the SQL Database Console by navigating to Manage -> Work with Database Objects. More information can be found here:
s.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO MYLIBRARY.MYTABLE (NAME, ID) VALUES ('BlueMix', 123)");
Full Code
Most people do initial database population or migrations when they deploy their application. Often these database commands are programming language specific. The poster didn't include the programming language. You can accomplish this two ways.
Append a bash script that would call your database scripts that you uploaded. This project shows how you can call that bash script from within your manifest file as part of doing a CF Push.
Some languages like offer a file type or service that will automatically get used to populate the database on initial deploy or when your migrate/synch the db. For example Python Django offers a "fixtures" file that will automatically take a JSON file and populate your database tables