MYSQL database confusion - select

So on this question, I'm having trouble.
EMPLOYEE(fname,minit,lname,ssn,birthdate,address,sex,salary,superssn,dno) key:ssn
DEPARTMENT(dname,dnumber,mgrssn,mgrstartdate) key:dnumber
PROJECT(pname,pnumber,plocation,dnum) key:pnumber
Here is what I wrote:
Select e.ssn, e.lname,e.fname,
From employee e,
where e.ssn in
(select s.ssn, s.lname,sfname
from employee s,
where s.superssn = e.ssn, AND s.lnamme='Wallace' s.fname ='Jennifer'
But I only got 10 out of 15 points, my professor said my select s.ssn,slname part is wrong, and it must "match my e.ssn". How should I fix this?

A self-join (same table). Alias e is for the worker, alias s is for the supervisor.
select s.ssn, s.lname,s.fname,
From employee s
join employee e
on s.ssn=e.superssn
where e.lname='Wallace' and e.fname ='Jennifer'

your in statement is going to make this query slow. you can refactor it to be a self join like so
select e.ssn, e.lname, e.fname
from employee e
join employee s on s.superssn = e.ssn
where s.lnamme='Wallace' AND s.fname ='Jennifer';
the problem with your in statement is you are making a dependent subquery which checks every row in the employee table with every row in the same table.
to break down the query itself
select s.ssn, s.lname, s.fname -- s is the supervisor
from employee e -- e is jennifer
join employee s on s.superssn = e.ssn -- self join on the supervisors id is equal to the employees id
where e.lnamme='Wallace' AND e.fname ='Jennifer';

Using IN is fine, but with a correlated subquery, EXISTS is the way to go:
Select s.ssn, s.lname, s.fname
From employee s
where exists (select 1
from employee e
where e.superssn = s.ssn AND
e.lname = 'Wallace' AND
e.fname = 'Jennifer'
The s and e are swapped. You want the supervisor information, so it goes in the outer query.
The extraneous commas have been removed.
AND has been added.
Using IN, it looks like:
Select s.ssn, s.lname, s.fname
From employee s
where s.ssn IN (select e.superssn
from employee e
where e.lname = 'Wallace' AND
e.fname = 'Jennifer'
Note that the correlation clause is not needed.


postgresql left join but dont fetch if matching condition found

I have a bit of a complicated scenario. I have two tables, employee and agency. An employee may or may not have an agency, but if an employee has an agency I want the select clause to check another condition on the agency, but if the employee does not have an agency its fine I want to fetch the employee. I'm not sure how to write the select statement for this. This is what I have come up with so far
select * from employee e left join
agency a on = e.agencyID and a.valid = true;
However the problem with this is that it fetches both employees without agencies which is fine, but it also fetches employees with agencies where a.valid = false. The only option I can think of is to do an union but I'm looking for something more simpler.
A UNION could actually be the solution that performs best, but you can write the query without UNION like this:
select *
from employee e
left join agency a
on = e.agencyID
where coalesce(a.valid, true);
That will accept agencies where valid IS NULL, that is, result rows where the agency part was substituted with NULLs by the outer join.
You want except the condition that both table match( = employee.agencyID) and also is false. The following query will express the condition.
employee e
LEFT JOIN agency a ON = e.agencyID
WHERE = e.agencyID
AND a.valid IS FALSE)

show records that have only one matchin row in another table

I need to write a sql code that probably is very simple but I am very new to it.
I need to find all the records from one table that have matching id (but no more than one) from the other table. eg. one table contains records of the employees and the second one with employees' telephone numbers. i need to find all employees with only one telephone no
Sample data would be nice. In absence of:
(SELECT distinct on(employee_id) employee_id FROM emp_phone) AS phone
employees.employee_id = phone.employee_id
phone.employee_id IS NOT NULL;
You need a join of the 2 tables, group by employee and the condition in the having clause:
SELECT e.employee_id,
FROM employees e INNER JOIN numbers n
ON e.employee_id = n.employee_id
GROUP BY e.employee_id,
If there can be more than a few numbers per employee in the table with the employees' telephone numbers (calling it tel), then it's cheaper to avoid GROUP BY and HAVING which has to process all rows. Find employees with "unique" numbers using a self-anti-join with NOT EXISTS.
While you don't need more than the employee_id and their unique phone number, you don't even have to involve the employee table at all:
FROM tel t
WHERE employee_id = t.employee_id
AND tel_number <> t.tel_number -- or use PK column
If you need additional columns from the employee table:
SELECT * -- or any columns you need
SELECT employee_id AS id, tel_number -- or any columns you need
FROM tel t
WHERE employee_id = t.employee_id
AND tel_number <> t.tel_number -- or use PK column
) t
JOIN employee e USING (id);
The column alias in the subquery (employee_id AS id) is just for convenience. Then the outer join condition can be USING (id), and the ID column is only included once in the result, even with SELECT * ...
Simpler with a smart naming convention that uses employee_id for the employee ID everywhere. But it's a widespread anti-pattern to use instead.
JOIN table if condition is satisfied, else perform no join

How to find in a many to many relation all the identical values in a column and join the table with other three tables?

I have a many to many relation with three columns, (owner_id,property_id,ownership_perc) and for this table applies (many owners have many properties).
So I would like to find all the owner_id who has many properties (property_id) and connect them with other three tables (Table 1,3,4) in order to get further information for the requested result.
All the tables that I'm using are
Table 1: owner (id_owner,name)
Table 2: owner_property (owner_id,property_id,ownership_perc)
Table 3: property(id_property,building_id)
Table 4: building(id_building,address,region)
So, when I'm trying it like this, the query runs but it returns empty.
SELECT address,region,name
FROM owner_property
JOIN property ON owner_property.property_id = property.id_property
JOIN owner ON owner.id_owner = owner_property.owner_id
JOIN building ON property.building_id=building.id_building
GROUP BY owner_id,address,region,name
HAVING count(owner_id) > 1
ORDER BY owner_id;
Only when I'm trying the code below, it returns the owner_id who has many properties (see image below) but without joining it with the other three tables:
FROM owner_property a
JOIN (SELECT owner_id, COUNT(owner_id)
FROM owner_property
GROUP BY owner_id
HAVING COUNT(owner_id)>1) b
ON a.owner_id = b.owner_id
ORDER BY a.owner_id,property_id ASC;
So, is there any suggestion on what I'm doing wrong when I'm joining the tables? Thank you!
This query:
SELECT owner_id
FROM owner_property
GROUP BY owner_id
HAVING COUNT(property_id) > 1
returns all the owner_ids with more than 1 property_ids.
If there is a case of duplicates in the combination of owner_id and property_id then instead of COUNT(property_id) use COUNT(DISTINCT property_id) in the HAVING clause.
So join it to the other tables:
SELECT b.address, b.region,
SELECT owner_id
FROM owner_property
GROUP BY owner_id
HAVING COUNT(property_id) > 1
) t
INNER JOIN owner_property op ON op.owner_id = t.owner_id
INNER JOIN property p ON op.property_id = p.id_property
INNER JOIN owner o ON o.id_owner = op.owner_id
INNER JOIN building b ON p.building_id = b.id_building
ORDER BY op.owner_id, op.property_id ASC;
Always qualify the column names with the table name/alias.
You can try to use a correlated subquery that counts the ownerships with EXISTS in the WHERE clause.
SELECT b1.address,
FROM owner_property op1
INNER JOIN owner o1
ON o1.id_owner = op1.owner_id
INNER JOIN property p1
ON p1.id_property = op1.property_id
INNER JOIN building b1
ON b1.id_building = p1.building_id
FROM owner_property op2
WHERE op2.owner_id = op1.owner_id
HAVING count(*) > 1);

Postgresql 9.4 Subquery missing from-clause

I have the following subquery.
In the end i want to count for every agent for all this users the controllers.
So in the substring i count the controllers for all the agent his users and
then i want to sum them up.
The substring itself is running, however i get this error when i run the complete query
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "sub"
LINE 2: as a_id, SUM(sub.c_count ) as c_count,
SELECT as a_id, SUM(sub.c_count ) AS c_count,
SELECT, COUNT(c.user_id) AS c_amount
FROM users u
JOIN controllers c ON (c.user_id =
from agents a;
You are getting this error because the subquery which you have aliased as sub returns not only multiple records, but also multiple values per record, but it appears in the SELECT list. Generally, only scalars (single values) or subqueries which return a single value can appear in the SELECT list. You have two options, you can either modify sub to return a single value, or you can try to join this subauery to the outer query. Given that you mentioned the subquery is supposed to do some aggregation for each user or agent, my guess is that joining is the answer. In the query below I join sub to the outer query on the agent ID matching the user ID from sub.
COALESCE(sub.c_amount, 0) AS c_count
FROM agents a
SELECT, COUNT(c.user_id) AS c_amount
FROM users u
INNER JOIN controllers c
ON c.user_id =
) sub
ON =

Postgresql-Select one row from table where value in many table matches?

I have two tables, call them a and b, where a is related to b in a one-to-many relationship. I would like to select any rows from table a where any of the many related records in table b match a criteria. A basic join doesn't work, because that will return one result for each row in table b that matches - I just want one result for each row in table a with one or more related records matching.
For simplified example, say I have a table Departments and related table Employees, where each employee has one department, but each department obviously can have multiple employees. I want a query that will give me one row per department that has one or more employees matching a given criteria - say the departments that have one or more employees that have earned "employee of the month". How would I do this? Thanks.
SELECT * FROM department d
SELECT * FROM employee e
JOIN badges b ON b.person_id = e.person_id AND b.badge = 'EotM'
WHERE e.dep_id = d.dep_id
AND e.gender = 'F'
select distinct on (
department d
inner join
employee e on = e.department_id
where e.age between 60 and 65
How to order it by any column:
select *
from (
select distinct on (
department d
inner join
employee e on = e.department_id
where e.age between 60 and 65
) s
order by name
Sounds like a job for a subquery. Something like: Select * from dept where id in (select deptID from Emp where wasEOTM = true); ought to do the job.