404 on Karma when trying to use web worker - karma-runner

I'm getting the error WARN [web-server]: 404: /app/workers/total.js when trying to run a unit test on a web worker.
Karma.conf.js includes the following:
files: [
the test goes as follows:
describe('totals', function () {
var worker;
beforeEach(function() {
worker = new Worker('/app/workers/total.js');
it('should do something', function () {
I have tried many urls, but none seem to work

Finally I found the solution on https://github.com/karma-runner/karma/issues/1302, the trick is to include /base as part of the worker URL, being the solution:
describe('totals', function () {
var worker;
beforeEach(function() {
worker = new Worker('/base/app/workers/total.js');
it('should do something', function () {
Note /base as part of the worker URL.
Thanks to maksimr


Protractor doesn't send data for login keys,

I have an issue relating to sending keys to login page, only the browser launched and nothing happens, how ever was able to run the script previously with no issue.This might be due to an upgrade on angular in the test server any solution for it much appreciated? recently had angualr 5 upgrade from a lower version
describe(' E2E1', function () {
afterEach(function () {
it('Scenario 1', function () {
browser.get('some url');
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
.then(function () {
.then(function () {
const EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(EC.urlContains('URL after login'), 100000).then(function () {
console.log('Successfully logged')

Disable bootstrap.js when run unit tests

I have sails.on('lifted',...) in config\bootstrap.js.
How to not run this when running mocha unit tests?
While running tests, you can load sails instead of lifting it.
var Sails = require('sails').Sails;
before(function (done) {
new Sails().load(
{}, // your configuration
after(function (done) {
if (sails) { return sails.lower(done); }
return done();

How to set up unit tests in sailsjs

I cannot run sailsjs unit tests. It seems sails cannot be lifted,
my test (/test/unit/test.js):
var Sails = require('sails');
var app;
before(function() {
log: {
level: 'error'
}, function(err, server) {
app = server;
done(err, app);
// Global after hook
after(function(done) {
describe('mailer service', function() {
it('should connect to gmail', function() {
In my app folder I run: mocha test/unit/test.js
The "app" variable is undefined, console.log('lifted') is not being triggered. What am I doing wrong?
First of all.
You need to call before with a done parameter :
Does your app lift succesfully when you run it with ?
sails lift

Unable to pass page objects to the spec file in protractor

We are new to Protractor and are going through the code to better understand its functionalists and in comparison with writing tests with selenium. As an exercise we have tried to automate the angularjs home page (http://www.angularjs.org) using page objects
Our TestSpec.js file is as follows
'use strict';
var DevelopPage = require('../test_11th/Develop_pom.js');
describe('angularjs homepage', function () {
var Devpage;
beforeEach(function () {
Devpage = new DevelopPage();
it('Develop page should be open', function () {
and the page object file Develop_pom.js is as follows
'use strict';
var DevelopPage = function () {
DevelopPage.prototype = Object.create({}, {
click_develop: { function ()
{ browser.driver.findElement(By.linkText("Develop")).click(); }},
Api_Reference: { function ()
{ browser.driver.findElement(By.linkText("API Reference")).click(); }},
func_link: { function ()
{ browser.driver.findElement(By.linkText("function")).click(); }},
search: { : function (txt)
{ element(by.model('q')).click().sendKeys(txt); }}
while running it we are encountering the error
1) Exception loading: C:\Users\kirti.vm\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\protractor\test_11th\AngularSpec.js Error
SyntaxError: Unexpected token (
SyntaxError: Unexpected token (
at require (module.js:380:17)
at Object. (C:\Users\kirti.vm\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\protractor\test_11th\AngularSpec.js:4:21)
Finished in 0.012 seconds
1 test, 1 assertion, 1 failure
can you please let us know what and where we are going wrong. Can we not use page objects to implement our test and call those page objects in the spec script.
You need to export the page object at the end of the file:
module.exports = DevelopPage;
Take a look at the following example if you want to see a cleaner syntax:

Testing Angular $resource with external service

I'm trying to make some basic tests on REST requests I'm doing using Angular $resource.
The service code works just fine.
'use strict';
angular.module('lelylan.services', ['ngResource']).
factory('Device', ['Settings', '$resource', '$http', function(Settings, $resource, $http) {
var token = 'df39d56eaa83cf94ef546cebdfb31241327e62f8712ddc4fad0297e8de746f62';
$http.defaults.headers.common["Authorization"] = 'Bearer ' + token;
var resource = $resource(
{ port: ':3001', id: '#id' },
{ update: { method: 'PUT' } }
return resource;
I'm using the Device resource inside a directive and it works. The problems comes out
when I start making some tests on the services. Here is a sample test where I mock the
HTTP request using $httpBackend and I make a request to the mocked URL.
Unluckily it does not return anything, although the request is made. I'm sure about this
because if a request to another URL is made, the test suite automatically raises an error.
I've been spending lot of time, but no solutions. Here the test code.
'use strict';
var $httpBackend;
describe('Services', function() {
beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
var uri = 'http://localhost:3001/devices/50c61ff1d033a9b610000001';
var device = { name: 'Light', updated_at: '2012-12-20T18:40:19Z' };
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
describe('Device#get', function() {
it('returns a JSON', inject(function(Device) {
device = Device.get({ id: '50c61ff1d033a9b610000001' });
As the device is not loaded this is the error.
Expected undefined to equal 'Light'.
Error: Expected undefined to equal 'Light'.
I've tried also using the following solution, but it doesn't get into the function
to check the expectation.
it('returns a JSON', inject(function(Device) {
device = Device.get({ id: '50c61ff1d033a9b610000001' }, function() {
Any suggestion or link to solve this problem is really appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
You were very close, the only thing missing was a call to the $httpBackend.flush();. The working test looks like follows:
it('returns a JSON', inject(function(Device) {
var device = Device.get({ id: '50c61ff1d033a9b610000001' });
and a live test in plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/Pp0LbLHs0Qxlgqkl948l?p=preview
You might also want to check docs for the $httpBackend mock.
In later versions of angular, I'm using 1.2.0rc1 you also need to call this within a $apply or call $digest on a scope. The resource call isn't made unless you do something like this:
var o, back, scope;
beforeEach(inject(function( $httpBackend, TestAPI,$rootScope) {
o = TestAPI;
back = $httpBackend;
scope = $rootScope.$new();
it('should call the test api service', function() {
scope.$apply( o.test());