InstallShield not all options available - deployment

I am trying to add vc_redist.x86 to InstallShield project but don't see those addition drop-down menus in solution explorer. However,when I create just a single InstallShield project those menus are available. I am using Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise and Install Shield Limited Edition.
If you have other suggestions how I can make program install vc_redist.x86 I will be glad to hear them.
Thank you.
Menus available
Menus not available


NetBeans automation?

Did anyone go from VS to NB?
Is there a functionality in NetBeans (I have v8.2 a portable 32 bit) like External Tools similar to these known from Visual Studio? Here is a explanation: , but I have not this menu item in my NB.
And yet I didn't found in NB VS-like PostBuil and PreBuild events on the Project level (launching specified scripts or executables before or after build).
Perhaps you can use QuickOpener plugin:
Plugin portal link
Project home

If I check in eclipse project into tfs, will I be able to use it in VS environment?

My ultimate goal is to completely migrate eclipse (mars) project into Visual Studio environment.
During my research, I have tried several options:
1) Create project from existing code. Doesn't apply to my case, since my project is a combination of .java and .jsp files, wizard only offers C++, C#, Visual Basic options.
2) TFS plugin for eclipse.
3) Checking in the project from eclipse into tfs.
Within the third option, I am planning to create a new team project, and check in the project from eclipse based on that article manual.
My question is will I be able to open and operate project I checked in inside VS environment?
I am also opened to any other suggestion, which might help me resolve that problem.
If you have an Eclipse project and you want to move to something like Visual Studio there are three options:
Java Language Support plugin
Visual Studio Code
Java Language Service for Android and Eclipse Android Project Import
Except for the latest, I expect you have to review the build script to make it work in the new environment.
TFS/VSTS is language agnostic and has no interested in IDE and has no "project conversion" support.
No, sharing(check in) the project in Team Foundation server just means to source control the code. You can't directly using them in VS environment.
However you can download the project and work on it locally(local eclipse). Then check in the changes to TFS server. More details please refer: Importing Projects from Team Foundation Server
Here is a tutorial includes step-by-step instructions to help you get
started with the Team Foundation Server plug-in for Eclipse.
Team Foundation Server Plug-in for Eclipse - Beginner's Guide

Using Enterprise LIbrary 6 Application Blocks

Then new Enterprise Library 6 is out and can be downloaded here. I have downloaded and extracted EnterpriseLibrary6-binaries.exe to a folder on my C: drive. The readme says this:
Summary: This package contains Enterprise Library configuration console, MSMQ distributor service, merge configuration tool and a script to download binaries for all application blocks from NuGet.
In order to get all the binaries, run the install-packages.ps1 script.
Note: For the Semantic Logging Application Block Out-of-Process service, a separate package is available for download.
I then run Powershell and run the script. I now look in the folder I extracted the .exe to and all of the binaries are there. Now, here are the instructions from the Enterprise Library 6 .chm.
To install the integrated Visual Studio configuration editor
1. On the Visual Studio Tools menu, choose Extensions and Updates.
2. In the Extensions and Updates dialog, search online for EnterpriseLibrary.config.
3. Click the Download button to download and install the Enterprise Library configuration editor.
4. Restart Visual Studio to complete the installation.
To launch and use the configuration editor from Visual Studio
1. Open a solution in Visual Studio.
2. If the solution does not contain a configuration file, add one using the Visual Studio Add menu.
3. In Solution Explorer, right-click the configuration file and then click Edit Enterprise Library V6 Configuration. This launches the integrated configuration editor or the appropriate standalone version of the configuration tool.
Step #3 is where I am stuck. I have a WCF service project with a web.config in it. I right click the web.config and I don't see a "Edit Enterprise Library V6 Configuration" context menu option.
I DO see an "Edit Server Configuration File v6". However, when I click this I get the following error.
All I'm trying to do is use the Exception Handling Application Block in my WCF service project. I've looked around the web and can't find any easy step-by-step tutorial to guide me either. Any help is greatly appreciated.
You need to set the solution property for "Enterprise Library v6 binaries path" to set to
the folder that you extracted "EnterpriseLibrary6-binaries.exe".
You can do that by clicking the solution and then pressing F4 to see the properties window, but you need to make sure that your "Enterprise Library Config tool" is v6.
The Visual Studio Gallery provides Enterprise Library 5 Config tool which is obviously the wrong Version.
I had to use NuGet to install the application block I wanted to use in the project. For me, Tools >> Library Package Manager >> Manage NuGet Packages for solution and add the appropriate EntLib 6 Exception Handling Application Block WCF Provider.
Just download Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ConfigConsoleV6.vsix
from the below link and while installing provide VS2012 or Vs2013.
After installation restart Visual Studio.
You will Enterprise Library 6.0 configuration.
By default Extension and Updates in VS give 5.0 configuration we need 6.0 to work.
This is what worked for me:
Download Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ConfigConsoleV6.vsix, from here and during installation, provide VS2012 or VS2013.
Then restart your VS2012/2013 and you should be good to go!

Using the Eclipse Marketplace on Aptana Studio 3

I'm currently trying out Aptana Studio 3 for PHP development (I'm pretty new to all these), and I've stumbled upon a problem. I've noticed Eclipse has a Marketplace that hosts a wide variety of plugins, and I'd like to install one that helps me for version control.
However, I can't find the Eclipse Marketplace dialog under Aptana. Is there anybody out there who's done this before (installing Eclipse Marketplace stuff in Aptana)?
Also, this is a little out-of-topic but I'd like to use as the place where I'll be storing my repository. To my knowledge, NetBeans has a built-in support for; is there anything similar for Eclipse/Aptana Studio?
EDIT: If it helps, I installed Aptana Studio as a standalone version, and not as a plugin on Eclipse.
Try Help / Install New Software, and click on the Available Software Sites link. You'll probably have the eclipse Helios release directory in the list, just check it to activate it. A lot of third-party packages have their own release sites, you can add them in the same dialog.

TFS support for netbeans ide

I need to checkout and manage a project from TFS (Team Foundation Server) and was wondering if there is an easy way to do this.
I usually use SVN, but for this particular project, TFS is a requirement.
The best way I've found so far with a bit of Googling is at
Short answer, no I don't think there is any easy way to integrate the Netbeans IDE and TFS. However there are some options.
Firstly you could use the SVN bridge this allows subversion clients to connect to TFS. If that is viable then you should be good to go. Here are a couple of blog posts that you may find useful when using TFS if you have a SVN background. SVN to TFS. If SVN Bridge doesn't meet your needs then there are other ways to use TFS but none of them are integrated in to the Netbeans IDE.
If you're developing on Windows then you can install Team Explorer (Use the version that matches the version of TFS you're using e.g. if you're connecting to TFS 2010 then install Team Explorer 2010), this will install a Visual Studio Shell and the Team Explorer plugin. Along side that it will install the "tf" command line utility, you then have a choice of using either a GUI with the VS plugin, or the command line.
You should also install the TFS power tools, they add some usefull functionality such as extra command line tools (using the "tfpt" command) they will also install windows explorer integration, this will allow you to do some basic Source Control functions from the Right Click menu in windows explorer (Check out, check in, diff etc)
You should also look at Team Explorer Everywhere, I don't think it does Netbeans integration but it does do Eclipse. If you're developing on an OS other than Windows then this is your only option.
To use any on these tools you must have a TFS CAL to be licenced properly. If you have an MSDN licence that will probably include a CAL, if not then someone needs to spend some cash and buy one :-).
Since TFS started to support Git repositories, it is possible to:
create TFS project for Git
after project creation use url from Code tab
to configure Git Repository Location in NetBeans IDE
Once you have the tf.exe (from Visual Studio or Team Explorer) there is a plugin that can be configured to do the TFS commands from NetBeans:
Download plugin from:
Install the plugin in NetBeans: Tools\Plugins\Downloaded\Add Plugins…
Configure the plugin in NetBeans: Tools\Options\Path Tools
At Edit Commands For File enter: "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf" checkout "{path}"
Press Ok
With a file selected in the editor, or the package explorer press the “Edit Path…” toolbar button.
The file is now checked out in TFS.
Make sure to use the proper path to tf.exe.
There are 3 buttons, so you can configure 3 TFS actions (I use checkout, add, delete).
Microsoft actively supports only Eclipse for TFS integration.
At this page there are more info and the possibility to upvote, to report your interest in such a feature directly to Microsoft.
In NB 8.2 you can setup Kenai Team Server.
then you will be able to login into a team server : menu Team->Team Server -> login