How to make wait some time in GWT after the Async call - gwt

In my code, I am making async call to do validation. Depeding upon return value of the validation, I need to execute some lines.
But I am not able to put that lines in the callback method of Async = public void success(Boolean valid).
Since one of the line is super.onDrop(context) which is method of another class that can't be called inside Async callback method.
Please see the below line. I need super.onDrop(context) will be executed after async call is completed.
stepTypeFactory.onDropValidation(stepTypeFactory,new AsyncCallbackModal(null) {
public void success(Boolean valid) {
//condition is here
Is there any way, i will tell gwt wait 1 or 2 seconds before super.onDrop(context) is executed. Right now what happening is,
super.onDrop(context) is executed before the call back method is completed.

You can do:
stepTypeFactory.onDropValidation(stepTypeFactory,new AsyncCallbackModal(null) {
public void success(Boolean valid) {
private void drop() {

An alternative solution would be, like mentioned from Thomas Broyer in the comments:
stepTypeFactory.onDropValidation(stepTypeFactory,new AsyncCallbackModal(null) {
public void success(Boolean valid) {
Eclipse does not suggests this solution when using the code completion, but it works.
Also i would possibly reconsider your design, because it can get very tricky (by experience) when you have many Callbacks which are connecting/coupling classes. But this is just a quick thought, i neither know the size of your project nor the design.


Wicket: AjaxRequestTarget vs onModelChanged

I'm working on a code in a wicket project, where the original devs used the onModelChanged() method quite a lot in Ajax request handling methods. I, for one, however am not a strong believer of this implementation.
In fact, I can't think of any examples, where calling the target.add(...) is inferior to calling the onModelChanged method.
Am I missing some key concepts here?
public MyComponent extends Panel {
public MyComponent(String id, Component... componentsToRefresh) {
add(new AjaxLink<Void>("someId") {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
// some logic with model change
for(Component c: componentsToRefresh) {
Now, there are a couple of things I don't agree with, the very first is the componentsToRefresh parameter, the second is (as the question suggests), the fact that we called c.modelChanged() on all components in that array. My guess would be that it is completely un necessary and instead of a parameter in the constructor, one should just write an empty function in MyComponent and override it, and put the necessary components in there when needed.
I would suggest to use Wicket Event system instead. That is, whenever the AjaxLink is clicked you will broadcast an event:
send(getPage(), Broadcast.BREATH, new MyEventPayload(target));
This will broadcast the event to the current Page and all its components.
Then in any of your components you can listen for events:
public void onEvent(IEvent event) {
Object payload = event.getPayload();
if (payload instanceof MyEventPayload) {
((MyEventPayload) payload).getTarget().add(this); // or any of my sub-components
event.stop(); // optionally you can stop the broadcasting
This way you do not couple unrelated components in your application.
See Wicket Guide for more information.

Target a Object Variable in a different Class

So, without posting my entire project in here, I will sum it up as best I can:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Thing one = new Thing();
class Counter
private int Seconds;
private int TimerNum;
public Counter(int SecondsX)
Seconds = (SecondsX * 1000);
public void TimerCall(){
public void CounterCallBack()
Console.WriteLine("Timer " + TimerNum + " Done");
//Then the time is up the call back is executed
//The issue I am having is how do I trigger the next timer for the list timers to go from hear automatically. It would send back TimerNum to Thing.Continue
class Thing
List<int> timers = new List<int>();
public Thing()
public void addTimer(new Timer(int SecondsToAdd))
public void StartTimers(){
public void Continue(int LastRun){
if(timers.count()-1>= LastRun){
So I need to access the Continue method from counter to kick off the next timer.
Or I need to find a way to do the same thing.
However, the user needs to be able to edit, add, and remove timers (Which happens from the Program class)
Remember that in my program (this is a simplified version) Counter is a timer Call and CallBack that runs asynchronously.
Is it even possible to do? Or do I need to scrap this approach and start from square one?
Also, I know this is rough, but this a project is for charity and I plan to clean it up once I get this prototype working. Also I am 16. So please, any help you can give would be well appreciated.
Okay It's a dirty answer but I am going to Use a dictionary to store the Object variables, and have an assessor method that is passed the ID of Correct set of timers, and the Index of the next timer to run. That then calls the next timer, and so on and so fort.
Dirty but functional for a Prototype.

GWT JSNI method call failing, but there are no errors

I'm trying to implement Mozilla's Persona in a GWT App. Here's part of the code from a dummy app I set up to test it:
public class OpenId implements EntryPoint {
private native void callWatch(String email)
loggedInUser: email,
onlogin: function(assertion){
$wnd.alert("Calling method");;)(assertion);
$wnd.alert("Called Java Method");
onlogout: function(){alert("Logged Out!");}
private void processLogin(String assertion){
Window.alert("Logged in!");
personaStatus.setText("Log In Complete.");
When I call the callWatch method, only the "Calling method" alert box shows up. Neither of the other ones are ever called. So for some reason the code appears to be stopping at the JSNI call right below the first alert. But there are no errors in Dev Mode.
I don't understand why the processLogin method doesn't get called.
I thought I followed Google's Documentation correctly.
I did try writing;)(assertion);
as OpenID.#... and instance.#... due to this post.
I'm not sure what else to try.
The variable this points to the function that immediately surrounds it, which is in this case your onlogin JavaScript function. You need to use a temporary that variable (a typical JavaScript idiom, by the way)
private native void callWatch(String email)
var that = this;
onlogin: function(assertion){
And then, ideally use $entry(...), so you will see error messages, if you have registered an UncaughtExceptionHandler.
See also:

Can execute question using delegate commands in prism

This seems like a dumb question but I have looked through the docs for prism and searched the internet and can't find an example... Here is the deal.
I am using a DelegateCommand in Prism, it is working fine except when I assign a delegate to the can execute to the CanExecute method. in another view model I have a event that takes a bool that I am publishing too and I can see that the event is firing and that the bool is getting passed to my view model with the command in it no problem but this is what I don't understand... How does can execute know that the state has changed? Here is some code for the example.
from the view models ctor
eventAggregator.GetEvent<NavigationEnabledEvent>().Subscribe(OnNavigationEnabledChange, ThreadOption.UIThread);
NavigateCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnNavigate, () => nextButtonEnabled);
Now - here is the OnNavigationEnableChange event.
private void OnNavigationEnabledChange(bool navigationState)
nextButtonEnabled = navigationState;
enter code here
Like - I am totally missing something here - how does the command know that nextButtonEnabled is no true?
If someone could point me to a working example that would be awesome.
OK - thanks!
This is why I don't use the implementation of DelegateCommand in Prism. I've always hated the callback-based approach for enabling/disabling commands. It's entirely unnecessary, and as far as I can tell, its only (and rather doubtful) 'benefit' is that it's consistent with how execution itself is handled. But that has always seemed pointless to me because execution and enabling/disabling are clearly very different: a button knows when it wants to execute a command but doesn't know when the command's status might have changed.
So I always end up writing something like this:
public class RelayCommand : ICommand
private bool _isEnabled;
private Action _onExecute;
public RelayCommand(Action executeHandler)
_isEnabled = true;
_onExecute = executeHandler;
public bool IsEnabled
get { return _isEnabled; }
_isEnabled = value;
if (CanExecuteChanged != null)
CanExecuteChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
return _isEnabled;
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;
public void Execute(object parameter)
(If necessary you could modify this to use weak references to execute change event handlers, like Prism does.)
But to answer your question: how is the callback approach even meant to work? Prism's DelegateCommand offers a RaiseCanExecuteChanged method you can invoke to ask it to raise the event that'll cause command invokers to query your command's CanExecute. Given that you have to tell the DelegateCommand any time your enabled status changes, I don't see any meaningful benefit of a callback-based approach. (Sometimes you see a broadcast model though - arranging so that any change in status anywhere notifies all command invokers! In that case, a callback is useful because it means it doesn't matter if you don't know what actually changed. But requerying every single command seems unpleasant to me.)
Answering your question how does the command know that it is now enabled:
NavigateCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnNavigate, () => nextButtonEnabled);
This overload of the DelegateCommand constructor takes 2 parameters:
The first is the command action and the second is the CanExecute delegate that returns bool.
in your example your CanExecute action always returns nextButtonEnabled
eventAggregator.GetEvent<NavigationEnabledEvent>().Subscribe(OnNavigationEnabledChange, ThreadOption.UIThread);
triggers OnNavigationEnabledChange that changes nextButtonEnabled
this is how it works...

What's the best way to get a return value out of an asyncExec in Eclipse?

I am writing Eclipse plugins, and frequently have a situation where a running Job needs to pause for a short while, run something asynchronously on the UI thread, and resume.
So my code usually looks something like:
Display display = Display.getDefault();
display.syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Do some calculation
// How do I return a value from here?
// I want to be able to use the calculation result here!
One way to do it is to have the entire Job class have some field. Another is to use a customized class (rather than anonymous for this and use its resulting data field, etc.
What's the best and most elegant approach?
I think the Container above is the "right" choice. It could be also be genericized for type safety. The quick choice in this kind of situation is the final array idiom. The trick is that a any local variables referenced from the Runnable must be final, and thus can't be modified. So instead, you use a single element array, where the array is final, but the element of the array can be modified:
final Object[] result = new Object[1];
Display display = Display.getDefault();
display.syncExec(new Runnable()
public void run()
result[0] = "foo";
Again, this is the "quick" solution for those cases where you have an anonymous class and you want to give it a place to stick a result without defining a specific Container class.
After I thought about this a bit, I realized this works fine for listener and visitor type usage where the callback is in the same thread. In this case, however, the Runnable executes in a different thread so you're not guaranteed to actually see the result after syncExec returns. The correct solution is to use an AtomicReference:
final AtomicReference<Object> result = new AtomicReference<Object>();
Display display = Display.getDefault();
display.syncExec(new Runnable()
public void run()
Changes to the value of AtomicReference are guaranteed to be visible by all threads, just as if it were declared volatile. This is described in detail here.
You probably shouldn't be assuming that the async Runnable will have finished by the time the asyncExec call returns.
In which case, you're looking at pushing the result out into listeners/callbacks (possibly Command pattern), or if you do want to have the result available at a later in the same method, using something like a java.util.concurrent.Future.
Well, if it's sync you can just have a value holder of some kind external to the run() method.
The classic is:
final Container container = new Container();
Display display = Display.getDefault();
display.syncExec(new Runnable()
public void run()
Where container is just:
public class Container {
private Object value;
public Object getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(Object o) {
value = o;
This is of course hilarious and dodgy (even more dodgy is creating a new List and then setting and getting the 1st element) but the syncExec method blocks so nothing bad comes of it.
Except when someone comes back later and makes it asyncExec()..