How to fix the return value in this typed racket code? - racket

(: test (All (A) (-> A A (Rec Expr (Listof (U A Expr))) (Rec Expr (Listof (U A Expr))))))
(define (test new old expr)
(if (null? expr)
(if (list? (car expr))
expr ; <- get error here
get error
Type Checker: type mismatch
expected: (Rec g161252 (Listof (U A g161252)))
given: (Pairof
(U (Rec g161259 (Listof (U A g161259))) (Pairof Any (Listof Any)))
(Listof (U A (Rec g161268 (Listof (U A g161268)))))) in: expr
The code return exactly the same expr as the input one.
(define (test new old expr)
(if (and (not (null? expr)) (list? (car expr)))
expr ; <- also get the error
(define (test new old expr)
(if (and (list? (car expr)) (not (null? expr)))
expr ; <- this works fine
If the logic is in this order, then it works fine.
So why the type checker get the type mismatch error?

The problem with the original code is that expr is "not polymorphic enough". The query (list? (car expr)) changes the type of expr to something incompatible with the polymorphic A.
(It seems to me that you're trying to discriminate between an A and a nested Expr, but typed racket sees list? and refines the type of A. I think!)
Here's another function that's not polymorphic enough.
(: id (All (A) (-> A A)))
(define (id x)
(if (boolean? x) x x))
If you're on an older version of Racket (v6.2) you can sneak around this with an alias, but that's not a nice thing to do.
(: id (All (A) (-> A A)))
(define (id x)
(define x2 x)
(if (boolean? x) x2 x)))
You can use list-ref instead of car, because list-ref doesn't allow predicates to affect its argument.
(if (list? (list-ref expr 0))
Change your types a little, so there's a clear way to tell apart A from Expr.
(: test (All (A) (-> A A (Rec Expr (Listof (U (Boxof A) Expr))) (Rec Expr (Listof (U (Boxof A) Expr))))))
(define (test new old expr)
(if (null? expr)
(if (not (box? (car expr)))
Stop using Typed Racket's polymorphism -- it's too clumsy!
The order issue is because and applies predicates in order, and these predicates destructively change an expression's type. So testing (not (null? expr)) after you've checked (list? (car expr)) forgets that you ever did the first check.
Here's more code with the same issue. We ought to know that expr is non-null and has a list at its head, but Typed Racket's forgotten.
(: test2 (-> (Listof (U (List Natural) Boolean)) Boolean))
(define (test2 expr)
(if (and (list? (car expr)) (not (null? expr)))
(= 1 (car (car expr)))
This is probably a bug.


How to write LISP macro with double quasi quotation in scheme

I need to write the lisp macro in scheme (please on hygienic macros and syntax-rules etc) that will have function call and Alist as argument
I want function and macro that call that function to have syntax like this:
(foo '(10 (a (lambda () (display "10")) b (lambda () (display "20"))))
or macro without quotes.
My last code is working, but not sure if this is how you suppose to write function/macro like this. It seems that I need double backquote but don't know how to write it. (I'm right now reading On Lips by Paul Graham and he said that double backquote is very hard and only need by macros defining macros, but It seems that this is what I need).
(define (foo expr)
`(list ,(car expr)
(,(string->symbol "quasiquote") ,(pair-map (lambda (a b)
(cons (symbol->string a)
(list 'unquote b)))
(cadr expr)))))
(define-macro (bar expr)
(foo expr))
(define xx (bar (10 (a 20 b (lambda () (display "x") (newline))))))
;; (list 10 `((a . ,20) (b . ,(lambda () (display "x") (newline))))
(define bfn (cdr (assoc "b" (cadr xx)))))
;; "x"
and here is definition of pair-map
(define (pair-map fn seq-list)
"(seq-map fn list)
Function call fn argument for pairs in a list and return combined list with
values returned from function fn. It work like the map but take two items from list"
(let iter ((seq-list seq-list) (result '()))
(if (null? seq-list)
(if (and (pair? seq-list) (pair? (cdr seq-list)))
(let* ((first (car seq-list))
(second (cadr seq-list))
(value (fn first second)))
(if (null? value)
(iter (cddr seq-list) result)
(iter (cddr seq-list) (cons value result))))))))
with (string->symbol "quasiquote") I was able not to use double backquote, can this be written with double backquote/quasiquote? How this should look like?
I'm asking if this can be written different way so I can fix few issues in my own lisp interpreter (not sure if is working correctly but it seems that this final version works the same in guile).
I came up with shorter quasiquote version, but still it require inserting symbols:
(define (foo expr)
`(list ,(car expr)
(,'quasiquote ,(pair-map (lambda (a b)
`(,(symbol->string a) . (,'unquote ,b)))
(cadr expr)))))

Defining a function that accepts a List of Lists in racket

My assignment is to count how many lists I have with length 3 in my list (List of List).
I thought I built everything correctly, but when I want to send the first list to my recursive function it fails because my list has the type Any, and I can't find a way to make it a list of lists.
#lang pl
(: count-3lists : (Listof Any) -> Number)
(define (count-3lists l)
[(null? l) 0]
[else (+ (count-3lists-helper (first l)) (count-3lists (rest l)))]))
(: count-3lists-helper : (Listof Any) -> Number)
(define (count-3lists-helper l)
(cond [(= (length l) 3) 1]
[else 0]))
(: length : (Listof Any) -> Number)
(define (length l)
[(null? l) 0]
[else (add1 (length (rest l)))]))
The error I get is:
. Type Checker: Polymorphic function `first' could not be applied to
Types: (Pairof a (Listof b)) -> (a : ((! False # (car) (0 0)) | (False # (car) (0 0))) : (car (0 0)))
(Listof a) -> a
Arguments: (Pairof Any (Listof Any))
Expected result: (Listof Any)
in: (first l)
It seems like you want your count-3lists function to take a list of lists as its input. Right now you have (Listof Any).
What you want is express something like (Listof List), but the inner list has to be a list of something, so you can write that as (Listof (Listof Any)).
Then the first part of your code becomes this:
(: count-3lists : (Listof (Listof Any)) -> Number)
(define (count-3lists l)
[(null? l) 0]
[else (+ (count-3lists-helper (first l)) (count-3lists (rest l)))]))
After that, the rest of your code works. It turns out that your length function was fine. (So you should probably rename your question.)

combo DrRacket implicit else

Why does this work?
(define (rev l)
(cond ((null? l) l)
(else (append (rev(cdr l)) (list (car l))))))
> (rev L1)
(d c b a)
and this not?
(define (rev l)
(cond ((null? l) l)
(append (rev(cdr l)) (list (car l)))))
> (rev L1)
Isn't "else" implicit in Lisp?
In the second example the procedure append is the predicate and since it is a procedure and every value except #f is true it does the consequent (rev (cdr l))
cond has to have its terms in parentheses. There is no explicit else, thought if neither predicate matches the implementation can choose the result (undefined value).
if is a different conditional that perhaps is better suited in this case.
(define (rev l)
(if (null? l)
(append (rev (cdr l))
(list (car l)))))
Changing the indentation makes it easier to see what happens:
(define (rev l)
[(null? l) l]
[else (append (rev(cdr l)) (list (car l)))]))
(define (rev l)
[(null? l) l]
[append (rev(cdr l))
(list (car l))]))
Note that in the second version you have a clause
[append (rev(cdr l))
(list (car l))]))
When the cond-expression is evaluated it tries to evaluate each left hand side until it finds one that gives a non-false value. Here the left-hand side append evaluates to the append function, which is a non-false value.
The next thing that happens, is the right hand side is evaluated. Due to an implicit begin on the right hand side, this is evaluated:
(rev(cdr l))
(list (car l)))
To conclude: You accidentally wrote an expression that had correct syntax, but meant something different than you expected.
Note that the error is easier to spot, if you use square brackets around the clauses in the cond. (The square brackets [] and the standard () mean the same).

Issue using cons function in Lisp?

I am learning Lisp and I had to write a function whose return value was a list containing the odd integers (if any) from the given input. In code I have this:
(defun f3 (a)
((null a) nil )
((and (numberp (car a)) (oddp (car a))) (cons (car a) (f3 (cdr a))))
(T (f3 (cdr a)))
) ; end cond
I originally wanted to use the append function, but I kept getting errors.
It was recommended to me to use cons function. When I did this my function started working (code is above). I originally had this:
(defun f3 (a)
((null a) ())
((and (numberp (car a)) (oddp (car a))) (append (f3 (cdr a)) (car a))))
(T (append () (f3 (cdr a))))
but kept getting errors. For example, if I called (f3 '(1 2 3)) it would say "error 3 is not type LIST". So, my questions are why does cons work here and why did append not work? How does cons work? Thanks in advance.
append wants list arguments, and (car a) is not a list. Instead of (car a) you'd need (list (car a)). In other words, (append (f3 (cdr a)) (list (car a))).
That will basically work, but you'll get the result in reverse order. So that should be (append (list (car a)) (f3 (cdr a))).
Also note that your (append () (f3 (cdr a))) is equivalent to just (f3 (cdr a)).
The resulting changes in your original would be:
(defun f3 (a)
((null a) ())
((and (numberp (car a)) (oddp (car a)))
(append (list (car a)) (f3 (cdr a)))))
(T (f3 (cdr a)))))
But, you wouldn't normally use append to prepend a single element to a list. It would more naturally be done using cons. So
(append (list (car a)) (f3 (cdr a)))
Is more appropriately done by:
(cons (car a) (f3 (cdr a)))
Which finally takes you right to the working version you showed.
While something like mbratch's answer will help you in learning about list manipulation (and so is probably a more useful answer for you at this point in your study), it's also important to learn about the standard library of the language that you're using. In this case, you're trying to filter out everything except odd numbers. Using remove-if-not, that's just:
(defun keep-odd-numbers (list)
(remove-if-not (lambda (x)
(and (numberp x) (oddp x)))
CL-USER> (keep-odd-numbers '(1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e))
;=> (1 3 5)
While this isn't a fix to your actual problem, which #mbratch provided, here's the way I would implement something like this using the LOOP macro (another part of the standard library):
(defun keep-odd-numbers (list)
(loop for x in list collecting x when (and (numberp x) (oddp x))))

Define-syntax scheme usage

since yesterday I've been trying to program a special case statement for scheme that would do the following:
(define (sort x)
(cond ((and (list? x) x) => (lambda (l)
(sort-list l)))
((and (pair? x) x) => (lambda (p)
(if (> (car p) (cdr p))
(cons (cdr p) (car p))
(else "here")))
instead of using all the and's and cond's statement, I would have:
(define (sort x)
(scase ((list? x) => (lambda (l)
(sort-list l)))
((pair? x) => (lambda (p)
(if (> (car p) (cdr p))
(cons (cdr p) (car p))
(else "here")))
What I could do so far, was this:
(define (sort x)
(scase (list? x) (lambda (l)
(sort-list l)))
(scase (pair? x) (lambda (p)
(if (> (car p) (cdr p))
(cons (cdr p) (car p))
with this code:
(define-syntax scase
(syntax-rules ()
((if condition body ...)
(if condition
body ...)))))
What I wanted to do now, is just allow the scase statement to have multiple arguments like this:
(scase ((list? (cons 2 1)) 'here)
((list? '(2 1)) 'working))
but I can't seem to figure out how I can do that. Maybe you guys could give me a little help?
Thanks in advance ;)
If this is an exercise in learning how to use syntax-rules, then disregard this answer.
I see a way to simplify your code that you are starting with.
(define (sort x)
(cond ((list? x)
(sort-list x))
((pair? x)
(if (> (car x) (cdr x))
(cons (cdr x) (car x))
(else "here")))
Since all the (and (list? x) x) => (lambda l ... does is see if x is a list, and then bind l to x, (since #f is not a list, and '() is not false, at least in Racket), you can just skip all that and just use x. You do not need to use => in case, and in this case it doesn't help. => is useful if you want to do an test that returns something useful if successful, or #f otherwise.
Now, if you want to use a macro, then you're going to need to clarify what you want it to do a bit better. I think that case already does what you want. Your existing macro is just if, so I'm not sure how to extend it.
I found the solution for my question, here it goes:
(define-syntax cases
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (e0 e1 e2 ...)) (if e0 (begin e1 e2 ...)))
((_ (e0 e1 e2 ...) c1 c2 ...)
(if e0 (begin e1 e2 ...) (cases c1 c2 ...)))))
Thank you all anyway :)
Here's a solution :
#lang racket
(require mzlib/defmacro)
(define-syntax scase
(syntax-rules (else)
((_ (else body1)) body1)
((_ (condition1 body1) (condition2 body2) ...)
(if condition1
(scase (condition2 body2) ...)))))
(define (sort1 x)
((scase ((list? x) (lambda (l)
(sort l <)))
((pair? x) (lambda (p)
(if (> (car p) (cdr p))
(cons (cdr p) (car p))
(else (lambda (e) "here")))
It works in DrRacket. I made three changes to your solution. First, i renamed your sort procedure to sort1 since sort is inbuilt in scheme ( I have used it inside sort1). Second, I have changed the sort1 itself so that the input given will be passed to the procedure returned by scase and you will directly get the sorted result. Third, I have modified the scase syntax extension, so that it will accept the else condition.
>(sort1 (list 3 1 2))
'(1 2 3)
> (sort1 (cons 2 1))
'(1 . 2)
> (sort1 'here)
I suggest you read "The Scheme Programming Language" by Kent Dybvig. There is an entire chapter on syntactic extensions.