I am triying to do junit testing of a producer template - jbossfuse

I am trying to do junit testing of a processor.
The issue I'm facing happens around producer template which has been used in the method.
The processor uses the producer template which is sending the return of a method call to an endpoint(this is where my junit is failing...
Does anyone know how to get trough the producer template?

If you want to test a processor in a junit test, then you need to supply a mocked exchange. You can use any mocking framework for it. You'll then be able to catch the processors calls to the exchange object.
You can also consider using a POJO instead of a processor and have Camel inject the required data. That might ease the unit testing part because you won't have a dependency on any Camel API. See: http://camel.apache.org/bean.html


Junit test cases for REST API

I need to write a junit test case for REST API.Am new to Junit test case can anyone help me to understand and write the test cases for REST APIs with so many EJB injections.
Do i need to call the actual api end point while writing the test cases or can i mock a server to achieve the junit test cases for APIs.
junit test cases must display the code coverage, how can we achieve this.
Note: REST Application is NOT a spring based application.

Does Citrus Framework for Integration testing(Java) supports Object to Object Asserts as in Junit?

I am working on Citrus Integration Testing for a Web-service. I need to use the same DB used by the application. I am wondering if I can get response in Citrus in form of Objects, so that I can use the Object in Assert.
Citrus is able to automatically map message payloads into domain objects. You need to setup a marshaller (Xml) or object mapper (Json) in Citrus. Then you will be able to use domain object instances in send and receive operations.
See these samples for details:
Hope this helps

Batch processing and functional programming

As a Java developer, I'm used to use Spring Batch for batch processing, generally using a streaming library to export large XML files with StAX for exemple.
I'm now developping a Scala application, and wonder if there's any framework, tool or guideline to achieve batch processing.
My Scala application uses the Cake Pattern and I'm not sure how I could integrate this with SpringBatch. Also, I'd like to follow the guidelines described in Functional programming in Scala and try to keep functional purity, using stuff like the IO monad...
I know this is kind of an open question, but I never read anything about this...
Has anyone already achieved functional batch processing here? How was it working? Am I supposed to have a main that creates a batch processing operation in an IO monad and run it? Is there any tool or guideline to help, monitor or handle restartability, like we use Spring Batch in Java.
Do you use Spring Batch in Scala?
How do you handle the integration part, for exemple waiting for a JMS/AMQP message to start the treatment that produces an XML?
Any feedback on the subjet is welcome
You don't mention what kind of app you are developing with Scala, so I'm going to wild guess here and suppose you are doing a server side one. Going further with wild guessing let's say you are using Akka... because you are using it, aren't you? :)
In that case, I guess what you are looking for is Akka Quartz Scheduler, the official Quartz Extension and utilities for cron-style scheduling in Akka. I haven't tried it myself, but from your requirements it seems that Akka + this module would be a good fit. Take into account that Akka already provides hooks to handle restartability of failed actors, and I don't think that it would be that difficult to add monitoring of batch processes leveraging the lifecycle callbacks built into actors.
Regarding interaction with JMS/AMQP messaging, you could use the Akka Camel module, that provides support for sending and receiving messages through a lot of protocols, including JMS. Using this module you could have a consumer actor receiving messages from some JMS endpoint, and fire whatever process you want from there, probably forwarding or sending a new message to the actor responsible for that process. If the process is fired either by a cron style timer or an incoming message you can reuse the same actor to accomplish the task.

Unit testing DAO tier with FUSE ESB

We are working on some spikes using Fuse ESB (Camel,OSGi, blueprint) to deliver some components. We have an imposed architecture from our EAs which is: REST controller uses a route to call a CXF WS. This calls a local java class as a service to, for example, perform CRUD actions. These use JPA enabled DAO/entities. All seems a bit academic in design rather than real world but thats another story.
Question is about testing. Normally I would actually test this service tier using H2 to provide the DB, wiring the DAO, entityManager etc together with spring (I know some wouldn't do this but I do, bear with me). But we will use blueprint for fuse. How can I unit test this tier? Getting my tests to subclass CamelBlueprintTestSupport doesn’t work, this expects a route. Can’t use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner (though do have it working with this currently) as this wires with spring, when running in the container we will wire with blueprint.
So how do we unit test this? How do I instantiate this set of classes within a blueprint based unit test? Can we?
One aproach you may try is to use pax exam. It allows to run tests in a full OSGi environment. So you can install your real bundle test it in a black box fashion.
You can use pojosr which is what camel-test-blueprint is using: https://code.google.com/p/pojosr/
Though pojosr is not a full OSGi environment, so there will be some limitations what you can do.
For the camel-test-blueprint you may be able to override the method isUseRouteBuilder and return false, then it ought not to expect a route.

how to use rest-assured for integration tests on my WS without modyfing database state?

I'm currently developping a REST Web service with Spring MVC.
And I am struggling to find the best way to do integration tests on my WS.
First solution : using rest-assured
Advantage : fluent api, really easy to use with its cool DSL
Drawback : when i perform POST or PUT requests on my WS, the state of my database is modified, and next tests are corrupted.
Second solution : unit test the controllers and perform integration tests at the service level separately
Advantage : i can control the state of my database, using Spring Test Framework and perform rollback after each test
Disadvantage : i do not perform end-to-end integration tests anymore.
Question : how can i use rest-assured to do integration tests without modifying the state of my database ?
Thanks a lot.
Why don't you delete the rest assured doubles and redirects before every test and set them up fresh for the test?
RestClient.delete "#{RestAssured::Server.address}/redirects/all"
RestClient.delete "#{RestAssured::Server.address}/doubles/all"
Or alternatively you can use different doubles for the GET and POST/PUT calls to the rest assured and use the redirects in between these calls.
I am not sure, your request makes sense as you state it.
RestAssured is just a framework to support you with testing. You can also write unit tests, that do the equivalent of PUT and DELETE (basically the internal implementations), which then modify the database state.
Or you can only issue HEAD and GET requests with RestAssured and not modify the database state by this.
Both of the options will only test parts of the code path if you leave any updates out, so your issue is orthogonal to the selection of RestAssured or hand written unit tests.
Of course you can mock your backend away, but either the mocks are trivial and you don't gain any insight. Or they are complex and you will need separate tests to assure that the mock objects to what you think they are doing.
In order to perform integration tests on a REST Spring MVC Web Service, the SpringSource team has provided a new library called spring-test-mvc, which is now integrate to spring-test.
For my special purpose, it is more adapted than Rest-Assured.