Remote Debugging With Bluemix and STS 3.7.1 - ibm-cloud

I was trying out some of the new Boot Dashboard features in STS 3.7.1 when deploying the Boot app to IBM Bluemix and most of them worked except for the remote debugging feature. At first I thought it might be a problem with the buildpack used on Bluemix since by default Bluemix uses the Liberty buildpack. So I switched to using the CF Java Buildpack but I still have not been able to get it working.
When I select the (Re)debug option for my app the app restarts sucessfully but in STS I get the following error


Deploy new version to google app engine not work

I m a new user in the google cloud platform,
I followed the jhipster tutorial to deploy the jhipster web application to Google App Engine.
I can deploy the original version of jhipser to GCP app engine, but when I deploy again it was not updated to the new version even my local was updated.
Does anyone know how to deploy new version to Google app engine??
I don't know much about jhipster, but if it is a classical java web application on app engine, as stated in the link you provided, you just need to re-deploy again:
./mvnw package appengine:deploy -DskipTests -Pgae,prod-gae
if you want to deploy as a new version, you should check what is the version parameter provided. You can find that in app.yaml, application-web.xml or pom.xml file depending on how the application is built.
If who built the application decided to automatically increment the version each deploy, you should have already everything set, but in App Engine > Version page in GCP you should migrate the traffic to your latest version.

Issue uploading jar-files to Azure Web App

I've created a Web App with PostgreSQL and Tomcat 8.5 in Azure, and running java 8.
I'm using Eclipse, and have a local version of Tomcat. If I'm running the project locally, I'm able to contact the PostgreSQL. But when I push the project to Azure, I'm getting an error what it can't find the postgre driver.
Anyone have a step by step guide for uploading .jar-files to Azure web apps? I've tried with other projects that don't need postgres, but other .jar-files, and same problem.
you can try publish it using maven. Here are useful links:
If the database is also on Azure, you'll need to enable trafic from azure to it:

Error when deploying tomcat app on aws elastic beanstalk via aws eclipse plugin

I m using eclipse and aws plugin to deploy an Tomcat app on Elasticbeansalk. So far I was able to deploy it without problems.
Today, I added a new profile on aws credentials and set it to default. I dont know if it s a coincidence but after that, Eclipse started giving the following error when starting deployment:
"Could not publish to the server.
Unable to create web application archive: No such file or directory"
I m not sure if it s because of Eclipse or AWS. I can still deploy it on my locahost without issues.
Any ideas?
It looks like the new profile and credentials are not setup in your machine to match the new default profile.

Can Bluemix environment be replicated on developer laptops?

Can Bluemix environment with Liberty be replicated on developer laptops for offline development? Will I be able to run Bluemix local with Openstack on a quad core i5?
You can run Cloud Foundry in a VM on your laptop using bosh-lite. You could also install the open source Liberty buildpack into this local CF with the buildpack dependencies cached giving you an environment that could work offline.
The Bluemix services will not be available to you though, if you are offline, so the answer really depends on what services you need. You could reasonably set up some kind of local database but many of the services would just be unavailable.
I am not sure what exact your requirement is. IBM Liberty profile can be setup with Eclipse and you can create a server in local to test your java/JEE code. This is very simple, you need to install liberty plugin in Eclipse and create a server. See documentations in IBM web site.
See this url if it helps.. you can integrate BlueMix server to your Ecplise IDE

How do we deploy a Worklight server in IBM Bluemix platform?

Can we deploy Worklight server in IBM Bluemix platform?
Is that supported currently in Bluemix?
How can I deploy a Worklight application in Bluemix environment?
Worklight is available in Container in Bluemix with name Mobile First Bluemix Container.
This is Beta and very soon it will be come GA.
You can host your Hybrid Apps and Adapters on this.
I see this question is from 8 months ago, currently you are able to run worklight inside a Bluemix container.
You do not have to install the platform, it is all done atumatically.
AFAIK, It is not possible to use the current release of Worklight ("on prem") and use it in Bluemix ("on cloud").
In the coming weeks Worklight will/should/may be available as a mobile service in Bluemix.
You will need to wait a little bit longer.
As others mentioning below, now you are able to run worklight inside a Bluemix container. You do not have to install the platform, it is all done automatically.
More info on Bluemix container here.
This is not currently supported at this time. You can take a look at this thread for some more details:
worklight is not supported on Bluemix PAAS currently,however in future it may be included.
There is no buildpack for Worklight Server so you cannot currently run a Worklight server application on BlueMix.
Buildpack is still not for Worklight server so you cannot run a Worklight server application on BlueMix. However you can run your .war file created in WorkLight studio in liberty of java buildpack on BlueMix.
for more details please follow below link: