Run Powershell Silently via NSIS - powershell

I have a powershell script that I want to run silently.
I am using NSIS script, it's still promoting the powershell command prompt when .exe file is ran..
Is there a way so it will silently.
!include FileFunc.nsh
!include x64.nsh
OutFile "script.exe"
SilentInstall silent
RequestExecutionLevel admin
Function .onInit
SetSilent silent
SetOutPath $EXEDIR
File "script.ps1"
IfSilent 0 +2
ExecWait "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass .\script.ps1 -FFFeatureOff"
Function .onInstSuccess
Delete "script.ps1"
There is an example here that uses silent install, but I couldn't get it working when I tried it.

Try this:
ExecWait "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -File .\script.ps1 -FFFeatureOff"
More info: PowerShell.exe Command-Line Help

You can try ExecShell for this, it allows to hide console via SW_HIDE flag:
ExpandEnvStrings $0 "%COMSPEC%"
ExecShell "" '"$0"' "/C powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass .\script.ps1 -FFFeatureOff" SW_HIDE
Also, refer to this question:
Exec vs ExecWait vs ExecShell vs nsExec::Exec vs nsExec::ExecToLog vs nsExec::ExecToStack vs ExecDos vs ExeCmd

Powershell.exe is a console application and console applications get a console window by default and the NSIS silent parameter has no impact on console windows created for child processes. A parameter like -WindowStyle Hidden that can be passed to the child process will always cause a console window to be visible on the screen for a short period of time because Windows will create the console window before the child process starts running.
If you need to hide a console window then you should use a plugin. nsExec is part of the default install or you could use a 3rd-party plugin like ExecDos that offers more advanced features like stdin handling.
If you don't need to wait for the child process then you can try ExecShell as suggested by Serge Z...


How to run a PowerShell Script in the background (no window) from Windows Explorer? [duplicate]

The shortcut below executes powershell.exe and passes it the script vscode.ps1. It works except that for all my attempts, it still displays a terminal window briefly when running. You can see I've passed parameters which is supposed to prevent this, but I still see the window. What do I have to do to execute a PS script from a shortcut without the terminal window being displayed?
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -nologo -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -file C:\Users\bernie\OneDrive\PowerShell\vscode.ps1 C:\Users\bernie\OneDrive\Documents\windows.txt
It's a known issue, see
As #Ciantic mentioned, the best way to work around this issue is by using a VB script:
In, say ps-run.vbs put
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set args = Wscript.Arguments
For Each arg In args
objShell.Run("powershell -windowstyle hidden -executionpolicy bypass -noninteractive ""&"" ""'" & arg & "'"""),0
Then use it to run the command you want, e.g.
wscript "C:\Path\To\ps-run.vbs" "C:\Other\Path\To\your-script.ps1"
I use something like this to run a task frequently without seeing any flashing windows.
Yes, Powershell can't completely do this. But VBScript can do this. Also I use Hidden Start which can start any program hidden or bypass UAC.

Windows Sandbox PowerShell logon command window not visible

I'm trying to use Windows Sandbox with a PowerShell logon command. This is the LogonCommand section of my WSB file:
<Command>C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted -file "C:\\Users\\WDAGUtilityAccount\\Desktop\\boot.ps1" -noexit</Command>
The Windows Sandbox instance loads up okay suggesting no syntactic/validation issues with the WSB file content, but the PowerShell window is not shown. Adding -windowstyle normal has no effect.
I suspect the LogonCommand content is run in a command prompt which is not made visible so running the command to open PowerShell from it somehow "inherits" the terminal window not being visible.
Is it possible to force the PowerShell terminal window to reveal itself in such a case? I want to do this so that I can see the errors that I get because the PowerShell script is not executing as expected and I'm blind to any output/progress indication.
Found an answer (doesn't look like the cleanest option, but works):
<Command>powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -command "start powershell {-noexit -file C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Desktop\boot.ps1}"</Command>
powershell switches from CMD to PowerShell
-windowstyle normal won't work to make this PowerShell window visible
-executionpolicy unrestricted allows the nested PowerShell to run from file
start powershell runs another PowerShell with visible window
Running this directly for LogonCommand will not work
-noexit tells the nested PowerShell to remain visible
This is not necessary but it is useful for debugging the script errors
-file C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Desktop\boot.ps1 runs the given script
Share it with the machine by using a MappedFolder in the WSB configuration

How to run PowerShell script without terminal window?

The shortcut below executes powershell.exe and passes it the script vscode.ps1. It works except that for all my attempts, it still displays a terminal window briefly when running. You can see I've passed parameters which is supposed to prevent this, but I still see the window. What do I have to do to execute a PS script from a shortcut without the terminal window being displayed?
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -nologo -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -file C:\Users\bernie\OneDrive\PowerShell\vscode.ps1 C:\Users\bernie\OneDrive\Documents\windows.txt
It's a known issue, see
As #Ciantic mentioned, the best way to work around this issue is by using a VB script:
In, say ps-run.vbs put
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set args = Wscript.Arguments
For Each arg In args
objShell.Run("powershell -windowstyle hidden -executionpolicy bypass -noninteractive ""&"" ""'" & arg & "'"""),0
Then use it to run the command you want, e.g.
wscript "C:\Path\To\ps-run.vbs" "C:\Other\Path\To\your-script.ps1"
I use something like this to run a task frequently without seeing any flashing windows.
Yes, Powershell can't completely do this. But VBScript can do this. Also I use Hidden Start which can start any program hidden or bypass UAC.

NSIS Call PowerShell in Uninstall Section

I'm working on creating a NSIS installer for our new VPN we will be getting in around a month. I have it calling a PowerShell script to create the connection without issue. However, removing the VPN connection is not working with the same method. Below is all my code for the uninstall
Section Uninstall
ExpandEnvStrings $0 "%COMSPEC%"
ExecShell "" '"$0"' "/C powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -File .\DeleteVPNConnection.ps1 -connectionName ${VPN_NAME} " SW_HIDE
Delete "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
Delete "$INSTDIR\CreateVPNConnection.ps1"
Delete "$INSTDIR\DeleteVPNConnection.ps1"
SetAutoClose true
Does anyone have any ideas why the uninstall script isn't working (and I have tried removing the connectionName parameter as well, same issue).
There are two issues with your code:
You are specifying a relative .ps file path.
ExecShell does not wait so the .ps file might get deleted too early.
If you are using NSIS 3.02 you can use ExecShellWait:
ExpandEnvStrings $0 "%COMSPEC%"
ExecShellWait "" '"$0"' '/C powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -File "$InstDir\DeleteVPNConnection.ps1" -connectionName ${VPN_NAME}' SW_HIDE
If you are using a older NSIS version then you must use ExecWait (does not hide the console window) or the nsExec plug-in.

How to execute a PowerShell script from Notepad++

I am using Notepad++ to edit a PowerShell file and want to be able to execute that file from inside Notepad++.
How can I set that up?
It took me a little fiddling, but I finally got this working. (I am using version 1.0 but this should work in other versions as well.)
Notepad++ can be set up to run commands, and assign shortcuts to those commands, as follows:
From the menu, click Run → Run
Add the command
C:\NotepadRun.bat "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
Save the command, giving it a name and a key shortcut.
Below are the contents of the batch file. I named mine NotepadRun.bat, but you can name it whatever.
#echo off
GOTO %~sx1
cd "%~d1%~p1"
powershell.exe .\%~n1%~sx1
GOTO end
ruby "%~f1"
GOTO end
php "%~f1"
GOTO end
As a note upgrading to Windows7 and Powershell 2 I found some Issues with this and have updated to passing in an ExecutionPolicy to ensure I can run the script I am editing.
cd "%~d1%~p1"
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File "%~n1%~sx1"
GOTO end
See Using Notepad++ to Compile and Run Java Programs and replace "javac" with "C:Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" (or your path to PowerShell). (Caveat: I'm not a Notepad++ user and haven't tried this.)
That said, I'd just use PowerShell ISE (installs with PowerShell) or one of the other dedicated PowerShell IDEs instead.
I would recommend using PowerShell ISE which comes as part of PowerShell and designed specifically for Powershell.
You can run a saved script from "Run" -> "Run" menu in Notepad++ with the following command:
powershell.exe -noexit -command . \"$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)\"
Based on the answers before:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoLogo -File "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
You can also add the -NoExit parameter to keep PowerShell from closing automatically:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoExit -NoLogo -File "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
Note: File has to be saved.