Powershell | Cannot create new user - powershell

I have a script which will attempt to create a new active directory user.
However when I type the command I get the following error:
What am I doing wrong?

Puts single qoutes around the Path value, e.g.
-Path 'OU=Pupils,OU=School,DC=gap,DC=local'
See the docs for more information on the parameter usage:


What does "supply values for the following parameters mean in command line?"

So inside of my terminal, I created a text file inside a directory (cat > fnames.txt). My initial goal was to write some data into said file. After creating fnames.txt, the following information showed up after trying to append data to the file using (cat >> fnames.txt):
cmdlet Get-Content at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
Image of terminal
Does anyone know the reason of this and what it means?
The command cat is in Powershell an alias to Get-Content. The cmdlet reads information from somewhere. The error message means that Get-Content does not have an idea from where you want it to get data, so it asks you.

How to read a text file to a variable in batch and pass it as a parameter to a powershell script

I have a powershell script that generates a report, and I have connected it to an io.filesystemwatcher. I am trying to improve the error handling capability. I already have the report generation function (which only takes in a filepath) within a try-catch loop that basically kills word, excel and powerpoint and tries again if it fails. This seems to work well but I want to embed in that another try-catch loop that will restart the computer and generate the report after reboot if it fails a second consecutive time.
I decided to try and modify the registry after reading this article: https://cmatskas.com/configure-a-runonce-task-on-windows/
my plan would be, within the second try-catch loop I will create a textfile called RecoveredPath.txt with the file path being its only contents, and then add something like:
Set-ItemProperty "HKLMU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" -Name '!RecoverReport' -Value "C:\...EmergencyRecovery.bat"
Before rebooting. Within the batch file I have:
set /p RecoveredDir=<RecoveredPath.txt
powershell.exe -File C:\...Report.ps1 %RecoveredDir%
When I try to run the batch script, it doesn't yield any errors but doesn't seem to do anything. I tried adding in an echo statement and it is storing the value of the text file as a variable but doesn't seem to be passing it to powershell correctly. I also tried adding -Path %RecoveredDir% but that yielded an error (the param in report.ps1 is named $Path).
What am I doing incorrectly?
One potential problem is that not enclosing %RecoveredDir% in "..." would break with paths containing spaces and other special chars.
However, the bigger problem is that using mere file name RecoveredPath.txt means that the file is looked for in whatever the current directory happens to be.
In a comment your state that both the batch file and input file RecoveredPath.txt are located in your desktop folder.
However, it is not the batch file's location that matters, it's the process' current directory - and that is most likely not your desktop when your batch file auto-runs on startup.
Given that the batch file and the input file are in the same folder and that you can refer to a batch file's full folder path with %~dp0 (which includes a trailing \), modify your batch file to look as follows:
set /p RecoveredDir=<"%~dp0RecoveredPath.txt"
powershell.exe -File C:\...Report.ps1 "%RecoveredDir%"

How can I execute an external program with parameters in PowerShell?

I have read this answer stackoverflow answer and it get's me there half way. Here is what I need to do.
Execute this command:
"c:\myexe.exe <c:\Users\Me\myanswerfile.txt"
If I run that straight from within my powershell script
&'c:\myexe.exe <c:\Users\Me\myanswerfile.txt'
I get this error:
The term 'C:\myexe.exe <c:\Users\Me\myanswerfile.txt' is not recognized as the name of
a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name,or
if a path was included, verif that the path is correct and try again.
Now I have tried several variations of this including placing the original command in a variable called $cmd and then passing the
If I append the '<' to the $cmd variable the command fails with a similar error as the first one.
I'm stumped. Any suggestions?
If you want to run a program, just type its name and parameters:
notepad.exe C:\devmy\hi.txt
If you want to run an exe and redirect stdin to it which your example seems to be an attempt of, use:
Get-Content c:devmy\hi.txt | yourexe.exe
If you need to specify the full path to the program then you need to use ampersand and quotes otherwise powershell thinks you are defining a plain string:
&"C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
Simply use & operator
& "Program\path\program.exe" "arg1" "arg2" ....

STAF automation framework

I am trying to list a directory on remote machine
I am using staf for it .the staf document says the command as
so i am using it as
system("staf FS LIST DIRECTORY c:\\RMT\\Log ");
i get the result but when i try t match particular files like
system("staf FS LIST DIRECTORY c:\\RMT\\Log NAME /latest*.*/");
i dont get any response can some one help me ??
Most likely the shell is interpreting the wildcard before it gets passed on to STAF. I'd recommend putting all of the arguments to STAF in quotes so that the shell wouldn't interfere.
For best results, perhaps avoid using system(string) to launch the command, and instead use either qx{} or system(LIST) so that a subshell isn't called.
Perhaps something like this:
my $cmd = "staf FS LIST DIRECTORY c:\\RMT\\Log NAME /latest*.*/";
system(split ' ', $cmd);
When you pass system a single string, it launches a shell, and passes that string as the command to execute. The shell, then, parses that string (including any wildcards), and runs the command. Since you don't want this to happen (as you don't want "latest*.*" to be parsed by the shell), you can pass system a list, which would tell it to just launch staf directly.

How to pass a variable as an argument to a command with quotes in powershell

My powershell script takes the following parameter:
The value that is getting passed into my script is:
I have another variable which is the location I want to extract the file:
$WebsiteDeploymentFolder = "C:\example"
I am trying to extract the archive with the following command:
`7z x $BackedUpFilePath -o$WebsiteDeploymentFolder -aoa
I keep getting the following error:
cannot find archive
The following works but I need $BackedUpFilePath to be dynamic:
`7z x '\\Backups\Website.7z' -o$WebsiteDeploymentFolder -aoa
I think I need to pass $BackedUpFilePath to 7z with quotes but they seem to get stripped out no matter what I try. I am in quote hell.
EDIT: It turns out the problem was I was passing in "'\\Backups\Website.7z'". (extra single quotes)
The easiest way to work with external command line applications in PowerShell (in my opinion) is to use aliases. For example, the following works fine for me.
Set-Alias Szip C:\Utilities\7zip\7za.exe
$Archive = 'C:\Temp\New Folder\archive.7z'
$Filename = 'C:\Temp\New Folder\file.txt'
SZip a $Archive $Filename
PowerShell takes care of delimiting the parameters correctly.