Concatenate two dictionaries in Swift - swift

Swift gives us plenty new abilities like (at last!) concatenating strings and even arrays. But no support for dictionaries. Is the only way to concatenate dictionaries is to overload + operation for them?
let string = "Hello" + "World" // "HelloWorld"
let array = ["Hello"] + ["World"] // ["Hello", "World"]
let dict = ["1" : "Hello"] + ["2" : "World"] // error =(

Use it like this:
Put this anywhere, e.g. Dictionary+Extension.swift:
func +<Key, Value> (lhs: [Key: Value], rhs: [Key: Value]) -> [Key: Value] {
var result = lhs
rhs.forEach{ result[$0] = $1 }
return result
Now your code just work
let string = "Hello" + "World" // "HelloWorld"
let array = ["Hello"] + ["World"] // ["Hello", "World"]
let dict = ["1" : "Hello"] + ["2" : "World"] // okay =)

That is not possible because there can be matching keys in the second dictionary. But you can do it manually and the values in the dictionary will be replaced in that case.
var dict = ["1" : "Hello"]
let dict2 = ["2" : "World"]
for key in dict2.keys {
dict[key] = dict2[key]

You also can use Swift provided functions to do the merge:
public func +<K, V>(left: [K:V], right: [K:V]) -> [K:V] {
return left.merging(right) { $1 }
$1 will take common keys from right dictionary, you can use $0 if you want to give priority to left dictionay.

This can be done by using for each loop and inout keyword
func mergDict(firstDict:inout [String:Any], secondDict:[String:Any]){
secondDict.forEach { (key, value) in
firstDict[key] = value
than call like
mergDict(firstDict: &firstDictToMerge, secondDict: secondDictToMerge)
you will see that your firstDictToMerge will be merged with second one without using any other variable


Get all values into dictionary and create a String with a specific format

I have a dictionary with this structure:
a: [1,2]
b: [3,4]
c: [5,6]
and I need to return a string with this structure.
I solved the first part of the string. But to get the rest of the String. I try to iterate into my dictionary to get the first elements for each key in my dictionary and then get the rest for each value into the array.
Is there an easier way to get this?
Once you know what's the order of the keys (alpha ?), you can use this:
let dict: [String: [Int]] = ["a": [1,2], "b": [3, 4], "c": [5, 6]]
let keys = dict.keys.sorted() //Or do whatever you want here to get your target order
var matrix: [[String]] = []
keys.forEach {
guard let arrayAsInt = dict[$0] else { return }
let arrayAsString ={ "\($0)" }
matrix.append( [$0] + arrayAsString)
print("Matrix: \(matrix)")
let transposed = matrix.transposed()
print("Transposed Matrix: \(transposed)")
let output = { $0.joined(separator: ",")}.joined(separator: "\n")
The outputs:
$>Matrix: [["a", "1", "2"], ["b", "3", "4"], ["c", "5", "6"]]
$>Transposed Matrix: [["a", "b", "c"], ["1", "3", "5"], ["2", "4", "6"]]
Obvisouly the "\n" might be invisible and be an actual new line
What's the idea behind that? Create a matrix and use the transpose (it's used in maths with matrix, it's one of the basic modification of a matrix).
First transform the [String: [Int]] into a [[String]], where each element would be key followed by its values. I transformed it there as String for simpler code later.
Why doing that? Because the matrix value is easy to get from your initial dict. the transposed value is harder (not impossible) to get from dict but easier from matrix, and the transposed is quickly transformed into your format.
So my thinking was the reverse:
Get a structure from your output, then how to get it, it's a transpose, so I need to get the initial input as it, etc.
With the help of a code for Transpose Matrix (that accept String elements).
extension Collection where Self.Iterator.Element: RandomAccessCollection {
// PRECONDITION: `self` must be rectangular, i.e. every row has equal size.
func transposed() -> [[Self.Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element]] {
guard let firstRow = self.first else { return [] }
return { index in{ $0[index] }
Any code (there a various) working ones, should the trick. I took it from here.
As pointed by #Leo Dabus, you can remove the Self.Iterator.Element
from the extension code (twice). I just wanted to it as such, not modifying the initial answer since it's not mind.
What you are looking for, besides composing the final string, is how to transpose a collection (this would work with collections of different sizes as well):
extension Sequence {
func max<T: Comparable>(_ predicate: (Element) -> T) -> Element? {
self.max(by: { predicate($0) < predicate($1) })
extension Collection where Element: RandomAccessCollection, Element.Indices == Range<Int> {
func transposed() -> [[Element.Element]] {
(0..<(max(\.count)?.count ?? .zero)).map {
index in compactMap { $0.indices ~= index ? $0[index] : nil }
let dict = ["a": [1,2,3],
"b": [4,5,6],
"c": [7,8,9]]
let sorted = dict.sorted(by: {$0.key < $1.key})
let result =\.key).joined(separator: ",") + "\n" +\.value).transposed().map {
$ ",")
}.joined(separator: "\n")
result // "a,b,c\n1,4,7\n2,5,8\n3,6,9"
A dictionary is an unordered collection so you need to sort it according to any specific key. Here I sort the dictionary according to the key if you don't care about an order you can just remove sort.
let dict: [String: Any] = ["a": [1,2], "b": [3,4], "c": [5,6]]
let sortedKey = dict.keys.sorted(by: <)
let key = sortedKey.joined(separator: ",")
var firstValues: [String] = []
var secondValues: [String] = []
sortedKey.forEach { (key) in
if let dictValue = dict[key] as? [Int],
let firstValue = dictValue.first,
let secondValue = dictValue.last {
let finalString = key + "\n" + firstValues.joined(separator: ",") + "\n" + secondValues.joined(separator: ",")
print(finalString) // "a,b,c\n1,3,5\n2,4,6"

How to insert Dictionary into Set in swift3?

I have simple Dictionary which is defined like :
let dic = ["key" : "value"]
I want to add 'dic' into this map:
var map = Set<NSDictionary>()
// var map = Set<Dictionary<String,String>>()
_ = map.insert(dic as NSDictionary)
I don't want to use 'dic as NSDictionary'.
But I have no idea that how can I perform this action I searched a lot on internet but nothing helps me.
Regardless of what is the purpose of filling a set of dictionaries, note that the declared dic type is not NSDictionary, instead it is a -Swift- dictionary of strings keys and strings values ([String : String]).
Therefore, you would declare the set as:
let dic = ["key" : "value"]
var map = Set<Dictionary<String, String>>()
_ = map.insert(dic as NSDictionary)
BUT there is a problem here! you would get:
Type 'Dictionary' does not conform to protocol
so what that means? and how to solve it?
Well the set is kind of special collection in Swift since it cannot has duplicated elements, which leads to ask "how to determine that a dictionary is unique".
As a workaround, you could implement an extension similar to:
extension Dictionary: Hashable {
public var hashValue: Int {
return { $0.hashValue }.reduce(0, +)
public static func ==(lhs: Dictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: Dictionary<Key, Value>) -> Bool {
return lhs.keys == rhs.keys
thus you would be able to do:
let dic1 = ["key" : "value"]
let dic2 = ["key2" : "value"]
let dic3 = ["key3" : "value"]
let dic4 = ["key2" : "value"]
let dic5 = ["key3" : "value"]
var map = Set<Dictionary<String, String>>()
_ = map.insert(dic1)
_ = map.insert(dic2)
_ = map.insert(dic3)
_ = map.insert(dic4)
_ = map.insert(dic5)
print(map) // [["key2": "value"], ["key": "value"], ["key3": "value"]] (unordered)
Note that based on the above implemented extension, you could also declare a set of dictionaries of ints keys and ints values -for example-:
var intsMap = Set<Dictionary<Int, Int>>()
var d1 = [1: 12]
var d2 = [2: 101]
var d3 = [1: 1000]
print(intsMap) // [[2: 101], [1: 12]] (unordered)

How can I loop over a nested dictionary to return a string?

I have a nested dictionary like this:
let dictionary: [String: [String:String]?]? = [
"Some Value A":nil,
"Some Value B":nil,
"Some Value C":nil,
And I have a function like this that should return a string but I am confused with the optional binding logic.
func name(dictonary: [String: [String : String]?]?, info: String) -> String {
var tempString = ""
for (a, b) in ((dictonary[info])!)! {
tempString = tempString + "\n" + "\(a), population: \(b)"
return tempString
Dont mind the wrong variable names...
Thanks :p
You have lots of optionals that need to be dealt with properly. The first thing you need to do is thoroughly read everything in the The Swift Programming Language book regarding optionals.
Then the following will make more sense:
func name(dictonary: [String: [String : String]?]?, info: String) -> String {
var tempString = ""
if let dictionary = dictionary, let innerDict = dictionary[info] {
for (key, value) in innerDict {
tempString += "\n" + "\(key), population: \(value)"
return tempString
The key is to safely unwrap the optionals. Never (at least until you really know what you are doing) force-unwrap (use the ! operator).

How do I add more items to this type of name value pair array? [duplicate]

I have a simple Dictionary which is defined like:
var dict : NSDictionary = [ 1 : "abc", 2 : "cde"]
Now I want to add an element into this dictionary: 3 : "efg"
How can I append 3 : "efg" into this existing dictionary?
You're using NSDictionary. Unless you explicitly need it to be that type for some reason, I recommend using a Swift dictionary.
You can pass a Swift dictionary to any function expecting NSDictionary without any extra work, because Dictionary<> and NSDictionary seamlessly bridge to each other. The advantage of the native Swift way is that the dictionary uses generic types, so if you define it with Int as the key and String as the value, you cannot mistakenly use keys and values of different types. (The compiler checks the types on your behalf.)
Based on what I see in your code, your dictionary uses Int as the key and String as the value. To create an instance and add an item at a later time you can use this code:
var dict = [1: "abc", 2: "cde"] // dict is of type Dictionary<Int, String>
dict[3] = "efg"
If you later need to assign it to a variable of NSDictionary type, just do an explicit cast:
let nsDict = dict as! NSDictionary
And, as mentioned earlier, if you want to pass it to a function expecting NSDictionary, pass it as-is without any cast or conversion.
you can add using the following way and change Dictionary to NSMutableDictionary
dict["key"] = "value"
I know this might be coming very late, but it may prove useful to someone.
So for appending key value pairs to dictionaries in swift, you can use updateValue(value: , forKey: ) method as follows :
var dict = [ 1 : "abc", 2 : "cde"]
dict.updateValue("efg", forKey: 3)
var dictionary = [Int:String]()
dictionary.updateValue(value: "Hola", forKey: 1)
dictionary.updateValue(value: "Hello", forKey: 2)
dictionary.updateValue(value: "Aloha", forKey: 3)
So, your dictionary contains:
dictionary[1: Hola, 2: Hello, 3: Aloha]
If your dictionary is Int to String you can do simply:
dict[3] = "efg"
If you mean adding elements to the value of the dictionary a possible solution:
var dict = Dictionary<String, Array<Int>>()
dict["key"]! += [1]
Swift 3+
Example to assign new values to Dictionary. You need to declare it as NSMutableDictionary:
var myDictionary: NSMutableDictionary = [:]
let newValue = 1
myDictionary["newKey"] = newValue
For whoever reading this for swift 5.1+
// 1. Using updateValue to update the given key or add new if doesn't exist
var dictionary = [Int:String]()
dictionary.updateValue("egf", forKey: 3)
// 2. Using a dictionary[key]
var dictionary = [Int:String]()
dictionary[key] = "value"
// 3. Using subscript and mutating append for the value
var dictionary = [Int:[String]]()
dictionary[key, default: ["val"]].append("value")
In Swift, if you are using NSDictionary, you can use setValue:
dict.setValue("value", forKey: "key")
Given two dictionaries as below:
var dic1 = ["a": 1, "c": 2]
var dic2 = ["e": 3, "f": 4]
Here is how you can add all the items from dic2 to dic1:
dic2.forEach {
dic1[$0.key] = $0.value
Dict.updateValue updates value for existing key from dictionary or adds new new key-value pair if key does not exists.
var caseStatusParams: [String: AnyObject] = ["userId" : UserDefault.userID ]
caseStatusParams.updateValue("Hello" as AnyObject, forKey: "otherNotes")
▿ : 2 elements
- key : "userId"
- value : 866
▿ : 2 elements
- key : "otherNotes"
- value : "Hello"
For the fellows using [String:Any] instead of Dictionary below is the extension
extension Dictionary where Key == String, Value == Any {
mutating func append(anotherDict:[String:Any]) {
for (key, value) in anotherDict {
self.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
As of Swift 5, the following code collection works.
// main dict to start with
var myDict : Dictionary = [ 1 : "abc", 2 : "cde"]
// dict(s) to be added to main dict
let myDictToMergeWith : Dictionary = [ 5 : "l m n"]
let myDictUpdated : Dictionary = [ 5 : "lmn"]
let myDictToBeMapped : Dictionary = [ 6 : "opq"]
myDict.updateValue("ijk", forKey: 4)
myDict.merge(myDictToMergeWith){(current, _) in current}
myDict.merge(myDictUpdated){(_, new) in new}
print(myDict) {
myDict[$0.0] = $0.1
To add new elements just set:
listParameters["your parameter"] = value
There is no function to append the data in dictionary. You just assign the value against new key in existing dictionary. it will automatically add value to the dictionary.
var param = ["Name":"Aloha","user" : "Aloha 2"]
param["questions"] = "Are you mine?"
The output will be like
["Name":"Aloha","user" : "Aloha 2","questions" : ""Are you mine"?"]
To append a new key-value pair to a dictionary you simply have to set the value for the key. for eg.
// Initialize the Dictionary
var dict = ["name": "John", "surname": "Doe"]
// Add a new key with a value
dict["email"] = ""
Output -> ["surname": "Doe", "name": "John", "email": ""]
var dict = ["name": "Samira", "surname": "Sami"]
// Add a new enter code herekey with a value
dict["email"] = ""
Up till now the best way I have found to append data to a dictionary by using one of the higher order functions of Swift i.e. "reduce". Follow below code snippet:
newDictionary = oldDictionary.reduce(*newDictionary*) { r, e in var r = r; r[e.0] = e.1; return r }
#Dharmesh In your case, it will be,
newDictionary = dict.reduce([3 : "efg"]) { r, e in var r = r; r[e.0] = e.1; return r }
Please let me know if you find any issues in using above syntax.
Swift 5 happy coding
var tempDicData = NSMutableDictionary()
for temp in answerList {
tempDicData.setValue("your value", forKey: "your key")
I added Dictionary extension
extension Dictionary {
func cloneWith(_ dict: [Key: Value]) -> [Key: Value] {
var result = self
dict.forEach { key, value in result[key] = value }
return result
you can use cloneWith like this
newDictionary = dict.reduce([3 : "efg"]) { r, e in r.cloneWith(e) }
if you want to modify or update NSDictionary then
first of all typecast it as NSMutableDictionary
let newdictionary = NSDictionary as NSMutableDictionary
then simply use
newdictionary.setValue(value: AnyObject?, forKey: String)

Change a dictionary's key in Swift

How can I change a dictionary's key for a particular value? I can't just change dict[i] to dict[i+1] because that changes the value for that particular key. And there's no dict.updateKeyForValue() like there is a dict.updateValueForKey().
Because my keys are Int's and all out of order, I can't modify the entire key-value pair by looping through because I may override a pair that the loop hasn't reached yet. Is there a simpler way? Feel like I'm missing something obvious.
Swift 3
func switchKey<T, U>(_ myDict: inout [T:U], fromKey: T, toKey: T) {
if let entry = myDict.removeValue(forKey: fromKey) {
myDict[toKey] = entry
var dict = [Int:String]()
dict[1] = "World"
dict[2] = "Hello"
switchKey(&dict, fromKey: 1, toKey: 3)
print(dict) /* 2: "Hello"
3: "World" */
Swift 2
func switchKey<T, U>(inout myDict: [T:U], fromKey: T, toKey: T) {
if let entry = myDict.removeValueForKey(fromKey) {
myDict[toKey] = entry
var dict = [Int:String]()
dict[1] = "World"
dict[2] = "Hello"
switchKey(&dict, fromKey: 1, toKey: 3)
print(dict) /* 2: "Hello"
3: "World" */
I'm personally using an extension which imo makes it easier :D
extension Dictionary {
mutating func switchKey(fromKey: Key, toKey: Key) {
if let entry = removeValue(forKey: fromKey) {
self[toKey] = entry
Then to use it:
var dict = [Int:String]()
dict[1] = "World"
dict[2] = "Hello"
dict.switchKey(fromKey: 1, toKey: 3)
print(dict) /* 2: "Hello"
3: "World" */