Can Jekyll use a config file from a different repo - github

I'm using Jekyll and GitHub Pages to create documentation for projects that live in separate repos that are part of an organization account in GitHub. My team has decided it makes the most sense for the docs to live in each repo alongside the code, so we'll be using a gh-pages branch in each repo.
I will also be setting up a separate gh-pages repo from the organization account to serve as a landing page. I'd like to have all of my jekyll config items live in this repo. What do I need to put in the config file in each of the repos to successfully pull all of the layouts, css/scss, etc. from this central location? Is this even possible?
Here's a visual representation
In a nutshell, I'm trying to have one place where I can make changes to the website formatting files instead of 6.

On Github pages, you can use resources from another repository by using git submodules.
This works well for _layouts and _sass, but sadly not for _includes. This due to the fact that, in Jekyll 2.x, you cannot configure _includes folder path. This has been committed in the current master and will be available as soon as Jekyll 3 is out and used by github pages.
Edit: With Jekyll 3, you can now configure includes_dir: _mydir. See documentation for Jekyll configuration.
An interim solution can be to merge includes in layouts until you're able to configure _includes path. Not so clean, but, as your templates a centralized, it will be easy to refactor.
1 - create a resources repository
Adding your organization repository as a submodule will pull both resources, post and pages. Not a good way to go because posts and pages will be present in your project blogs.
The better way is to hosts your resources (_includes, _layouts, _sass, css) in a dedicated repository at
In your _layouts/default.html, dont forget to call you css with :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "/resources/css/main.css" | prepend: site.baseurl }}">
2 - Project blog Setup
Create a project blog without resources files and add the resources submodule.
git submodule add
This creates a resources folder in you repository.
Edit your _config.yml and add:
layouts: /resources/_layouts
sass_dir: /resources/_sass
You can now jekyll serve, it works.
3 - Resources workflow
As your resources are in a submodule, changes in a template or sass file will not be reflected in your blog automatically.
In order to refresh your blog you will have to do this for all your blogs.
git submodule update --remote
git commit -a -m 'resources update'
git push origin gh-pages

After getting feedback from my team, I ended up doing the following:
create new repo that will be the source of the GH-Pages site
add the individual project repos as submodules of this repo
add a script that tells jekyll to pull content from specific folders in the submodules and place them in a temp dir, then use that temp dir as the build source
#remove docs-build-temp folder if it exists
rm -rf ./docs-build-temp
#make temp-content folder
mkdir ./docs-build-temp
#copy content from doc folder in submodules into temp-content folder
cp -R ./submodule1/doc ./docs-build-temp/newdir1
cp -R ./submodule2/doc ./docs-build-temp/newdir2
#tell jekyll the content source
bundle exec jekyll build -s ./docs-build-temp
The script works when run locally and in Travis CI*.
*I set up ssh authentication between my user acct in github and each of the repos in travis to get around the fact that all of them are private. Seems to be working out ok so far.


Only repository name showing on the public link created by Github in my pages section

I am new to coding area, and started learning coding since last few days; I have completed some projects.
But, when I want to upload and live it on GitHub platform, it is just showing the repository name when going to the created link.
I manually uploaded 1 file of CSS and HTML each, its showing problem.
If you have your projects set up as nested Git repository inside your main local repository, then you would see those subrespo root folder as links (gitlinks, a special entry in the index) indeed.
Make sure to create one GitHub repository per project.
You can do so from your workstation, using the GitHub CLI gh, with gh repo create:
# create a remote repository from the current directory
gh repo create my-project --source=.

What is the right way to manage the hugo project in GitHub?

I currently have [username]/ pages made with simple HTML/CSS.
Now I am trying to switch to Hugo to manage the sites more efficiently.
I understand that the Hugo (the static site generator) generates public directory which I can just copy the contents to [username]/ repository.
However, in this way, I have to have two different repositories to keep the Hugo project itself and the website that had generated.
What would be the correct way to keep the repositories for Hugo?
I believe in Jekyll, the pushed project will generate the pages in the server side of GitHub.
For the Hugo projects, should I have to have two different repositories, one for the Hugo and the other for the generated sites?
You may need two repositories, one for Hugo’s content, and a second one that will be a git submodule with the public folder’s content in it.
Check the Hugo docs Host on Github Step-by-step Instructions:
Create a <YOUR-PROJECT> (e.g. blog) repository on GitHub. This repository will contain Hugo’s content and other source files.
Create a <USERNAME> GitHub repository. This is the repository that will contain the fully rendered version of your Hugo website.
Make your website work locally (hugo server or hugo server -t ) and open your browser to http://localhost:1313.
Once you are happy with the results:
Press Ctrl+C to kill the server
rm -rf public to completely remove the public directory
git submodule add -b master<username>/<username> public. This creates a git submodule. Now when you run the hugo command to build your site to public, the created public directory will have a different remote origin (i.e. hosted GitHub repository). You can automate some of these steps with the following script.

How to use node_modules on Github Pages, without uploading to repo

I'm hosting a site on Github pages, and using Jekyll to generate it.
I added Angular and Lodash to my project using npm, but didn't want to upload 200 odd files to GitHub so I added node_modules to my .gitignore file and just made sure they were added as dependencies within package.json. The problem then becomes that GitHub pages/Jekyll doesn't auto-install the packages when it (Jekyll) generates.
So my question is, how can I use NPM on GitHub pages without actually uploading my node_modules folder into my GitHub repository?
You have two options:
build your site locally
Just generate your static files locally and then upload the final website to Github pages (Github can host non Jekyll websites)
use CI
Implement a script that after uploading your files to the master branch (in Travies for example), it builds your site and push the changes to the gp-pages branch.
According to the GitHub, you can add a _config.yml file to tell Jekyll to "include" the "node_modules" and "vendors" directories.

Why is my Jekyll blog not on my Github page? (<- displaying the default github page theme)
Here is my repo with a jekyll blog that works 100% locally, I did create the gh-pages branch. Below is a screenshot of what the blog should look like on my github page:
Do I need to change anything here in my _config.yml?
Site settings
title: Leon Gaban
description: "Leon Gaban"# this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
twitter_username: leongaban
github_username: leongaban
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
The name of your repository must end in i.e. rename your repo to:
Add this to your _config.yml:
input: GFM
in order to keep the same markdown GitHub will use.
Also, if it is your user website it's better move it to a master branch. gh-pages branch is supposed to be applied to project websites only.
Your _site folder is not supposed to be there. It contains the site already build. Normally it's useful for local preview and when you're hosting with a service that doesn't build Jekyll automatically, like an Apache server. Also when you use Jekyll plugins that are not allowed by GitHub, so you choose building the site locally and uploading the static site only to GH.
I see two approaches: weather you remove the _site folder and move your project to the master branch, or you remove the rest of the content and upload to your repo only the content of the _site folder (not the folder itself).
Hope to have helped!

Why put the _site-directory of a Jekyll site in .gitignore?

The documentation of Jekyll tells me, that the _site-directory of a Jekyll site contains the compiled version of the site I have created after running
Jekyll build
Several articles recommend, that I include the _site-directory in my .gitignore-file because "it just contains the compiled version of my site". (that's what some articles recommend. So, I am not sure if I don't understand some concept of Jekyll or some concept of Git.
If the _site-directory contains the compiled version of a site, shouldn't that be the thing that is on the server the provides the final website? I do understand why you put source code on github and what to do with it, but in the case of github pages, Github is not a versioning system but a file hosting system and the file hosting system should host compiled versions of my work to provide it via to users, right?
My question is: shouldn't it be only the _site-directory of my Jekyll website that I deploy to Github because that should be the compiled source code that github provides to users? So, shouldn't I put anything else in the .gitignore-file EXCEPT the _site-directory?
If I got this all wrong: what is the point in compiling my website via
Jekyll build
if I don't use the compiled source code for anything?
Two solutions :
You don't use Jekyll plugins (or only those supported by github pages)
You build your site only if you need to test it locally (jekyll build or jekyll serve). The generated code (in _site) will not be versioned as github pages will generate pages from the sources.
Put _site to .gitignore
Push you sources to github pages
You use Jekyll plugins
In this case, you need to build locally because Github pages cannot do the job with plugins.
Jekyll build locally
Put _site to .gitignore
commit your sources in one branch
commit your _site in another branch
See this post for more explanations.
I think the point where you are confused is that most of the tutorials talk about at least two different repositories.
the source code of your site, this is where you call Jekyll build
the compiled result, this is the one where you put the contents of the _site directory
Then it makes sense to ignore _site in case 1. out of the same reason you normally ignore compilation results: they are not meant to be tracked because they might change between every compilation without changing the source, so you would have to commit after every build although nothing (visible) has changed.
For repository 2. you of course have to update it with the contents of _site from repository 1 after your build.
Having said that you can of course combine 1. and 2. into a single repository by using master for the contents of _site and another branch e.g. source for the project with the Jekyll build files, here ignoring _site and then updating the master branch with the contents of it after changes.
the _site folder is cleared and all files inside are re-generated upon each "jekyll build". tracking a file that is to be removed seems to serve no useful purposes.
if you are thinking to git push your jekyll site to your github repo as a project page (gh-pages), the _site folder again serves no purposes as the jekyll installation at github will generate the _site for you automatically upon your files upload (git push).
the _site folder is useful only for local preview of your jekyll site (typically to be found at localhost:4000 by default).
I believe you might be looking at things the wrong way, It makes sense to ignore _site since every time you jekyll build your _site gets blasted, everything in there gets erased and written again.
So in my own opinion what you would like to push to github is the working directory since it's there where you work and all your changes are being versioned... with the plus of github doing the compiling and automatically building the site.
That being said, I usually keep _site out of my gitignore since I deploy to another hosting service and my deployment framework grabs the github repository and deploys from a particular branch I need the _site to be there.