How do I enable Failed Request Tracing in IIS 10.0 on Windows 10 development PC? - trace

How to I enable Failed Request Tracing in IIS 10.0 on my Windows 10 dev pc?
I can find instructions for IIS7 and IIS8.5 (see but doesn't seem to be available in IIS10.
According to above instructions there should be a link to "Failed Request Tracing" under "Configure" in the Actions pane - but see in screen shot it is clearly not there:
screen shot of IIS Actions pane

The instructions should work exactly the same since the UI has not changed. Make sure that you install Failed Request Tracing, for that run
OptionalFeatures.exe and make sure that Tracing is enabled in the Internet Information Services->World Wide Web Services->Health and Diagnostics.

You can also add this feature by going to Start -> Turn Windows features on or off -> Internet Information Services -> Health and Diagnostics.

You can enable the tracing feature using this PowerShell command (Running as Administrator)
Install-WindowsFeature Web-Http-Tracing


vpn ibm-cloud MotionPro Client on Windows 10 not allowing addition of profiles

I am following steps to create a VPN, for accessing IBM Cloud, by using standalone client. Instructions are here,
It states "Run the MotionPro Setup Wizard. Then, click the MotionPro icon on your desktop and select Profile > Add."
The installation ran fine - seemingly. I have a red A in my task tray and the Secure Tunnel is connected.
However, the Motion Pro window doesn't have any means for interaction - there are no menus - nothing...see screen grab.
I also don't have any MotionPro desktop on my desktop.
MotionPro Window Screengrab
So - MotionPro seems to have installed..but I still have to go thru the browser based logon it's not really doing anything for me.
What am I missing?
Couldn't figure out a way to create a profile using the MotionPro Client provided by IBMCloud.
Eventually found a download link to install myself...
I downloaded "Windows MotionPro client 32bit / 64bit"
After running the install, I then had a client executable that displayed a User Interface more like that which I expected and aligned to the steps in the IBMCloud documentation.
Created the profile - and can now quickly establish a VPN.

plugin repository could not be contacted (Dokuwiki)

I am using Dokuwiki on my pc but suddenly getting this error. Now, i can't see the installed plugins and templates in Extension Manager(Admin). Just getting this error The plugin repository could not be contacted. Make sure your server is allowed to contact and check your proxy settings. [Retry]
I Installed it using xampp and dokuwiki(from youtube video)
I am using Windows 7 (64 bit).
Please help me regarding these problems, Thanks
Regarding invisible installed plugins. I'm occasionally experiencing the similar issue but had no time to investigate. Try the following steps:
Open Admin -> Extension manager.
Uncheck 'updatable' checkbox.
Switch to 'Installed templates' tab.
Switch back to 'Installed plugins' tab.
If did not help try to play with the state of other checkboxes and switching to another tab and back. Please share your findings afterwards.
Regarding the error message check this question.
If it worked before and now you are experiencing sudden problems then check what was changed in your computer or network settings.
Check proxy settings in Admin -> Configuration Settings -> DokuWiki\Network.
Check if you can access in your browser to decide whether you need to continue investigation on network or xampp side.
You can always install plugins manually, you aren't going to do it every day.
Upgrading from PHP <=5.6 to 7.0 running Detritus (and later) fixed this behavior.

General failure. Please try again. Server may be unavailable (2013)

So today, whenever I try to sign My Blackberry app using the WebWorks packager, I get this error...
"General failure. Please try again. Server may be unavailable".
My proxy settings have not changed and I have been using the same command line instruction with success before.
I've also checked the status of the Blackberry signing server using the following link... or RCR or RRT
And everything appears to be online!
So, where could I be going wrong? Here's the command line instruction I've been using. First, I navigate to my Blackberry build folder and run the following instruction against it...
bbwp –g <password> –o z:\projects\appname\signed
It goes through through parsing the various elements. The signing tool pops up and then the error is generated.
So, after a couple of days of banging my head against the wall-the answer finally came to me. I'm on a MAC but am also using a Windows virtual machine for Blackberry developement, which is running on another network altogether and this specific network is using a firewall, which, according to the network administrator, is currently experiencing a severe technical problem.
The way round it was to sign my Blackberry app using configured proxy settings to communicate with the signing server and viola! It worked!

eclipse tfs plugin won't connect to tfs server

We have the TFS server installed and running at http://myhost:8080/tfs/web/.
I've installed the Eclipse TFS plugin and updated Eclipse to 4.2
However, when I try to add a TFS server in the Team Explorer perspective, I get "The server myhost failed to respond"
How can I get this to work?
Eclipse has some issues with the default proxy detection.
Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Network Connections and set Proxy to anything other than Native.
You can choose Direct, but you'll have issues if you need to perform software updates or installation. Or you can choose Manual and configure your proxy settings manually.
Just found the answer. It's because "Cisco AnyConnect Web Security Agent" was running on my machine. I turned it off and now the TFS plugin is working.
Use the URL of http://myhost:8080/tfs in your server connection page rather than http://myhost:8080/tfs/web/?

Eclipse can not connect to internet

I am using Eclipse 3.6. I am trying to download a plug in from an update site, but it won't connect, it keeps saying "Pending" for quite some time.
Not alot of information there. It helps to let us know what you have tried...
I'll quote an answer I gave to a similar question, which contains the basic workarounds:
Can you connect to internet at all through Eclipse?
Open the internal webbrowser. In Eclipse: Window -> show view -> Other -> General: Internal web browser. Look up any normal adress, is it working?
Can you connect to another update site? Try for example Eclipse Emma: Do you see anything there?
What are your proxy preferences? Go to Window -> preferences -> General: Network connections.
The active provider:
Specifies the settings profile to be used when opening connections. Choosing the Direct provider causes all the connections to be opened without the use of a proxy server. Selecting Manual causes settings defined in Eclipse to be used. On some platforms there is also a Native provider available, selecting this one causes settings that were discovered in the OS to be used.
If internet is working fine outside of Eclipse, try changing to Native. After that, try Direct.
Here's one more option to try if none of the efforts above helped. You might be using Eclipse from a Shared Drive (for eg, H:). If so, move/copy it the entire Eclipse directory to C: and try again.
My Eclipse could not connect to internet, nor access Eclipse Marketplace, nor even open ports for Tomcat server. I am behind a corporate proxy and tried many options that I have found on Stack Overflow and other forums but to no avail. I've also tried different versions (Mars, Luna, Kepler and a corporate-provided Kepler).
These are the options I have tried:
Use Direct Connection
Go to Windows > Perferences > General > Network Connections.
Change Active Provider to Direct.
Restart Eclipse.
Set up Manual Proxy
Go to Windows > Perferences > General > Network Connections.
Change Active Provider to Manual.
Input proxy details, including username/password if required.
Clear SOCKS proxy.
Restart Eclipse.
Change Eclipse.ini
Go to Windows > Perferences > General > Network Connections.
Change Active Provider to Native.
Open Eclipse.ini.
Add the following under -vmargs, each on its own line.
Restart Eclipse
Unable to connect to the Eclipse Luna Market
How do I configure the proxy settings so eclipse indigo can install new plugins
See answer by Ruhr Dev on Thu, 29 December 2011:
Add Eclipse to Firewall
Go to Control Panel > Windows Firewall (or your own firewall)
Add Eclipse to whitelist (see for Windows Firewall)
Delete Oomph-releated sub folders
Delete all Oomph-releated sub folders in ${user.home}/.eclipse/ folder
For Windows this may be in C:\Users\.eclipse
See answer by Stephan EberleFriend on Fri, 14 August 2015 18:54:
See my other answer for Eclipse not able to open ports for Tomcat (
If eclipse could not able to connect to internet, following may be one of the reason:
There is a service called "Network Access Protection Agent", which might be blocking eclipse from accessing the internet.
In this case, you can try the following (this worked for me-Windows 7 PC):
1. Click on Windows Start button and search for Administrative Tools and Open it
2. Then open Services
3. Look for "Network Access Protection Agent" service
4. Stop this service
5. Now eclipse should be able to connect to internet
Note: This happens when Windows are not up to date. So after stopping this service, update your Windows, then start this service.