GWT Uibinder : Add stacked icons to button - gwt

The icon property of Button tag adds a font-awesome FOLDER icon to the Button. Is it possible to add stacked icons to the button? For, the new folder I need to stack FOLDER and PLUS icon and add it to button?
<b:Button addStyleNames="pull-right {}"
type="SUCCESS" ui:field="createDataRoom" icon="FOLDER"></b:Button>

Are you sure this even compiles ?
Unless your Button is a custom class from your project, most of these fields don't exist for the GWT Button, including Icon. And it's not addStyleNames, but simply "styleName"
Are you sure it's not one of your colleague who made a custom button class ?
To come back to your problem, as you can see in the example page of Font Awesome, you stack up the icons by adding several class to the HTML tag.
So in your case, you'd need to stack them in "styleName" (which is the field for adding one or more CSS class)
With a normal GWT button, the code would look like this
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:g=''>
styleName="fa-stack fa-lg">
Notice the space between fa-stack and fa-lg. Those are two different classes.


Is there a way to add input field in nav element using React FluentUI (#fluentui/react)?

The examples on website show many examples of navbars with links.
Image of navbar demo as shown on website.
I want to implement a search bar inside the nav element like this. Is there a way to do it?
I would try with OnRenderLink or linkAs methods.
Used to customize how content inside the link tag is rendered
linkAs: Render a custom link in place of
the normal one. This replaces the entire button rather than simply
button content
Source: INavProps interface

TYPO3 Add Copy and Paste icons to Content Elements

Is it possible to add icons to the left or right side for Content Elements? I would like to move some of the functionality from the contextMenu to the icon bar, is that possible? Perhaps by TSConfig ? See attachment.
Several options exist for multiple TYPO3 versions and depending on where you would prefer to add the copy/cut icon, or indeed, any other icon you might wish:
Before 10.3 and without fluid-based page layout module:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms/layout/class.tx_cms_layout.php']['tt_content_drawItem'] through $outHeader variable.
After 10.3 with fluid-based page layout module:
All of the above, plus
Overlay of template EXT:backend/Resources/Private/Partials/PageLayout/Record/Header.html, or
Overlay of template EXT:backend/Resources/Private/Partials/PageLayout/Record/Footer.html, or
Overlay of template EXT:backend/Resources/Private/Partials/PageLayout/Record.html depending on where you want the icon to be placed
These should provide you with every conceivable option for adding the icon precisely where you wish it to be added. TYPO3 10.3 with fluid based page module enabled provides you with the createst flexibility. Earlier versions or with fluid based page module disabled should probably use $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['GLOBAL']['recStatInfoHooks'].
I personaly wouldn't add too many button visible by default on the top right of each content, because it will unnecessarily overloads the amount of information on the page module with action buttons that are not the most often used.
In particular, the "paste" button should only appears when there is something in the clipboard, and it now appears everywhere you can paste (you can see one above the content in your screenshot).

How to display my logo in panel wrapper instead of actual position in Magento 2.3?

I want to display my logo in panel wrapper instead of actual position in Magento 2.3.
How can I do that?
Something like
instead of
Find which header style your are using and edit your header style in
Add your custom html in that file. echo $block->getChildHtml('logo_theme');
You can move logo to header.panel.wrapper using your theme's default.xml file.
Open app\design\frontend\Vendor\Themename\Magento_Theme\layout\default.xml file add below code:
<move element="logo" destination="header.panel.wrapper" before="-"/>
This will move logo inside "panel wrapper" class.

In TinyMCE 3, how can I remove a field from the table dialog?

We would like to alter the appearance of the "Insert/Edit Table" dialog in TinyMCE. Presently the dialog displays fields which manage attributes that are deprecated in HTML5. For instance, the border attribute is considered obsolete.
Now, I can successfully remove the border attribute from the rendered markup, by extending a technique presented here:
But the "Insert/Edit Table" dialog still presents a "Border" field when we launch the table dialog from the TinyMCE menu button. The toolbar option for TinyMCE enables programmers to control the actual buttons that get displayed by the editor.
We still want to display the Table button, but want to remove some of the deprecated fields from that dialog. How can we do this?
We are using the EpiServer CMS (versions 8-10) which employs TinyMCE version Thanks for your help.
You could probably use virtualPathMappings. I think they're still supported in CMS8-10.
This means you have to create a copy of the aspx or ascx file with the dialog in it. Have the file Inherit="" from EPiServer code and change the markup how you want and then add the below configuration in section of web.config:
<add url="~/yourprefix/CMS/Edit/LinkDialogName.ascx" mappedUrl="~/YourProjectFolder/LinkDialogName.ascx" />
This is a bit of a hack however.

Radio Button Group display vertically

I am using the GWT to build the radio button , but when i display it shows one after another (in row).
Is there any way to stack the radio buttons in the group vertically?
It depends on the Panel you are adding it to. If you want things to line up vertically without any hassle, add each radio button to a VerticalPanel.
The reason it lines up is because GWT generates RadioButtons as HTML <span> elements, which by default has the CSS display set to inline.
If you prefer not to use a VerticalPanel, you can make RadioButtons have display:block;
One way is to wrap each RadioButton in a SimplePanel.
Another way is to set their display css attribute to block.
GWT RadioButton has a default provided CSS class for styling the RadioButton gwt-RadioButton
Example :
display : block;