facebook graph api 2.5 friendLists members empty - facebook

I am calling
I always get an empty list back and not the members.
Does this still exist? Is there a way to get members of a friendList

It will only return friends that are also using the app.
If you want to let your people tag their friends in stories that they publish to Facebook using your App, you can use the /me/taggable_friends API. Use of this endpoint requires review by Facebook and should only be used for the case where you're rendering a list of friends in order to let the user tag them in a post.


Facebook Graph API : find friends in a place

I use graph API Facebook to get list of a place I have been there (https://graph.facebook.com/myuserid/feed?with=location) and return place id. And I want to know my facebook friends that ever been there too by place id. Is it possible?
This is not really available in the Graph API. What is possible is to get the friends which have been tagged at a specific place_id.
But even there you have the restriction that
Only friends who use the requesting app will be returned.

Get Facebook Friendlist (only read)

I'm developing an app which is super important to get the user's friends.
I just need to get a list of friends (Avatar and name) I do not require any more information or want to do anything with that data, you simply get a list of friends.
With the new change in Facebook it is impossible?
See point 3.) of
/me/friends returns the user's friends who are also using your app
In v2.0, the friends API endpoint returns the list of a person's friends who are also using your app. In v1.0, the response included all of a person's friends.
There are two key use cases where apps need access to non-app friends: tagging and inviting. In v2.0, we've added the Taggable Friends API and the Invitable Friends API to support these flows.

fetching list of friends using facebook 2.0

is there any way to fetch list of friends using facebook 2.0 API?
I was reading this upgrade from the API and it seems it is quite difficult to fetch the friends now,
but I have seen 2 permissions
Is their any way to fetch list of friends? and what about the widgets that get friends from facebook, will they go down?
In v2.0 of the Graph API /me/friends returns the user's friends who also use the app. You need to be granted the user_friends permission in order to get even app-using friends.
There is no way in v2.0 to get the full user's friends.
However, you may use the https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.0/user/invitable_friends API or the https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.0/user/taggable_friends APIs to get all the user's friends with tokens than can be used for tagging and inviting.
the read_friendlist perm doesn't get you a list of the user's friends, it gets you the list of a user's friendlists which may be used to build a custom privacy selector when publishing stories to Facebook.
As of 4/30/2014, you can only retrieve the friends who also use the app.
There are, however, specific methods for apps in the 'Game' category for inviting friends.

How to add facebook friends searchbar in website

I am learning facebook php and javascript sdk. I am trying to create a facebook search friend bar in my app where user types friends name and as user types, the searchbar should display most appropriate result while user is typing. Similar to what facebook search bar does. Is there a social plugin or any other tool available to acieve this task? To achieve this, I tried facebook comments plugin with user_friends permission. When user writes any friends name followed by # sign on comments field, facebook gives most appropriate result. But I dont know how to get what user wrote on comments. Any pointers will be helpful.
FB introduced API versoining. If you are going to create new app it will use version v2 and you will not get full friends list from me/friends.
/me/friends returns the user's friends who are also using your app
In v2.0, the friends API endpoint returns the list of a person's friends who are also using your app. In v1.0, the response included all of a person's friends.There are two key use cases where apps need access to non-app friends: tagging and inviting. In v2.0, we've added the Taggable Friends API and the Invitable Friends API to support these flows.After a person has logged in with v2.0 of Facebook Login, calling /v1.0/me/friends and/v2.0/me/friends` will both result in the v2.0 behaviour - both calls will return the set of the person's friends who also use the app.
Read this documentation
Either you can create this by yourself (not too much of complex). You have access to the friendlist, so you can get all the friends with /me/friends. You can store them (their name/info) into a variable in your application and implement search. This will make your facebook api concepts better.
Or there are many friend selectors plugin/codes that you can integrate in your application. But you'll have to modify them accordingly since you dont want to show a pre-populated list of friends instead you want to implement search.
I've used mbrevoort's multi-friend selector in my applications.
But if you just want to implement search, implementing on your own would be really easy and less complicated!

Can I retrieve "unlikes" from the Facebook API?

Is there any way I can get a Facebook user's unlikes?
I can get a users likes by using /{user}/likes.
But is there any way I can see what likes the user has removed from that list? Or is there any other way to track 'unlikes'?
There's no API call you can make that will give you a list of what a user previously liked, but now does not.