Postgresql studio Service Temporarily Unavailable - postgresql

I have installed the PostgreSQL Studio add on for Heroku and it appears under my database. When I go into the app it shows the add on fine but when I click on the add on I get the error Service Temporarily Unavailable. Any help for this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

The Postgresql Studio addon is currently having some issues -- this is a temporary problem. Just check back later.


Failed to starting the server while installing SQL Workbench in Windows

I am installing SQL Workbench in Windows. While Starting the server, the app failed in this step. I have tried to set full access permission for the folder that points to the path. However, it still failed. The details have been attached below:
What can be the reasons here? Thanks a lot for your help.
The solution that I already used to fix this problem. I used the lastest JDK version. it worked for me.

UX Studio Server connection not established

Today I got the update for UX Studio Plugin and after installing it I'm not able to upload a code using UX Studio.
I have re-installed the eclipse and UX studio plugin several times but it won't work for me.
Facing the same error :
Unable to connect to the Digital Server. Use the 'Back' button to check your User credentials and then try again.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Go to Windows -> Preferences -> Network Connections
Set active provider drop down value to direct.
Try creating a digital connection now.
This is a recent unfixed error with respect to the latest version(20.xx) of the UX studio plugin. You can try the following approaches
Installing previous Eclipse versions: We use for installing UX studio plugin. This link will automatically install latest 20.xx version of UX plugin in latest Eclipse versions. So to avoid that, you can try installing older versions like Neon/Oxygen and try installing UX studio(check if it's version is 19.xx) I tried this approach and it worked for me. Hopefully it works for you too :)
TrailHead Solution: I came across this solution in TrailHead Known issues regarding the same topic. You can verify this too.
Do let me know if either of them works for you.

how can I fix the IBM DB2 Manage connections error?

I recently enrolled in a SQL course on EDX and we have to create a DB using IBM cloud. Also, we have to use VScode and connect it to IBM cloud using an extension called "DB2connect".
I've installed the MAC (as I am using my MacBook) extension but as soon as I try to create a connection I get this error.
''' Command 'Db2: Manage Connection Profiles' resulted in an error (command 'extension.Db2ManageConnProfiles' not found)'''
Any advice on how to fix the issue? I've seen similar questions on their Github account but I haven't found any solution besides uninstalling and installing the extension.
Per comment thread, missing dependency.
VSCODE Db2connect extension needs specific versions of npm, node.js, ( and on Mac, also Xcode ) to be already installed.
For VSCode Db2connect issues, you can also refer to the github issueses page
(also accessible within VSCode Db2connect > Report an issue )

Azure Data Studio - Trying to connect Postgres DB from remote

I downloaded 'PostgresSQL extension'. While I am choosing Postgres in connection type, I am getting an error. Please help to resolve this.
Solved the issue by installing via Github. Some have Postgresql tools not properly loaded while I am loading for Azure Data studio.

Why am I getting an error before configuring a device in Visual Studio 2015?

I want to deploy my driver for testing. I have provisioned my target computer for testing (although this shouldn't matter because I am not even at that step yet). On my host computer I open Visual Studio and go to
Driver > Test > Configure Devices
and immediately an error window saying:
Inappropriate request for export from part that belongs to another sharing boundary.
This looks like a bug in my Visual Studio (I have just recently updated to VS Update 1).
I am going to uninstall and reinstall since I have already tried repair. Any other ideas?
UPDATE: Uninstall and Reinstall didn't work. The bug is documented on Microsoft Connect: Fails to load Configure Devices (Closed)
I was successfully able to configure and provision a new device using the following method:
Project properties
Remote Computer Name, drop down and select Configure...
Successfully shows the device configuration wizard, and was able to provision the target computer.
Was then able to select the target in Driver Install - Deployment, however I get the following error when selecting "Deploy". This could be related to my project tho, please let me know if you also see this.
Please select a valid target machine for deployment from the project property page
UPDATE: the above error may have simply been that I had the wrong configuration selected when hitting Deploy.
I just applied Update 1 to VS2015 Pro and am now getting the exact same error. It happens regardless of whether I make a new project or use my old 2015 Project. Looks like it's a bug in the update.
Not really a fix, but I went back to Visual Studio 2013, as it does not have this bug, and driver dev is working great.
I had the message:
Please select a valid target machine for deployment from the project property page
I was using the wrong architecture in the configuration properties for the project. My target test box is x64 and I had my configuration set to win32. Changing this to x64 fixed the issue for me.