Timeline Paint Profiler in Devtools suggests everything is being painted - google-chrome-devtools

When we use the Paint Profiler in Chrome we can see what's being painted. I created a simple example that adds a new div to the page every 3 seconds and here is what is shown as being painted:
But when I use the paint profiler in the Timeline it looks like everything is being repainted:
As shown in the screenshot, on the fifth paint we have 5 calls to drawTextBlob calls. This suggests that all the 5 divs where painted. I was expecting only one.
Can someone shed some light into this?

The exact meaning of "Paint" event has changed over time. It used to be that during Paint the renderer directly updated the layer's bitmap, which was often slow. Back in those days, you would likely find that the painted rectangle matches the area that you actually invalidated (i.e. would be just the last line in your case), as you probably expect.
Present implementation of Chrome's rendering subsystem performs rasterization either on other threads (in an attempt to keep things off the main thread which is busy enough with JavaScript execution, DOM layout and lots of other things) or on GPU (check out "Rasterization" and "Multiple raster threads" in chrome://gpu if you're curious to know what's the current mode on your platform). So the "Paint" event that you see on the main thread just covers recording a log of paint commands (i.e. what you see on the left pane of the Paint Profiler), without actually producing any pixels -- this is relatively fast, and Chrome chooses to re-record the entire layer so it can later pick what part of it to rasterize (e.g. in an anticipated case of scrolling) without going to main thread again, which is likely to be busy by running JavaScript or doing a layout.
Now if you switch Timeline into Flame Chart mode (right icon near "View" label in Toolbar), you'll see "Rasterize Paint" event which is actual rasterization -- Chrome picks the paint command log recorded during Paint event on the main thread and re-plays it producing actual pixels for a fragment of the layer. You can see what part of the layer was being rasterized and the Paint Profiler for this part when you select "Rasterize Paint". Note that there are many small Rasterize Paint events for different fragments, possible on different threads, but they still all have the entire log (i.e. 5 drawTextBlob commands in your example). However, those paint commands that do not affect the fragment being rasterized will be culled as they fall outside of the fragment's clip rectangle and hence won't have noticeable effect on rasterization time.
Then, you'll probably notice that the fragments being rasterized are still larger than the area you've actually invalidated. This is because Chrome manages rasterized layers in terms of tiles, small rectangular bitmaps (often 128 x 128, but may vary by platform), so that for large layers (e.g. pages much longer than viewport), only the parts visible in the viewport could be stored on the GPU (which often has a limited memory) and the parts that suddenly become visible as a result of scrolling could be uploaded fast.
Finally, the parts that you see highlighted with green as a result of you ticking "Show Paint rectangles" in Rendering options, are technically an "invalidation" rectangles -- i.e. that's the areas of your page that have really changed as a result of changed layout/styles etc. These areas are what you really as an author can directly affect, but as you see, Chrome will likely paint and rasterize more than that, mostly out of concerns of managing the scrolling of large pages efficiently.


In the dev tools timeline, what are the empty green rectangles?

In the Chrome dev tools timeline, what is the difference between the filled, green rectangles (which represent paint operations) and the empty, green rectangles (which apparently also represent something about paint operations...)?
Painting is really two tasks: draw calls and rasterization.
Draw calls. This is a list of things you'd like to draw, and its derived from the CSS applied to your elements. Ultimately there is a list of draw calls not dissimilar to the Canvas element's: moveTo, lineTo, fillRect (though they have slightly different names in Skia, Chrome's painting backend, it's a similar concept.)
Rasterization. The process of stepping through those draw calls and filling out actual pixels into buffers that can be uploaded to the GPU for compositing.
So, with that background, here we go:
The solid green blocks are the draw calls being recorded by Chrome. These are done on the main thread alongside JavaScript, style calculations, and layout. These draw calls are grouped together as a data structure and passed to the compositor thread.
The empty green blocks are the rasterization. These are handled by a worker thread spawned by the compositor.
Essentially, then, both are paint, they just represent different sub-tasks of the overall job. If you're having performance issues (and from the grab you provided you appear to be paint bound), then you may need to examine what properties you're changing via CSS or JavaScript and see if there is a compositor-only way to achieve the same ends. CSS Triggers can probably help here.

glDrawElements behavior

I am currently reading an iPhone OpenGL ES project that draws some 3D shapes (shpere, cone, ..). I am a little bit confused about the behavior of glDrawElements.
After binding the vertexbuffer to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, and the indexbuffer to GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, the function glDrawElements is called:
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, IndexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
At first I thought this function draws the shapes on screen, but actually the shapes are later drawn on the screen using:
[m_context presentRenderbuffer:GL_RENDERBUFFER];
So what does glDrawElements do? The manual describes it as render primitives from array data. But I don't understand the real meaning of render & it's difference from draw (my native language is not english)
The DrawElements call is really what "does" the drawing. Or rather it tells the GPU to draw. And the GPU will do that eventually.
The present call is only needed because the GPU usually works double buffered: One buffer that you don't see but draw to, and one buffer that is currently on display on the screen. Once you are done with all the drawing you flip them.
If you would not do this you would see flickering while drawing.
Also it allows for parallel operation. When you call DrawElements you call it multiple times for one frame. Only when you call present does the GPU have to wait for all of them to be done.
It's true that glDraw commands are responsible for your drawing and that you don't see any visible results until you call the presentRenderbuffer: method, but it's not about double buffering.
All iOS devices use GPUs designed around Tile-Based Deferred Rendering (TBDR). This is an algorithm that works very well in embedded environments with less compute resources, memory, and power-usage budget than a desktop GPU. On a desktop (stream-based) GPU, every draw command immediately does work that (typically) ends with some pixels being painted into a renderbuffer. (Usually, you don't see this because, usually, desktop GL apps are set up to use double or triple buffering, drawing a complete frame into an offscreen buffer and then swapping it onto the screen.)
TBDR is different. You can think about it being sort of like a laser printer: for that, you put together a bunch of PostScript commands (set state, draw this, set a different state, draw that, and so on), but the printer doesn't do any work until you've sent all the draw commands and finished with the one that says "okay, start laying down ink!" Then the printer computes the areas that need to be black and prints them all in one pass (instead of running up and down the page printing over areas it's already printed).
The advantage of TBDR is that the GPU knows about the whole scene before it starts painting -- this lets it use tricks like hidden surface removal to avoid doing work that won't result in visible pixels being painted.
So, on an iOS device, glDraw still "does" the drawing, but that work doesn't happen until the GPU needs it to happen. In the simple case, the GPU doesn't need to start working until you call presentRenderbuffer: (or, if you're using GLKView, until you return from its drawRect: or its delegate's glkView:drawInRect: method, which implicitly presents the renderbuffer). If you're using more advanced tricks, like rendering into textures and then using those textures to render to the screen, the GPU starts working for one render target as soon as you switch to another (using glBindFramebuffer or similar).
There's a great explanation of how TBDR works in the Advances in OpenGL ES talk from WWDC 2013.

Page Flashing On Scroll

Any ideas why this page: http://mpdteam.net/projects.html is flashing when it scrolls? I've determined it's due to the background of the main content container, but why? is it a eye-trick, an image flaw, a browser flaw, or a code flaw? The code is easily viewable with view source or dev tools.
Let me know if you need anymore info. thanks.
(also, feel free to re-tag. i'm having a mind-blank for good tags)
It's because it uses finely spaced grey and white lines.
It is perhaps an example of the Moiré pattern, although this is more typically reserved for two overlapping grids at different angles.
I always assumed on a PC this occurred because of the redraw time between the two colours, and how finely spaced the lines are. The lines not perfectly aligning with pixels (e.g. anti-aliasing) would further enhance the flickering effect.
To fix it, try changing the size of the bands (e.g. try zooming out or in on the current page, and moving the browser, and note how you get reduced and even none of the described flickering effect).
Alternatively, you may want to apply a blur such that the difference between bands was softened (not sure if this would necessarily help).
Another suggestion that research yields is that it is due to background redrawing/scaling. However, a fixed background (as compared to a repeating one) isn't particularly applicable to your page.
In any case, for an in-depth discussion of some of the concepts involved, check out this awesome page (http://www.techmind.org/lcd/)

Draw calls take WAY longer when targeting an offscreen renderbuffer (iPhone GL ES)

I'm using OpenGL ES 1.1 to render a large view in an iPhone app. I have a "screenshot"/"save" function, which basically creates a new GL context offscreen, and then takes exactly the same geometry and renders it to the offscreen context. This produces the expected result.
Yet for reasons I don't understand, the amount of time (measured with CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent before and after) that the actual draw calls take when sending to the offscreen buffer is more than an order of magnitude longer than when drawing to the main framebuffer that backs an actual UIView. All of the GL state is the same for both, and the geometry list is the same, and the sequence of calls to draw is the same.
Note that there happens to be a LOT of geometry here-- the order of magnitude is clearly measurable and repeatable. Also note that I'm not timing the glReadPixels call, which is the thing that I believe actually pulls data back from the GPU. This is just a mesaure of the time spent in e.g. glDrawArrays.
I've tried:
Render that geometry to the screen again just after doing the offscreen render: takes the same quick time for the screen draw.
Render the offscreen thing twice in a row-- both times show the same slow draw speed.
Is this an inherent limitation of offscreen buffers? Or might I be missing something fundamental here?
Thanks for your insight/explanation!
Your best bet is probably to sample both your offscreen rendering and window system rendering each running in a tight loop with the CPU Sampler in Instruments and compare the results to see what differences there are.
Also, could you be a bit more clear about what exactly you mean by “render the offscreen thing twice in a row?” You mentioned at the beginning of the question that you “create a new GL context offscreen”—do you mean a new framebuffer and renderbuffer, or a completely new EAGLContext? Depending on how many new resources and objects you’re creating in order to do your offscreen rendering, the driver may need to do a lot of work to set up these resources the first time you use them in a draw call. If you’re just screenshotting the same content you were putting onscreen, you shouldn’t even need to do any of this—it should be sufficient to call glReadPixels before -[EAGLContext presentRenderbuffer:], since the backbuffer contents will still be defined at that point.
Could offscreen rendering be forcing the GPU to flush all its normal state, then do your render, flush the offscreen context, and have to reload all the normal stuff back in from CPU memory? That could take a lot longer than any rendering using data and frame buffers that stays completely on the GPU.
I'm not an expert on the issue but from what I understand graphics accelerators are used for sending data off to the screen so normally the path is Code ---vertices---> Accelerator ---rendered-image---> Screen. In your case you are flushing the framebuffer back into main memory which might be hitting some kind of bottleneck in bandwidth in the memory controller or something or other.

Most effective "architecture" for layered 2D app using OpenGL on iPhone?

I'm working on an iPhone OS app whose primary view is a 2-D OpenGL view (this is a subclass of Apple's EAGLView class, basically setting up an ortho-projected 2D environment) that the user interacts with directly.
Sometimes (not at all times) I'd like to render some controls on top of this baseline GL view-- think like a Heads-Up Display. Note that the baseline view underneath may be scrolling/animating while controls should appear to be fixed on the screen above.
I'm good with Cocoa views in general, and I'm pretty good with CoreGraphics, but I'm green with Open GL, and the EAGLView's operations (and its relationship to CALayers) is fairly opaque to me. I'm not sure how to mix in other elements most effectively (read: best performance, least hassle, etc). I know that in a pinch, I can create and keep around geometry for all the other controls, and render those on top of my baseline geometry every time I paint/swap, and thus just keep everything the user sees on one single view. But I'm less certain about other techniques, such as having another view on top (UIKit/CG or GL?) or somehow creating other layers in my single view, etc.
If people would be so kind to write up some brief observations if they've travelled these roads before, or at least point me to documentation or existing discussion on this issue, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Create your animated view as normal. Render it to a render target. What does this mean? Well, usually, when you 'draw' the polygons to the screen, you're actually doing it to a normal surface (the primary surface), that just so happens to be the one that eventually goes to the screen. Instead of rendering to the screen surface, you can render to any old surface.
Now, your HUD. Will this be exactly the same all the time or will it change? Will only bits of it change?
If all of it changes, you'll need to keep all the HUD geometry and textures in memory, and will have to render them onto your 'scrolling' surface as normal. You can them apply this final, composite render to the screen. I wouldn't worry too much about hassle and performance here -- the HUD can hardly be as complex as the background. You'll have a few textures quads at most?
If all of the hud is static, then you can render it to a separate surface when your app starts, then each frame render from that surface onto the animated surface you're drawing each frame. This way you can unload all the HUD geom and textures right at the start. Of course, it might be the case that the surface takes up more memory -- it depends on what resources your app needs most.
If your had half changes and half not, then technically, you can pre-render the static parts and then render the other parts as you're going along, but this is more hassle than the other two options.
Your two main options depend on the dynamicness of the HUD. If it moves, you will need to redraw it onto your scene every frame. It sucks, but I can hardly imagine that geometry is complex compared to the rest of it. If it's static, you can pre-render and just alpha blend one surface onto another before sending to the screen.
As I said, it all depends on what resources your app will have spare.