MATLAB takeing huge 350 mb memory to write one column vector to txt file - matlab

I have a variable sndpwr which have 18000 rows and just one column. When I use fprintf it takes 350mb txt file to write. Even csvwrite and dlmwrite take 200+ mb space.
Can anyone tell me any function or method that will write it in a small text file. I am importing it in another program which is not able to import such large files.
fid = fopen('sndpwr.txt','wt');
EDIt: in workspace it is described as 31957476x1 double. Sorry for my previous incorrect data.

Unfortunately, there is no way to compress your data without using an actual compression algorithm. You have 3x10^7 numbers, written with six digits after the decimal point, at least one before, and a couple of newline characters. This gives 3x10^7 * 10 = 3x10^8 bytes, as a bare minimum. Since 1MB is approximately 10^6 bytes, you are getting a file on the order or 300MB.
If you were to write the file in binary using the double datatype, the file would likely be about 20% smaller since doubles are generally 64-bit (8 byte numbers). If you were to use the single datatype, there might be some information lost since single can only hold approximately 5 digits of decimal precision, but the file would only be 40% of its current size.
If binary is not an option, you can always split the data into smaller text files.


How to decode 16-bit signed binary file in IEEE754 standard

I have a file format called .ogpr (openGPR, a dead format used for Ground Radar data), I'm trying to read this file and convert it into a matrix using Matlab(R).
In the first part of file there is a JSON Header where are explained the characteristics of data acquisition (number of traces, position etc), and on the second part there are two different data blocks.
First block contains the 'real' GPR data and I know that they are formatted as:
Multibyte binary data are little-endian
Floating point binary data follow the IEEE 754 standard
Integer data follow the two’s complement encoding
I know also the total number of bytes and also the relative number of bytes for each single 'slice' (we have 512 samples * 10 channel * 3971 slices [x2 byte per sample]).
Furthermore: 'A Data Block of type Radar Volume stores a 3D array of radar Samples At the moment, each sample value is stored in a 16-bit signed integer. Each Sample value is in volts in the range [-20, 20].'
Second block contains geolocation infos.
I'd like to read and convert the Data Block from that codification but it ain't clear especially how many bytes break the data and how to convert them from that codification to number.
I tried to use this part of code:
bin_data = ogpr_data(48:(length(ogpr_data)-1),1);
writematrix(bin_data, 'bin_data.txt');
fileID = fopen('bin_data.txt', 'r', 'ieee-le');
format = 'uint16';
Data = fread(fileID, Inf, format);fclose(fileID)
Looks like your posted code is mixing text files and binary files. The writematrix( ) routine writes values as comma delimited text. Then you turn around and try to use fopen( ) and fread( ) to read this as a binary file in IEEE Little Endian format. These are two totally different things. You need to pick one format and use it consistently, either human readable comma delimited text files, or machine readable binary IEEE format files.

Loading a CSV File taking forever

I am trying to load a 4.0 GB large CSV file into Matlab. I have 40GB of RAM. However, the table does not seem to finish loading. (Activity Monitor showed fast increase of RAM use up to 38.64GB and stopped after that. CPU still in heavily in use.)
According to the force quit menu of apple, matlab is has not gotten stuck. (I'd guess a missing "Matlab is not responding"-message signals that.)
1st Question: Why does it even take up that much RAM? I've read RAM duplicates. Can I do something in this regard?
2nd Question: Can I speed this project up. Split the CSV somehow?
3rd Question: Can I speed up my computer? It is taking forever, while using only 30% of CPU capacity... Why does it not use more? The vents are not crazy loud, so I guess "it's chilling".
Edit: It went up to 72.80 and is now decreasing...
Edit: Now back down at 55.something
There are a few concepts you should be aware of with Matlab.
Strings are stored as UINT16 (sort of, I can never get this right). Importantly what this means is that every character requires 2 bytes. If you stored the entire file as a long string it would take up 8 GB.
Values, whether they are arrays or scalars, are stored with headers. This means that storing a string (technically a character array, strings - the ones with double quotes instead of single quotes - may be different) requires a header that is roughly 104 bytes. This means something like 'test' requires roughly 108 bytes! If you can store an array of numbers then the 104 byte overhead is minimal. If you have a cell array of scalars, then each scalar is taking up 112 byes (assuming the scalar is an 8 byte double). This might be a bit confusing but in the end it means if you're not careful reading a CSV file your memory requirements can explode.
So what can you do. Tables store columns as arrays where possible. You can try readtable although I think the underlying implementation might not be memory efficient.
For large files Matlab suggests using the datastore function. It will fix your memory problem although it may be a bit slow.
The other option is to read the entire file into memory and to do your own custom processing. For example, assuming you don't have anything escaped (i.e. commas that are not actually delimiters), you can find all relevant delimiters by using:
%Find comma or newline
I = regexp(temp,',|\n')
Here's an example of extracting various columns. As indicated above, this has a large overhead for strings (character arrays) but is efficient for numbers.
%Fake data as an example, 3 columns with middle one numeric
temp = sprintf('asdf,1234,temp\nfred,324,chip\ncheese,12,you are always right');
I = regexp(temp,',|\n');
starts = [0 I];
ends = [I length(temp)+1];
n_columns = 3;
%extract column 2
c2 = arrayfun(#(x,y) str2double(temp(x+1:y-1)),starts(2:n_columns:end),ends(2:n_columns:end));
%extract column 1
c1 = arrayfun(#(x,y) temp(x+1:y-1),...
Depending on your use case this may work or it may not. To read the file into memory you can use fileread
In answer to question(2): It is quite straightforward to split the csv up, assuming there are more rows than columns...
bigfile= csvread(filename);
csvwrite('first.csv', bigfile(1:size,:));
csvwrite('second.csv', bigfile(size:beglen,:));
Or even doing this with SEVERAL files; it may not make it faster overall, but it would allow you to observe the process as each file is read.
I think that MatLab itself has a limit of how much input it is allowed to take in. I'm sure you can set that in the preferences if you have the high enough version.
Check this out:

MATLAB: Large text file to Matrix conversion

I need to read a text file in MATLAB containing 436 float values in each line (text file size is 25GB, so you can estimate the number of lines) and then convert it to a matrix so that I can take the transpose. How to do it? Won't the format specifier be too long?
Let's assume that the floats in your file are written in a format such that you have 15 digits after the floating point. So we have 17 characters for each float. Then, let's also assume that they are separated by a character, and that we have a \n at the end of each line, so that we will have 436*18=7848 characters in total, which assuming ascii characters will use one byte each. Then, your file uses about 25G of memory, so you can say that you have (25*2^30)/7848=3.6041e+06 lines (using 2^30 bytes in a gygabyte, the scale is roughly the same if you prefer the definition as 10^9 bytes)`.
So, a matrix of size 4e6, 436 (I'm assuming a much larger higher bound on your matrix size) will, assuming each float takes 4 bytes, roughly take about 6.48G. This is nothing crazy, and you can find this amount of contiguous memory to allocate when reading the matrix using the load function, given you have a decent amount of RAM on your machine. I have 8G at the moment, and rand(4*1e6,436) allocates the desired amount of memory, although it ends up using the swap space and slowing down. I assume that load itself will have some amount of overhead, but if you have 16G of RAM (which is not crazy nowadays) you can safely go with load.
Now if you think that you wont find that much contiguous memory, I suggest that you just separate your file into chunks, like 10 matrices, and load and transpose them separately. How you do that is up to you and depends on the application, and whether there are any sparsity patterns in the data or not. Also, make sure (if you don't need the extra precision) that you are using single float precision.

Performance issue with reading DICOM data into cell array

I need to read 4000 or more DICOM files. I have written the following code to read the files and store the data into a cell array so I can process them later. A single DICOM file contains 128 * 931 data. But once I execute the code it took more than 55 minutes to complete the iteration. Can someone point out to me the performance issue of the following code?
% read the file information form the disk to memory
for i=1:4000
% Read the information form the dicom files in to arrays
data_double{i}=double(data{1,i}); % convert 16 bit data into double
first_chip{i}=data_double{1,i}(1:129,1:129); % extracting first chip data into an array
You are reading 128*931*4000 pixels into memory (assuming 16-bit values, that's nearly 1 GB), converting that to doubles (4 GB) and extracting a region (129*129*4000*8 = 0.5 GB). You are keeping all three of these copies, which is a terrible amount of data! Try not keeping all that data around:
readFile = dir('d:\images','*.dcm');
first_chip = cell(size(readFile));
info = cell(size(readFile));
for ii = 1:numel(readFile)
info{ii} = dicominfo(readFile(ii).name);
data = dicomread(info{ii});
data = (1:129,1:129); % extracting first chip data
first_chip{ii} = double(data); % convert 16 bit data into double
Here, I have pre-allocated the first_chip and info arrays. If you don't do this, the arrays will be re-allocated every time you add an element, causing expensive copies. I have also extracted the ROI first, then converted to double, as suggested by Rahul in his answer. Finally, I am re-using the DICOM info structure to read the file. I don't know if this makes a big difference in speed, but it saves the dicomread function some effort.
But note that this process will still take a considerable amount of time. Reading DICOM files is complex, and takes time. I suggest you read them all in once, then save the first_chip and info cell arrays into a MAT-file, which will be a lot faster to read in at a later time.
You can run the profiler to check which part of the code is taking up most of the time! But as far as it looks to me is that its your iteration size & the time taken is very much genuine. You could try and use parallel computing ( parfor loop) if you have a multicore processor, that should decrease the runtime significantly depending upon the number of cores that you have.
One suggestion would be to exctract the 'first chip data' first and then convert it to double, as the conversion process takes a significant amount of time.

loading large csv files in Matlab

I had csv files of size 6GB and I tried using the import function on Matlab to load them but it failed due to memory issue. Is there a way to reduce the size of the files?
I think the no. of columns are causing the problem. I have a 133076 rows by 2329 columns. I had another file which is of the same no. of rows but only 12 rows and Matlab could handle that. However, once the columns increases, the files got really big.
Ulitmately, if I can read the data column wise so that I can have 2329 column vector of 133076, that will be great.
I am using Matlab 2014a
Numeric data are by default stored by Matlab in double precision format, which takes up 8 bytes per number. Data of size 133076 x 2329 therefore take up 2.3 GiB in memory. Do you have that much free memory? If not, reducing the file size won't help.
If the problem is not that the data themselves don't fit into memory, but is really about the process of reading such a large csv-file, then maybe using the syntax
M = csvread(filename,R1,C1,[R1 C1 R2 C2])
might help, which allows you to only read part of the data at one time. Read the data in chunks and assemble them in a (preallocated!) array.
If you do not have enough memory, another possibility is to read chunkwise and then convert each chunk to single precision before storing it. This reduces memory consumption by a factor of two.
And finally, if you don't process the data all at once, but can implement your algorithm such that it uses only a few rows or columns at a time, that same syntax may help you to avoid having all the data in memory at the same time.