How to compare on Scala enumerations Value-type? - scala

Consider this:
import packageName.doType._
class Worker
def doSomething(doType: DoType): Unit =
if(doType == Default) //...
Same file
object DoType extends Enumeration
type DoType = Value
val Default, Special = Value
Now as soon as I added the if(doType == Default) line I get two errors:
"==" cannot be resolved and suddenly "Value" in the DoType is not found anymore -.-
How can I check on the actual value of doType? I can solve the same very easily with (case-)classes, but I wanted to do it with enumerations.
edit: I already know that one cannot do pattern-matching on the type as it is a def and no val, still: How would you do this then?

The problem is in this line:
def doSomething(doType: DoType): Unit
IMHO it should be:
def doSomething(doType: DoType.Value): Unit


Scala type classes resolution

I have seen this solution work on the past, so I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong. Consider the answer of How does type class resolution in scala work?
out of it I did this code:
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
case class OptionFinder[A](isOption: Boolean)
object OptionFinder extends LowerPriority {
implicit def hitOption[A]: OptionFinder[Option[A]] = OptionFinder(true)
trait LowerPriority {
implicit def notOption[A]: OptionFinder[A] = OptionFinder(false)
object OptionFinderSpec extends Specification {
"OptionFinder" should {
"find Options" in {
def myFunction[A](value: A)(implicit optionFinder: OptionFinder[A]): Boolean = {
myFunction(5) must beFalse
myFunction(None) must beTrue
myFunction(Some(5)) must beTrue
On my understanding, all tests should pass. For some reason both myFunction(None) must beTrue and myFunction(Some(5)) must beTrue fail
What am I doing wrong?
Compiler is recognizing your parameters in those two cases as None and Some instead of as Option. It's tricky to have an implicit instance for "any A" because then you might be stumbling upon this situation quite often, where you expect some more specific type to be used (e.g. Option[A]), but you accidentally fall back to the implicit for the generic type (in this case A), and compiler cannot really know that it's not what you wanted.
So, this will work:
myFunction(Option.empty) must beTrue
myFunction(Option(5)) must beTrue
This will also work:
implicit def hitOption[A]: OptionFinder[Option[A]] = OptionFinder(true)
implicit def hitOptionN: OptionFinder[None.type] = OptionFinder(true)
implicit def hitOptionS[A]: OptionFinder[Some[A]] = OptionFinder(true)
myFunction(None) must beTrue
myFunction(Some(5)) must beTrue
You can blame the design of Option for this one. I'm pretty sure every single Scala developer has at least once encountered the problem "Option expected, but found Some". If you construct them using empty and apply you will be on the safe side.

Option and null in Scala

If I have the following function:
def getOrNull[T >: Null](f: => T): T = {
try { f } catch { case _: NullPointerException => null }
And I want to use it with Option like so:
val r = Option(getOrNull(someString.split("/")(0)))
I get:
Error:(25, 19) Option.type does not take parameters
What is going on, and how can I overcome this?
You might wonder what Option you are referring to.
From sbt console, use //print<tab>:
scala> Option //print
scala.Option // : Option.type
For better context:
package nooption
class Option(arg: String) // some other option on class path
object Option
object Test {
import scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println {
The class name for the companion object has a dollar at the end.
Your IDE might "go to definition."
If you started a REPL at the command line, class files in the current directory are on its class path. If you previously compiled an Option in the default or "empty" package, it will hide scala.Option.
As noted in the comments, this code does compile OK, but you really shouldn't use null in Scala unless you are interfacing with Java.
This is a better way of implementing your code:
val r = Try{ someString.split("/")(0) }.toOption
Try is widely used in Scala so this code is clear to anyone experienced with the language, so there is no need for a separate function.

How to update a mongo record using Rogue with MongoCaseClassField when case class contains a scala Enumeration

I am upgrading existing code from Rogue 1.1.8 to 2.0.0 and lift-mongodb-record from 2.4-M5 to 2.5.
I'm having difficulty writing MongoCaseClassField that contains a scala enum, that I really could use some help with.
For example,
object MyEnum extends Enumeration {
type MyEnum = Value
val A = Value(0)
val B = Value(1)
case class MyCaseClass(name: String, value: MyEnum.MyEnum)
class MyMongo extends MongoRecord[MyMongo] with StringPk[MyMongo] {
def meta = MyMongo
class MongoCaseClassFieldWithMyEnum[OwnerType <: net.liftweb.record.Record[OwnerType], CaseType](rec : OwnerType)(implicit mf : Manifest[CaseType]) extends MongoCaseClassField[OwnerType, CaseType](rec)(mf) {
override def formats = super.formats + new EnumSerializer(MyEnum)
object myCaseClass extends MongoCaseClassFieldWithMyEnum[MyMongo, MyCaseClass](this)
/// ...
When we try to write to this field, we get the following error:
could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type
.and(_.myCaseClass setTo myCaseClass)
We used to have this working in Rogue 1.1.8, by using our own version of the MongoCaseClassField, which made the #formats method overridable. But that feature was included into lift-mongodb-record in 2.5-RC6, so we thought this should just work now?
Answer coming from :
But more convenient directly here on StackOverFlow:
Sorry, I should have chimed in here sooner.
One of the long-standing problems with Rogue was that it was too easy to
accidentally make a field that was not serializable as BSON, and have it
fail at runtime (when you try to add that value to a DBObject) rather than
at compile time.
I introduced the BSONType type class to try to address this. The upside is
it catches BSON errors at compile time. The downside is you need to make a
choice when it comes to case classes.
If you want to do this the "correct" way, define your case class plus a
BSONType "witness" for that case class. To define a BSONType witness, you
need to provide serialization from that type to a BSON type. Example:
case class TestCC(v: Int)
implicit object TestCCIsBSONType extends BSONType[TestCC] {
override def asBSONObject(v: TestCC): AnyRef = {
// Create a BSON object
val ret = new BasicBSONObject
// Serialize all the fields of the case class
ret.put("v", v.v)
That said, this can be quite burdensome if you're doing it for each case
class. Your second option is to define a generic witness that works for any
case class, if you have a generic serialization scheme:
implicit def CaseClassesAreBSONTypes[CC <: CaseClass]: BSONType[CC] =
new BSONType[CC] {
override def asBSONObject(v: CC): AnyRef = {
// your generic serialization code here, maybe involving formats
Hope this helps,

Is it possible to define companion classes/modules in the Scala interpreter?

It's often convenient to test things out in the Scala interpreter. However, one issue I run into is that I have to restructure code that uses implicit conversions because defining an object with the same name as an existing class does not make it a companion module in the REPL. As a result, I can't be confident my code will still work when I translate back to "real source".
Is there a way to define companions in the REPL? Maybe something along the lines of
bigblock {
class A
object A {
implicit def strToA(s: String): A = // ...
such that
val v: A = "apple"
will compile.
That's close:
object ABlock {
class A
object A {
implicit def strToA(s: String): A = // ...
import ABlock._
Or, the following, if you put everything on one line:
class A; object A { implicit def strToA(s: String): A = // ... } }
...though either way you'll still need to import the implicit conversion to make the following work as you requested:
import ABlock.A.strToA // for the form with the enclosing object
import A.strToA // for the one-line form without an enclosing object
val v: A = "apple"
The reason you need to do this is that every line you enter at the REPL is enclosed in an object and each subsequent one is nested within the immediately preceding one. This is done so you can do things like the following without getting redefinition errors:
val a = 5
val a = "five"
(Effectively, the second definition of a here shadows the first.)
With more recent versions use can use the :paste command.

Any way to access the type of a Scala Option declaration at runtime using reflection?

So, I have a Scala class that looks like this:
class TestClass {
var value: Option[Int] = None
and I'm tackling a problem where I have a String value and I want to coerce it into that Option[Int] at runtime using reflection. So, in another piece of code (that knows nothing about TestClass) I have some code like this:
def setField[A <: Object](target: A, fieldName: String, value: String) {
val field = target.getClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName)
val coercedValue = ???; // How do I figure out that this needs to be Option[Int] ?
field.set(target, coercedValue)
To do this, I need to know that the field is an Option and that the type parameter of the Option is Int.
What are my options for figuring out that the type of 'value' is Option[Int] at runtime (i.e. using reflection)?
I have seen similar problems solved by annotating the field, e.g. #OptionType(Int.class). I'd prefer a solution that didn't require annotations on the reflection target if possible.
It's quite streightforward using Java 1.5 reflection API:
def isIntOption(clasz: Class[_], propertyName: String) = {
var result =
for {
method <- cls.getMethods
if method.getName==propertyName+"_$eq"
param <- method.getGenericParameterTypes.toList.asInstanceOf[List[ParameterizedType]]
} yield
param.getActualTypeArguments.toList == List(classOf[Integer])
&& param.getRawType == classOf[Option[_]]
if (result.length != 1)
throw new Exception();
At the byte code level, Java hasn't got Generics. Generics are implemented with polymorphism, so once your source code (in this case Scala) is compiled, generic types disappear (this is called type erasure ). This makes no possible to gather Generic runtime type information via reflection.
A possible --though little dirty-- workaround is to obtain the runtime type of a property you know it has the same type as the Generic parameter. For Option instances we can use get member
object Test {
def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
var option: Option[_]= None
option = Some(1)
def getType[_](option:Option[_]):Class[_]= {
if (option.isEmpty) classOf[Nothing] else (option.get.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]).getClass
class TestClass {
var value: Option[Int] = None
// ...
def doSomething {
value match {
case Some(i) => // i is an Int here
case None =>
// No other possibilities
The problem is that JVM implements generics through type erasure. So it's impossible to discover through reflection that the type of value is Option[Int] because at the run-time it actually isn't: it's just Option!
In 2.8 you should be able to use Manifests like this:
var value: Option[Int] = None
val valueManifest = implicitly[scala.reflect.Manifest[Option[Int]]]
valueManifest.typeArguments // returns Some(List(Int))