Passing array in parameter with Alamofire (.GET) - swift

I am using Alamofire 3.0
The following is my code
var ignoreIDs = [Int]()
let parameters = ["ignore_ids": self.ignoreIDs]
Alamofire.request(.GET, AppDelegate.kbaseUrl + "surveys/me", parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON)
.responseJSON {
response in
However, the result of print(response.result) just shows FAILURE.
Is there any way to get more information? Also, is this the correct way to pass an array as parameters?
P/S: Yes server side is indeed expecting an array.

To print out additional information about the result, you should use debugPrint(response.result).
var ignoreIDs = [Int]()
let parameters = ["ignore_ids": self.ignoreIDs]
Alamofire.request(.GET, AppDelegate.kbaseUrl + "surveys/me", parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON)
.responseJSON { response in
Both of these are overridden to provide more detail about the actual response.

sorry apparently it's my own fault. My method is a GET, so as Johnny mentioned I'm parsing in a form that the server wasn't expecting.
The answer for me should be append the parameters as a query string and to my base url.


Multiple Arguments in AlamoFire.Request

I am trying to access Spotify's web API. I am currently using Alamofire to request the search operation which only requires a token. However, I could not figure out why it won't let me send multiple arguments.
let headers = ["Authorization": "Bearer {your access token}"]
var searchURL = ""
AF.request(.GET, url, headers: headers)
.responseJSON { response in
Alamofire does a great job of formatting parameters to a request url. Just as you pass parameters with the .post method to the AF request function you also pass a parameters [string : any] to the AF request for .get methods as well. The difference is .post will put the parameters in the request.body/data vs. .get will format the parameters into the url with the ?q=my_search_string
something along the lines of this:
Let params: [string :any] = ["q": "odesza", "type":"track"]
AF.request(.GET, url, parameters:params, headers: headers) .responseJSON { response in debugPrint(response

Can't make post request using params as dictionary with Swift 4 & Alamofire

I'm trying to learn to call API with/without library. But the problem here confuses me.
I have params like this:
let parameters: [String:String] =
["key":"MY_KEY" ,
"source": sourceLanguage),
"target": target)]
let headers: HTTPHeaders = [ "Content-type": "application/json"]
I make a post call like this:
Alamofire.request(urlString, method:, parameters: parameters, headers: headers)
.responseJSON{ response in
guard response.result.error == nil else {
print("error calling POST on /todos/1")
// make sure we got some JSON since that's what we expect
guard let json = response.result.value as? [String: Any] else {
print("didn't get todo object as JSON from API")
print("Error: \(response.result.error)")
By this I get an error 403, saying that I do not have a valid API key (I tested the key with postman, and it is okay).
After many efforts, I have to change the code like this
let stringparams = "key=MY_KEY&q=\(sourceText)&source=\(sourceLanguage)&target=\(target)"
request.httpBody = String.Encoding.utf8)
and using this: Alamofire.request(request)
it works!
I'm using Google Cloud Translation api. And the web use a REST api as said here:
So why can't I use params as dictionary, but using the string (like formdata) will work here?
My guess is Alamofire didn't make the right BODY for the request from the parameters because other arguments is okay. But I don't know why.
And I think Google should accept a json params as they mentioned, in stead of using form data? I did try the original method, but it didn't work with JSON.
From what actually works for you it looks like you need to encode the parameters in the same style as a query. Try this:
struct ParameterQueryEncoding: ParameterEncoding {
func encode(_ urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible, with parameters: Parameters?) throws -> URLRequest {
var request = try urlRequest.asURLRequest()
request.httpBody = parameters?
.map { "\($0)=\($1)" }
.joined(separator: "&")
.data(using: .utf8)
return request
You should then be able to perform the original call that you had before:
parameters: parameters,
encoding: ParameterQueryEncoding(),
headers: headers)
.responseJSON { response in
Try by using JSON encoding. Make sure you have removed ) from dictionary.
Alamofire.request(URL, method: method, parameters: parameters, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: headers)

Is there a simple way to send a key, value in Alamofire in the body NOT param?

I need to send a list of strings under a key in the body. Alamofire makes parameters super simple but I can't figure out how to do it in the body of the request. This doesn't help me since its for a simple string and I can't figure out how to make it work for an array of strings: POST request with a simple string in body with Alamofire . This one is titled about a JSON body but the answer is giving them as params Alamofire 4, Swift 3 and building a json body . Does anyone have an answer or a link to something that actually solves my problem?
Code as requested:
var params = ["phone_numbers": [6314560046, 8458200476]] as [String: Any]
Alamofire.request(url, method: .post, parameters: params, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: headers).responseJSON() { response in
With Alamofire, the parameters are the body of the request. This creates your key with value of array of strings:
let parameters = ["Key": ["String1", "String2", "String3"]]
Then use the parameters in making the request:
Alamofire.request(URL, method: .post, parameters: paramaters, encoding: JSONEncoding.default)
.responseJSON { response in

POST request not working in swift3 with alamofire

I am using Alamofire for calling my API .
below is is the code.
func alamofirePost() {
let headers: HTTPHeaders = [ "content-type": "x-www-form-urlencoded"]
let todosEndpoint: String = ""
let newTodo: [String: Any] = ["UPC": codeTextView.text, "DATE_TIME": currentTime() ]
print("i am in alamo")
Alamofire.request(todosEndpoint, method: .post, parameters: newTodo ,encoding: JSONEncoding.default,headers: headers )
.responseJSON { response in
guard response.result.error == nil else {
// got an error in getting the data, need to handle it
print("error calling POST on /todos/1")
when i call the function , it is trying to inserting null values in the database
Below is the response when i do in postman app.
can someone please help
Firstly in your Postman request you are POSTing your body as x-www-form-urlencoded but in your Swift example you are specifying that header as well. BUT you're actually submitting your POST body as a JSON payload. In contrast, your Postman request is a set of key/value pairs.
Additionally, the two keys appear to be named differently from your Swift example and your Postman example.
Swift uses UPC and DATE_TIME while Postman has upc_app and dttm_app so at a minimum you'll want to ensure you send along what your API expects

How to make an HTTP GET Request with Parameters. SwiftyJSON Swift

Below mentioned snippet is working just fine. It queries JSON data. I just want to know how can I pass parameters with this.
let filePath = NSURL(string: "http://localhost:2403/postedjob")
let jsonData = NSData(contentsOfURL:filePath!)
let json = JSON(data: jsonData!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.AllowFragments, error: nil)
I want to pass this parameters:
let params = ["$limit": 2, "$sort": ["id":"+1"]] as Dictionary<String, AnyObject>
Alamofire may be a good option for you to pass the parameters.
For a GET request pass parameters in the query string (the part after the "?" mark).
For a POST request parameters can be sent in the body in a number of ways. Raw data, form data and JSON among other methods.
Of course the server has to match the method used.