I would like to know how long a mongo internal cache would sustain. I have a scenario in which i have some one million records and i have to perform a search on them using the mongo-java driver.
The initial search takes a lot of time (nearly one minute) where as the consecutive searches of same query reduces the computation time (to few seconds) due to mongo's internal caching mechanism.
But I do not know how long this cache would sustain, like is it until the system reboots or until the collection undergoes any write operation or things like that.
Any help in understanding this is appreciated!
Regarding the fields with which search is performed, some are indexed
and some are not.
Mongo version used 2.6.1
It will depend on a lot of factors, but the most prominent are the amount of memory in the server and how active the server is as MongoDB leaves much of the caching to the OS (by MMAP'ing files).
You need to take a long hard look at your log files for the initial query and try to figure out why it takes nearly a minute.
In most cases there is some internal cache invalidation mechanism that will drop your cached query internal record when write operation occurs. It is the simplest describing of process. Just from my own expirience.
But, as mentioned earlier, there are many factors besides simple invalidation that can have place.
MongoDB automatically uses all free memory on the machine as its cache.It would be better to use MongoDB 3.0+ versions because it comes with two Storage Engines MMAP and WiredTiger.
The major difference between these two is that whenever you perform a write operation in MMAP then the whole database is going to lock and whereas the locking mechanism is upto document level in WiredTiger.
If you are using MongoDB 2.6 version then you can also check the query performance and execution time taking to execute the query by explain() method and in version 3.0+ executionStats() in DB Shell Commands.
You need to index on a particular field which you will query to get results faster. A single collection cannot have more than 64 indexes. The more index you use in a collection there is performance impact in write/update operations.
I run MongoDB 4.0 on WiredTiger under Ubuntu Server 16.04 to store complex documents. There is an issue with one of the collections: the documents have many images written as strings in base64. I understand this is a bad practice, but I need some time to fix it.
Because of this some find operations fail, but only those which have a non-empty filter or skip. For example db.collection('collection').find({}) runs OK while db.collection('collection').find({category: 1}) just closes connection after a timeout. It doesn't matter how many documents should be returned: if there's a filter, the error will pop every time (even if it should return 0 docs), while an empty query always executes well until skip is too big.
UPD: some skip values make queries to fail. db.collection('collection').find({}).skip(5000).limit(1) runs well, db.collection('collection').find({}).skip(9000).limit(1) takes way much time but executes too, while db.collection('collection').find({}).skip(10000).limit(1) fails every time. Looks like there's some kind of buffer where the DB stores query related data and on the 10000 docs it runs out of the resources. The collection itself has ~10500 docs. Also, searching by _id runs OK. Unfortunately, I have no opportunity to make new indexes because the operation fails just like read.
What temporary solution I may use before removing base64 images from the collection?
This happens because such a problematic data scheme causes huge RAM usage. The more entities there are in the collection, the more RAM is needed not only to perform well but even to run find.
Increasing MongoDB default RAM usage with storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB config option allowed all the operations to run fine.
In the MongoDB Atlas dashboard query profiler, there's a Num Yields field. What is it?
From Database Profiler Output documentation page:
The number of times the operation yielded to allow other operations to complete. Typically, operations yield when they need access to data that MongoDB has not yet fully read into memory. This allows other operations that have data in memory to complete while MongoDB reads in data for the yielding operation. For more information, see the FAQ on when operations yield.
Basically most database operations in MongoDB has a "yield point", i.e. the point that it can yield control to other operations. This is usually waiting for data to be loaded from disk.
So in short, if you see a high number of yields, that means the query spent a lot of time waiting for data to be loaded from disk. The cause is typically:
A query returning or processing a large amount of data. If this is the cause, ensure the query only returns what you need. However this may not be avoidable in some use case (e.g. analytical).
Inefficient query that is not utilizing proper indexing, so the server was forced to load the full documents from disk all the time. If this is the cause, ensure that you have created proper indexes backing the query.
Small RAM in the server, so the data must be loaded from disk all the time. If none of the above, then the server is simply too small for the task at hand. Consider upgrading the server's hardware.
Note that a high number of yield is not necessarily bad if you don't see it all the time. However, it's certainly not good if you see this on a query that you run regularly.
I understand that mongo db does locking on read and write operations.
My Use case:
Only read operations. No write operations.
I have a collection about 10million documents. Storage engine is wiredTiger.
Mongo version is 3.4.
I made a request which should return 30k documents - took 650ms on an average.
When I made concurrent requests - same requests - 100 times - It takes in seconds - few seconds to 2 minutes all requests handled.
I have single node to serve the data.
How do I access the data:
Each document contains 25 to 40 fields. I indexed few fields. I query based on one index field.
API will return all the matching documents in json form.
Other informations: API is written using Spring boot.
Concurrency tested through JMeter shell script from command line on remote machine.
My question:
Am I missing any optimizations? [storage engine level, version]
Can't I achieve all read requests to be served less than a second?
If so, what sla I can keep for this use case?
Any suggestions?
I enabled database profiler in mongodb with level 2.
My single query internally converted to 4 queries:
Initial read
These are the queries found through profiler.
Totally, it is taking less than 100ms. Is it true really?
My concurrent queries:
Now, When I hit 100 requests, nearly 150 operations are more than 100ms, 100 operations are more than 200ms, 90 operations are more than 300ms.
As per my single query analysis, 100 requests will be converted to 400 queries internally. It is fixed pattern which I verified by checking the query tag in the profiler output.
I hope this is what affects my request performance.
My single query internally converted to 4 queries:
Initial read
It's the way mongo cursors work. The documents are transferred from the db to the app in batches. IIRC the first batch is around 100 documents + cursor Id, then consecutive getMore calls retrieve next batches by cursor Id.
You can define batch size (number of documents in the batch) from the application. The batch cannot exceed 16MB, e.g. if you set batch size 30,000 it will fit into single batch only if document size is less than 500B.
Your investigation clearly show performance degradation under load. There are too many factors and I believe locking is not one of them. WiredTiger does exclusive locks on document level for regular write operations and you are doing only reads during your tests, aren't you? In any doubts you can compare results of db.serverStatus().locks before and after tests to see how many write locks were acquired. You can also run db.serverStatus().globalLock during the tests to check the queue. More details about locking and concurrency are there: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/faq/concurrency/#for-wiredtiger
The bottleneck is likely somewhere else. There are few generic things to check:
Query optimisation. Ensure you use indexes. The profiler should have no "COLLSCAN" stage in execStats field.
System load. If your database shares system resources with application it may affect performance of the database. E.g. BSON to JSON conversion in your API is quite CPU hungry and may affect performance of the queries. Check system's LA with top or htop on *nix systems.
Mongodb resources. Use mongostat and mongotop if the server has enough RAM, IO, file descriptors, connections etc.
If you cannot spot anything obvious I'd recommend you to seek professional help. I find the simplest way to get one is by exporting data to Atlas, running your tests against the cluster. Then you can talk to the support team if they could advice any improvements to the queries.
Does MongoDB map reduce lock a collection when performing an operation on it?
I have some collections that are widely and intensively used by an application. A Map/Reduce runs in the background every 10 minutes via a cron job, on that widely and intensively used collection.
I want to know if there is a high probability that Map/Reduce won't perform well because other operations are in progress (inserts, updates, and mostly reads) on that collection. In particular, I want know if Map/Reduce interferes with normal operations performed on the collection by users.
MapReduce, if outputting to a collection will take multiple write locks out as it writes (as any operation which is creating/updating a collection would). If you are doing an in-line MR, then you avoid that locking (but have limitations on result sizes). Even so, there are still read-locks and the Javascript lock (single threaded for server side JS on mongoDB right now).
This is all explained (and will be updated if it changes) here:
Note: the SpiderMonkey to V8 JS engine migration issues are ones to watch if multi-threading is something you are concerned about.
I'm using MongoDB with Node.js. Is there any speed advantage to using a MapReduce in Mongo as opposed to getting the full result set and doing a map and reduce in JS on my own?
There is usually no performance advantage to retrieving the entire resultset and performing the m/r app-side. In fact, in almost all situations cramming the entire resultset in memory on your node server is a particularly bad idea.
Doing the map/reduce on MongoDB will make sure no bandwidth between the database and your app server is wasted on retrieving the resultset and writing back the results of your m/r. MongoDB's map/reduce can also be easily scaled up.
TL;DR : Always do it in MongoDB
If your database is on a different host than your server, the transfer of data will be smaller, which will waste less bandwidth and time.
The actual transfer of data can be costly and time consuming. Imagine if everytime you wanted to do an inventory count you shipped all your items to another warehouse.
Also you have to factor in how things will scale.
With mongodb you will typically want at least one replica for your data and that will add performance for read based tasks.
With node you probably wont need to add a second server for a good while due to how well it scales. Adding an intensive task to it could cause you to need to expand the amount of node servers facing outwards.