intellij idea 15.0 cannot see lombok annotations - plugins

I've upgraded my IntelliJ Idea to v. 15.0
Lombok plugin is installed and enabled, annotation processing is also enabled. But compiler still doesn't see annotations. What are possible solutions for this problem?

You'd have to install the latest version of the IntelliJ Lombok Plugin.
After that, go to Settings > Compiler > Annotations Processors and enable annotation processing for the project.

Preferences -> "Build, Execution, Deployment" -> Compiler -> Annotation Processors -> Click Enable Annotation Processing
Build -> Rebuild Project
Successful with Intellij 15 and lombok

I have IntelliJ 15 and Lombok plugin version, which works.
You can find that version of the plugin here
If that doesn't work, you should try and remove the plugin and re-installing it.

When I updated IDEA to v15, my lombok plugin got uninstalled. You have to install it again.

You'll need to download the lombok plugin and that should resolve your issues


Couldn't find type java.sql.Date. Are you missing a dependency on your classpath?

I'm trying to run my application in Spring Boot using MongoDB with spring-data but I can't because IntelliJ shows me this error during build:
Error:java: Couldn't find type java.sql.Date. Are you missing a
dependency on your classpath?
I'm using mongo java driver version 3.8.2, spring boot 2.1 and project is in Java 11. I have no idea what is wrong here could someone help me please?
Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven/Gradle -> Runner -> tic on "Delegate IDE build/run actions"
IDEA > File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processors
click/select the module in which you're encountering the troubles (middle part of the settings window)
ensure "Obtain processors from project classpath" is ticked (unselect custom "Processor path" option)
the problem came from this settings:
Please uncheckUser'--release' option for cross-compilation(Java 9 and later), it's a common source of problem with the library Date

Eclipse : Errors occurred during the build Groovy/Grail Project

I have installed GGTS plugin for eclipse kepler 3.5.1 RELEASE. I created simple grail project. But while building project. Its getting error
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Java Builder' on project 'FirstApp'.;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/lang/String;
and if we saw in markers, I found this error
Internal compiler error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/lang/String; at
Config.groovy /FirstApp/grails-app/conf line 0 Java Problem
I am using feroda 17. Eclipse Kepler.
We were experiencing the same error today, it turned out that the project created by GGTS had a groovy compiler level of 2.3 but the GGTS plugin only supported up to groovy compiler level 2.1.
The fix was to install the "groovy 2.3 compiler for groovy-eclipse".
The compiler can be found under the "language and support tooling" heading in the extensions browser which is opened by clicking the "IDE extensions" button in the STS dashboard.
Although the compiler states that it will automatically become the default workspace compiler in eclipse this did not happen for us. In fact we needed to set it as the workspace default in "preferrences > groovy > compiler" and then restart eclipse (maybe I restarted twice, cant remember exactly).
we also ended up installing "groovy 2.3 compiler for groovy-eclipse" twice as the first time an eclipse IDE update was installed, I think because our kepler installation was a bit old.
Hope this helps.

IntelliJ plugin for cucumber-scala

I am running Cucumber scala project in IntelliJ
IntelliJ IDEA - 13.0.2
I couldn't find separate plugin called cucumber for scala
In my project I am getting cannot resolve message for cucumber as below
Could see below errors as well
Existing plugins installed
What could be the solution
You are missing dependencies for cucumber-core and cucumber-scala, please have a look at the documentation and add them to your build.sbt file.
There is a newer version available for sbt-cucumber-plugin (0.8.0): Maybe that solves your problems.
Did you try the gen-idea plugin to create the IntelliJ IDEA project files ?

e(fx)clipse 0.9.0 on Kepler with Java 7

is it possible to run the e(fx)clipse sample application on Kepler & Java7 at all ?
I took the steps, descripted in tutorial 4 to integrate the target definition(s)
I tried the all-in-one-eclipse as well as upgrading a common kepler-eclipse with update-site
However, the Sample Project JavaFX/Samples/e4 Media Application can not be compiled.
With Target Definition "RCP 3x Platform", all! application dependencies can not be resolved
With Target Definition "Target Platform Feature" a warning comes up, that the target version is newer than my current Eclipse installation. There are no comile errors anymore, but running the app I will get a lot of runtime errors like:
Unresolved requirement: Require-Capability:; filter:="(&("
Did anybody get the sample "e4 Media Application" working ?
My Eclipse: Kepler Service Release 2
My Java: JDK 7u40
============== EDIT ==============
Got it working, thanks to Tom!
Install fresh new Eclipse: http://
Install Xtext 2.5.0, Update-Site: http://
Install e(fx)clipse, Update-Site: http://
Add new Target Platform, Update-Site: http://
Select FX Target -> Target Platform Feature
The nightly runtime site already requires Java8 (see announcement on e(fx)clipse newsrpoup!)
If you want to run it on Java7 you need to use for the target platform

lombok 0.10.1. error in Eclipse 3.7

when I try to use the #Data annotation with lombok 0.10.1. in Eclipse: 3.7.0.v20110504-0800-7b7qFVpFEx2XnmYtj_9RfO7
I got this error, can anyone advise?
Lombok annotation handler class lombok.eclipse.handlers.HandleData failed
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java/util/Arrays.copyOf([Ljava/lang/Object;I)[Ljava/lang/Object;
at lombok.eclipse.handlers.EclipseHandlerUtil.createSuppressWarningsAll(
at lombok.eclipse.handlers.EclipseHandlerUtil.injectMethod(
at lombok.eclipse.handlers.HandleEqualsAndHashCode.generateMethods(
at lombok.eclipse.handlers.HandleEqualsAndHashCode.generateEqualsAndHashCodeForType(
at lombok.eclipse.handlers.HandleData.handle(
at lombok.eclipse.HandlerLibrary$AnnotationHandlerContainer.handle(
at lombok.eclipse.HandlerLibrary.handleAnnotation(
at lombok.eclipse.TransformEclipseAST$AnnotationVisitor.visitAnnotationOnType(
at lombok.eclipse.EclipseNode.traverse(
at lombok.eclipse.EclipseAST.traverseChildren(
at lombok.eclipse.EclipseNode.traverse(
at lombok.eclipse.EclipseAST.traverseChildren(
at lombok.eclipse.EclipseNode.traverse(
at lombok.eclipse.EclipseAST.traverse(
at lombok.eclipse.TransformEclipseAST.go(
at lombok.eclipse.TransformEclipseAST.transform(
at lombok.eclipse.TransformEclipseAST.transform_swapped(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.endParse(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.CommentRecorderParser.endParse(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.SourceElementParser.endParse(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.parse(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.parse(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.parse(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.SourceElementParser.parseCompilationUnit(
The cause of this problem is that that version of lombok used java6 API, and I suppose you're using java5 to run eclipse. This has been fixed in the 0.10.4 release. The current version is 0.10.6.
Disclosure: I'm one of the core contributors.