i m having a very weird issue, i m using grails afterUpdate in domain for saving the activity on db.
The code i m using to create a record in my collection "DatabaseEvent" is working in controller and saving the object perfectly but the same code is not saving object in afterUpdate() method ,
even the code is executing and not giving any error but still it is not saving the object
def afterUpdate () {
println "==++++==="
def dbEvent = new DatabaseEvent(type: "Created", entityClass : "Central Zone", objectId: this.id )
println "======"
println it
println "saved=="
it does print out "==++++===" and goes in else and print saved==
but the object is not saved in db, i m using mongodb
and sometimes it gives , the stackoverflow error and creates a lot of entries in just one call, i dont understand it, any solution for this ??
i have edited the question, as one i thing i noticed it is giving me stackoverflow when i use save(flush :true) and created a lots of records in one call and if i dont use it , it just dont create any ??
Transaction in service layer is coupled with the datasource associated, here you need to initiate a transaction to save the data like this
def afterUpdate () {
println "==++++==="
DatabaseEvent.withTransaction { status->
def dbEvent = new DatabaseEvent(type: "Created", entityClass : "Central Zone", objectId: this.id )
println "======"
println it
println "saved=="
I was trying to update a row on the database and noticed that once the row was updated, getAll stopped working correctly. All the records that were updated, started missing from getAll's result.
for instance, imagine you have a list of products [product1, product2, product3]. if I do something like product2.someProperty = 2 followed by a product2.merge(), product two will start missing from the list. So the result of Products.getAll() will be [product1, product3].
(Sorry if this is a noob question)
If I perform a Product.get(idOfUpdatedProduct), it will work.
I've checked the database and the merge is updating the data correctly.
The problem seems to be on the GetAll() method.
findAll() presents the same behavior.
my code:
def update() {
Product product = productService.detail(params.id?.toLong())
bindData(product, params)
redirect action: "show", params: [id: params.id]
void updateProduct(product) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder()
product.errors.allErrors.each { str << "${it}" }
if (!str.toString().isEmpty()) throw new Exception("Error: ${str.toString()}")
product.merge(flush: true, failOnError: true)
I found the problem.
the result was actually being returned, but for some reason, it was placed in the middle of the list.
I solved it by sorting the list.
Coming from a Java background, I have been trying to teach myself Scala for some time now. As part of that, I am doing a small pet project that exposes a HTTP endpoint that saves the registration numberof a vehicle against the owner and returns the status.
To give more context, I am using Slick as FRM which performs DB operations asynchronously and returns a Future.
Based on the output of this Future, I want to set the status variable to return back to the client.
Here, is the code
def addVehicleOwner(vehicle: Vehicle): String = {
var status = ""
val addFuture = db.run((vehicles returning vehicles.map(_.id)) += vehicle)
addFuture onComplete {
case Success(id) => {
BotLogger.info(LOGTAG, s"Vehicle registered at $id ")
status = String.format("Registration number - '%s' mapped to owner '%s' successfully", vehicle.registration,
println(s"status inside success $status") //--------- (1)
case Failure(e: SQLException) if e.getMessage.contains("SQLITE_CONSTRAINT") => {
status = updateVehicleOwner(vehicle)
BotLogger.info(LOGTAG, s"Updated owner='${vehicle.owner}' for '${vehicle.registration}'")
case Failure(e) => {
BotLogger.error(LOGTAG, e)
status = "Sorry, unable to add now!"
println(s"Status=$status") //--------- (2)
// Helper method for running a query in this example file:
def exec[T](sqlFuture: Future[T]):T = Await.result(sqlFuture, 1 seconds)
This was fairly simple in Java. With Scala, I am facing the following problems:
The expected value gets printed at (1), but (2) always prints empty string and same is what method returns. Can someone explain why?
I even tried marking the var status as #volatile var status, it still evaluates to empty string.
I know, that the above is not the functional way of doing things as I am muting state. What is the clean way of writing code for such cases.
Almost all the examples I could find described how to map the result of Success or handle Failure by doing a println. I want to do more than that.
What are some good references of small projects that I can refer to? Specially, that follow TDD.
Instead of relying on status to complete inside the closure, you can recover over the Future[T] which handle the exception if they occur, and always returns the result you want. This is taking advantage of the nature of expressions in Scala:
val addFuture =
db.run((vehicles returning vehicles.map(_.id)) += vehicle)
.recover {
case e: SQLException if e.getMessage.contains("SQLITE_CONSTRAINT") => {
val status = updateVehicleOwner(vehicle)
s"Updated owner='${vehicle.owner}' for '${vehicle.registration}'"
case e => {
BotLogger.error(LOGTAG, e)
val status = "Sorry, unable to add now!"
val result: String = exec(addFuture)
println(s"Status = $result")
Note that Await.result should not be used in any production environment as it synchronously blocks on the Future, which is exactly the opposite of what you actually want. If you're already using a Future to delegate work, you want it to complete asynchronously. I'm assuming your exec method was simply for testing purposes.
I'm trying to write some unit test utilities for an orientDB client in scala.
The following is intended to take a function to operate on a DB, and it should wrap the function with code to create and destroy the DB for a single unit test.
However, there doesn't see to be much good documentation on how to clean up a memory DB (and looking at many open source projects, people seem to simply just leak databases and create new ones on a new port).
Simply calling db.close leaves the DB listening to a port and subsequent tests fail. Calling db.drop seems to work, but only if the func succeeded in adding data to the DB.
So, what cleanup is required in the finally clause?
def fTest2(): Unit = {
def withJSONDBLoan(func: ODatabaseDocumentTx => Unit) : Unit = {
val db: ODatabaseDocumentTx = new ODatabaseDocumentTx("memory:jsondb")
try {
} finally {
if (!db.isClosed){
db.close // Nope. DB is leaked.
// db.drop seems to close the DB but can't
// see when to safely call this.
val query1 = "insert into ouser set name='test',password='test', status='ACTIVE'"
withJSONDBLoan { db =>
db.command(new OCommandSQL(query1)).execute[ODocument]()
// Fails at create because DB already exists.
val query2 = "insert into ouser set name='test2',password='test2', status='ACTIVE'"
withJSONDBLoan { db =>
db.command(new OCommandSQL(query2)).execute[ODocument]()
I tried your code and it worked for me.
Hope it helps.
I've a MongoDB collection where I store User documents like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("52d14842ed0000ed0017cceb"),
"email": "joe#gmail.com",
"firstName": "Joe"
Users must be unique by email address, so I added an index for the email field:
Index(List("email" -> IndexType.Ascending), unique = true)
And here is how I insert a new document:
def insert(user: User): Future[User] = {
val json = user.asJson.transform(generateId andThen copyKey(publicIdPath, privateIdPath) andThen publicIdPath.json.prune).get
collection.insert(json).map { lastError =>
User(json.transform(copyKey(privateIdPath, publicIdPath) andThen privateIdPath.json.prune).get).get
}.recover {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"an user with email ${user.email} already exists")
In case of error, the code above throws an IllegalArgumentException and the caller is able to handle it accordingly. BUT if I modify the recover section like this...
def insert(user: User): Future[User] = {
val json = user.asJson.transform(generateId andThen copyKey(publicIdPath, privateIdPath) andThen publicIdPath.json.prune).get
collection.insert(json).map { lastError =>
User(json.transform(copyKey(privateIdPath, publicIdPath) andThen privateIdPath.json.prune).get).get
}.recover {
case e: Throwable => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"an user with email ${user.email} already exists")
... I no longer get an IllegalArgumentException, but I get something like this:
play.api.Application$$anon$1: Execution exception[[IllegalArgumentException: DatabaseException['E11000 duplicate key error index: gokillo.users.$email_1 dup key: { : "giuseppe.greco#agamura.com" }' (code = 11000)]]]
... and the caller is no longer able to handle the exception as it should. Now the real questions are:
How do I handle the diverse error types (i.e. the ones provided by LastError) in the recover section?
How do I ensure the caller gets the expected exceptions (e.g. IllegalArgumentException)?
Finally I was able to manage things correctly. Here below is how to insert an user and handle possible exceptions with ReactiveMongo:
val idPath = __ \ 'id
val oidPath = __ \ '_id
* Generates a BSON object id.
protected val generateId = __.json.update(
(oidPath \ '$oid).json.put(JsString(BSONObjectID.generate.stringify))
* Converts the current JSON into an internal representation to be used
* to interact with Mongo.
protected val toInternal = (__.json.update((oidPath \ '$oid).json.copyFrom(idPath.json.pick))
andThen idPath.json.prune
* Converts the current JSON into an external representation to be used
* to interact with the rest of the world.
protected val toExternal = (__.json.update(idPath.json.copyFrom((oidPath \ '$oid).json.pick))
andThen oidPath.json.prune
def insert(user: User): Future[User] = {
val json = user.asJson.transform(idPath.json.prune andThen generateId).get
success => User(json.transform(toExternal).get).get,
failure => DaoServiceException(failure.getMessage)
The user parameter is a POJO-like instance with an internal representation in JSON – User instances always contain valid JSON since it is generated and validated in the constructor and I no longer need to check whether user.asJson.transform fails.
The first transform ensures there is no id already in the user and then generates a brand new Mongo ObjectID. Then, the new object is inserted in the database, and finally the result converted back to the external representation (i.e. _id => id). In case of failure, I just create a custom exception with the current error message. I hope that helps.
My experience is more with the pure java driver, so I can only comment on your strategy for working with mongo in general -
It seems to me that all you're accomplishing by doing the query beforehand is duplicating mongos uniqueness check. Even with that, you still have to percolate an exception upwards because of possible failure. Not only is this slower, but it's vulnerable to a race condition because the combination of your query + insert is not atomic. In that case you'd have
request 1: try to insert. email exists? false - Proceed with insert
request 2: try to insert. email exists? false - Proceed with insert
request 1: succeed
request 2: mongo will throw the database exception.
Wouldn't it be simpler to just let mongo throw the db exception and throw your own illegal argument if that happens?
Also, pretty sure the id will be generated for you if you omit it, and that there's a simpler query for doing your uniqueness check, if that's still the way you want to code it. At least in the java driver you can just do
collection.findOne(new BasicDBObject("email",someemailAddress))
Take a look at upsert mode of the update method (section "Insert a New Document if No Match Exists (Upsert)"): http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/db.collection.update/#insert-a-new-document-if-no-match-exists-upsert
I asked a similar question a while back on reactivemongo's google group. You can have another case inside the recovery block to match a LastError object, query its error code, and handle the error appropriately. Here's the original question:
I have the following calls (actually a few more than this - it's the overall method that's in question here):
1st point is - is it OK to call methods that call WCF services like this? I tried daisy chaining them and it was a mess.
An example of one of the refresh methods being called above is (they all follow the same pattern, just call different services and populate different tables):
public void RefreshEventData (object state)
Console.WriteLine ("in RefreshEventData");
var eservices = new AppServicesClient (new BasicHttpBinding (), new EndpointAddress (this.ServciceUrl));
//default the delta to an old date so that if this is first run we get everything
var eventsLastUpdated = DateTime.Now.AddDays (-100);
try {
eventsLastUpdated = (from s in GuideStar.Data.Database.Main.Table<GuideStar.Data.Event> ()
orderby s.DateUpdated descending
select s).ToList ().FirstOrDefault ().DateUpdated;
} catch (Exception ex1) {
Console.WriteLine (ex1.Message);
try {
eservices.GetAuthorisedEventsWithExtendedDataAsync (this.User.Id, this.User.Password, eventsLastUpdated);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine ("error updating events: " + ex.Message);
eservices.GetAuthorisedEventsWithExtendedDataCompleted += delegate(object sender, GetAuthorisedEventsWithExtendedDataCompletedEventArgs e) {
try {
List<Event> newEvents = e.Result.ToList ();
GuideStar.Data.Database.Main.EventsAdded = e.Result.Count ();
lock (GuideStar.Data.Database.Main) {
GuideStar.Data.Database.Main.Execute ("BEGIN");
foreach (var s in newEvents) {
GuideStar.Data.Database.Main.InsertOrUpdateEvent (new GuideStar.Data.Event {
Name = s.Name,
DateAdded = s.DateAdded,
DateUpdated = s.DateUpdated,
Deleted = s.Deleted,
StartDate = s.StartDate,
Id = s.Id,
Lat = s.Lat,
Long = s.Long
GuideStar.Data.Database.Main.Execute ("COMMIT");
LocationsCount = 0;
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine("error InsertOrUpdateEvent " + ex.Message);
} finally {
OnDatabaseUpdateStepCompleted (EventArgs.Empty);
OnDatabaseUpdateStepCompleted - just iterates an updateComplete counter when it's called and when it knows that all of the services have come back ok it removes the waiting spinner and the app carries on.
This works OK 1st time 'round - but then sometimes it doesn't with one of these: http://monobin.com/__m6c83107d
I think the 1st question is - is all this OK? I'm not used to using threading and locks so I am wandering into new ground for me. Is using QueueUserWorkItem like this ok? Should I even be using lock before doing the bulk insert/update? An example of which:
public void InsertOrUpdateEvent(Event festival){
try {
if (!festival.Deleted) {
Main.Insert(festival, "OR REPLACE");
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine("InsertOrUpdateEvent failed: " + ex.Message);
Then the next question is - what am I doing wrong that is causing these sqlite issues?
Sqlite is not thread safe.
If you want to access Sqlite from more than one thread, you must take a lock before you access any SQLite related structures.
Like this:
lock (db){
// Do your query or insert here
Sorry, no specific answers, but some thoughts:
Is SqlLite even threadsafe? I'm not sure - it may be that it's not (to the wrapper isn't). Can you lock on a more global object, so no two threads are inserting at the same time?
It's possible that the MT GC is getting a little overenthusiastic, and releasing your string before it's been used. Maybe keep a local reference to it around during the insert? I've had this happen with view controllers, where I had them in an array (tabcontrollers, specificially), but if I didn't keep an member variable around with the reference, they got GC'ed.
Could you get the data in a threaded manner, then queue everything up and insert them in a single thread? Atleast as a test anyway.