Unity FBX goes through every object - unity3d

I'm learning how to use mecanim and followed a tutorial using the Raw Mocap animation set from the unity store. But the default rig would walk through cubes and fall through the plane. I've added colliders to the cube and plane but it still wouldn't work. Any guidance will be appreciated.

your character should have colliders too and if it has a rigidbody component attached to it set IsTrigger=false and it it has player controller attached to it it will only collide if the other object has player controller too


How to add an gameobject to an animated rig properly

I have moddeled and rigged an human in blender and I am able to play that animation in unity.
Now I am trying to add some objects to the human. For example an hat. But I cannot figure out, how it is made that the hat moves withe the animation.
I know, that the head has got the animation data. The hat does those data not have, hence the hat does not move.
How do I do this? Another scenario would be grapping sth. with the hand and that object should move together with the hand movement.
I would like to add those objects via script later on.
Thank you very much :)
In your character's rig in the unity scene,
Find the Bone that you want your target GameObject to follow, and add the target GameObject as a child of the bone GameObject in the Scene heirarchy, and position it with whatever position and rotation offset you need (In this case, on the head bone, maybe a little tipped)
In this case, you would find the Head bone of your rig, and add the Hat as a child gameobject of the head bone. Any animation you play, which modifies the bone positions should also move your target GameObject.

ARCore collider on generated planes

I'm just playing around with AR core and want to have an object flying around the room and able to land. I'm unsure about how to add colliders to the planes that ARcore is generating based on the visuals on the room. Would this involve instantiating box colliders on the planes somehow?
The ARCore SDK's trackable planes are essentially identified flat surfaces such as the ground or a tabletop.
You can ask the SDK for a list of points for each trackable plane's boundary polygon (retrieved in clockwise order) and create a mesh from those points via triangulation. With the mesh ready, create a GameObject and add a MeshCollider component that references it.
I've created a free Unity plugin that does exactly this. Feel free to use it: https://github.com/jonas-johansson/ARCoreUtils.
I hope that helps!
Assuming you are doing this in Unity, you may want to use a Mesh Collider on the surface instead of a Box Collider.
I'm not sure about ARCore in Unity specifically, but in other AR frameworks it works something like in the attached screen shot, so I imagine it would be similar.
Adding a rigid body to the object causes gravity to be applied set gravity to 0 on the object rigid bidy. That will stop it falling away

Why the player is walking through objects in scene?

Instead walking on the ground he walk through it same for the ship and debris the other objects. He stay on the ground on the terrain but all the other objects in the scene he walk through it.
In the past i added Mesh Collider to the ship sapceship and checked the Convex turned the Convex on so it worked fine. but now i tried to add Mesh Collider almost to everything in the scene and it didn't change anything.
The scene is not my own but there is nothing speical i think. A terrain camera and objects. I added the ThirdPersonController.
Maybe there is a way to solve it making a new script in c# ? So far i could not find solution.
Make sure the collider of the Player is big enought to hold the model. And also that the terrain collider is adjusted to the terrain.
Try to change Center(Y) value of CapsulCollider

Capsule Collider doesn't move smoothly

I have some issues using CapsuleCollider and RigidBodyController in a Player GameObject in Unity.
Using a CapsuleCollider as collider for the player, I noticed that the player doesn't move like a capsule or a sphere (in other words, I want that the movement should be like a rolling ball, with no stuttering), but its movements like more like a box pushed, with stops and starts, that make some little oscillations of the camera.
Any ideas, solutions or tips?
realy that is all based on how your moving the object, and the rigidbody2D settings of the object, I think using physics forces would roll your character like a ball or capsule, however just setting a velocity wont.

Stopping sprites from toppling off platform

I am new to Unity and am trying to create a simple 2d platformer. I have applied a box collider to my player sprite and the floor/platform its standing on. Now when I go over the platform, it toppes off of it as expected, but I want it to simple fall off it instead of toppling. How can I do this?
Also I saw a video of Unity Live Training in which he was using a separate circular collider for the player's feet.When I did this ,the sprite started rolling. Can anybody help me with this?
There is an "fixed angle" option on Rigidbody2D component, try enabling that