Leaflet.js shrink getBounds() - leaflet

Leafletjs has a function pad(x) for increasing the latLng bounds. How do I shrink it? I've tried putting a negative number in there with little success.
I'm basically trying to see if a marker is within the current view, and if not center on that marker. But some markers can be plotted right on the edge of view and still be classed as in view. I'm trying to add inner padding on the current viewport bounds to avoid this.

You can use the paddingTopLeft, paddingBottomRight or padding options of L.Map's fitBounds method:
Sets the amount of padding in the top left corner of a map container that shouldn't be accounted for when setting the view to fit bounds. Useful if you have some control overlays on the map like a sidebar and you don't want them to obscure objects you're zooming to.
map.fitBounds(layer, {'padding': [n, n]})

The negative value range for pad() is 0 to -0.5.
edit: link basically states that pad takes in a ratio of 1 not a typical percentage value. So to decrease the bounds by 50% (which would visually make it 0, because the left bounds would go in 50% to the middle, and the right bounds would also go in 50% to the middle, etc) the parameter value would be pad(-0.5) NOT pad(-50)
to increase add a positive ratio.


Reduce Fill Image from Two Sides

I have set Image Type to Filled because I want to reduce the size of my filling area.
On the left side, you can see my progress bar within the attached image.
Within the inspector, you can clearly see I have set Fill Origin from Top so image size gets reduced from the bottom.
Now one twist I want, I want to reduce an image from both sides top and bottom, I have already played with Image component different values but I can't able to get success.
Overall I want to reduce the size of the image from the top and bottom.
There are 2 ways you can achieve this effect:
You can instead change the Y scale of the image, whilst the Y pivot is 0.5 this will make it shrink from top to bottom, but this will only work if the sprite looks the same even if shrunk down.
If your sprite's shape won't allow for changing the scale like that, you could also split it into 2 sprites at the midpoint and put them next to each other, and then have the top side fill from bottom, and the bottom side fill from top.

Unity3d. UI elements snapping/anchoring

I have canvas with vertical layout and 2 elements within (in fact it's element with only recttransform on it, let's call it container). So these 2 containers take a half of the screen by height and stretched by width, ok. How can I place an text element in above container and snap it to the bottom of this container? I tried press bottom button in recttransform widget (also with shift and alt) and it seems it doesn't affect my transform at all
P.s. May be I can use some free plugin instead of default unity components of UI layout?
There are different ways of placing your UI elements
Simply drag and drop it to the bottom where you want it
Use the anchor widget to set the anchoring to bottom with horizontal stretch and hold shift to also set pivot. Then set Pos Y to 0. Set Left and Right to 0.
Assuming you also want other elements in your containers, place a Vertical Layout Group on each container and make sure that your text element is the last child of the container in the hierarchy.
I would also advise you to seek out tutorials on Unity UI anchoring, positioning, scaling, and layout. You need a deeper understanding of how these things interact than you are likely to get from Stack Overflow. Otherwise you will suddenly find that your UI behaves in unexpected ways when rearranged or displayed on a different aspect ratio.
It's fairly easy with Unity UI system. You just need to get used to it. Here are simple steps to accomplish what you want:
Create Text element as a child of that container.
Select your newly created element and edit its RectTransform component values:
2.1. Set both Y axis anchors (min and max) to 0.
2.2. Set pivot value to 0 as well.
2.3. Set Pos Y value to 0 as well.
Now your Text element is anchored at the bottom of the container and its position (and height) is measured from the bottom of the Text element itself.

How to get exactly the same point on different screen sizes?

I want to call the action (go to another view) when user tap specific area of image (black dots): . Image fills whole view, content mode is 'Aspect Fit'. The problem is that when I setup it on one screen size (e.g. iPhone 8) on another the 'tap area' is shifted. I've tried to solve this with button and constraints or UITapGestureRecognizer with point conversion using screen resolution (nativeBounds), but nothing helps.
It is possible to use constraints to match the positions of the circles with UIButtons. The trick is to use the multiplier of the constraint to scale the buttons width/height and position to the screen size.
I'll describe how to do it for one button, and then you can repeat it for the others. I assume the image is 657 wide by 918 high. If I have the dimensions reversed, you'll need to substitute the actual values for the ones I have used.
Create a UIView to hold the image and buttons. Give this view an aspect ratio constraint with multiplier 657:918 which is width:height. Add the UIImageView to this view and constrain its 4 edges to the edges of the view with 0 offsets. Give this view constraints to the left and right edges of the main view and give it a vertical constraint to place it on the screen.
Get the width/height of the circle in the image and the horizontal and vertical positions of the right edge and bottom edge. For example, the topmost circle is 106 x 106 and ends at horizontal position 392 and the bottom is at 338.
Set the width of the button equal to the width of the containing view with multiplier 106:657 which is width of circle:width of the image.
Set the height of the button equal to the height of the containing view with multiplier 106:918 which is height of circle:height of the image.
Set the trailing edge of the button equal to the trailing edge of the containing view with multiplier 392:657 which is end of circle:width of image.
Set the bottom edge of the button equal to the bottom edge of the containing view with multiplier 338:918 which is bottom of circle:height of the image.
This will allow the button to stay aligned with the circle on all devices. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for the other circles.
Instead of using an image, you can try creating your own UIView subclass called BlackDotsView.
In the draw(_rect:) method, you can draw the lines. To determine where the lines start and end, you need to do some maths with the view's width and height. You calculate where all the lines end and create UIBezierPaths and then you stroke the paths.
In the initializer of BlackDotsView, you can add the dots as subviews. To make them circular, just set dotView.layer.cornerRadius to half the dot's width. Then, you can add UITapGestureRecognizers to the dot views.
You can follow the delegate pattern by creating a BlackDotsViewDelegate that has a method called dotTapped(index:). When a dot is tapped, you would call the delegate method and pass the index of the dot.

Map Center & Bounds do not update when Container Div is Resized

(pretty new to Mapbox and JS, so I'm in a bit over my head)
I'm working on a page where the user needs to adjust the size of map container. It needs to be able to get accurate bounds and center point of the resized map (via map.getBounds and map.getCenter).
When I use JS to adjust the size of the container div, the center and bounds are not adjusted.
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/xcow63sm/3/
Panning/zooming results in updated center and bounds. Browser window resize (if you have width or height set to 100%) works too. I would expect changing the container dimensions would adjust center and bounds.
However, if you use the form fields to adjust the height/width of the container div, the center and bounds do not. I've tried (with increasing desperation):
function resize (){
var inputwidth = document.getElementsByName("mapwidth")[0].value;
var inputheight = document.getElementsByName("mapheight")[0].value;
var mapDiv = document.getElementById('map');
var mapcenter = map.getCenter();
mapDiv.style.width = inputwidth;
mapDiv.style.height = inputheight;
document.getElementById("mapcenter").value = mapcenter;
Edit: this seems to apply but I can't make sense of it: Resizing a leaflet map on container resize
If I understand you, you have two issues: you don't like how the map is positioned after its size changes, and you're getting white space.
Map positioning after resize
There are at least three valid options for how a map should update if, say, its width and height are suddenly doubled:
keep the same northern and western bound, extend the eastern and southern bounds. (Expanding the viewing area right and down)
move all four bounds outwards (keeping the centre of the map in the same place)
leave all four bounds where they are are, but change the zoom, so the same geographic area is displayed, but in more detail.
I think your issue is that Mapbox is choosing option 1, but you want one of the other two options. The solution, as I think you've discovered, is simply to do your own maths and set the bounds how you want them.
Map failing to repaint correctly
Your second issue is that when you resize, calling map.resize() isn't updating the internal size of the map properly, and you're left with white space. The reason for this is you're using animated CSS properties. So when you do this:
mapDiv.style.width = inputwidth;
mapDiv.style.height = inputheight;
This doesn't work because the map's size hasn't actually transitioned to the new size yet. You can work around it like this:
mapDiv.style.width = inputwidth;
mapDiv.style.height = inputheight;
window.setTimeout(()=>map.resize(), 500);
There's probably a better event you can listen to, to keep updating as the map area expands.
Updated fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/xcow63sm/11/
Btw you should consult the documentation here. I'm not sure where you got map.updateSize() from but that's not Mapbox-GL-JS :)

Unity list item is leaving extra space in high resolution

I have a vertical Scroll List. I have developed this app for resolution 768*1024. In this resolution my List is working fine. But when I run my app in higher resolution(1440*2960) it leave some space around all 4 direction.
I have also tried with changing Layout element min height dynamically, but Spacing issue is still exist.
Vertical and horizontal layout set element position in (screen width/height divided by a number of elements) * element number, in other words, they space out all elements evenly across canvas space. To achieve what you want you either have to enable child control size -> height option or write a script that aligns your elements in the center of the screen and one after another taking in consideration their height.