Redirect to other than App url - redirect

I'm currently working on e-commerce based website for our country.I need to integrate a local payment gateway solution. The architecture of that system is actually to based on REST. so I need to post several data to a specific url and they response back with a content of another url where my app should be redirected. After the transaction either success/failed/canceled, the third party system redirects back to my app url.
now I'm having problem with redirecting to the third-party url from my app.
var result =,{params:data_me});
console.log(result.content+' ....');
The post method is synchronous and i recieve the url properly. how do I now redirect my app to their response url.
Note: these statements are written in a server method. And I'm using iron router for my app.

You can use location.href in client side code, better put it under onRendered
or use iron-router's Router to write redirect header in server side
Router.route('/myurl', function () {
//do sth
var url = ""
this.response.writeHead(302, {
'Location': url
}, {
where: 'server'

Since you're doing the integration on the server, have the server method return the new url to the client. Then on the client simply do:
iron-router won't take you to an offsite url because it only manages internal routes.


shiro pac4j cas ajax 401 when accessing another client

I am using cas 5.x.
I have cas-server and two web apps client-1 and client-2.
currently, I can single sign on and single sign out, but there is one problem in following steps:
access client-1, it will ask me for login in cas server, then redirect me back to client-1 after login success.
click one button to access the protected resources of client-2 via ajax in page of client-1, however this ajax call return 401.
if i access protected resources of client-2 from browser address bar directly in step 2, it works.
ajax cannot handle the redirect cause this problem, thus how to solve this problem?
my ajax call is :
//test() is in client-1
function test() {
headers: {'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'},
success: function(res) {
Per the pac4j documentation,
When you're using an Indirect Client, if the user tries to access a protected URL, the request will be redirected to the identity provider for login. Though, if the incoming HTTP request is an AJAX one, no redirection will be performed and a 401 error page will be returned.
So what you're seeing is expected behavior.
Next, the HTTP request is considered to be an AJAX one if the value of the X-Requested-With header is XMLHttpRequest or if the is_ajax_request parameter or header is true. This is the default behavior/condition when handling/detecting AJAX requests, and by default, pac4j will only compute the redirection URL and add it as a header (assuming the addRedirectionUrlAsHeader is set to true for the indirect client) when it passes back the 401 http status.
ajax cannot handle the redirect cause this problem
It's not designed to handle the redirects. You need to catch the 401 in your AJAX call, take the redirect url from the header that is passed back to you and do the redirect yourself automatically, or do any other activity/action that is correct behavior for your application (display message, redirect to another URL, etc).

Get location fragment with Fetch API redirect response

I am trying to get the redirect response location fragment of a fetch API request. But I can't figure how to access it, if possible.
The context is that I am doing an OpenID Connect request in implicit flow, for a WebRTC Identity Proxy assertion generation.
OIDC specs define the answer of the request as:
When using the Implicit Flow, all response parameters are added to the
fragment component of the Redirection URI
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
So I'm making the request with fetch set in manual mode. But the response is then an opaque-redirect filtered response, which hides the location header. (
Other mode for fetch are error and follow which would not help. While XHR automatically follows the redirect so would not help either. I may be missing something from the fetch API, but it seems to be something hidden on purpose.
Could someone gives me a way to access this information (or a confirmation it's impossible) ?
Is there any alternative to fetch and XHR to make this request, which would allow to access the redirect location header?
Since XHR automatically / opaquely follows redirects (in the event you're using the whatwg-fetch polyfill for example), one possible solution is to check the response.url of the fetch resolution, to see if it matches a redirect location that you expect.
This only helps if the possible redirect locations are limited or match some pattern --- for instance, if you could expect at any time to be redirect to /login:
function fetchMiddleware(response) {
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = response.url;
if (a.pathname === '/login') {
// ...
} else {
return response;
.then(function (response) {
// ...
fetch isn't able to polyfill the entire standard. Some notable differences include:
Inability to set the redirect mode.
See David Graham comment on the Disable follow redirect:
This is a nice addition to the Fetch API, but we won't be able to polyfill it with XMLHttpRequest. The browser navigates all redirects before returning a result, so there is no opportunity to interrupt the redirect flow.
My Solution:
1). First solution: we are sending 200 status and redirect url(in the http header) from the server and client is redirecting based on that.
2). Second solution: Server could also redirect to with 301 and redirect url. I think, This is the best solution(i.e if we consider SEO).

Express : Server-Side Routing - redirect() and updating header "Location"

I'm asking this one for the record:
So I have a client making an Ajax call and I'm trying to have the server handle it and redirect the client server-side.
The express docs make it seem res.redirect(path) is going to actually send a response from the server for the client to redirect(re-route).
var path = 'http://localhost:8080/newRoute';
//the client will now go to http://localhost:8080/newRoute
But it appears that this only tells the client to make another request to
the url given.(Which seems useless, but that is what my network requests are showing currently).
Many suggest to do the following to do an actual redirect server-side
var path = 'http://localhost:8080/newRoute';
response.writeHead(302, {'Location': path});
So does this mean that that we need to change the header in order for the redirect work?
But the above looks horribly redundant and makes res.redirect look like it wasn't intended for server-side redirects to a new page.
Yet the Express docs show an example like this:
which I don't know how that could be interpreted any other way than "send the client to the page '' ".
Big Question:
So is res.redirect(path) suppose to handle server-side redirects? If not, what do we do?

Fiddlercore: how to block and redirect sites

Fiddler core .net api proxy server captures network traffic.
how to redirect any http/https url to another site.?
suppose if I browse, then proxy server should redirect to another site such as Browser should open wikipedia instead of
how to block any web site.?
suppose when I hit in browser, then site must be blocked and stopped its session
These topics are well-covered in the Fiddler book and in numerous tutorials around the web.
Inside your BeforeRequest handler, add code that examines the request and returns a redirect (or an error page)
if (oSession.urlContains("whatever"))
oS.oResponse.headers.SetStatus(307, "Redirect");
oS.oResponse["Cache-Control"] = "nocache";
oS.oResponse["Location"] = "http://newurl/";
oS.utilSetResponseBody("<html><body>sending request elsewhere</body></html>");

Calling external REST web service from Single Page Application

I am creating a SPA with Backbone & Underscore JS. The basic feature of the app being that on entering a search term , it needs a trigger an external REST web service call and fetch the JSON response. However when i try this, the browser cancels the request as i guess it tries to make a cross-domain AJAX call.
I am hosting this SPA in my local and the REST web service is hosted on a external server. If i need to make cross-domain calls, what is the procedure which i need to follow without making any changes in the server side? I heard JSONP is one of the alternatives but not sure on the approach.
It looks like it is the same problem as in this question. It is pretty useful:
JSONP and Backbone.js
If your external service supports it already, you are correct that JSONP would be the way to go for cross domain requests without having to change anything on the server side. I assume you're using jQuery. Here's an example from jQuery's docs:
var flickerAPI = "";
$.getJSON( flickerAPI, {
tags: "mount rainier",
tagmode: "any",
format: "json"
.done(function( data ) {
You'll notice the ?jsoncallback=? in the flickr URL. That tells flickr to wrap the response in a JSONP callback instead of just returning normal JSON. When flickr sees that, they wrap the response like this:
"title": "Recent Uploads tagged mountrainier",
...other json data...
So instead of returing JSON, they wrap it in a function call which jQuery puts on the global window object. That function call will call your success function with the json data.
Luckily, you don't have to know anything about the inner-workings of it. All you do is call $.getJSON and it'll work!