Creating hive table using parquet file metadata - scala

I wrote a DataFrame as parquet file. And, I would like to read the file using Hive using the metadata from parquet.
Output from writing parquet write
_common_metadata part-r-00000-0def6ca1-0f54-4c53-b402-662944aa0be9.gz.parquet part-r-00002-0def6ca1-0f54-4c53-b402-662944aa0be9.gz.parquet _SUCCESS
_metadata part-r-00001-0def6ca1-0f54-4c53-b402-662944aa0be9.gz.parquet part-r-00003-0def6ca1-0f54-4c53-b402-662944aa0be9.gz.parquet
Hive table
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10043]: Either list of columns or a custom serializer should be specified
How can I infer the meta data from parquet file?
If I open the _common_metadata I have below content,
Or how to parse meta data file?

Here's a solution I've come up with to get the metadata from parquet files in order to create a Hive table.
First start a spark-shell (Or compile it all into a Jar and run it with spark-submit, but the shell is SOO much easier)
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
val df=sqlContext.parquetFile("/path/to/_common_metadata")
def creatingTableDDL(tableName:String, df:DataFrame): String={
val cols = df.dtypes
var ddl1 = "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE "+tableName + " ("
//looks at the datatypes and columns names and puts them into a string
val colCreate = (for (c <-cols) yield(c._1+" "+c._2.replace("Type",""))).mkString(", ")
ddl1 += colCreate + ") STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION '/wherever/you/store/the/data/'"
val test_tableDDL=creatingTableDDL("test_table",df,"test_db")
It will provide you with the datatypes that Hive will use for each column as they are stored in Parquet.
E.G: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_table (COL1 Decimal(38,10), COL2 String, COL3 Timestamp) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION '/path/to/parquet/files'

I'd just like to expand on James Tobin's answer. There's a StructField class which provides Hive's data types without doing string replacements.
// Tested on Spark 1.6.0.
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
def dataFrameToDDL(dataFrame: DataFrame, tableName: String): String = {
val columns = { field =>
" " + + " " + field.dataType.simpleString.toUpperCase
s"CREATE TABLE $tableName (\n${columns.mkString(",\n")}\n)"
This solves the IntegerType problem.
scala> val dataFrame = sc.parallelize(Seq((1, "a"), (2, "b"))).toDF("x", "y")
dataFrame: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [x: int, y: string]
scala> print(dataFrameToDDL(dataFrame, "t"))
x INT,
This should work with any DataFrame, not just with Parquet. (e.g., I'm using this with a JDBC DataFrame.)
As an added bonus, if your target DDL supports nullable columns, you can extend the function by checking StructField.nullable.

A small improvement over Victor (adding quotes on and modified to bind the table to a local parquet file (tested on spark 1.6.1)
def dataFrameToDDL(dataFrame: DataFrame, tableName: String, absFilePath: String): String = {
val columns = { field =>
" `" + + "` " + field.dataType.simpleString.toUpperCase
s"CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE $tableName (\n${columns.mkString(",\n")}\n) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION '"+absFilePath+"'"
Also notice that:
A HiveContext is needed since SQLContext does not support creating
external table.
The path to the parquet folder must be an absolute path

I would like to expand James answer,
The following code will work for all datatypes including ARRAY, MAP and STRUCT.
Have tested in SPARK 2.2
val df=sqlContext.parquetFile("parquetFilePath")
val schema = df.schema
var columns = schema.fields
var ddl1 = "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE " tableName + " ("
val cols=(for(column <- columns) yield" "+column.dataType.sql).mkString(",")
ddl1=ddl1+cols+" ) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION '/tmp/hive_test1/'"

I had the same question. It might be hard to implement from pratcical side though, as Parquet supports schema evolution:
For example, you could add a new column to your table and you don't have to touch data that's already in the table. It's only new datafiles will have new metadata (compatible with previous version).
Schema merging is switched off by default since Spark 1.5.0 since it is "relatively expensive operation"
So infering most recent schema may not be as simple as it sounds. Although quick-and-dirty approaches are quite possible e.g. by parsing output from
$ parquet-tools schema /home/gz_files/result/000000_0

Actually, Impala supports
(no columns section altogether):
Tags of your question have "hive" and "spark" and I don't see this is implemented in Hive, but in case you use CDH, it may be what you were looking for.


How to read JSON in data frame column

I'm reading a HDFS directory
val schema ="/HDFS path").schema
val df= ("/HDFS path")
Here selecting only PK and timestamp from JSON file
Val df2=$"PK1",$"PK2",$"PK3" ,$"ts")
Using windows function to get updated PK on the base of timestamp
val dfrank = df2.withColumn("rank",row_number().over(
Window.partitionBy($"PK1",$"PK2",$"PK3" ).orderBy($"ts".desc))
From this window function getting only updated primary keys & timestamp of updated JSON.
Now I have to add one more column where I want to get only JSON with updated PK and Timestamp
How I can do that
Trying below but getting wrong JSON instead of updated JSON
val df3= dfrank.withColumn("JSON",lit(dfrank.toJSON.first()))
Result shown in image.
Here, you convert the entire dataframe to JSON and collect it to the driver with toJSON (that's going to crash with a large dataframe) and add a column that contains a JSON version of the first row of the dataframe to your dataframe. I don't think this is what you want.
From what I understand, you have a dataframe and for each row, you want to create a JSON column that contains all of its columns. You could create a struct with all your columns and then use to_json like this:
val df3 = dfrank.withColumn("JSON", to_json(struct( : _*)))

pyspark + hive: difference between first row in dataframe and table

I created a table in Hive using a csv file containing a header:
CREATE TABLE resultado(
data_jogo date,
mandante string,
visitante string,
gols_mandante int,
gols_visitante int,
torneio string,
cidade string,
pais string,
campo_neutro boolean
LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/hive/projeto/results.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE resultado;
And works fine when a try a select:
SELECT * FROM resultado LIMIT 5;
Then I went to pyspark to see the same data:
from pyspark.sql import HiveContext
h = HiveContext(sc)
df = h.table('resultado')
But it returns a dataframe with the header from file loaded in the table.
Please, can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? As you can see I'm really new into this xD

Iterate Through Rows of a Dataframe

Since I am a bit new to Spark Scala, I am finding it difficult to iterate through a Dataframe.
My dataframe contains 2 columns, one is path and other is ingestiontime.
Example -
Now I want to iterate through this dataframe and do the use the data in the Path and ingestiontime column to prepare a Hive Query and run it , such that query that are run look like -
ALTER TABLE <hiveTableName> ADD PARTITON (ingestiontime=<Ingestiontime_From_the_DataFrame_ingestiontime_column>) LOCATION (<Path_From_the_dataFrames_path_column>)
To achieve this, I used -
allOtherIngestionTime.collect().foreach {
row =>
var prepareHiveQuery = "ALTER TABLE myhiveTable ADD PARTITION (ingestiontime = "+row.mkString("<SomeCustomDelimiter>").split("<SomeCustomDelimiter>")(1)+" LOCATION ( " + row.mkString("<SomeCustomDelimiter>").split("<SomeCustomDelimiter>")(0) + ")"
But I feel this can be very dangerous, i.e when my Data consists of a similar Delimiter. I am very much interested to find out other ways of iterating through rows/columns of a Dataframe.
Check below code.
.withColumn("query",concat_ws("",lit("ALTER TABLE myhiveTable ADD PARTITON (ingestiontime="),col("ingestiontime"),lit(") LOCATION (\""),col("path"),lit("\"))")))
.foreach(q => spark.sql(q))
In order to access your columns path and ingestiontime you can you row.getString(0) and row.getString(1).
val allOtherIngestionTime: DataFrame = ???
allOtherIngestionTime.foreach {
row =>
val prepareHiveQuery = "ALTER TABLE myhiveTable ADD PARTITION (ingestiontime = "+row.getString(1)+" LOCATION ( " + row.getString(0) + ")"
If you use Datasets instead of Dataframes you will be able to use row.path and row.ingestiontime in an easier way.
case class myCaseClass(path: String, ingestionTime: String)
val ds: Dataset[myCaseClass] = ???
ds.foreach({ row =>
val prepareHiveQuery = "ALTER TABLE myhiveTable ADD PARTITION (ingestiontime = " + row.ingestionTime + " LOCATION ( " + row.path + ")"
In any case, to iterate over a Dataframe or a Dataset you can use foreach , or map if you want to convert the content into something else.
Also, using collect() you are bringing all the data to the driver and that is not recommended, you could use foreach or map without collect()
If what you want is to iterate over the row fields, you can make it a Seq and iterate:
row.toSeq.foreach{column => ...}

Creating table from parquet files

I am facing an issue on my inserting data.
In fact, I read some csv's files in a dataFrame and store the dataFrame on HDFS like :
val data ="header", "true").option("delimiter", ",").csv("/path_to_csv//*.csv")
data.repartition($"year", $"month", $"day").write.partitionBy("year", "month", "day").mode("overwrite").option("header", "true").option("delimiter", ",").parquet ("/path/to/parquet")
Then I created an external on my stored parquet like :
create external table tab (col1 string, col2 string, col3 int)
partitioned by (year int,month int,day int) stored as parquet
LOCATION 'hdfs://path/to/parquet'
Till here it is OK! But when I do a request on my table :
select * from tab
I have no result.
Does anybody face this issue?

Spark- Load data frame contents in table in a loop

I use scala/ spark to insert data into a Hive parquet table as follows
for(*lots of current_Period_Id*){//This loop is on a result of another query that returns multiple rows of current_Period_Id
val myDf = hiveContext.sql(s"""SELECT columns FROM MULTIPLE TABLES WHERE period_id=$current_Period_Id""")
val count: Int = myDf.count().toInt
hiveContext.sql(s"""INSERT INTO destinationtable PARTITION(period_id=$current_Period_Id) SELECT columns FROM MULTIPLE TABLES WHERE period_id=$current_Period_Id""")
This approach takes a lot of time to complete because the select statement is being executed twice.
I'm trying to avoid selecting data twice and one way I've thought of is writing the dataframe myDf to the table directly.
This is the gist of the code I'm trying to use for the purpose
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("myApp")
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val hiveContext = new HiveContext(sc)
hiveContext.setConf("hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode", "nonstrict")
for(*lots of current_Period_Id*){//This loop is on a result of another query
val myDf = hiveContext.sql("SELECT COLUMNS FROM MULTIPLE TABLES WHERE period_id=$current_Period_Id")
val count: Int = myDf.count().toInt
But I get an error in the myDf.write part.
java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: period_id
The destination table is partitioned by period_id.
Could someone help me with this?
The spark version I'm using is 1.5.0-cdh5.5.2.
The dataframe schema and table's description differs from each other. The PERIOD_ID != period_id column name is Upper case in your DF but in UPPER case in table. Try in sql with lowercase the period_id