Scaldi : Bind[T < AkkaInjectable] to TestProbe.ref - scala

I'm trying to test an Actor A inside my Play 2.4 application with Scaldi. This actor is calling injectActorRef[B] that I want to mock with a TestKit.TestProbe.
Inside my specs2, I would like to be able to retrieve the probe for mocked B while providing the corresponding TestKit.TestProbe.ref to actor A.
I would like to do something like this :
implicit val inj = (new TestModule(){
bind[TestProbe] identifiedBy 'probeForB to TestProbe()
bind[B] to inject[TestProbe]('probeForB).ref
inject[TestProbe]('probeForB).expectMsgType[] must ...
The issue is that the ref is an ActorRef and therefore does not match the expected Btype.
Is there a clean way to do that ?
Can we specify an ActorRef to be returned by injectActorRef[B]?
I ended up overriding the bind for Actor A.
val probeForB = TestProbe()
implicit val inj = (new Module() {
bind[A] to new A() {
override def injectB(): ActorRef = probeForB.ref

As you mentioned, the issue is that inject[TestProbe]('probeForB).ref gives you an ActorRef back instead of an instance of actual actor.
If you would like to test it in a way you described, then you need define a binding of ActorRef for actor B as well. For example:
bind [BActor] toProvider new BActor
bind [ActorRef] identifiedBy 'bRef to {
implicit val system = inject [ActorSystem]
When you have this setup, then you can override the second binding with test probe:
bind [ActorRef] identifiedBy 'bRef to inject[TestProbe]('probeForB).ref
Please note, that this example is not direct equivalent since BActor now has a different supervisor (guardian actor, that's why we need to inject an ActorSystem here).
injectActorRef delegates an actor creation to a "context" (a parent actor or actor system) with context.actorOf. What makes it helpful is that it creates a special Props that injects new instances of BActor class when akka wants to create one. This means that scaldi does not have control over the actor lifecycle (it's pretty important, since akka itself has very sophisticated mechanisms for this), it just gives akka the knowledge how to create new instances of particular actor class.
If you are creating an actor within another actor (like you described), then the lifecycle of them both is strongly connected and managed by akka. That's the reason why in this case you can't simply override and Actor binding with an ActorRef binding for the tests.


Unit Testing Components that Uses an Akka Actor

First of all, I am not asking how to unit test an Akka Actor. I know the techniques to do that. My problem is slightly different.
I am developing a Scala program, let's call it the client, that does not use Akka Actors. However, the program uses a library, let's call it the server, whose interface is implemented using an Akka Actor.
Then, through the ask pattern, the client interacts with the server.
// This is the client program
class Client(uri: String) {
implicit val context: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("client-actor-system")
private val mainActor = context.actorSelection(uri)
def connect: Future[SomeClass] = {
implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
(mainActor ? Connect()).mapTo[CreationResponse]
Now, I want to write down some unit tests for Client class. Unit testing means to test a class in isolation. Every external dependency should be mocked.
How can I mock the reference to mainActor inside Client class? How can I inject in the actor system a mock actor for mainActor?
Thanks in advance.
I would inject the mainActor actor selection into the client, and create that using Akka TestKits.
Of course, you need an ActorSelection, not an ActorRef. Some solutions for that can be found here:
Giving an ActorPath for a testProbe
Or alternatively, you could make mainActor an ActorRef by sending an Identify message to the ActorSelection.

Macwire how to wire actorref self instance

I'm exploring Macwire DI framework for Scala and while doing it I faced a problem.
I have a dispatcher actor that creates a bunch of actors that are dependent on the dispatcher. Dispatcher controls all the message flow between its child actors.
Here's a brief situation of my setup:
class WorkerActor(dispatcher: ActorRef) extends Actor {}
class Dispatcher extends Actor {
private val worker = context.actorOf(Props(
new WorkerActor(self)
In my real project WorkerActor has more dependencies than only one “self”. And they can be easily wired.
I tried doing this dispatcher: ActorRef ## Dispatcher, but it gave me error:
Error:(47, 9) Cannot find a value of type: [ ##
If I was using guice, this would work like a charm:
bind[AkkaRef] annotatedWith(Names.named("Dispatcher")) toInstance self
The question is: how do I add “self” to the scope of macwire?
Or maybe I should use different approach?

How to use Scaldi to inject an Akka Router?

I am creating the router from Akka configuration.
val router = context.actorOf(FromConfig.props(MyActor.props), "router")
I want to unit test the Actor that the router is in, and being able to inject the router into the Actor would be helpful.
Is it possible to instead inject this router using Scaldi? I know in the Scaldi module I can bind using new.
binding toProvider new OrderProcessor
But I can't seem to find a way to create bindings from config.
The properties can be injected.
In the Module
binding identifiedBy "props-from-config" to FromConfig.props(MyActor.props)
And in the Actor inject the props and create the actor.
private val propsFromConfig = inject[Props]("props-from-config")
val router: ActorRef = context.actorOf(propsFromConfig, "router")
Then in the unit test bind any props. The Actor is creating an actor from props, and does not know that the props are coming from config.

Declaring Actor state variables as mutable ones

I am fairly new with Akka framework and Concurrency concepts. And from Akka docs, I understood that only one message in the Actor mailbox would be processed at a time. So single thread would be processing Actor's state at a time. And my doubt is that, so declaring an Actor state/data variable as mutable - 'Var'(Only when 'Val' doesn't fit), will not cause inconsistent Actor states in the case of Concurrency.
I am using Scala for development. In the following Master actor, details of workers is stored in a mutable variable 'workers'. Will it be a problem with concurrency?
class Master extends PersistentActor with ActorLogging {
private var workers = Map[String, WorkerState]()
I think what you are doing is fine. As you said, one of the fundamental guarantees of Akka actors is that a single actor will be handling one message at a time, so there will not be inconsistent Actor states.
Akka actors conceptually each have their own light-weight thread,
which is completely shielded from the rest of the system. This means
that instead of having to synchronize access using locks you can just
write your actor code without worrying about concurrency at all.
Also, it is a good thing that you're using a var instead of a val with a mutable map :)
Another way to consider coding situations like these is to alter the actor's "state" after each message handled. Eg.:
class Master extends PersistentActor with ActorLogging {
type MyStateType = ... // eg. Map[String, WorkerState], or an immutable case class - of course, feel free to just inline the type...
def receive = handle(initState) // eg. just inline a call to Map.empty
def handle(state: MyStateType): Actor.Receive = LoggingReceive {
case MyMessageType(data) =>
... // processing data - build new state
case ... // any other message types to be handled, etc.
... // rest of class implementation
While it is true that there is still mutable state happening here (in this case, it is the state of the actor as a whole - it becomes effectively a "non-finite state machine"), it feels better contained/hidden (to me, at least), and the "state" (or "workers") available to the actor for any given message is treated as entirely immutable.

How to start Akka Actors since 2.0?

I'm using Akka Actors and I'm trying to update my code to use the latest 2.0 milestone. The API changed somewhat, for example the creation of Actors now works via something called an ActorSystem.
Starting and stopping actors changed as well - the latter is available via the ActorSystems methods .stop(..) and .shutdown(). But I can for the life of me not figure out how to start them...
The documentation is good, but seems to be missing some important points. I feel kinda stupid to ask, but how do you start actors in your Akka 2.0 environment? If I understood correctly actors who have a 'parent' are started when this parent is started - but what about the top level actor(s)?
In Akka 2.0, there is no need for a start() method because Actors are started as soon as you instantiate them in the context of an ActorSystem (or another Actor) -- but you need to instantiate them with one of the provided methods of ActorSystem or an Actor's context.
So, for example, if you have an Actor subclass called MyClass, you could start it with:
val system = ActorSystem()
val myActor = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
or, if your actor took constructor arguments:
val myActor = system.actorOf(Props(new MyActor("arg1"))
or, if you were in the body of another Actor,
val myActor = context.actorOf(Props(new Actor("arg1"))
and then your actor could immediately receive messages, e.g.
myActor ! MyMessage
Even your top level actors are started immediately, as all Actors in 2.0 are automatically in a supervision hierarchy. As soon as the actor is instantiated with the ActorSystem, it's ready to receive messages.