TeamCity Multiple VCS Roots - github

We are using a private GitHub Organization as version control. When a task is assigned to a developer, they fork the primary repository, make their code changes, and submit a pull request to have the changes merged into the master branch of the primary repository.
We are also using TeamCity for CI. It is currently configured to kick off a build for a VCS commit, which builds, tests, and deploys the artifact to an artifact repository internally. To accomplish this, the Team City build configuration has multiple VCS roots installed; one for the primary and 1 for each developer's fork.
The problem is that Team City pulls from all of them when a commit is made assuming they are all necessary for the build instead of allowing you to only pull from the single repository that triggered the build. Any thoughts on how we can accomplish this without having to create n build configurations in Team City for each project (where n == number of developers working on a project)?

I see way to do this with preserving current workflow is turning off automatic checkout (VCS Checkout Mode), and checking out code manually in an additional command-line build step, with a parameter (logical branch name).
git clone ...
git checkout
Triggers will just start the job if there are changes in developer's VCS root, fulfill branch env variable; no automatic checkout will happen and then build step will check out only needed branch. Only works with one git URL.

After posting in the JetBrains forums, I was pointed to a blog that answers my question.
TL;DR: my approach of using feature branches does not work with GitHub's workflow. Instead, Forks and Pull Requests should be used. The blog referenced shows how you can use Team City to trigger off of a Pull Request. Simply add +:refs/pull/*/head to "Branch Specification" in your VCS Root and all pull requests to the Source repository will trigger your Build Configuration.


Pulling From Developer Branch When Master Isn't Used And Push To Production Comes From Developer's Branch

For a project with multiple developers where one developer controls what goes to production: This developer pushes from his own branch <his_branch>, and everyone has to incorporate their changes into his branch. His branch contains his changes and the changes other developers' changes. How do I make sure I pull down his most recent branch and work from it on my local. I have tried so many different commands and approaches, with the most recent being:
Git clone the repository (done when I started the project)
Fetch his branch
Create a working branch <my_branch> from <his_branch>
git checkout -b my_branch origin/his_branch
(I get errors)
Create my branch on remote
Fetch all including my new branch (but my new branch contains code from Master)
Access my branch locally, work on it, commit changes, create a pull request for him to review
(I don't have his latest code) and there are many conflicts to resolve
I am new to GitHub and can't find a fairly straightforward answer to this question. Typically people who answer this question, make sure they provide the most complicated solution to follow to try to impress with their GitHub acumen.
Can someone provide a straightforward answer without snark, condescension, or derision?

Is it possible to set source dynamically in Azure Repos Git?

I'm looking for a solution to dynamically select a branch to build in the Azure pipeline. I have Azure Repos Git where I select project, repository and default branch. I would like to be able to select branch based on a variable.
What I'm trying now is to use the Command Line task and fire a git checkout command (e.g. branch is a variable):
git checkout $(branch)
I can't confirm it working yet but still I confirm it works but I feel that there is a better option than checking out default branch and then switching branch with the command line.
If you want to have single pipeline that can build different branches (version branches) for different branches, you could just specify them in the trigger of branch filters. This will not build all branches.
The branch you select in build definition is just the default branch used when you Queue New Build manually. OTOH the build trigger establish which branch to download, e.g. if the build has been triggered by a git push on branch develop then that is the one checkout'ed and built. Take a look at this link: Get the sources from the branch that triggered the build in Team Services
Besides, you could disable the default get source step.Then use you own powershell script and git command to get source code manually(just what you want) and check out branch, finally build based on your variable.
For YAML, to disable the default "Get Sources" just specify none in
the checkout:
checkout: none
For UI, please refer my reply in this question:
Is it able to ignore/disable the first step Get source in vNext Build?
Assuming you're choosing the default branch. That doesn't mean that
it's the only branch that can be built by that build definition.
You can choose which branches to monitor for CI (on the Triggers tab,
you can add multiple branch filters to represent the branches you wish
to build on commit), and the appropriate branch will be checked out
when the build is triggered. You can also choose an alternate branch
when manually queuing the build.
Source Link: Get Sources from multiple branches
If you want to dynamically select default branch as below, this is not available at present.
This is the branch that you want to be the default when you manually
queue this build. If you set a scheduled trigger for the build, this
is the branch from which your build will get the latest sources.
The default branch has no bearing when the build is triggered
through continuous integration (CI). Usually you'll set this to be
the same as the default branch of the repository (for example,
There is a related user voice here: When triggering a build, use the same branch as the trigger build. You could kindly vote up and track the process.

How to create a Production branch from a Git repo

We have a GitHub project (master), every member of the team have a Fork of the project into their own repository.
Once a developer fixed something he create a new branch inside his local forked repo and commit that into remote repository and after that they request a Pull Request so that change go into the master reposiroty.
We publish to production "manually" once a week but we have had issues in production because accidentaly developer had committed to their forked repository and other developer with higher privilegies accept the changes and merge that into master repo, then someone else publish to production and he didnt knew that those new changes didn't passed to QA process.
So, what I want is to create like a Production Repository, so when we have the code in master repo that we know is stable and working then create like a Production branch so if by mistake something is commited and merge into master repo then the code for production publish is not affected.
Any clue or best practice to do this?
Not sure I'm understanding the question correctly, but you can add as many remote repositories as you like. There is a section in the Pro Git book called Working with Remotes that discusses this thoroughly.
In my experience, separating development and production code is typically done with a branching model such as git-flow. You can create separate repositories to solve this problem if you like, but doing so is unnecessary. This is because if developer A submits a PR that's merged by developer B, then developer C will get a non-fast-forward error when they try to commit upstream. This is called a subversion-style workflow. Per the docs:
Git will not allow you to push if someone has pushed since the last time you fetched, so a centralized model where all developers push to the same server works just fine.
If commits to the upstream branch are not being fetched and merged appropriately before pushing, then someone has likely taken it upon themselves to rewrite history.
Your git workflow is good enough to take care of this issue.
First, to fix the issue:
Treat unintended code push as bug and fix it as you would fix any other bug. Best person to perform this activity would be the developer who pushed that code. Developer can just fix it in their fork and submit a pull request. Try not to add any other unrelated code with this pull request.
About Production Branch or Repo:
I don't think you need another Production Branch/Repo (you already have one). As it happened with your current PROD repo, accidental code push can make it to new Branch/Repo too.
Instead use tags/releases feature in GitHub. Whenever state of code in master repo is prod ready, tag it and use the tag for production publish.

Passing parameters from github to Jenkins on push

We use an internally hosted github server for our SCM, Jenkins for our CI and Git-Flow (via maven's jgitflow plugin) for our branching strategy.
I have a Jenkins build job set up such that it takes the git branch as a parameter and then can check-out and build the correct branch based on what was selected.
What I would like - is to automatically trigger the BASE_JOB to build only the branch that's been pushed. So far, I have been unable to find any way to do this.
If I set up to build when changes are pushed to github, then the job will simply rebuild whatever the last built branch was regardless of the branch that's been pushed.
I've seen some plugins for Jenkins that will auto-generate template jobs when new branches are created - but I think it is over-kill to necessitate having a job per currently active branch.
Is there a way to pass a branch parameter to the "Build when a change is pushed to GitHub"? Or some other way to work around this apparent limitation?
Check with these settings and see if it works.

difference between fork and branch on github

If I fork a project that's hosted on github. Do I fork all the branches? How do I know which branch my fork is based on? In other words which branch will be downloaded to my PC?
Think of it this way:
The repo[sitory] corresponds to the collaborated work of the team across one or many branches. All contributors have their own copy of it.
Each fork of the main repo corresponds to a contributor's work. A fork is really a Github (not Git) construct to store a clone of the repo in your user account. As a clone, it will contain all the branches in the main repo at the time you made the fork.
Each branch within the fork and/or in the main repo can correspond to several kinds of things, depending on how you want to work. Each branch could refer to a version of the project but can also correspond to different channels of development, like hotfixes or experimental work.
The pull request (in the GitHub ecosystem) corresponds to the task. Every time I want to contribute an isolated finished task to the main repo, I create a pull request corresponding to the commits made in that task. These commits are pulled from either my fork or my branch to the main repo.
A commit is a set of changes to the code. This is one of the most interesting things about Git. You don't transfer files, you transfer logs of changes.
All branches on GitHub will be copied in a fork. (Obviously, this doesn’t include branches that were never pushed to GitHub in the first place.)
But a fork is a GitHub-to-GitHub operation; nothing is copied to your PC. It’s not quite the same as a Git clone. If you mean to ask “what’s copied when I clone a project?”, see the manual for git-clone(1).
Fork is a clone on the GitHub side (it clones everything).
When you are cloning a repo, you are getting the all history of said repo, with all its branches.
Even though you can in theory change the default branch of a remote repo, a clone from a GitHub repo mainly look for the master branch. Meaning to change the "default" branch a GitHub clone will get, you need to rename the master branch.
If you fork a project, you are making a copy of the whole project to your git hub account. you are not coping anything to your PC
To make a copy in your PC you have to clone it and pull all the stuff and you will got all branches & code of that project
This can be explained very well. You have a central repository at GitHub. Whenever you take a clone of it on your personal computer to do some changes, this local clone of the main repository is called a fork.
The branch is something different and is included in the fork/repo. Actually the branch is your work at different stage of development. They are created as and when required to save a set of functionalities, to give access to different users, to demonstrate the site to client, etc.
If you create a fork of a project from the Github website, you get all the branches from the upstream project.
If you clone from your newly minted fork to your local PC, you will have the origin remote on your PC pointing to the master branch of your fork on Github.
I would like to share a real life example of when we use Branches and when we use Forks
We have GitLab at our shop and sometimes we have to work on packages from a Laravel project. We normally create a branch and push changes to the branch that we have been testing in our local VM dev environment when working with the actual Laravel project.
Let's say our project is located at
Branch usage:
Lets say the branch is called It_doesnt_matter
Once we have our branch the way we want for production we then make our final push to this branch and create a merge request which then goes into UAT for testing.Once the test has went through QC the changes are merged into production.
The merge from the It_doesnt_matter branch is now pushed to the master project
Let's say the package project is located at
Keep in mind the mainproject uses this package in production so we can't make changes by simply pushing them to this package (among other reasons). Let's say a web dev has to edit this package to make changes on production.
A simple branch wont work either because we can't see our changes without publishing the package etc.
Fork Usage:
Now is when we have to do a little bit of trickery with our package so we create a clone of the production package via a fork. The composer.json files can be updated to point to the fork which is now located at a User or Group path
So we will create a fork in
and call it
Now we can update our composer.json file to point to this package in our "repositories":[ array like such such and away we go!
"type": "github",
"url": ""