Migrate DataDynamics Reports to GrapeCity Active Reports9 - activereports

I am migrating an old project that used DataDynamics Reports to GrapeCity ActiveReports9.
In my project there exists a class named UserDesignerControl under the namespace
I cannot find which is the equivalent class and namespace in GrapeCity Active Reports 9
Any ideas?

The DDR designer was merged into a single designer with the section designer.
hope this helps.


Project referencing Portable Class Library gives error in Visual Studio Code

I create a console application in Visual Studio 2015 RC and add Automapper 3.3.1 using nuget to the project.
If I then add the following snippet to my project:
public class Class1
public void Test()
AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<B>(new A());
And then open the same project in Visual Studio Code preview on Windows 10 then I get a red squiggly on the Map function.
The error message says:
The type 'Object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e, Retargetable=Yes'.
My project is configured to use .NET 4.52 and there are absolutely no errors or warnings when building the same project using visual studio 2015 RC or using MSBuild from the command line.
Automapper is portable class library and this is what seems to trigger the problem.
Is this a known issue with Visual Studio Code or Omnisharp?
Are there any way to suppress these error messages?
I have now tested with VS Code version 0.3 and it is still not fixed.
To make it even simpler to reproduce I have also verified that the problem also exist for a ClassLibrary project containing only the 3 classes: Class1 as shown and class A and class B, which are just two dummy classes used to have something to map.
It does not matter which version of Visual Studio is used to create the project. The same problem exist if I create the class library project using VS 2013.
Maybe you added the reference in both dnx451 and dnxcore50 in project.json file.
I think the problem is Automapper did not support .NET Core 5.0, please refer this article for more detail about .NET core 5.0 and .NET framework 4.6.
This might be the limitation of multi-environment in .NET Core 5.0 when using available libraries. You should write by yourself or waiting for other libraries update if you want to use, otherwise, please remove dnxcore50 in project.json.
Happy coding!
This is actually a known issue with the OmniSharp-roslyn server which powers VS Code, see: https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn/issues/265
I suspect you might have better luck using the yeoman ASP.NET 5 generator to generate an ASP.NET 5 Console application.
See: http://docs.asp.net/en/latest/client-side/yeoman.html
And http://docs.asp.net/en/latest/dnx/console.html

C1Chart and custom field in C1ReportDesigner

I am getting an error: "Failed to create custom field 'C1.C1Report.CustomFields.Chart’ from assembly 'c1.c1report.customfields.4′."
I am using ComponentOne Studio for ASPNET_2011
I have troubleshoot almost everything that were suggested in the forum.
I am creating a Report Defination(xml) template using C1ReportDesigner. The Report defination contains some subreports and Custom Filed for Chart. The report works fine with the C1ReportDesigner Preview, but when I am using the same template in web forms 4.0 using C1ReportViewer it givers me the above mentioned error. Without CustomField (Chart) it won’t gives me error.
I have mentioned the versions of the dll’s below:
C1ReportDesigner Details
Designer Version: 4.6.20111.54308 C1Report Version: 4.6.20111.54308
C1.C1Report.CustomFields.4.dll —–> 4.6.20101.1 C1.C1Report.4.dll —–>
4.6.20111.54308 (\ComponentOne\Studio for ASP.NET\ReportingTools\Designer.4) C1.C1Report.4.dll —–>
4.6.20111.54307 (\ComponentOne\Studio for ASP.NET\bin\v4) C1.Win.C1Chart.4.dll —-> 4.0.20101.20119 (\ComponentOne\Studio for
WebApplication(Project) Dll’s
//C1.C1Report.4.dll —–> 4.6.20111.54307
//C1.C1Report.CustomFields.4.dll —–> 4.6.20101.1
//C1.Win.C1Chart.4.dll —> 4.0.20111.21027
I have added the Custom Field dll in the project as suggested in the forum but its not working. Please help!!!!!!
The issue seems to be due to incorrect version of the chart dll used.
The CustomField dll used is of 10v1 while the version of the C1Chart dll is 11v1 (ie. a later one).
Hence, adding the references of the latest versions of the C1Chart won’t serve the purpose as the CustomFields dll would not be able to refer to this chart dll. You need to add the dll(s) of the version of controls that come packaged with the C1ReportDesigner and are in sync with the version of the dll used by the CustomField project.
You may refer to the following forum post for the complete detail/information on this :

Desktop project sharing an EF Code First Model with a MVC4 Web App Project Solution

I recently added a Visual Studio 2012 Desktop Project to a Visual Studio 2012 Solution that contains several Web Apps Projects and 1 Class LIbrary Project. The Class Library handles the EF 5 Code First Database Model that is shared for all the Web App in the solution.
The class LIbrary Project is the only one I used to update the database. The rest of the web projects are just consumers of that DLL library.
Now I'm trying to add a Visual Studio 2012 Desktop Application project to the same solution. The goal is for the Desktop App to use the same Class LIbrary DLL to interact with the database.
I added the Desktop Project to the solution and created the reference to the class library DLL. After I made changes on it to access the database through this DLL, like:
ContextDB db = new ContextDB();
ClassLib.Models.Gallery gallery = (from g in db.Galleries where g.GalleryId == galleryId select g).SingleOrDefault();
After the desktop Project is built I ran it and the first error that shows is:
The model backing the 'ContextDB' context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database
Then I tried to solve using this line of code just before the ContextDB definition:
ContextDB db = new ContextDB();
That solved that problem but now it is showing another error related with INVALID COLUMNS in almost all the columns on the table, the error is:
Invalid column name 'EventId'.
Invalid column name 'WebsiteId'.
Invalid column name 'Slug'.....
and so on for all the columns on the table..
There's nothing wrong with the database and other projects in the solution are using the Class Library without any problem.
I'm not sure what to do now.

How do I precisely specify the CRM Solution for CRMPackage Plugins deployment?

Having trouble getting MSBuild/Visual Studio 2012 to deploy a CRM 2011 Plugin Assembly to a named CRM Solution.
I've 2 project/SLNs. In one, I can precisely control which CRM Solution the build deploys a Plugin Assembly into; my msbuild (call this build-1) creates a CRM Solution with my custom entities/forms and Plugins. In another, despite specifying the exact values via msbuild /p for CRMOrganization, CRMSolutionName, CRMDiscoveryServer, 'CRMDiscoveryServerScheme, the resulting CRM Solution contains only the entities/forms. The Plugins are deployed but placed incorrectly into the Default Solution (call this build-2).
I've created build-2 from copy/pasting the values (except SLN and Project names) from build-1...and am at a loss to understand why build-1 deploys the plugins to my named CRM Solution, but build-2 deploys them to the Organization's Default CRM Solution.
Any ideas?
CRM might look specifically at Display name instead of Schema Name as the solution Name.
Unfortunately the CRM Developer Toolkit in both VS010 and VS2012 versions is configured at the solution level only. Therefore, despite adding multiple projects to your solution they will both use the CRM Organisation settings at the solution level. It's a rather annoying limitation that's existed since the first release of the tooling I'm afraid.
The MSBuild target file used by VS (Microsoft.CrmDeveloperTools.CrmClient.target) is available at the default install location C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\CRM. This folder also includes the supporting assembly containing the MSBuild Tasks if you felt like rolling your own build target.
I've looked at this briefly myself in the past but a word of warning, many of the classes in that assembly are sealed so extending them is off the table.

A constructible type deriving from DbContext could not be found in the selected file (EF Power Tools Beta 2 + VS 2012))

I'm using VS 2012 (Ultimate) together with Entity Framework Power Tools Beta 2 and entity framework 5.0 (using nuget).
I've created a DbContext class. When I right-click on the corresponding file in the solution explorer and select "Entity Framework / View Entity Data Model (Read-only)", I get the error "A constructible type deriving from DbContext could not be found in the selected file." error in VS 2012.
I tried the workaround described at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2012/04/09/ef-power-tools-beta-2-available.aspx, but my registry does not contain the key "{BFC24BF4-B994-4757-BCDC-1D5D2768BF29}" in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0_Config\BindingPaths\".
After restarting visual studio and following the same steps, a dialog pops up indicating "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation".
BTW. I'm able to execute my test application that creates the database from my DbContext and O can insert/delete/etc data in this database.
Any help/hints would be very appreciated.
Kind regards,
Uninstalling VSCommands for Visual Studio 2012 should get things working again. Unfortunately, this extension does not play nicely with the EF Power Tools. It loads it's own version of EntityFramework.dll into the main VS process which prevents the DbContext discovery logic from working properly.
As mentioned by Brice, this may be caused by compatibility issue with Visual Studio Extensions.
Latest version of VSCommands fixes this problem. You can get if from Visual Studio Gallery.
Many thanks to Brice and EF Team for their help in diagnosing the problem!
Having seen this error intermittently even without the extensions listed in the other answers, I found deleting the solution's local .suo file worked - although this was very much a when-all-else-fails answer!
I had a similar issue with a different Visual Studio Extension. In my case it was Visual Studio Tools for Git (Version
I just disabled the extension, restarted VS2012 and I was able to use generate the model from a code first EF project.