How to use Create Command in yii2? - mysqli

i want to create a new table and then insert value into it using create command. This is the code which i tried
if ( $model->save() )
$first_val = $model->num_start - 1;
$connection = \Yii::$app()->db;
$transaction = $connection->beginTransaction();
$q = "CREATE TABLE range_{$model->id}( id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,PRIMARY KEY (id) ); " ;
$connection->createCommand($q)->execute(); // new table created
if ( $model->num_start > 1 )
$r = "INSERT INTO range_{$model->id}( id ) VALUES ({$first_val});" ;
$connection->createCommand($r)->execute(); // new value inserted
catch (Exception $e)
// react on exception
return $this->redirect( [ 'index' ] );
when i try to run this code i get an error Call to undefined method Yii::app() How can i use the create command in Yii2?

You have mixed both yii and yii2:
Instead of


Salesforce Trigger - Prevent Parent Case Closure if Parent Case has open Child Cases

I have the following Apex trigger which should prevent a Parent Case from closing if the parent case has open child cases. Kindly assist with trouble shooting as the Apex Trigger is not firing.
trigger CaseTriggerCloseChild on Case ( before update ) {
Set < Id > setCaseIds = new Set < Id >();
Map < Id, Integer > mapOpenCaseCount = new Map < Id, Integer >();
for ( Case objCase : ) {
if ( objCase.Status == 'Closed' ) {
setCaseIds.add( objCase.Id );
for ( Case objCase : [ SELECT ParentId FROM Case WHERE ParentId IN: setCaseIds AND IsClosed = false ] ) {
if ( mapOpenCaseCount.containsKey( objCase.ParentId ) ) {
mapOpenCaseCount.put( objCase.ParentId, mapOpenCaseCount.get( objCase.ParentId ) + 1 );
} else {
mapOpenCaseCount.put( objCase.ParentId, 1 );
for ( Case objCase : ) {
if ( objCase.Status == 'Closed' ) {
if ( mapOpenCaseCount.containsKey( objCase.Id ) ) {
objCase.addError( 'You cannot close this Case. It has ' + mapOpenCaseCount.get( objCase.Id ) + ' open Child Cases.' );
Looks like your map of open cases is keyed on the parent ID and you are using the current case ID to look for open cases. You'll need to restructure it some.

syntax for selecting the last recordset in my model

I tried different possibilities but nothing worked, in the tutorial I couldn't find an example either.
I have a method in my modelclass:
public function getlastImport($filename)
//$id = (int) $id;
$rowset = $this->tableGateway->select(['Path' => $filename]);
$row = $rowset->current();
if (! $row) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Could not find row with identifier %d',
return $row;
I want to retrieve the last import of a given filename, so ist must be like in sql:
select max(ID) from table where filename = $filename;
But how would be the right syntax in this case?
The sql query should be
"SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE filename={$filename} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"
Use as the following in your model
public function getlastImport($filename)
$select = $this->tableGateway->getSql()->select();
$select->columns(array('id', 'filename', 'label'));
$select->where(array('filename' => $filename));
$select->order("id DESC");
$result = $this->tableGateway->selectWith($select);
$row = $result->current();
if (! $row) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Could not find row with identifier %d',
return $row;
Hope this would help you!

Codeigniter 3 get a specific session data by id

Codeigniter 3 session table looks like the following
`id` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
`ip_address` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
`timestamp` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
`data` blob NOT NULL,
KEY `ci_sessions_timestamp` (`timestamp`)
I can access my current session by
But If I'd like to access a specific session how would I do that.
I can get the session like
$this->db->where('id', 'db256c0b82f8b6ba1e857d807ea613792817157a');
$res = $this->db->get('ci_sessions');
echo $res->row()->data;
I get the following
__ci_last_regenerate|i:1450694483;email|s:18:"";user_code|s:7:"AAA1787";loginInId|i:8;users_id|s:11:"00000000002";active|s:1:"1";username|s:13:"amzadmojumder";fname|s:5:"Amzad";lname|s:8:"Mojumder";phone|s:11:"07900642131";title|s:1:"#";created_on|s:19:"2015-12-17 16:31:56";last_login|s:19:"0000-00-00 00:00:00";in_group|s:15:"2,1,3,4,5,6,7,8";
How could I convert this to an php object or array? I have tried to
Also tried
none of this worked. Any help will be appreciated.
Old question, yeah but this worked for me.
After fetching the session data from database, I just did
$array = PhpSessionSerializer::decode($session);
Firstly, the CodeIgniter sessions table should look a bit more like this:
session_id varchar(40) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
ip_address varchar(45) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
user_agent varchar(120) NOT NULL,
last_activity int(10) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
user_data text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (session_id),
KEY `last_activity_idx` (`last_activity`)
You'll also need to edit your config.php to ensure the following are set properly for CI Sessions to use a table for storage
$config['sess_use_database'] = TRUE;
$config['sess_table_name'] = 'ci_sessions';
The other issue you'll face is that you aren't really using sessions how they're supposed to be used. If you want to mimic sessions of another individual through an admin switch or something like that, you're probably best off creating a new session and duplicating the information in your table. If you actually assume the session, you risk breaking it or letting it expire while another user is accessing it. So I would write your own parsing function to duplicate a specific session in the database, like so:
Your session data is broken up like this in your dB:
created_on|s:19:"2015-12-17 16:31:56";
last_login|s:19:"0000-00-00 00:00:00";
The basic architecture is as such:
{session_key}|{information type s=string, i=int}:{length}:"{value}";
So we can grab it from the database and parse through it
duplicateSession( $id_to_duplicate ) {
// Kill any current sessions we're in to prevent conflicts
// Get the Session we want to duplicate
$this->db->where( 'id', $id_to_duplicate );
$session = $this->db->get( 'ci_sessions' );
$data = $session->row()->data;
// Turn our data into an array so we can parse through it
$data_arr = explode( ';', $data );
// Loop through each of our items to parse it out
foreach( $data_arr as $session_key ) {
// Explode out to separate our key name from our values
$session_key_arr = explode( '|', $session_key );
$key_index = $session_key_arr[0];
// Explode out to parse our values
$session_value_arr = explode( ':', $session_key_arr[1] );
$key_value = $session_value_arr[2];
// Build our new session index
$this->session->set_userdata( $key_index, $key_value );
I have solved this problem by creating helper function to update session from existing session id.
Reference :
function updateSession( $session_id='' ) {
$ci =& get_instance();
// Kill any current sessions we're in to prevent conflicts
// Get the Session we want to duplicate
$ci->db->where( 'id', $session_id );
$session = $ci->db->get( 'ci_sessions' );
$row = $session->row();
$session_db_data = $row->data;
$session_data = array(); // array where you put your "BLOB" resolved data
$offset = 0;
while ($offset < strlen($session_db_data))
if (!strstr(substr($session_db_data, $offset), "|"))
throw new Exception("invalid data, remaining: " . substr($session_db_data, $offset));
$pos = strpos($session_db_data, "|", $offset);
$num = $pos - $offset;
$varname = substr($session_db_data, $offset, $num);
$offset += $num + 1;
$data = unserialize(substr($session_db_data, $offset));
$session_data[$varname] = $data;
$offset += strlen(serialize($data));

Result binding in mysqli

In the following example, can any folks show me how to code the binding part as I select all fields from the table
$stmt = $mysqli_conn->stmt_init();
if ($stmt->prepare("SELECT * FROM books")) {
$stmt->bind_result( **WHAT DO I PUT HERE** );
In bind_result, you put in the variables where you want to fetch the data into, instead of using an array returned otherwise.
$stmt->bind_result($col1, $col2, $col3, $col4);
echo "$col1 $col2 $col3 $col4";
Alternatively, if you don't want to bind the result
while($resultArray = $stmt->fetch_assoc()) {
echo "$resultArray[columnName1] $resultArray[columnName2] ...";

Zend get foreign ID from login table

I am using Zend and Doctrine to login using a table containing also a foreign ID to another table. I need to get this ID in order to use it in a Doctrine query (through the controller) to the database like this:
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('Lost_Model_Item i')
->where('i.StatID = ?', 'I need the ID here')
$result = $q->fetchArray();
I have tried to get it like this:
But it seems to not work. I am new to Zend and a bit lost here. Could you please help?
As I ma working with doctrine I have created an adapter as follow:
public function authenticate()
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('Lost_Model_Station u')
->where('u.username = ? AND u.password = MD5(?)',
array($this->username, $this->password)
$result = $q->fetchArray();
if (count($result) == 1) {
$this->_resultArray = $result[0];
return new Zend_Auth_Result(
Zend_Auth_Result::SUCCESS, $this->username, array());
} else {
return new Zend_Auth_Result(
Zend_Auth_Result::FAILURE, null,
array('Authentication unsuccessful')
How about using getIdentity to get the username and then use a sql join on Lost_Model_Item and Lost_Model_Station
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('Lost_Model_Item i')
->leftJoin('i.Lost_Model_Station u')
->where('u.username = ?', Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity())
$result = $q->fetchArray();
This assumes that there is a doctrine "hasOne" relation defined for Lost_Model_Station (in the base class):
public function setUp()
$this->hasOne('Lost_Model_Item', array(
'local' => 'StatID',
'foreign' => 'whatever_id_StatID_relates_to'));
well you got what you store in Identity . You need to post the code where you ask user to login . Because there you are not storing the ID inside the session storage which Zend_Auth uses . Basically do this there
$row = $this->_adapter->getResultRowObject();
where $this->_adapter is
$this->_adapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable();