lintr error in ESS mode with Flycheck - emacs

I have met a problem about Flycheck in ESS mode(Emacs Speak Statistics). Whenever I open a R file, an error occurs, that is, "Suspicious state from syntax checker r-lintr: Checker r-lintr returned non-zero exit code 1, but no errors from output: error in library(lintr): there is no program called lintr ".
But from, he says "lintr is fully integrated into flycheck when using ESS". My Flycheck version is 0.25 and ESS version is 15.09, both are the latest ones!
I reinstall ESS but the error remains. Finally I have to disable syntax checker and the error is gone.
Have anyone met similar problem?Can anyone give any suggestions?

The question seems to be a silly one! You just need to install "lintr" package in your R session first. The solution came from Jonathan H in the now dead Google+ Emacs Community (link removed)


My plantuml-mode in emacs is not working correctly

I have tried to install and use plantuml-mode in emacs, with no success.
My emacs version: 25.2.2
Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64
I have followed the official instructions on
When I load a file it says
"Contacting host:".
After a few seconds I get the error message
"plantuml-init: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil"
I've looked at
Can't turn on plantuml-mode in Emacs
It didn't help. In a previous attempt I found some other similar help pages, on github and stackoverflow, but I can't find them right now. One was to fix a broken url, and the other was to provide the correct path to the jar file. I fixed both, but none of them fixed my problem.
The above mentioned problem reports are related to the mode's attempts to contact a web server, or to run plantuml. I am not interested in any of them, I prefer to run plantuml myself from the command line. All I want from the mode is syntax highlighing and indentation. It is possible to turn off the other features, to get rid of the errors? Or is there another, simpler mode out there, that doesn't try to contact the web or run executables?
Best regards
The plantuml-mode sends your data to be evaluated at by default.
To run it locally, you need to set both the plantuml jar path and the execution mode as described in
(setq plantuml-jar-path "/path/to/your/copy/of/plantuml.jar")
(setq plantuml-default-exec-mode 'jar)

Can't bring up scala-ensime REPL in emacs

I've got ensime and scala-mode2 install in my emacs, and I successfully start the ensime server for my project, and then when I try to bring up scala-repl through M-c + M-v + z, I got the following error: "apply: Wrong type argument: stringp, ("/Users/admin/.ivy2/cache/org.scala-lang/scala-library/jars/scala-library-2.11.4.jar" "/Users/admin/.ivy2/cache/org.kamranzafar/jtar/jars/jtar-2.2.jar" "/Users/admin//target/scala-2.11/classes" "/Users/admin//target/scala-2.11/test-classes")"
This might have been a transient error. This code has been refactored a lot recently, does it work now?
If not, follow the Troubleshooting Guide

Xemacs perl compilation can't go to error position, by showing "Wrong type argument" error

After compilation of perl script I get syntax error in compilation window. If I try to use Goto Error Command, it not working and show error message:
Wrong type argument: listp, "^\\s-*\\(at \\(.*\\):\\([0-9]+\\)\)"
I use cperl 6.2 and xemacs 21.5.34.
I change to GNU Emacs. How can I enable perl syntax check? I run cperl but syntax check is disabled?
CPerl's "Check syntax" menu item relies on something called mode-compile. If you don't have that installed it won't work. I've never used mode-compile, and can't offer much help there.
If you're going to be installing another package for syntax checking anyway, and assuming you're using GNU Emacs 24 or later, I suggest using the excellent Flycheck instead. Flycheck supports syntax checking for Perl as well as a huge number of other languages. In addition to regular syntax checking using the perl binary, Flycheck also supports syntax checking using Perl::Critic.
Flycheck is available via MELPA and MELPA stable. Once it is installed, add
to your configuration to enable Flycheck globally. If you've got perl on your path you should start getting syntax checking.

How to debug cider on emacs?

I have an issue using cider: emacs freezes after nREPL server started on 54308 is written. C-g helps, but I have cider not working. My question is: how can I debug cider and get some usefull output to find the source of this problem?
P.S. After a long time I get error in process filter: error during connect: connection timed out. But I would like to debug underlying process (as nrepl-server is started).
M-x toggle-debug-on-error should make it easy to obtain the stacktrace of the problem. After that you can you use any general debugging technique (personally, I'm fond using the debugger). I see you've also reported your problem here - that's always a good idea.

nXhtml is not highlighting PHP code, gives errors on loading

I'm using the latest nXhtml checked out from the repo, and using GNU Emacs version When I open a PHP file it shows as un-syntax-highlighted text, and I get a compile error:
Error: Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, nil
and a message in the log:
File mode specification error: (cl-assertion-failed (functionp byte-compiled-fun))
I'm avoiding my .emacs and .emacs.d by running emacs with this command:
emacs -Q --eval '(load "/path/to/nxhtml/autostart")' /path/to/nxhtml/tests/in/heredoc.php
Even if you don't have a fix, how can I go about debugging this issue?
There seem to be a fair amount of such wrong-type-argument errors lately with the development version of Emacs (24). This might represent an Emacs bug. Or it might represent an nXhtml bug.
I suggest starting by notifying Lennart, the nXhtml author, trying to give him a clear recipe, starting from emacs -Q.
If that doesn't help, consider filing an Emacs bug: M-x report-emacs-bug.
To try to debug it a bit yourself, be sure to load only source files (e.g. for nXhtml), i.e., *.el, not *.elc, starting preferably with emacs -Q (no init file). Do M-x set-variable debug-on-error t to see where the error is raised. Then perhaps use M-x debug-on-entry FUNCTION, where FUNCTION is the function where the error seems to have been raised. Then step through the Emacs debugger, hitting d to step and c to skip through a step.
But again, I suggest starting with Lennart.
Try the newest version of Emacs.
I had the same problem (on Windows 7):
Error: Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, nil
at line 1471 of nxhtml-loaddefs.el.
Nxhtml seems fine on Emacs (23 April 2012).;O=D