Why is Equatable not defined for optional arrays - swift

Can someone give me a good reason for why this doesn't work:
let a: [Int]? = [1]
let b: [Int]? = nil
a == b
This would be my proposed (if inelegant) solution. But it's trivial, so I feel like I'm missing a good reason why this isn't implemented.
func ==<T: Equatable>(lhs: [T]?, rhs: [T]?) -> Bool {
if let lhs = lhs, let rhs = rhs {
return lhs == rhs
else if let _ = lhs {
return false
else if let _ = rhs {
return false
return true

Update: Conditional conformance has been implemented in Swift 4.1. Arrays and optionals of Equatable elements are themselves
Equatable now, and your code
let a: [Int]? = [1]
let b: [Int]? = nil
a == b
compiles and works as expected in Xcode 9.3. The workarounds are not
needed anymore.
(Old answer:)
Optionals can be compared only if the underlying wrapped type is equatable:
public func ==<T : Equatable>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> Bool
Now Arrays can be compared if the element type is equatable:
/// Returns true if these arrays contain the same elements.
public func ==<Element : Equatable>(lhs: [Element], rhs: [Element]) -> Bool
but even for equatable types T, Array<T> does not conform to the Equatable protocol.
At present, this is not possible in Swift, see for example
Why can't I make Array conform to Equatable? for a discussion
in the Apple developer forum. This change with the implementation
of SE-0143 Conditional conformances
in Swift 4.
Your implementation looks correct, here is a possible different one
using switch/case with pattern matching:
func ==<T: Equatable>(lhs: [T]?, rhs: [T]?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case let (l?, r?) : // shortcut for (.Some(l), .Some(r))
return l == r
case (.None, .None):
return true
return false


Why Swift Tuples can be compared only when the number of elements is less than or equal to 6?

I read in HackingWithSwift that Swift tuples can be compared with == operator only when the number of elements is less than or equal to 6. What is the reason behind this limitation ?
Background: Tuples aren't Equatable
Swift's tuples aren't Equatable, and they actually can't be (for now). It's impossible to write something like:
extension (T1, T2): Equatable { // Invalid
// ...
This is because Swift's tuples are structural types: Their identity is derived from their structure. Your (Int, String) is the same as my (Int, String).
You can contrast this from nominal types, whose identity is solely based off their name (well, and the name of the module that defines them), and whose structure is irrelevant. An enum E1 { case a, b } is different from an enum E2 { case a, b }, despite being structurally equivalent.
In Swift, only nominal types can conform to protocols (like Equatble), which precludes tuples from being able to participate.
...but == operators exist
Despite this, == operators for comparing tuples are provided by the standard library. (But remember, since there is still no conformance to Equatable, you can't pass a tuple to a function where an Equatable type is expected, e.g. func f<T: Equatable>(input: T).)
One == operator has to be manually be defined for every tuple arity, like:
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, >(lhs: (A,B ), rhs: (A,B )) -> Bool { ... }
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, >(lhs: (A,B,C ), rhs: (A,B,C )) -> Bool { ... }
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, D: Equatable, >(lhs: (A,B,C,D ), rhs: (A,B,C,D )) -> Bool { ... }
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, D: Equatable, E: Equatable, >(lhs: (A,B,C,D,E ), rhs: (A,B,C,D,E )) -> Bool { ... }
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, D: Equatable, E: Equatable, F: Equatable>(lhs: (A,B,C,D,E,F), rhs: (A,B,C,D,E,F)) -> Bool { ... }
Of course, this would be really tedious to write-out by hand. Instead, it's written using GYB ("Generate your Boilerplate"), a light-weight Python templating tool. It allows the library authors to implement == using just:
% for arity in range(2,7):
% typeParams = [chr(ord("A") + i) for i in range(arity)]
% tupleT = "({})".format(",".join(typeParams))
% equatableTypeParams = ", ".join(["{}: Equatable".format(c) for c in typeParams])
// ...
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public func == <${equatableTypeParams}>(lhs: ${tupleT}, rhs: ${tupleT}) -> Bool {
guard lhs.0 == rhs.0 else { return false }
/*tail*/ return (
${", ".join("lhs.{}".format(i) for i in range(1, arity))}
) == (
${", ".join("rhs.{}".format(i) for i in range(1, arity))}
Which then gets expanded out by GYB to:
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable>(lhs: (A,B), rhs: (A,B)) -> Bool {
guard lhs.0 == rhs.0 else { return false }
/*tail*/ return (
) == (
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable>(lhs: (A,B,C), rhs: (A,B,C)) -> Bool {
guard lhs.0 == rhs.0 else { return false }
/*tail*/ return (
lhs.1, lhs.2
) == (
rhs.1, rhs.2
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, D: Equatable>(lhs: (A,B,C,D), rhs: (A,B,C,D)) -> Bool {
guard lhs.0 == rhs.0 else { return false }
/*tail*/ return (
lhs.1, lhs.2, lhs.3
) == (
rhs.1, rhs.2, rhs.3
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, D: Equatable, E: Equatable>(lhs: (A,B,C,D,E), rhs: (A,B,C,D,E)) -> Bool {
guard lhs.0 == rhs.0 else { return false }
/*tail*/ return (
lhs.1, lhs.2, lhs.3, lhs.4
) == (
rhs.1, rhs.2, rhs.3, rhs.4
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, D: Equatable, E: Equatable, F: Equatable>(lhs: (A,B,C,D,E,F), rhs: (A,B,C,D,E,F)) -> Bool {
guard lhs.0 == rhs.0 else { return false }
/*tail*/ return (
lhs.1, lhs.2, lhs.3, lhs.4, lhs.5
) == (
rhs.1, rhs.2, rhs.3, rhs.4, rhs.5
Even though they automated this boilerplate and could theoretically change for arity in range(2,7): to for arity in range(2,999):, there is still a cost: All of these implementations have to be compiled and produce machine code that ends up bloating the standard library. Thus, there's still a need for a cutoff. The library authors chose 6, though I don't know how they settled on that number in particular.
There's two ways this might improve in the future:
There is a Swift Evolution pitch (not yet implemented, so there's no official proposal yet) to introduce Variadic generics, which explicitly mentions this as one of the motivating examples:
Finally, tuples have always held a special place in the Swift language, but working with arbitrary tuples remains a challenge today. In particular, there is no way to extend tuples, and so clients like the Swift Standard Library must take a similarly boilerplate-heavy approach and define special overloads at each arity for the comparison operators. There, the Standard Library chooses to artificially limit its overload set to tuples of length between 2 and 7, with each additional overload placing ever more strain on the type checker. Of particular note: This proposal lays the ground work for non-nominal conformances, but syntax for such conformances are out of scope.
This proposed language feature would allow one to write:
public func == <T...>(lhs: T..., rhs: T...) where T: Equatable -> Bool {
for (l, r) in zip(lhs, rhs) {
guard l == r else { return false }
return true
Which would be a general-purpose == operator that can handle tuples or any arity.
There is also interest in potentially supporting non-nominal conformances, allowing structural types like Tuples to conform to protocols (like Equatable).
That would allow one to something like:
extension<T...> (T...): Equatable where T: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
for (l, r) in zip(lhs, rhs) {
guard l == r else { return false }
return true

Custom infix operators and optionals

class TreeNode: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: TreeNode, rhs: TreeNode) -> Bool {
lhs.val == rhs.val && lhs.left == rhs.right && lhs.right == rhs.left
var val: Int = 0
var left, right: TreeNode?
This code compiles and even works. But why? left and right variables are optional, isn't I supposed to unwrap it first in the body of static func ==?
Actually it isn't quite an equation. As you can see it's rather some sort of symmetrical equation. So I would like to define custom operator with different name for this purpose:
infix operator =|=: ComparisonPrecedence
class TreeNode {
static func =|=(lhs: TreeNode, rhs: TreeNode) -> Bool {
lhs.val == rhs.val && lhs.left =|= rhs.right && lhs.right =|= rhs.left
var val: Int = 0
var left, right: TreeNode?
And now it doesn't compile due to the reason I've mentioned earlier. It wants me to unwrap the optionals first.
Actually it would be great if it "just works" like in the case of "=="))) Because not having to unwrap the optionals explicitly would be convenient here.
So I want to understand why it behaves differently in these two situations.
This code compiles and even works. But why?
It is simply because there is an == operator declared for all Optional<Wrapped> where Wrapped is Equatable, like this:
static func == (lhs: Wrapped?, rhs: Wrapped?) -> Bool
TreeNode is Equatable in your first code snippet, so it works.
In your second code snippet, you haven't declared a =|= operator that operates on two TreeNode?. You can do that by either putting this in global scope...
func =|= (lhs: TreeNode?, rhs: TreeNode?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (nil, nil): // both nil
return true
case (let x?, let y?): // both non-nil
return x =|= y // compare two non-optional tree nodes
return false
or writing an Optional extension:
extension Optional where Wrapped == TreeNode {
static func =|= (lhs: Wrapped?, rhs: Wrapped?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (nil, nil): // both nil
return true
case (let x?, let y?): // both non-nil
return x =|= y // compare two non-optional tree nodes
return false
But as Leo Dabus said, I'd just conform to Equatable and not create your own operator. Conforming to existing protocols allows you to use TreeNode with many APIs in the standard library, such as Array.contains(_:).

Overriding / operator for Optionals using generics results in endless loop

lets take a look at the following code snippet:
func / <T>(lhs: T?,rhs: T?) throws -> T? {
switch (lhs,rhs) {
case let (l?,r?):
return try l/r
return nil
let x : Double? = 2
let y : Double? = 2
let z = try! x/y
I created a generic function that expects two optional parameters. If I run this code it leads to an endless loop because try l/r uses func / <T>(lhs: T?,rhs: T?) to divide the values. Can anyone explain why dividing two none optional double values results in a function call to the method I wrote and not the default / operator definition for Double?
If I extend Double by an extension that requires a static / operator for that class everything works like a charm:
protocol Dividable {
static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
extension Double: Dividable {}
func / <T:Dividable>(lhs: T?,rhs: T?) throws -> T? {
switch (lhs,rhs) {
case let (l?,r?):
return l/r
return nil
let x : Double? = 2
let y : Double? = 2
let z = try! x/y
The binary arithmetic for e.g. Double is not implemented using concrete Double types, but rather as default generic implementations for types conforming to FloatingPoint:
Within the block of your custom / function, the compiler does not know that the typeholder T conforms to FloatingPoint, and the overload resolution of l/r will resolve to the method itself (since the FloatingPoint implementions, while being more specific, are not accessible to the more general non-constrained type T in your custom implementation).
You could workaround this by adding FloatingPoint as a type constraint also to your own custom method:
func /<T: FloatingPoint>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) throws -> T? {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case let (l?, r?):
return try l/r
return nil
Likewise, the binary arithmetic for integer types are implemented as default generic implementations constrained to types conforming to the internal protocol _IntegerArithmetic, to which the public protocol IntegerArithmetic conforms.
You can use the latter public protocol to implement an overload of your custom operator function for integer types.
func /<T: IntegerArithmetic>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) throws -> T? {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case let (l?, r?):
return try l/r
return nil
Finally, you might want to consider why you'd want this function to throw. N also ote that there are ways to simplify you implementations when dealing with exactly two optional values that you want to operate on only in case both differ from nil. E.g.:
func /<T: FloatingPoint>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> T? {
return lhs.flatMap { l in rhs.map{ l / $0 } }
func /<T: IntegerArithmetic>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> T? {
return lhs.flatMap { l in rhs.map{ l / $0 } }
Of, if you prefer semantics over brevity, wrap your switch statement in a single if statement
func /<T: FloatingPoint>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> T? {
if case let (l?, r?) = (lhs, rhs) {
return l/r
return nil
func /<T: IntegerArithmetic>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> T? {
if case let (l?, r?) = (lhs, rhs) {
return l/r
return nil
Your function signature doesn't let the compiler know anything about the type of lhs and rhs, other than that they're the same type. For example you could call your method like this:
let str1 = "Left string"
let str2 = "Right string"
let result = try? str1 / str2
This will result in an infinite loop because the only method that the compiler knows called / that takes in 2 parameters of the same type (in this case String) is the one that you've declared; return try l/r will call your func / <T>(lhs: T?,rhs: T?) throws -> T? method over and over again.
As you mentioned in your question, you will need a protocol that your parameters must conform to. Unfortunately there is no existing Number or Dividable protocol that would fit your needs, so you'll have to make your own.
Note that division will crash when the denominator is 0 and will not throw an error, so you should be able to remove the throws keyword from your function so that it is:
func / <T:Dividable>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> T?
Edit to clarify further
If you think about what the compiler knows at that point I think it makes more sense. Once inside the function all the compiler knows is that lhs and rhs are of type T and optional. It doesn't know what T is, or any of its properties or functions, but only that they're both of type T. Once you unwrap the values you still only know that both are of type T and non-optional. Even though you know that T (in this instance) is a Double, it could be a String (as per my example above). This would require the compiler to iterate over every possible class and struct to find something that supports your method signature (in this case func / (lhs: Double, rhs: Double) -> Double), which it simply can't do (in a reasonable time), and would lead to unpredictable code. Imagine if you added this global method and then every time / was used on something existing (such as Float(10) / Float(5)) your method was called, that would get pretty messy and confusing pretty quickly.

Comparing optional arrays

Running the following code snippet in the playground gives an error:
let a: [Int]? = [1,2]
let b: [Int]? = [1,2]
a == b // value of optional type '[Int]?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?
While doing something similar for a 'simpler' optional type works:
var x: Int? = 10
var y: Int?
x == y // false
What is the reasoning behind the first case, of optional arrays, not being allowed? Why can't Swift first see if either side if nil (.None) and then if they are not, do the actual array comparison.
The reason it works for simpler types is because there is a version of == that is defined for optionals that contain types that are Equatable:
func ==<T : Equatable>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> Bool
But while Int is Equatable, Array is not (because it might contain something that is not equatable - in which case how could it be). All Equatable things have an == operator, but not all things with an == operator are Equatable.
You could write a special-case version of == specifically for optional arrays containing equatable types:
func ==<T: Equatable>(lhs: [T]?, rhs: [T]?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs,rhs) {
case (.Some(let lhs), .Some(let rhs)):
return lhs == rhs
case (.None, .None):
return true
return false
You could also generalize this to cover any collection containing equatable elements:
func ==<C: CollectionType where C.Generator.Element: Equatable>
(lhs: C?, rhs: C?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs,rhs) {
case (.Some(let lhs), .Some(let rhs)):
return lhs == rhs
case (.None, .None):
return true
return false
adding swift 3 version of Airspeed's answer:
func ==<T: Equatable>(lhs: [T]?, rhs: [T]?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs,rhs) {
case (.some(let lhs), .some(let rhs)):
return lhs == rhs
case (.none, .none):
return true
return false
func ==<C: Collection where C.Iterator.Element: Equatable>(lhs: C?, rhs: C?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs,rhs) {
case (.some(let lhs), .some(let rhs)):
return lhs == rhs
case (.none, .none):
return true
return false
Swift 4.1
Update: The missing functionality has been implemented in Swift 4.1.
Your code
let a: [Int]? = [1,2]
let b: [Int]? = [1,2]
a == b
compiles and works as expected since Xcode 9.3 (Swift 4.1).
Old answer
The easiest is not to use optional array and use an empty array ([]) instead of nil - in case you don't need to distinguish between those two cases.
let a = [1,2]
let b = [1,2]
let c = []
a == b
b != c
It worked in my case when I was writing Equatable extension for a struct. Instead of using property categories: [Category]? I have just changed it to categories: [Category] and parsed missing categories as empty array ([]).

Swift error comparing two arrays of optionals

I get a compilation error in the next Swift code
var x:Array<Int?> = [1,2]
var y:Array<Int?> = [1,2]
if x == y { // Error
If both arrays are Array<Int> it works fine, but if at least one of them is optional it throws an error like the next:
Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to two Array<Int?> operands
I filed a bug report months ago but I had no answer. It still occurs in Swift 1.2.
Why is this happening?
The issue here is the distinction between something having an == operator, versus something being “equatable”.
Both Optional and Array have an == operator, that works when what they contain is equatable:
// if T is equatable, you can compare each entry for equality
func ==<T : Equatable>(lhs: [T], rhs: [T]) -> Bool
// if T is equatable, you can compare the contents, if any, for equality
func ==<T : Equatable>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> Bool
let i: Int? = 1
let j: Int = 1
i == j // fine, Int is Equatable
["a","b"] == ["a","b"] // and so is String
But they themselves do not conform to Equatable. This makes sense given you can put a non-equatable type inside them. But the upshot of this is, if an array contains a non-equatable type, then == won’t work. And since optionals aren’t Equatable, this is the case when you put an optional in an array.
You'd get the same thing if you tried to compare an array of arrays:
let a = [[1,2]]
let b = [[1,2]]
a == b // error: `==` can’t be applied to `[Array<Int>]`
If you wanted to special case it, you could write == for arrays of optionals as:
func ==<T: Equatable>(lhs: [T?], rhs: [T?]) -> Bool {
if lhs.count != rhs.count { return false }
for (l,r) in zip(lhs,rhs) {
if l != r { return false }
return true
For a counter-example, since Set requires its contents to be hashable (and thus equatable), it can be equatable:
let setarray: [Set<Int>] = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
setarray == [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] // true