How to translate the Expr(Const number) in Z3 to be an object in MPQ/MPFR - interface

When I use the Z3-opt(Ocaml version) to solve some planning problem, and I get a result from Z3 like this:
(+ (/ 31.0 10.0) (* (to_real (- 1)) epsilon))
And this result is of type of Z3.Expr. I want to know how to translate this result(of Z3.Expr) to anther common data-type object(for example, MPQ/MPFR).
Does the Z3-opt(Ocaml version) provide the ocaml interface to this?
Many thanks.


How to print formulae and literals when using CVC5?

I am playing with the CVC5 example at
from cvc5.pythonic import *
slv = SolverFor('QF_LIRA')
x = Int('x')
y = Real('y')
slv += And(x >= 3 * y, x <= y, -2 < x)
print(slv.check(y-x <= 2/3))
slv += y-x == 2/3
It works as it is supposed to work.
However, whenever I try to print the content of the formula (i.e., print(slv)), it raises the following error: Cannot print: Kind.CONST_INTEGER
The same happens with literals that compound the formula: i.e., print(x >= 3); but not with variables: print(x) returns x.
I would like to have this printing capability, since Z3 allows it and I am trying my (originally-in-Z3-made) implementation with different SMT sovlers. Any idea?
Note that print(slv) does return info ([]), when it is empty. I tried using str(), but the error persists and indeed I guess print() uses str() before printing.
PS: I am using CVC5, should I use CVC4 or is CVC5 mature enough?
I think this is a bug. You should report it to the CVC5 folks at (i.e., they should be able to handle this case just fine.)
In the interim, you can use the following workaround:
which prints:
(and (let ((_let_1 (to_real x))) (and (>= _let_1 (* 3.0 y)) (<= _let_1 y) (> x (- 2)))))
which takes a bit of squinting to see that this is what you asserted, but it should do the trick.

Convert Integer to Float in Elisp

I am having trivial problems converting integer division to a floating point solution in Emacs Lisp 24.5.1.
(message "divide: %2.1f" (float (/ 1 2)))
"divide: 0.0"
I believe this expression is first calculating 1/2, finds it is 0 after truncating, then assigning 0.0 to the float. Obviously, I'm hoping for 0.5.
What am I not seeing here? Thanks
The / function performs a floating-point division if at least one of its argument is a float, and an integer quotient operation (rounded towards 0) if all of its arguments are integers. If you want to perform a floating-point division, make sure that at least one of the arguments is a float.
(message "divide: %2.1f" (/ (float 1) 2))
(or of course if they're constants you can just write (/ 1.0 2) or (/ 1 2.0))
Many programming languages work this way.

Converting a real into an integer in lisp

How can I convert a real number to an integer in LISP?
Is there any primitive function?
3.0 => 3
There are multiple ways.
I will be using f instead of a float number below.
If you're interested in the next-highest integer, (ceiling f) gives you that. If you are interested in the next-lowest integer, (floor f) gives you that (for values like 1.0, the two functions will return the same integer value). If you prefer having the closest integer, you can use (round f) to find it.
Those are the three simplest and most portable ways I can think of.
Other option is TRUNCATE. Examples
> (truncate 2.2)
=> 2
> (truncate 2.9)
=> 2

Using 'ash' in LISP to perform a binary search?

So, I'm reading Land of Lisp now, and Lisp is turning out to be quite different than other programming languages that I've seen.
Anyways, the book provides some code that we're meant to enter into the CLISP REPL:
(defparameter *small* 1)
(defparameter *big* 100)
(defun guess-my-number ()
(ash (+ *small* *big*) -1))
(defun smaller ()
(setf *big* (1- (guess-my-number)))
(defun bigger ()
(setf *small* (1+ (guess-my-number)))
Now, the basic goal is to create a number guessing game wherein the user/player chooses a number, and then the computer tries to guess the number. It performs a "binary search", to find the player's number, by having the player report whether the computer-guessed number is higher or lower than the player's number.
I'm a little bit confused about the ash function. It's my understanding that this is vital to the binary search, but I'm not really sure why. The book somewhat explains what it does, but it's a little confusing.
What does the ash function do? Why is it passed the parameters of *small* added to *big* and -1? How does it work? What purpose does it serve to the binary search?
Google gives you this page which explains that ash is an arithmetic shift operation. So (ash x -1) shift x by one bit to the right, so gives its integer half.
Thanks to Basile Starynkevitch for the help on this one...
Anyhow, ash performs an arithmetic shift operation.
In the case of (ash x -1) it shifts x by one bit to the right, which ultimately returns the integer half.
For example, consider the binary number 1101. 1101 in binary is equivalent to 13 in decimal, which can be calculated like so:
8 * 1 = 8
4 * 1 = 4
2 * 0 = 0
1 * 1 = 1
8 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 13
Running (ash 13 -1) would look at the binary representation of 13, and perform an arithmetic shift of -1, shifting all the bits to the right by 1. This would produce a binary output of 110 (chopping off the 1 at the end of the original number). 110 in binary is equivalent to 6 in decimal, which can be calculated like so:
4 * 1 = 4
2 * 1 = 2
1 * 0 = 0
4 + 2 + 0 = 6
Now, 13 divided by 2 is not equivalent to 6, it's equivalent to 6.5, however, since it will return the integer half, 6 is the acceptable answer.
This is because binary is base 2.
Q. What does the ash function do? Why is it passed the parameters of small added to big and -1? How does it work? What purpose does it serve to the binary search?
It does operation of of shifting bits, more precisely Arithmetic shifting as explained/represented graphically for particular case of Lisp:
> (ash 51 1)
When you do (ash 51 1) it will shift the binary of 51 i.e 110011 by 1 bit place towards left side and results in 1100110 which gives you 102 in decimal. (process of binary to decimal conversion is explained in this answer)
Here it adds 0 in the vacant most right place (called Least Significant Bit).
> (ash 51 -1)
When you do (ash 51 -1) it will shift the binary of 51 i.e 110011 by 1 bit place towards right side (negative value stands for opposite direction) and results in 11001 which gives you 102 in decimal.
Here it discards the redundant LSB.
In particular example of "guess-my-number" game illustrated in Land of Lisp, we are interested in halving the range or to average. So, (ash (+ *small* *big*) -1)) will do halving of 100+1 = 100 / 2 to result in 50. We can check it as follows:
> (defparameter *small* 1)
> (defparameter *big* 100)
(defun guess-my-number ()
(ash (+ *small* *big*) -1))
> (guess-my-number)
An interesting thing to notice is you can double the value of integer by left shifting by 1 bit and (approximately) halve it by right shifting by 1 bit.

Storing dates in Common Lisp

What's the proper way to store dates in Common Lisp? The closest thing I found to an answer is this, which doesn't really seem to cut it for me.
(defparameter *my-birth-date* (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 14 2 1984))
If you want to store a date converted to string, you can use the following:
(s m h d mm y dw dst-p tz) (get-decoded-time)
(format nil "~D\/~D\/~D" date month year))