With the default select2 drop down it removes the model from the list after I have added it, how do I allow the user to add the same model multiple times?
This looks like an issue with the select2 version where it does not allow multiple items of the same type to be selected. So it is really configuring the UI for many to many relationships
I wanna to use Camunda Modeler to create a complicated form cards for User Tasks consist about 20-30-50 fields divided in several tabs. Many cards will contain the same fields and fields groups. I wanna to have an ability to create and reuse fields groups or somewhat liked on fields groups. How can organize process with Modeler? What is the appropriate template? Or maybe you can recommend another tool?
I have a variant of template, but it's not clear for me now. The complicated form will be divided into several tabs. For example the card consists in 2 Tabs: Tab1 and Tab2. Then I can suppose that the card with active Tab1 is one state of the card, and the same card with active Tab2 - the another state. And then I can configure a scenario for each tab and transitions between tabs. Does it look believable?
Apparently, there are no standard solutions of such kind of issue. I'm going to make an integration form.io formBuilder into Camunda modeler instead standard form constructor. Maybe it looks madly, but I'm sure - it would be working. The formio has angular implementation of the constructor and modeler is based on the electron technologies. There are looks the same, and integration is not imagine as great headache. I hope. But I need a lot of time to do this.
We created our own framework with Scala / Play and Semantic-UI (Here you can use whatever technology you like).
You model the user form in the Camunda Modeler, using additional properties to describe the 'special' components, like File Upload, Field Grouping, Number Field, Radio Buttons etc.
We use then Play Templates / Semantic-UI to implement the generic Forms.
So in our implementation we use the defined properties to generate them in the Form.
So for example you can provide a property width. This value we use for the Semantic-UI layout which allows widths 1 to 16. So you have a simple possibility to have more than one component in one row.
is it possible to have a onepage-form for editing or creating a entry and its related (1 to n) entrys?
For example: I have a customer model, every customer can have unlimited addresses. I could now have a CustomerCrudController and a AdressCrudController with the adress having select2-field for the customer, maybe having some kind of filter for the customer in the adress-list-view but it would be a more fluid working having the ability to change or add adresses in the customers-edit-view.
There is currently no built-in way to do that right now in a Backpack CRUD create/edit form. It's planned, but will not be happening until the next version of Backpack, which might take as long as 3-6 months to launch.
What you could do is:
1) create your own custom field type, say "select_or_create_address";
2) start from the select2 field type and create your custom functionality:
the results should could be loaded with ajax;
a button next to the select could open a popup with the create address form, either:
a quick form you code yourself that inserts a new address in the db;
the AddressCrudController create form (but without the menu, sidebar, etc); for this you'd need to create another method in the AddressCrudController, base off CrudController::create() but loading a different view;
when the address successfully added, the id should be inserted in the select2 as a value;
My recommendation is to go with the quick form, it should be faster to develop and you wouldn't have to resort to solutions like iFrame popups.
I am looking for best practices on SYMFONY FORM handling to achieve the following standard page (surprisingly I haven't found anything similar existing yet on SO).
Here is a shema of what I want to achieve:
As you can see at the top there is a SYMFONY FORM to filter the results that should be displayed.
It displays a table and each tuple of the table should permit to open another SYMFONY FORM kind linked to the tuple.
I am in the process of learning SYMFONY FORM, so far, I can manage to create the top row FORM to set the filter that'll apply to the table display.
But I wonder if anyone has experience on the second part: Displaying the table that embed as well many forms of a similar kind -That seems a bit more complex. I read about TWIG.EXTENSION and FORM.COLLECTION, I'll investigate that. But if someone could save me to re-invent the wheel and lead me to some direct shortcut, I'd be really grateful.
No idea if it's the best practice, but one way to do it would be to create a new property for your entity being listed in this table, called $editionForm (without mapping it to the database) for example.
Then, either throught a custom loop or by listening to a doctrine (or any ORM you use) hydration event (or triggering such an event if you don't use any ORM), fill the property with the generated form, probably within a dedicated service.
Then, just use it in your template like this :
I have an embedded form collection in Symfony. Which is working nice. I am working with a manytomany assocation mapping.
Except i want to create (with javascript?) the form so that only unique values are available. In my example i have an Organisation which can exist of many users. When i add user "L" in this case and i want to add a second user i want to prevent that user "L" is available in the other dropdown.
The way i embedded the collection of forms is exactly like the documentation of Symfony has learned me. (http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/form/form_collections.html)
Down below is an example of how it works now (in this example I want to prevent that in the dropdown the user "L" is available as an option.
Thank you very much!
Unfortunately, there's no way you can make the HTML form behave this way. HTML forms just do not have any composite (or dependent) <select> widgets. So, the right way to go here would be:
validating the form server-side, so that duplicate values in two select boxes are not allowed;
adding some JavaScript code to the view that renders form. Perhaps this code should listen to <select>s' onChange events, and once an event is received, the option selected in the first box should either receive a disabled attribute or get deleted.
I am a Django noob and have a situation that goes beyond the basic documentation, etc.
I am updating an ordering webpage that has a form structured as follows:
several text boxes, etc to gather general info (name, date, etc)
two separate tables for selecting (via checkbox) catalogs that are generated/managed using endless_pagination. Each table can have thousands of records, hence the endless_pagination. The first column in each table is a checkbox with value = catalog.id.
a textbox where the user can manually enter catalog IDs
a submit button
I am not sure how to keep track of what a user has selected in the two paginated tables since the checked boxes are lost when choosing a different page. Also, when the user flips back and forth between the pages, the previoulsy checked catalogs will need to be re-checked(since the checked state is not maintained). I am also not sure which tool(s) to use to deal with this.
My thought is to use JavaScript (with which I have minimal experience) to update a list of catalog IDs whenever a checkbox is checked/unchecked and:
- and attach that list to the form or
- update a variable in the form or
- send as a variable separate from the form, whichever is possible/makes more sense.
I'm hoping that maintaining a list of catalog IDs is possible because the next iteration of this form will likely include some sort of filtering so I'm trying to devise a solution that will not have to be reworked later.
I have reviewed a lot of posts but I believe the closest solutions are rendered useless because of the endless_pagination.
Let me know if further clarification is required. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I tried using JavaScript to store the catalog IDs in an array when a checkbox is checked. This does not work when a user selects another page in the pagination. The array of checked catalog IDs is lost when the page 'reloads'.
I'm running into this problem right now as well. I'm handling this by writing the checked items to localStorage so they carry across to page 2, 3, etc.. as well as show up as already checked when you go back to page 1. Then every time the page loads, either find and check the existing checkbox, or create a hidden input with the appropriate name and value and append it to the main form.
var selected_items = []
function add_item_to_checkbox(item) {
localStorage.setItem('selected_items', JSON.stringify(selected_items));
checkbox.on("click", add_item_to_checkbox);
bahh... Just look at my jsfiddle it's easier to read and yeah. I don't have to type JS into a textarea on stackoverflow.
Here is my javascript minus a few things that are specific to my code. I'm sure it could be improved upon but it works really well for my application.