jboss brms 6.1 install business-central not working - jboss

I am following the instructions from this
https://github.com/jbossdemocentral/brms-install-demo provided by Eric D Schabell.
I have followed the exact same steps for option-1 (install on your own machine).
ALso downloaded the following products as instructed
EAP installer (jboss-eap-6.4.0-installer.jar) * BRMS installer
Then ran the init.bat from ..\brms-install-demo-master directory.
I get the following output on the console (showing successfull installation )
Product sources are present...
Product sources are present...
EAP installer running now...
JBoss BRMS installer running now...
enabling demo accounts role setup in application-roles.properties file...
1 File(s) copied
setting up standalone.xml configuration adjustments...
1 File(s) copied
setup email task notification users...
1 File(s) copied
You can now start the JBoss BRMS with C:\tools\brms-install-demo-> master\target\jboss-eap-6.4\bin\standalone.bat
You can open business central in browser at:
and login as user: erics and password: jbossbrms1!
JBoss BRMS 6.1 Install Demo Setup Complete.
But when i start the brms product using standalone.bat from
And I hit this path,
I get this error
JBWEB000068: message /business-central
JBWEB000069: description JBWEB000124: The requested resource is not available.

There have been some fixes just applied to the init.bat that we are testing here right now:
Would you mind testing this and if it works for you then we will apply to the Cool Store demo too.
Note I have added this to the Cool Store project here:

I tested both the unpatched and patched version and was able to access Business Central. Do you experience any errors in the server logs when and can you verify the server has started fully?


How do I set up "Remote Debugging"of Wildfly 20 from Eclipse 2020-06

Where can I find current instructions for how to set up Remote Debugging of Wildfly 20 from Eclipse 2020-06? My searches have found posts going back to 2014 they don't work. My most recent attempt is to follow https://tools.jboss.org/documentation/howto/configure_remote_server.html. This has no date on it and it is for connection to EAP 6.1 instead of Wildfly 20 but at least it is from tools.jboss.org and the instructions matched Eclipse 2020-06.
The problem is that when I right click on on the new Server just created with these instructions and select Debug I get the following error:
failed to copy to /opt/wildfly-20.0.1.Final/standalone/deployments/MyApp.war/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF on host
The requested path is not found on the remote system.
Here are what I think are important facts:
The path /opt/wildfly-20.0.1.Final/standalone/deployments DOES exist on the Wildfly 20 server #
The Wildfly 20 server is started with /opt/wildfly-20.0.1.Final/standalone/deployments/MyApp.war in place. The Management console shows that MyApp is Deployed and I can access the app from a remote machine so Wildfly and the server are running.
I can connect from Eclipse to the Wildfly server using the Remote Systems item that creating the new Server created. In particular, I can use the root item to "roam around" the file system on the Wildfly server so that suggest to me that Eclipse can establish a connection to the Wildfly server.
The instructions in the URL above did not include this but in the Server's Properties the Web and Management ports were both 0. I manually set them to 8080 and 9990 respectively.
Thank you in advance.
Since your installation is on /opt I guess it was done with root privileges. I'm not sure your user has sufficient rights to be able to access those paths.
As far as I can tell /opt is the recommended installation location but I finally got the server to at least deploy so that problem is solved. See updated question at Attempt to debug a remote Wildfly 20 server failing.

VSTS IIS Web App Deploy fails with return 2148734720

I configured releases same way for a couple of our servers but I have issue with one of them (others work perfectly):
[error]Failed to deploy web package to IIS website.
[error]Error: C:\vstsagent\A2_work_tasks\IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroup_1b467810-6725-4b6d-accd-886174c09bba\0.0.20\MSDeploy3.6\msdeploy.exe failed with return code: 2148734720
Unfortunately I can't find anything helpful related to this error Code.
My release configuration:
IIS Web App Deploy (Preview)
Deployment group with one specific staging server (I'm using on-premise agent)
Website name: correct name of my website in IIS
Virtual Application: empty field
Package of Folder: zip chosen from build drop artifacts
Selected "XML variable substitution"
Selected "Remove Additional Files at Destination"
What I've already tried with no luck:
manually turn of application
delete all files in application folder
changing user account to use for the service
Again - same configuration for other servers works fine.
Servers configuration: Windows Server 2012R2 Standard x64
Looks like I figured it out. .NET Framework 3.5 was missing on my server...
I was investigating logs and I found out that below line is causing failure.
"C:\vstsagent\A2\_work\_tasks\IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroup_1b467810-6725-4b6d-accd-886174c09bba\0.0.20\MSDeploy3.6\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:package='C:\vstsagent\A2\_work\r2\a\temp_web_package_8269135298977384.zip' -dest:auto -setParam:name='IIS Web Application Name',value='httproot'
So I copied it to CMD and got proper Windows message when I tried to execute it.

quickstart Apache DayTrader

I am trying to get the Apache DayTrader benchmarking app on OpenShift quickstart working see link https://openshift.redhat.com/app/console/application_type/quickstart!17609
I have a free 3 gear openshift online account and the quickstart starts up but then after a while posts the message
"Application creation is taking longer than expected. Please wait a few minutes, then refresh this page."
Waiting and refreshing the page shows the whole application rolled back and removed from the gear.
I suspected it might need a larger gear but I can build an openshift gear manually with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 and PostgreSQL 9.2 as per requirements in a small gear
I tried manually building the application via jboss developer studio and downloaded the git locally, imported it as a general project,converted to Mavern project, started openshift application wizard and choose the jbosseap-6 app type with postgresql-9.2 cartridge and went through using the existing daytrader project.
That all seemed to work and the app was created in my openshift online gear
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6
Status: Started
1 small, Storage 1 GB PostgreSQL 9.2
the account webpage then displays
"Welcome to your JBoss EAP application on OpenShift"
but I cant seem to access the daytrader index.jsp or app from there.
If anyone has successfully built Daytrader on openshift either manually or via quickstart could they please post the steps.
I am just starting with jboss and the solution may be an absurdly simple oversight on my part.
Much appreciated John
I am assuming this is not your cartridge. If that is the case, you should try logging an issue on the github project that feeds into that quickstart here: https://github.com/gvijayar/daytrader
The creator of the cartridge should be able to help you out.
I posted ( some time ago ) the issue in github for gvijayar but there has been no reponse. I have managed to build via command line as per "Deploying from Source" making allowance for the error.
The application name needs to change in the create command to be consistent across all the commands you list.
rhc app create -a daytradereap -t jbosseap-6 -g large
but the quickstart still fails consistently.

Failed to deploy worklight adapter in Worklight

When deploying the BPM project in a development environment, everything works. However, when trying to move the project to the WAS application server, the adapter deployment fails (.war and .wlapp deployment passes successfully):
Failed to deploy adapter 'BPMAdapter.adapter'. : Procedure 'getRest' in adapter 'BPMAdapter' requires security test 'BPMAdapter-securityTest' which is not defined in authenticationConfig.xml.
We've verified the security test exists in authenticationConfig.xml, here's the portion of the tests, so it is, in fact present:
<customSecurityTest name="BPMAdapter-securityTest">
<test isInternalUserID="true" realm="BPMAuthRealm"/>
<webSecurityTest name="BPMApp-web-securityTest">
<testUser realm="BPMAuthRealm"/>
<mobileSecurityTest name="BPMApp-strong-mobile-securityTest">
<testUser realm="BPMAuthRealm"/>
<testDeviceId provisioningType="none"/>
<mobileSecurityTest name="BPMApp-mobile-securityTest">
<testUser realm="BPMAuthRealm"/>
These are the steps we've taken:
Testing server: Windows 2008 R2 Datacenter
Database: DB2 10.1
Application Server: WAS ND
Installed Worklight Server Enterprise 5.0.5 with DB2 databases successfully. (Worklight is working at: http://internal:9082
Installed in the server (for the sake of not having problems with JDBC during build) Worklight Studio Enterprise 5.0.5 successfully.
Imported the project into a new workspace inside Studio.
Deployed worklight adapter BPMAdapter.xml successfully.
Right click on the app (BPMApp) and "Build All and Deploy" successfully.
Opened http://internalIP:8080/console (Development Jetty based worklight console) to see if the application deployed, and indeed it's shown in the list (Both the apps and the adapter).
Tested with "Preview as common resources" to verify the application works, success.
Now we proceed to make the adjustments to the files needed for WAS deployment:
Changed the in the application-descriptor.xml file from
http://${local.IPAddress}:8080 to http://internalIP:9082/worklight (this example shows the same approach http://goo.gl/xbynL)
At that point we open the bin dir and copy to a folder in the desktop all the *.wlapp files and the BPMAdapter.adapter file.
Now we make the changes in the worklight.properties file:
publicWorkLightHostname=the operational hostname for the worklight server
Saved the worklight.properties and immediately the *.war is regenerated, we copy the *.war to the deployment folder for later upload to WAS.
Create in WAS the Enterprise application according to: (Infocenter for WL 5.0.5 - Deploying a customization .war file to WebSphere Application Server Full Profile) making sure that In the "Class loader order" pane, click Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last) and In the modules section the "Class loader order" pane, click Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last).
WAR upload and start-up is successful.
With the .war uploaded (context root BPMWorklight) we go in the browser to http://internalIP:9082/BPMWorklight/console/#catalog
and upload the BPMApp-all.wlapp (we don't upload the other three iPhone, android or common, just the -all.wlapp) the upload is successful.
We proceed to upload in http://internalIP:9082/BPMWorklight/console/#catalog
the adapter BPMAdapter.adapter, we get the error "Failed to deploy adapter 'BPMAdapter.adapter'. : Procedure 'getRest' in adapter 'BPMAdapter' requires security test 'BPMAdapter-securityTest' which is not defined in authenticationConfig.xml."
See my answer here: Failed deploying application using Worklight Console: "Failed to deploy application <appName>.wlapp'. : ERROR
Make sure that the Worklight Server version that is installed on WebSphere matches that of the Worklight Studio Eclipse plug-in used to create the .war, .wlapps and .adapter files.
In addition, make sure that:
you use the same context root ("BPMWorklight") for all:
in application-descriptor.xml
in worklight.properties
name of the .war file
you have removed the previous .war installed by default by the Worklight installation on WAS
I am getting the feeling that you have several Worklight .war files deployed and they are somehow using the wrong .war, thus not finding/using the correct authenticationConfig.xml, which could explain not finding the securityTest.
In Worklight 5.0.x, there should be only 1 Worklight .war file at a time.

Wix: The service cannot be started during installation

I'm having a problem with Wix Service as the service cannot be started during install progress. It throws the error:
Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
I've tried with both [WIX_ACCOUNT_LOCALSYSTEM] and [WIX_ACCOUNT_LOCALSERVICE] but no one of them work.
But there is weird here as I have an installer which using ClickOne, it includes the same service component as the one I have been using in Wix. The ClickOne installs service just fine (using InstallUtil.exe), so it proves the account has right to start a service.
Then, I uninstall the software (installed by ClickOne), and running the Wix installer again, the service starts well now. I don't know the reason why?
I'd like to put some flows for more clearly:
1- On a fresh machine
2- Running Wix software installer --> the service cannot be started and throwing error message --> Cancel install
3- Running ClickOne software installer --> service starts well --> Uninstalling software
4- Running Wix software installer --> service starts well
Also note that, I've tried 2 times on 2 fresh machines but it's the same. Anyone can shed some light on this weird behavior? Or anything I should verify against?
Thanks in advance,
Thank you #Stephen Connolly, #Alexey Ivanov, #Cosmin Pirvu for your comments.
I'd like to add your comments above as the answer.
Using CheckAsm, a great tool to verify the assembly dependencies
Looking at the log information in Event Viewer for anything could stop the service starting (i.e. timeout, services dependency ...)
Verifying all stuffs would be needed for service operations. They should be available once installation completed (i.e. configuration, registry, working folder ...)
If the installer is installing files to the GAC using the Windows Installer tables, the dependencies won't be available when the installer runs the StartServices action