Plain text autocomplete in Atom (Github) - autocomplete

I've auto-complete and auto-complete+ installed on the latest version of Atom. Unfortunately, these packages don't auto-complete or suggest words while typing plain text as open office or some sublime packages do.
For instance, if I am typing repo and the word repository already appears in the current document, I would like to have some sort of auto-completion / intellisense to show up.
I looked, in vain, for package in atom achieving that.
So, the question is, do you know any package to do that in atom or any intuitions on how to create it ?

Actually the autocomplete-plus package should do exactly what you want. By default it looks in the current document, but you can enable "Include completions from all buffers" to get completions from all open buffers.
A few suggestions why it does not work:
Make sure "Enable built-in provider" is activated in the autocomplete-plus settings
The package let's you choose between two "Default Providers", Fuzzy and Symbol. Try both (for me Symbol works fine)
Make sure the file type you use does support autocompletion and is not blacklisted, see this question for details
Maybe the autocomplete package interferes with autocomplete-plus. Try disabling or uninstalling autocomplete


Fuzzy file opening in vscode

I am exploring vscode after using atom for a long while. One of the things I'm missing is an equivalent of the lovely package advanced-open-file. Is there something similar to this in vscode?
I found the advanced-new-file extension, but it is only helpful when it comes to new files. I would like to be able to quickly open files from all over my local files (not only the workspace).
Edit: I found the option of workbench.action.quickOpen; but it doesn't allow opening files from the whole file system.
Sorry, but currently the answer is no. The problem is that input box doesn't provide a way to listen to key events:
GitHub issue,
so even the extensions can't do that currently. Here's the comment from advanced-new-file extension creator:
Because VSCode extensions don't yet have the ability to do type-ahead autocomplete within the text input box (See, we work around this limitation and provide autocomplete using a two-step workflow of selecting existing path, then providing new filename/path relative to the selection.
The good news is that there is a new API addressing this issue, but it's currently in 'proposed' state and can't be used for published extensions.
One workaround could be typing code -r some/path in integrated terminal and using 'tab' for autocomplete.
The Fuzzy search extension seems to work for me.
It adds a new action to the command palette which allows you to search for files in the current project and open them.

VSCODE Complete existing word in de file

In gedit there is a plugin that completes an existing word in the same file and in different files if both are open.
Does VSCODE have any similar extension?
Yes, VSCode has auto-complete. Language extensions can provide customized auto-complete capabilities, such as context filtering, implicit vocabularies, etc. However, the level of capability will depend on which extensions you have installed and are active. If none of the active extensions provide auto-complete, then VSCode itself provides a very basic version automatically, which is limited to suggesting "words" that have already been entered in the current document.

Better autocompletion in sublime for SCSS

In sublime, if I type "border" and then TAB, it guesses: "border-top-left-radius" which annoys me like hell. I have to set the syntax to "LESS" to get a better autocomplete.
Why is sublime acting this way? Is there a plugin to get a better autocompletion for SCSS files?
Even though this question is old I am having the same issue. When I am typing db i get box-decoration-break: and seriously who cares about this property I just want to get display:block. Or when I type dib I am hoping to get display:inline-block;
What I did is to install emmet using the Package Manager and then on User Preferences (Sublime Text 2 > Preferences > Settings - User ) disable autocomplete: "auto_complete": true
Now with Sass my files are looking good and the autocomplete feature works well, you can also use emmet with hayaku.
There's a package named SCSS In sublime's package-control plugin.
A Sass & SCSS syntax package for Sublime Text 2
(note: it's working for me with sublime-text-3 as well)
It's lets you choose 'SCSS' syntax, and performs just as it should.
Give it a try.
There are installation notes on the package web-site,
You can install it manually, or through package-control.
If you havn't installed package-control yet, I recommend that you do.
It's one of sublime's best features in my opinion, you can find many packages to improve your productivity.

Triggering autocomplete in emacs-prelude

I installed emacs prelude in cygwin via the simple curl installation. I open a test.js file and try typing "document." to see autocomplete but nothing pops up. Admittedly I'm totally an emacs/prelude newbie, is there something else I should be doing to get it to autocomplete?
Does your Prelude installation include library Autocomplete? And is that what you mean by "autocomplete"?
Give a recipe showing what keys you hit and what you expected to happen vs what actually happened.
Consult the Prelude manual.
Ask the preluddites themselves (sorry; couldn't resist):
I see only a few Google hits in English for all three keywords: "emacs prelude autocomplete", and none of them mention using Prelude and Autocomplete together.
Your question is too general, I am assuming by auto-completion you mean
A popup that displays the possible completions for currently typed
word and allows you select one of the candidates
Something like this
Last time I checked prelude did not come with such autocomplete but you can configure emacs to have this kind of completions. You will have to install a library that provides the completion UI, I know of three libraries that do this in emacs (ordered according to my familiarity with them)
1) auto-complete
2) company
3) completion-ui
You can install any one of these (auto-complete and company have a good a number of backends, I do not know much about completion-ui). If you are using emacs 24 this will be as simple as M-xlist-packagesRET, marking the package to be installed with I and then typing X (for auto-complete you will need to add melpa to your package archive, refer to the websites above for more on installation)
These will provide a basic completion interface. auto-complete by default offers words in current buffer for auto-completion. However for 'intelligent' auto-completion you will need to configure these to use a completion backend. This will vary according to the individual language you want completion (eg. jedi for python, tern for javascript, eclim for java etc), as such you will need to ask specific questions to get helpful answers.

eclipse's plugin or vim's plugin similar like ctrl+p and type # to find function/method list in sublime

eclipse is good at autocompletion when static typing , when is dynamic typing ,eclipse failed to autocompletion ; in sublime ctrl+p ,type # and type 'method name'to find function/method list , It is a wonderful way to find the right method while coding dynamic typing language ;
the key point is :
the operation in sublime text 2 is very convenient ,all key type is in one input box ; never need to chage active file tab; we can focus on the active code file tab ;
is there any plugin in eclipse or vim which can search method of any file conveniently ?
In ST2, this feature is used to quickly jump to a method anywhere in your project.
In Eclipse, Control+Shift+R can be used to jump quickly to a "resource" (file) and Control+Shift+T is for jumping to a type (not method). Control+o opens a very useful and quick outline of the current file. It doesn't work project-wide.
I'm not aware of something that works exactly like ST2's feature. Did you search the marketplace?
In Vim, FuzzyFinder, Command-T and CtrlP all allow you to navigate through your project using fuzzy matching. They can be setup to use your tags file. AFAIK, there's no plugin that provides exactly what ST2 provides.
From your question I'm not sure you use it as intended: it sounds like you use it to show a list of methods in some file in your project in order to use the right method in your code. This sounds a lot like you'd benefit from autocompletion to me.
Being an IDE, Eclipse shines on that front: its "code assist" window will show you where the suggestion is defined as well as its type.
Vim's "omnicompletion" is quite limited compared to an IDE but, depending on your language and using some third party scripts, it can be made quite powerful.