Facebook graph api where location equals - facebook

I'm trying to search pages which location city equals to xyz.
For example find page Guiness in city = Wroclaw, it looks like this:
But it doesn't work ?!
I tried many different ways.
I think the problem is in that the location is complex type, but I can't find in documentation how to search by complex type :(.
Hope help will came soon.
Thanks !

It's clearly documented what is possible with the /search endpoint:
You can't use other parameters than outlined there. Either this would be
or search for a place with center coordinate and a distance:


Retrive all districts based on city name from REST query

I've searched for solution for that problem on here-api documentation but I can't really find it out ! I'm starting doubt if this even possible.
Ok so basicly what i need to know for now:
1. Is this even possible on this platform ?
2. Using exactly which 'module' (eg. PLATFORM DATA EXTENSION,BATCH GEOCODER)
There is no straight solution to get all districts in a city since district concept varies from one place to another(country-specific). Still you can try one of the below options:
administrative-areas-buildings category in places api
city-town-village category in places api
retrieveAreas mode in geocoder api (apply bbox or increase the radius of prox parameter and see if it works for your location)
Search Text in geocoder can also be used if you are search for districts which match a regex
You can check if the above 1) and 2) are applicable to your location using https://places.demo.api.here.com/places/v1/categories/places?at=41.8369%2C-87.684&app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg

Twitter advanced search by date AND location for research purposes

I'm trying to research a topic and I need to get all tweets within 2013 and 2015 and a specific location for two keywords.
I tried to get the results via Advanced Search but I allways get no results.
I tried:
cannabis near:"EspaƱa" within:15mi since:2013-10-07 until:2015-01-01
cannabis near:"Spain" within:15mi since:2013-10-07 until:2015-01-01
Basically, I have a database of scraped press articles sorted by date from a bunch of sources, and I want to know how the agenda of this news sources have an impact on the social media conversation.
I could do it over Reddit if it was the case for the US, but there's no Spanish alternative (well, we have Meneame, but the user base is very left-leaning and I think it will be very narrow).
So I wanted to either scrape the search results or get them via API, but It's not working, and AFAIK I can't do anything similar with Facebook.
One way to achieve this is by using Twitter's geocode operator. In the example below i took Madrid as a center and covered a radius of 600km around it like this:
(canabis OR cannabis) geocode:40.4381311,-3.8196196,600km since:2013-10-07 until:2015-12-31
Try it...
The syntax is as follows:
([your_boolean_search_query]) geocode:[latitude],[longitude],[radius]km since:[] until:[]
one easy way to find latitudes and longitudes of locations is to use Google Maps. Simply navigate to a place using the search box and then copy the latitude and longitude element from the URL line in the browser. Here it is for Madrid. The latitude and longitude are right after the # sign, separated by a comma:
Try it...

Does the use of place parameter in queries using the Facebook Graph API affect the results of post searches?

I 've been trying to test the place parameter when used for searching post using the Facebook Graph API. However it does not seem to affect results !!
For example:
in the previous URL results do not change when I change the values of latitude and longitude (44,55) or the radius (1000)
Am I doing something wrong ?
I think the "distance" and "center" parameters only work when you use the parameter "type=place".
e.g. The two links below return demonstrate this.
Once you have all the places returned, you could then do a further search on each place for their posts that contain coffee...

Get Zipcodes List by giving my current point zipcode inside a radius

I need to find if the given zip code is within the required radius. For example, if the user has entered 20910, it should be able to determine if it's within 5 mile radius of 20814. Is there a way to do it? Google API or something? Please help.
I'm using C# as the programming language.
I think it's called the havershine formula...
Havershine Example - google it for more

Foursquare API nearByVenue service issue

Using Foursquare api "Venue" service.. i am parsing nearByVenue details like shop, restaurant etc.
Suppose as an example i am getting following link:
Issue is I am getting only 10 nearbyDetails.. suppose I am standing in New York there should be number of venue details.. why I am getting only 10 details only ?
Is there any other service or i am following wrong approach to use it?
Add l=n where n is your limit in query string. The default limit is set to 30.
You can change the value of l="no of result" parameter.
And also if you want to search for particular keyword like ATM, Coffee
then you can add the parameter q and add it's value like q="atm", q="coffee", etc.
hope it will be helpful to you.