I'm working on a system to manage the problems in different projects.
I have the following tables:
3D experience
Lorem Epsum
Not loading
Breaking down
In the above examples, the problem 1 is still red, and the problem 2 is green (no end date).
I need to create a chart when the user selects an specific project, where the status of the problems along the weeks (starting by the week of the first registered problem) will be shown. The chart of the project 1 should look like this:
I'm trying to write a code in postgreSQL to return a table like this, so that I can populate this chart:
I've been trying multiple ways but just can't figure out how to do that, could someone help me please?
Bellow a db-fiddle to help:
CREATE TABLE projects (
id serial NOT NULL,
description character varying(50) NOT NULL,
country character varying(50) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT projects_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE TABLE problems (
id serial NOT NULL,
id_project integer NOT NULL,
description character varying(50) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT problems_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT problems_id_project_fkey FOREIGN KEY (id_project)
CREATE TABLE problems_status (
id serial NOT NULL,
id_problem integer NOT NULL,
status character varying(50) NOT NULL,
start_date date NOT NULL,
end_date date,
CONSTRAINT problems_status_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT problems_status_id_problem_fkey FOREIGN KEY (id_problem)
INSERT INTO projects (description, country) VALUES ('3D experience','Brazil');
INSERT INTO projects (description, country) VALUES ('Lorem Epsum','Chile');
INSERT INTO problems (id_project ,description) VALUES (1,'Not loading');
INSERT INTO problems (id_project ,description) VALUES (1,'Breaking down');
INSERT INTO problems_status (id_problem, status, start_date, end_date) VALUES
(1, 'Red', '2020-10-17', '2020-10-25'),(1, 'Yellow', '2020-10-25', '2020-11-20'),
(1, 'Red', '2020-11-20', NULL),(2, 'Red', '2020-11-01', '2020-11-25'),
(2, 'Yellow', '2020-11-25', '2020-12-22'),(2, 'Red', '2020-12-22', '2020-12-23'),
(2, 'Green', '2020-12-23', NULL);
If I understood correctly your goal is to produce a weekly tally by problem status for a particular project for a specific time period (Min db date to current date). Further if a problem status spans week then is should be included in each weeks tally. That involve 2 time periods, the report period against the status start/end dates and checking for overlap of those dates. Now there ate 5 overlaps scenarios that need checking; lets call the ranges let A the any week in the report period and B. the start/end of status. Now, allowing that A must end within the reporting period. but B does not we have the following.
A starts, B starts, A ends, B ends. B overlaps end of A.
A starts, B starts, B ends, A ends. B totally contained within A.
B starts, A starts, B ends, A ends. B overlaps start of A.
B starts, A starts, A ends, B ends. A totally enclosed within B.
Fortunately, Postgres provides functionally to handle all the above meaning the query does not have to handle the individual validations. This is DATERANGEs and the Overlap operator. The difficult work then becomes defining each week with in A. Then employ the Overlap operator on daterange for each week in A against the daterange for B (start_date, end_date). Then do conditional aggregation. for each overlap detected. See full example here.
with problem_list( problem_id ) as
-- identify the specific problem_ids desirded
(select ps.id
from projects p
join problems ps on(ps.id_project = p.id)
where p.id = &selected_project
) --select * from problem_list;
, report_period(srange, erange) as
-- generate the first day of week (Mon) for the
-- oldest start date through day of week of Current_Date
(select min(first_of_week(ps.start_date))
, first_of_week(current_date)
from problem_status ps
join problem_list pl
on (pl.problem_id = ps.id_problem)
) --select * from report_period;
, weekly_calendar(wk,yr, week_dates) as
-- expand the start, end date ranges to week dates (Mon-Sun)
-- and identify the week number with year
(select extract( week from mon)::integer wk
, extract( isoyear from mon)::integer yr
, daterange(mon, mon+6, '[]'::text) wk_dates
from (select generate_series(srange,erange, interval '7 days')::date mon
from report_period
) d
) -- select * from weekly_calendar;
, status_by_week(yr,wk,status) as
-- determine where problem start_date, end_date overlaps each calendar week
-- then where multiple statuses exist for any week keep only the lat
( select yr,wk,status
from (select wc.yr,wc.wk,ps.status
-- , ps.start_date, wc.week_dates,id_problem
, row_number() over (partition by ps.id_problem,yr,wk order by yr, wk, start_date desc) rn
from problem_status ps
join problem_list pl on (pl.problem_id = ps.id_problem)
join weekly_calendar wc on (wc.week_dates && daterange(ps.start_date,ps.end_date)) -- actual overlap test
) ac
where rn=1
) -- select * from status_by_week order by wk;
select 'Project ' || p.id || ': ' || p.description Project
, to_char(wk,'fm09') || '/' || substr(to_char(yr,'fm0000'),3) "WK"
, "Red", "Yellow", "Green"
from projects p
cross join (select sbw.yr,sbw.wk
, count(*) filter (where sbw.status = 'Red') "Red"
, count(*) filter (where sbw.status = 'Yellow') "Yellow"
, count(*) filter (where sbw.status = 'Green') "Green"
from status_by_week sbw
group by sbw.yr, sbw.wk
) sr
where p.id = &selected_project
order by yr,wk;
The CTEs and main operate as follows:
problem_list: Identifies the Problems (id_problem) related the
specified project.
report_period: Identifies the full reporting period start to end.
weekly_calendar: Generates the beginning date (Mon) and ending date (Sun) for each week within the reporting period (A above). Along the
way it also gathers week of the year and the ISO year.
status_by_week: This is the real work horse preforming two tasks.
First is passes each problem by each of the week in the calendar. It
builds row for each overlap detected. Then it enforces the "one
status" rule.
Finally, the main select aggregates the status into the appropriate
buckets and adds the syntactic sugar getting the Program Name.
Note the function first_of_week(). This is a user defined function and available in the example and below. I created it some time ago and have found it useful. You are free to use it. But you do so without any claim of suitability or guaranty.
create or replace
function first_of_week(date_in date)
returns date
language sql
immutable strict
* Given a date return the first day of the week according to ISO-8601
* ISO-8601 Standard (in short)
* 1 All weeks begin on Monday.
* 2 All Weeks have exactly 7 days.
* 3 First week of any year is the Monday on or before 4-Jan.
* This implies that the last few days on Dec may be in the
* first week of the following year and that the first few
* days of Jan may be in week 53 (53) of the prior year.
* (Not at the same time obviously.)
as $$
with wk_adj(l_days) as (values (array[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]))
select date_in - l_days[ extract (isodow from date_in)::integer ]
from wk_adj;
In the example I have implemented the query as a SQL function as it seems db<>fiddle has issues with bound variables
and substitution variables, Besides it gave the ability to parameterize it. (Hate hard coded values). For the example I
added additional data fro extra testing, Mostly as data that will not be selected. And an additional Status (what happens if it encounters something other than those 3 status values (in this case Pink). This easy to remove, just get rid on OTHER.
Your notice that "the daterange is covering mon-mon, instead of mon-sun" is incorrect, although it would appear that way for someone not use to looking at them. Lets take week 43. If you queried the date range it would show [2020-10-19,2020-10-26) and yes both those dates are Monday. However, the bracketing characters have meaning. The leading character [ says the date is to included and the trailing character ) says the date is not to be included. A standard condition:
somedate && [2020-10-19,2020-10-26)
is the same as
somedate >= 2020-10-19 and somedate < 2020-10-26
This is why when you change the increment from "mon+6" to "mon+5" you fixed week 43, but introduced errors into other weeks.
You can fill in blanks using COALESCE to select the first non-null value in the list.
SELECT COALESCE(<some_value_that_could_be_null>, <some_value_that_will_not_be_null>);
If you want to force the bounds of your time range into a result set you can UNION your result set with a specific date.
SELECT ... -- your data query here
SELECT end_ts -- WHERE end_ts is a timestamptz type
In order to UNION you will need to have the same arity and same type of fields returned in the unioned query. You can fill in everything other than the timestamp with NULL casted to whichever the matching type is.
More concrete example:
WITH data AS -- get raw data
, ps.status
, ps.start_date
, COALESCE(ps.end_date, CURRENT_DATE, '01-01-2025'::DATE) -- you can fill in NULL values with COALESCE
, pj.country
, pj.description
, MAX(start_date) OVER (PARTITION BY p.id) AS latest_update
FROM problems p
JOIN projects pj ON (pj.id = p.id_project)
JOIN problem_status ps ON (p.id = ps.id_problem)
UNION ALL -- force bounds in the following
SELECT NULL::INTEGER -- could be null or a defaulted value
, NULL::TEXT -- could be null or a defaulted value
, start_date -- either as an input param to a function or a hard-coded date
, end_date -- either as an input param to a function or a hard-coded date
) -- aggregate in the following
SELECT <week> -- you'll have to figure out how you're getting weeks out of the DATE data
, COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE status = 'Red')
, COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE status = 'Yellow')
, COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE status = 'Green')
FROM data
WHERE start_date = latest_update
GROUP BY <week>
Some of the features used in this query are very powerful and you should look them up if they're new to you and you are going to be doing a bunch of reporting queries. Mainly coalesce, common table expressions (CTE), window functions, and aggregate expressions.
Aggregate Expressions
WITH Queries (CTEs)
Window Functions
I wrote a dbfiddle for you to take a look at here after you updated your requirements.
I have such a query
select r.timestamp, r,value
from result_table r
where timestamp > ( NOW() - INTERVAL '120 hour' )
and r.id%10=1`
where id is the autoincremental primary key.
Instead, 120 and 10 can by any other number (decided by the user depending on his needs). Basically, the user wants data for some time interval with some decimation.
Obviously, it works too slow on a big amount of data. What should be the index(s) here?
PostgreSQL supports SQL expression or function indexes
timestamp > ( NOW() - INTERVAL '120 hour' )
and r.id % 10 = 1
Needs the index (timestamp, (id % 10)) to get more performance.
(timestamp, (id % 10))
see demos
with index http://sqlfiddle.com/#!17/8e63b/6
without index http://sqlfiddle.com/#!17/9be99/3
Editted because of comment
Thanks, Raymond, However, (id % 10) is not that good since instead of
10 can be any other number. 9, 11, 100, 1, etc
Other approach use generate_series() and a delivered table to generate a id list matching % number = 1.
And use that resultset with a IN clause.
p.s this statement assumes a id column with SERIAL and a table equal or less then 1 million records. Also keep in mind that the generate_series() function takes some time.
SQL statement
numbers.number FROM (
generate_series(1, 1000000) as number
) AS numbers
numbers.number % number = 1
Then you can use the index
CREATE INDEX timestamp_id ON result_table(timestamp, id);
And the query
timestamp > ( NOW() - INTERVAL '120 hour' )
id IN (
numbers.number FROM (
generate_series(1, 1000000) as number
) AS numbers
numbers.number % 10 = 1
see demo http://sqlfiddle.com/#!17/5013c0/6 with example data.
I'm looking for a way to concatenate timestamp in two difference row, for an example, I have this table:
I want it to be grouped by weekday and concatenate the min(start_hour) with max(start_hour), to get something like this
and I'm using this query to retrieve the first image result
The query below should give you what you are looking for provided the information supplied. I made some assumptions. That the '00:00:00' in the start and end hours is not a valid time and can be ignored. If they should be considered valid, then Friday's output would be one entry of '00:00:00' - '11:30:00'.
I created two CTEs, one for the start hours and the other for the end hours where the values are not '00:00:00'. Added a row number to the CTEs so i can match up the day & row_number to get you a set.
,array_to_string(array_agg(t.shift), ',') shifts
WITH cte_start AS (
SELECT row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY day)
FROM test22
WHERE start_hour <> '00:00:00'::time
,cte_stop AS (
SELECT row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY day)
FROM test22
WHERE stop_hour <> '00:00:00'::time
SELECT cte_start.day
,cte_start.start_hour::varchar || ' - ' || cte_stop.stop_hour::varchar AS shift
FROM cte_start
LEFT OUTER JOIN cte_stop ON cte_start.day = cte_stop.day
AND cte_start.row_number = cte_stop.row_number
) T
I have to do simple subtraction of time but need help implementing two queries into one script.
Due to some internal restrictions on DB, I can not convert timestamp column too time using any of the methods in postgresql. Instead I used "extract" to pull out the hour, minute, seconds, and rejoin them into one column.
My question is how do I combine the extract statement and a mathematical function statment I wrote that subtracts time from the second cell right below it and adds either the word "min" or "sec" if the time is subtracted from minute or seconds, if this is not possible then no worries. . Example:
table A
time new_time(logic)
0 4:50:55 time(1) - time(0) = 1sec
1 $:50:56 time(2) - time(1)
Extract statement:
select (extract(hour from timestamp) || ':' || extract(minute from timestamp) || ':' || extract(second from timestamp)) as my_time
from tableA
Mathematical statement:
update page
set time= timestamp
from (
select tableA.timestamp - lead(tableA.timestamp) over (order by time)
from tableA
where tableA.id = tableB.id
Thank you in advance.
update page
set time = timestamp
from (
select id,
lead(timestamp::time) - timestamp::time over (order by timestamp::time)
from tableA
) tableA
where tableA.id = page.id
I'm using PostgreSQL 9.3.9 and I have a procedure called list_all_upsells that takes in the beginning of a month and the end of a month. (see sqlfiddle.com/#!15/abd02 for sample data) For example, the below code would list the count of upselled accounts for the month of October:
select COUNT(up.*) as "Total Upsell Accounts in October" from
list_all_upsells('2015-10-01 00:00:00'::timestamp, '2015-10-31 23:59:59'::timestamp) as up
where up.user_id not in
(select distinct user_id from paid_users_no_more
where concat(extract(month from payment_stop_date),'-',extract(year from payment_stop_date))<>
concat(extract(month from payment_start_date),'-',extract(year from payment_start_date)));
The list_all_upsells procedure looks like this:
payor_email_2 text;
FOR payor_email_2 in select distinct payor_email from paid_users LOOP
return query
'select paid_users.* from paid_users,
select payment_start_date as first_time from paid_users
where payor_email = $3
order by payment_start_date limit 1
) as dummy
where payor_email = $3
and payment_start_date > first_time
and payment_start_date between $1 and $2
and first_time < $1'
using a, b, payor_email_2;
I want to be able to run this for all months that we have records and query the data together in one table like this:
Month | Total Upselled Accounts
08/2014 | 23
09/2014 | 35
10/2015 | 56
I have a query to grab the first of each month and last of each month for the months we have been in business:
select distinct date_trunc('month', payment_start_date)::date as startmonth
from paid_users ORDER BY startmonth;
Last of month:
SELECT distinct (date_trunc('MONTH', payment_start_date) +
INTERVAL '1 MONTH - 1 day')::date as endmonth from paid_users
ORDER BY endmonth;
Now how would I create a function to loop through the list_all_upsells and grab the count for each of these months? I.e. the first query for startmonth gives me 2014-03-01, 2014-04-01, ...to 2015-10-01 whereas the second query for endmonth gives me 2014-03-31, 2014-04-30, ...to 2015-10-31. I want to run the list_all_sells on each of these months so that I can get an aggregate count each month of how many upselled accounts we have
My paid_users table looks like this:
CREATE TABLE paid_users
user_id integer,
user_email character varying(255),
payor_id integer,
payor_email character varying(255),
payment_start_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
CREATE TABLE paid_users_no_more
user_id integer,
payment_stop_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
You have a couple of issues with your function, so let's start there. The short of it is that (1) you need only a single parameter to indicate the month, using beginning and ending of the month is setting yourself up for problems; (2) you do not need a dynamic query because you are not changing identifiers (table or column names); (3) you do not need a loop; and (4) your logic is wrong. I could also mention that PostgreSQL uses functions and that they all start with a line like CREATE FUNCTION list_all_upsells(...) but that would be just too picky.
To start with the logic: Apparently a user identified by his email address takes out a subscription from a certain payment_start_date until a certain payment_stop_date and can do this multiple times. You are looking for those users who took out their first subscription before the month in question, and who started a new subscription in the month in question but not a first subscription. In that case the filter payment_start_date > first_time is useless because you already filter for a first subscription being prior to the month in question (first_time < $1) and a new subscription (payment_start_date BETWEEN $1 AND $2).
Points (1), (2) and (3) really only become obvious when rewriting the query inside the function:
CREATE FUNCTION list_all_upsells(timestamp) RETURNS SETOF paid_users AS $$
SELECT paid_users.*
FROM paid_users
JOIN ( -- This JOIN keeps only those rows where the payor_email has a prior subscription
SELECT DISTINCT payor_email,
first_value(payment_start_date) OVER (PARTITION BY payor_email ORDER BY payment_start_date) AS dummy
FROM paid_users
WHERE payment_start_date < date_trunc('month', $1)
) dummy USING (payor_email)
-- This filter keeps only those rows with new subscriptions in the month
WHERE date_trunc('month', payment_start_date) = date_trunc('month', $1)
Since the body of the function has reduced to a single SQL statement, the function is now a sql language function, which is more efficient than plpgsql. You now supply only a single parameter, which can be any moment in the month you want the data for, so list_all_upsells(LOCALTIMESTAMP) will give you the results for the current month. In terms of the query you posted it would be:
SELECT count(up.*) AS "Total Upsell Accounts in October"
FROM list_all_upsells(LOCALTIMESTAMP) up
WHERE up.user_id NOT IN
(SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM paid_users_no_more
WHERE date_trunc('month', payment_stop_date) <>
date_trunc('month', up.payment_start_date)
This, incidentally, really begs the question why you have the table paid_users_no_more. Why not simply add a column payment_stop_date to table paid_users? Where that column is NULL the user is still subscribed. But the whole query is rather odd, because list_all_upsells() returns new subscriptions during the month, so why bother with cancelled subscriptions at some other time?
Now on to your real question:
SELECT months.m "Month", coalesce(count(up.*), 0) "Total Upselled Accounts"
FROM generate_series('2014-08-01'::timestamp,
date_trunc('month', LOCALTIMESTAMP),
'1 month') AS months(m)
LEFT JOIN list_all_upsells(months.m) AS up ON date_trunc('month', payment_start_date) = m
Generate a series of months from some starting month until the current month, then count the new subscriptions for each month, possibly 0.