how to show list of CustomerId in dropdown list - entity-framework

i want to create Customer diary on the base of customerID that present in customer table.
In customerID field i want dropdown list having list of CustomerId's that are present in database
How can i do that ? can someone help me please

var _objAllCustomerIds = null;
using (AdventureWorksEntities context = new AdventureWorksEntities())
_objAllCustomerIds = context.MyCustomers.Select(customer => customer.Id).ToList();
//where AdventureWorksEntities is your DBcontent containing all your entities
//MyCustomers is the entities representation of your customer table

if this is in your .aspx file
then in your .aspx.cs file (assuming you're using code behind) you'd get the list of customer IDs and then bind that list to this dropdown.
Does this answer from another question help?
How to bind the selected value of a DropDownList


link multiple models on same row of sap.m.table

This may be a basic question, but it's my first, so please be kind :-).
I have a sap.m.table with two models, one model with transaction data (trxModel) and another model that is used to display a list (reasonCodeModel). The table model is set to trxModel.
The selected value key from the dropdown needs to update a value (ReasonCodeID) in the trxModel when a value from the reason code list is selected.
I can retrieve the selected key in the change event as so
var selKey = evt.getParameter("selectedItem").getKey();
Is there a simple way to find the trxModel relevant model path from the table row Select list value I've just modified? Or is it possible to bind the ReasonCodeID from the trxModel to the ReasonCodeID field in the reasonCodeModel?
Just an extra piece of info, The current row is selected and is accessible
var selItem = dtlTable.getSelectedItem();
2nd question and I guess could be kind of related, is there a way of getting the table model path based on the selected item (highlighted row) of the table? And vice a versa?
More details on Select & Table binding.
var tabTemplate = new sap.m.ColumnListItem(
new sap.m.Select(
enabled : false,
change : function(evt) {
Bind the resource code Select to the Table
// bind the reason codes to the reason code model
sap.ui.getCore().byId("idReasonCodeSelect").bindAggregation("items", "/results",
new sap.ui.core.Item({
key : "{ReasCodeID}",
text : "{ReasCodeDesc}"
Per Qualiture comment, how do I bind the Select key to the table model ReasonCodeID value?
I found an approach to tackle the first part of my question above
From the change function on the Select, I can find the path of the table model using the following.
var path = evt.getSource().getParent().getBindingContext().sPath;
2nd Update:
On the selectionChange event on the table, there's a couple of options to find the associated model path or model content.
// find the model path
oModelPath = selItem.getBindingContext().getPath();
// model values
oItem = oEvent.getParameter("listItem").getBindingContext().getObject();
So my only remaining issue, While I loop through the table model results (trxModel) and I want the Select List (using setSelectedKey) to reflect the ReasonCodeID value in the trxModel.

Two model to a controller in sapui5

I have json model called contact this is how it looks:
I have an another model called country which contains the list of countries. I want this list of countries in a dropdown. While selecting a country from the dropdown, country field in contact model should get updated. How can i achieve that?
The simple steps to get this done are:
1. Set the Contact Model where ever you want such as View or Core.
2. Set the Country Model to DropDown list.
3. On selection of the DropDown list, on Change function you set Country field by the value you select in Dropdown list.
4. This will update the country value in the Contact Model.
you can use named data model and multimodel support
In your controller js,
this.getView().setModel(ocontactModel ,"Contact");
If you want set Contact model with your default value, add logic in your init function:
init:function() {
//initialize contact model with default country
var oFilter = new sap.ui.model.Filter("country",
sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.EQ ,"America");
//suppose you have a Contact table called ContactList
var oTable =this.getView().byId("ContactList");
In your view xml, use named model data binding, for example:
<Text text="{Contact>/firstName}"/>
Then you are using two models in your controller and view xml. Regarding dropdown selection change triggers an update for your contact, you need to attach event listener to the dropdown, and update the Contact data model based on the selected country. See the following code:
handleSelectionChange:function(oEvent) {
//get the new selected country
var country = oEvent.getParameters().newValue;
var oFilter = new sap.ui.model.Filter("country",
sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.EQ ,country);
//suppose you have a Contact table called ContactList
var oTable =this.getView().byId("ContactList");

How to get values in dropdown list from database in icefaces?

i just wanna list the list of employee names from database in the dropdown list using ice faces . can anyone suggest me how to write the query in icefaces page to get the list of employees in the database . say table name is "employee" .
Thanks in advance .
I do it like this.
in your bean call your business class
ArrayList<SelectItem> selectEmployees = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
ArrayList<Employee> employees = company.getEmployees(); //this one calls the EmployeeDAO to get the records from database.
for(int i = 0; i < employees.size(); i++){
selectEmployees.add(new SelectItem(employes.get(i).getId(),employees.get(i).getName));
now you can use selectEmployees as the value of the selectOneMenu.

Entity Framework Return Parent along with child entity as Ieunmerable List

I am new to Entity Framework and had a question i have been stuck on for a while. I have a repository in my DAL to access the data its returning IEnumerable lists for functions defined there. There are two tables involved here table Company and thier Customer_orders please see below for details. I need to return an Ienumerable list for Customer Orders ...which also includes the Customer name. I am able to return everything back for the customer order table but cant get the Customer name from the related table. Is it because I am returning a list of Ienumerable CustomerOrder type? If anyone can provide some help by showing the right code it would be greatly appreciated. Once again I am trying to bind to a grid pulling from the CustomerOrders table but need to also display CustomerName from Customers table.
Table1 (Customers)
Table 2 (CustomerOrders)
This is what I have so far this doesnt pull up any customer Names but pulls the CustomerOrders information
public IEnumerable<CustomerOrders> GetCustomerOrders(int company_id)
return context.Customers.Where(c => c.company_id == company_id).First().CustomerOrders.ToList().OrderBy(p => p.ProductName);
How about:
return context.CustomerOrders
.Include(o => o.Customer)
.Where(o => o.customer_id == customer_id);

Is there a way to update a database field based on a list?

Using JPA, I have a list of entries from my database :
User(id, firstname, lastname, email)
That I get by doing:
List<User> users = User.find("lastname = ?", "smith");
And I'd like to update all in one request, by doing something like this :
"UPDATE USER SET email = null IN :list"
and then set the parameter "list" to users
Is it possible? if so, how?
Thanks for your help :)
Well, you could embed the query that you used to obtain list in the where clause of the update.
UPDATE User a SET = null
WHERE user IN (SELECT b FROM User b WHERE lastName = :?)
By doing this you'd be doing the query to search the list and the update in single update query.
How do you like that? Do you think this could work?
Since you want to use the original list of items instead of a list just retrieved from the database, you can still ensure you build the original list like this
UPDATE User a SET = null
WHERE user IN (SELECT b FROM User b WHERE lastName IN(:originalList))
Then when you invoke it, you can do something like this:
Collection<String> originalList = Arrays.asList("Kenobi", "Skywalker", "Windu");
query.setParameter("originalList", originalList);
By this, you can still ensure the query will only contain items in your original list and not any possible new item from the database, provided that that last name is a candidate key in the database, otherwise I would recommend that you use the ID for the subquery instend of the last name.
if you have jpa+hibernate you can use entityManager.createQuery() for creating hql query
like that:
String hql = "UPDATE Supplier SET name = :newName WHERE name IN :name";