Joining data points with straight lines (MatLab) - matlab

I have a pretty simple MatLab code her that perfectly well plots 6 datapoints. The x coordinates from the dt list; the y coordinates from the TempTable table in row 7. It all works fine, I just need to join the points with a straight line.
% Plotting T_new(7) vs. dt
dt=[0.001,0.005,0.01,0.05,0.1,0.25] % The time steps
for i=1:1:6 % Looping through all temperature profiles
hold all;
plot( dt(i), y(i), 'b*-', 'LineWidth', 1);
title(['Temperatures at nodal point 7']);
xlabel( 'dt [s]' );
ylabel( 'T [\circC]' );
set( gca, 'LineWidth', 1 );
axis( [ dt(2)-0.1, dt(6)+0.1, 300, 350 ] );
pause( 0.1 ); % Animation step time
Shouldn't the dash - in b*- add these joining lines, or what? What is missing here, since they don't?

Your loop is your problem. With only one point plotted per iteration, it is impossible for Matlab to know what points to connect. So if you want to use a loop, you'll have to connect the points manually with another plot-statement.
A solution without a loop could be:
hold all;
plot( dt, TempTable(7,:), 'b*-', 'LineWidth', 1);
title(['Temperatures at nodal point 7']);
xlabel( 'dt [s]' );
ylabel( 'T [\circC]' );
set( gca, 'LineWidth', 1 );
axis( [ dt(2)-0.1, dt(6)+0.1, 300, 350 ] );
pause( 0.1 ); % Animation step time


how can I edit grids on a battleship board to represent ships in Matlab

I am using subplot() and pcolor(zeros(7,7)); to produce the following figure for a battleship game (please see link below). Im trying to change the color of specific grids to represent ships, but I can't figure it out, so can I please get help with this, I need to for example change grids 22 and 23 in "your board" to red and have the existing figure updated, not get a new figure.
It's easiest if you set up a function to create/colour a specific square, then this is trivial, and can be recycled throughout your game. Below I've made the local function drawSquare(bs,N,player,color) which accepts a board size (bs), square number (N), a player ('top' or 'bottom'), and a colour, which can be any valid MATLAB colorspec.
Then I've made another function setup(bs) which calls this a bunch of times to create the "board" for each player.
Then you can see it's as simple as calling drawSquare( bs, 3, 'top', 'r' ); to turn the top player's square number 3 red.
Equally it's easy to call drawSquare( bs, 4, 'top', [0.6,0.5,0.5] ); to colour square 4 for that player a grey-ish tone to show something like a "hit" square in the battleships game.
bs = 6; % board size
% Initialise the board
setup( bs );
% Example usage colouring in specific squares
drawSquare( bs, 3, 'top', 'r' )
drawSquare( bs, 4, 'top', [0.6,0.5,0.5] );
function setup( bs )
clf; % clear the board
for ii = 1:(bs^2)
% Loop over all squares, make the base boards
drawSquare( bs, ii, 'top', 'w' );
drawSquare( bs, ii, 'bottom', 'w' );
% Format the plots without ticks and with titles
subplot( 2, 1, 1 );
set( gca, 'XTickLabel', '', 'YTickLabel', '', 'BoxStyle', 'full' );
title( 'Computer Board' );
subplot( 2, 1, 2 );
set( gca, 'XTickLabel', '', 'YTickLabel', '', 'BoxStyle', 'full' );
title( 'Your Board' );
function drawSquare( bs, N, player, color )
% sq = square size, N = square number, player = 'top' or 'bottom'
% color = valid plot colour for different square types
x = mod(N-1,bs); % x axis in grid
y = floor( (N-1)/bs ); % y axis in grid
if strcmpi( player, 'top' )
subplot( 2, 1, 1 ); % top player is subplot 1
x = bs - x; % top player square 1 is bottom-right
subplot( 2, 1, 2 ); % bottom player is subplot 2
y = bs - y; % bottom player square 1 is top-left
xp = [x, x+1, x+1, x]; % x coordinates of grid square
yp = [y, y, y+1, y+1]; % y coordinates of grid square
patch( xp, yp, color ); % use patch to make coloured square
text( x+(1/2), y+(1/2), num2str(N), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center' );

MATLAB Colorbar - Same colors, scaled values

Consider the following example:
[ X, Y, Z ] = peaks( 30 );
figure( 100 );
surfc( X, Y, Z );
zlabel( 'Absolute Values' );
colormap jet;
c = colorbar( 'Location', 'EastOutside' );
ylabel( c, 'Relative Values' );
The output looks as follows:
How can I scale the ticks on the colorbar, i.e. scale the c-axis (e.g. divide the values by 100):
without changing the z values and colors on the plot
without changing the colors on the colorbar
without changing the relation between the colors on the plot, the colors on the colorbar and the z values of the plot
while still using the full range of the colorbar
In the picture above, I would like to scale the c-axis such that it shows this values for the related z:
z | c-axis
8 | 8/100
6 | 6/100
4 | 4/100
. | ...
The function caxis, as I understand it, is not suited here, as it would just show the colors for a subsection of the z-axis and not for the whole z-axis.
Bonus question: How could one scale the color mapping and the colorbar as a function of X, Y and/or Z?
[ X, Y, Z ] = peaks( 30 );
figure( 101 );
surfc( X, Y, Z );
zlabel( 'Absolute Values' );
Z_Scl = 0.01;
Z_Bar = linspace( min(Z(:)), max(Z(:)), 10 );
colormap jet;
c = colorbar( 'Location', 'EastOutside', ...
'Ticks', Z_Bar, 'TickLabels', cellstr( num2str( Z_Bar(:)*Z_Scl, '%.3e' ) ) );
ylabel( c, 'Relative Values' );
For an arbitrary mapping between the z-values and the colorbar, it is possible to combine surf, contourf and contour as follows (inspired by these two great answers):
[ X, Y, Z ] = peaks( 30 ); % Generate data
CB_Z = (sin( Z/max(Z(:)) ) - cos( Z/max(Z(:)) )).^2 + X/5 - Y/7; % Generate colormap
CF_Z = min( Z(:) ); % Calculate offset for filled contour plot
CR_Z = max( Z(:) ); % Calculate offset for contour plot
figure( 102 ); % Create figure
clf( 102 );
hold on; grid on; grid minor; % Retain current plot and create grid
xlabel( 'x' ); % Create label for x-axis
ylabel( 'y' ); % Create label for y-axis
zlabel( 'Scaling 1' ); % Create label for z-axis
surf( X, Y, Z, CB_Z ); % Create surface plot
CF_H = hgtransform( 'Parent', gca ); %
contourf( X, Y, CB_Z, 20, 'Parent', CF_H ); % Create filled contour plot
set( CF_H, 'Matrix', makehgtform( 'translate', [ 0, 0, CF_Z ] ) ); %
CR_H = hgtransform( 'Parent', gca ); %
contour( X, Y, CB_Z, 20, 'Parent', CR_H ); % Create contour plot
set( CR_H, 'Matrix', makehgtform( 'translate', [ 0, 0, CR_Z ] ) ); %
colormap jet; % Set current colormap
CB_H = colorbar( 'Location', 'EastOutside' ); % Create colorbar
caxis( [ min( CB_Z(:) ), max( CB_Z(:) ) ] ); % Set the color limits for the colorbar
ylabel( CB_H, 'Scaling 2' ); % Create label for colorbar
As I wrote in your answer, I think a better choice for showing two related values is not to create a new axis for that, but to show them one near the other. Here is a suggestion:
[X,Y,Z] = peaks(30);
zlabel('Absolute (Relative) Values');
colormap jet
Z_Scl = 0.01;
zticks = get(gca,'ZTick');
set(gca,'ZTickLabel',sprintf('%g (%g)\n',[zticks;zticks.*Z_Scl]))

MATLAB slice functionality without using meshgrid

I have a 3D big matrix of size 2001 , 2001 , 30. I want to show its 30 slices in a 3D plot. I try to do it using matlab 'slice' command. However, since 'slice' needs to get the X Y Z locations as 3D arrays from the 'meshgrid' command, I get an 'out of memory error'.
My code is presented below.
How can I get over the 'Out of Memory' error without having to shrink
my 3D matrix, and with using my x,y,z locations of the matrix data ??
function presentFig4_ver4
close all; clc;
%im3 is of size of im3 = 201 201 30
load('img3D_shrinked.mat' , 'im3' , 'y_n_mm' , 'x_n_mm')
% next code until the mesh grid is in order to have the axes arranged
% so that the slices are shown one after the other in the depth
% direction of the figure and not from the bottom of the figure to the top of the figure
im3_reshaped=zeros(y_len , x_len , y_len);
for (ind_slice=1:30)
slices=x_n_mm %= 0.23:0.1:(0.23+((30-1)*0.1)); %This is the same as x_n_mm
h=slice(X,Y,Z, im3_reshaped, [slices(shownSlices)],[],[]);
set( h , 'FaceAlpha', 'interp','AlphaData',im3*10^3)
dcm_obj = datacursormode(gcf); %datacursor mode on
set(dcm_obj,'enable','on','updatefcn',{#updateMe X Y Z im3_reshaped}) %update, need X,Y,Z, im3-values
set(gca,'FontName', 'Arial' ,'FontSize',14)
set(gca,'Position',[.32 .19 .41 0.9]) % [horizontal distance, vertical distance, width, height]
hold on
%camproj perspective
set( c_h, 'XDir', 'reverse' , 'Position' , [0.2 0.2 0.7 0.04],'FontSize',12);
opengl software
daspect([ 1 10 10])
axis tight
maxAxisLim=2; %mm
ylim([-maxAxisLim maxAxisLim])
zlim([-maxAxisLim maxAxisLim])
xlim([0.23 3.13])
xlabel('X [mm]','FontName', 'Arial' , 'FontSize',14)
ylabel('Y[mm]','FontName', 'Arial' ,'FontSize',14)
zlabel('Z [mm]','FontName', 'Arial' , 'FontSize',14)
set(y_h, 'Units','normalized','Position', [0.03 -0.08 ] );
set(x_h, 'Units','normalized','Position', [0.6 0.12] );
set(z_h, 'Units','normalized','Position', [-0.08 0.27] );
set(gca,'XTick',[0.23 0.5:0.5:3 3.13])
set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'0.23' '0.5' '1' '1.5' '2' '2.5' '3' '3.1' })
end % of presentFig4_ver4 function
function msg = updateMe(src,evt,X,Y,Z,f)
evt = get(evt); %what's happenin'?
pos = evt.Position; %position
fval = f(X==pos(1)&Y==pos(2)&Z==pos(3)); %where?
msg = num2str(fval); %create msg

How to enlarge legend symbols?

I am plotting my data as
%% Plot relative wrt to GT for each frame
XIndx_lsd = linspace(1,592, size( accu_RE_lsdSlam, 1 ) );
XIndx_my = linspace(1,592, size( accu_RE_my_method, 1 ) );
plot( XIndx_lsd, accu_RE_lsdSlam(:,5), 'r-.' )
hold on
plot( XIndx_my, accu_RE_my_method(:,5), 'b-' )
AX=legend( 'rel translation error for Kerl et al.', 'rel translation error for D-EA' );
xhand = xlabel( 'Frame#' );
yhand = ylabel( '||trans(E_i)||_2 (in mm)' );
axis( [1 600 0 16] );
set(gca,'FontSize', 78);
I am able to get large font size. My question is how to get a large symbol size. See marked figure below.
Using an older answer of mine, which suggests to actually replot the legend symbols,
plot( 0:10, 0:10, 'b-' ); hold on;
plot( 0:10, 10:-1:0, 'r-' ); hold on;
%// Legend Style
style = #(LineStyle,LineWidth) plot(0,0,LineStyle,'LineWidth',LineWidth,'visible','off')
AX = legend( [style('b-',20),style('r-',20)], {' Legend entry 2',' Legend entry 1'}, 'box','off' );
xlim([0 10]); ylim([0 10]);
xhand = xlabel( 'Frame#' );
yhand = ylabel( '||trans(E_i)||_2 (in mm)' );
set(gca,'FontSize', 28);

Matlab curve fitting tool, cftool, generate code function does not give the same fit

I am using Matlab's curve fitting tool, cftool, to fit a set of points which I have. The problem I am facing is that the generate code function will not give me the same fit as produced in the cftool.
This is not what I want because I want to be able to retrieve the data from the residual plot. I could also just copy the function from cftool and do it manually. But I do not understand why the generated code will not just give me the same curve fit.
The cftool session file:
The generated code from Matlab:
function [fitresult, gof] = createFit1(Velocity, kWhPerkm)
% Create a fit.
% Data for 'untitled fit 3' fit:
% X Input : Velocity
% Y Output: kWhPerkm
% Output:
% fitresult : a fit object representing the fit.
% gof : structure with goodness-of fit info.
% See also FIT, CFIT, SFIT.
% Auto-generated by MATLAB on 02-Dec-2012 16:36:19
%% Fit: 'untitled fit 3'.
[xData, yData] = prepareCurveData( Velocity, kWhPerkm );
% Set up fittype and options.
ft = fittype( 'a/(0.008*x) + c*x^2 + d*90', 'independent', 'x', 'dependent', 'y' );
opts = fitoptions( ft );
opts.DiffMaxChange = 0.01;
opts.Display = 'Off';
opts.Lower = [-Inf -Inf -Inf];
opts.MaxFunEvals = 1000;
opts.MaxIter = 1000;
opts.StartPoint = [0 0 0];
opts.Upper = [Inf Inf Inf];
% Fit model to data.
[fitresult, gof] = fit( xData, yData, ft, opts );
% Create a figure for the plots.
figure( 'Name', 'untitled fit 3' );
% Plot fit with data.
subplot( 2, 1, 1 );
plot( fitresult, xData, yData, 'predobs' );
% Label axes
xlabel( 'Velocity' );
ylabel( 'kWhPerkm' );
grid on
% Plot residuals.
subplot( 2, 1, 2 );
plot( fitresult, xData, yData, 'residuals' );
% Label axes
xlabel( 'Velocity' );
ylabel( 'kWhPerkm' );
grid on
The curve I get with the generated code:
The curve I need:
So does anyone know what goes wrong?
And the Velocity and WhPerkm data file:
RE: I want to be able to retrieve the data from the residual plot
One way to do this is:
Select "Save to Workspace..." from the Fit menu
Ensure that "Save fit output to MATLAB struct named" is checked.
Note the name of variable. By default, it is output.
Click "OK" to send data to the MATLAB workspace.
In the MATLAB workspace, the residuals will be in output.residuals. For your example, you can plot the residuals via, e.g.,
>> plot( Velocity, output.residuals, '.' )