Just wanted to know is the below code is wrong or it will work for ranking schema? - schema.org

itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating"
Though I know the correct syntax is
itemscope itemtype ="http://schema.org/AggregateRating"
But wanted to know can we write
itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating""
Because Google structure validation tool is not showing any erros and even Google webmasters tools is not showing any errors.


...Show More on Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

I am creating an amp for my webpage. It contains lot of description about places. I want to implement ..show more after 4 lines so that user can see other content also in the mobile first fold (Text is dynamic so can be less than 4 lines also. In that case how can i determine that show more will not come) Is this possible with AMP?? Since I cannot use javascript and css solution is not possible for this, please help me in finding alternatives for the same. I have searched a lot about this but no luck so far. Thanks in advance
You can use an amp-accordion for this:
<p>The first four lines...</p>
<amp-accordion disable-session-states>
<span class="show-more">Show more</span>
<p>The remaining text... </p>
Here is a working example.

Extending schema.org with GoodRelations

The GoodRelations Web site gives a short example on how to extend schema.org with GoodRelations classes and properties.
Unfortunately, the example markup is not valid when testing it with the Google Structured Data Testing Tool.
For this code snippet given as example, the properties "hasBusinessFunciton" and "haspriceSpecification" are not recognized for the "Offer" type.
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer" itemid="#offer">
<div itemprop="name">Hepp Personal SCSI Controller Card</div>
<div itemprop="description">The Hepp Personal SCSI is a 16-bit add-on card that allows attaching up to seven SCSI devices to your computer.</div>
<link itemprop="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#hasBusinessFunction"
href="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Sell" />
<!-- Shipment fees -->
Delivery costs to
<div itemscope itemprop="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#hasPriceSpecification"
<meta itemprop="eligibleRegions" content="DE">Germany:
<meta itemprop="hasCurrency" content="EUR">Euro:
<span itemprop="hasCurrencyValue">10.00</span>
<link itemprop="appliesToDeliveryMethod"
href="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#UPS" />(via UPS)
<!-- other offer properties follow here -->
Is there some working example of schema.org extended with GoodRelations properties ?
What about using http://wiki.goodrelations-vocabulary.org/Cookbook/Vehicles in schema.org
The reason for this is that the examples on the GoodRelations site are not yet updated to reflect the integration of GoodRelations into schema.org (simply because I did not yet manage to do that).
In order to understand this, you need to look at the history of GoodRelations:
GR started as an independent Web vocabulary ("ontology") and was designed to be used in RDFa or other RDF-syntaxes (like RDF/XML, Turtle, ...).
In 2009, Yahoo started to honor GoodRelations in RDFa syntax, and in 2012 Google followed. Note that this all happened in the original GoodRelations namespace, i.e. with identifiers like
After the announcement of schema.org in 2011, I worked with Google, Bing, and Yahoo to integrate GoodRelations into schema.org, which was completed and released in 2012.
This meant that (almost) any element from GoodRelations would now also be part of schema.org. So GoodRelations is now the official, extended e-commerce model of schema.org.
The result is that every GoodRelations element has now TWO identifiers:
a) the original one, like http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#OpeningHoursSpecification
b) the one in schema.org, like http://schema.org/OpeningHoursSpecification
In some cases, the local part of the names differs between the original GoodRelations namespace and the derived version of in the schema.org namespace, in order to be consistent with the existing naming conventions in schema.org, or because a similar element had existed before.
For instance, an "Offer" is
in the original GoodRelations version, but
in schema.org. But the two are the same conceptual element.
For a full list of naming differences, see
Now here comes the tricky part:
GoodRelations is supported by Google and Yahoo in its original namespace in RDFa syntax, but only in the schema.org namespace in Microdata or JSON-LD, and the support in its original namespace may be a bit out of date.
For enumerations (individuals), the original namespace remains the official one, i.e. all elements from http://www.heppnetz.de/ontologies/goodrelations/v1.html#individuals remain valid in the http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1# ... namespace, e.g. http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Cash.
This was chosen because we could reduce the number of new elements for schema.org by keeping the identifiers for values in the original namespace.
So when you are using GoodRelations for search engines, you should use it in the schema.org namespace. The http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1# ... namespace keeps being functional for RDF / Linked Data / SPARQL-based projects.
In the future (likely this year), there will be service update in GoodRelations which will provide
updated examples to reflect this properly and
mapping axioms so that Semantic Web applications will see the equivalences.
Hope that helps!
Best wishes
Martin Hepp
This example is valid Microdata, and also appropriate use of the Schema.org vocabulary.
Google’s Testing Tool is not a validator. It only checks structured data according to Google’s own rules, e.g. what they recognize, or for showing their Rich Snippets.
What’s happening in this snippet: the two properties (http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#hasPriceSpecification and http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#hasBusinessFunction) are specified as absolute URLs, which is one of the four valid ways how to provide properties in Microdata.
However, note that Microdata has only limited support for mixing vocabularies. RDFa is way more powerful in that regard. (Related: differences between Microdata and RDFa.)
With RDFa, the snippet could look like this (keeping the same HTML):
<div typeof="schema:Offer" resource="#offer">
<div property="schema:name">Hepp Personal SCSI Controller Card</div>
<div property="schema:description">The Hepp Personal SCSI is …</div>
<link property="gr:hasBusinessFunction" href="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Sell" />
Delivery costs to
<div property="gr:hasPriceSpecification" typeof="gr:DeliveryChargeSpecification">
<meta property="gr:eligibleRegions" content="DE" />Germany:
<meta property="gr:hasCurrency" content="EUR" />Euro:
<span property="gr:hasCurrencyValue">10.00</span>
<link property="gr:appliesToDeliveryMethod" href="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#UPS" />(via UPS)
(Making use of the prefixes schema, for the Schema.org vocabulary, and gr, for the GoodRelations vocabulary, which are defined in the RDFa Core Initial Context.)

Integrate Htmls into GWT

We have a web application that its UI is based on GWT.
We are pretty satisfied from the technology, but we have one major problem: We get html files from our designer, and it takes a lot of time to integrate them into our GWT code.
Is there a quick way or rules to do that?
For instance, I would like to take the html, put it almost "as is" in a ui.xml file, and then start binding the components to UiBinder fields.
What is the quickest way to do that? What should I do with the CSS and JS files that I get?
I need some guidelines to make this conversion, so it will be quick & easy.
We have the same problem. It might be hard for a designer to get used to GWT widgets. But he'll have to forget about making HTML proof-of-concepts and using GWT directly.
We didn't overcame the difficulty. As a result, many GWT features are under-used (like CSSResources, or GWT-Bootstrap layout capabilities).
I would advise to have him learn the xml of GWT widget libraries.
You can also start by using GWT Designer. This way he can still do the design, learn the XML bit by bit, and you can still work on wiring the components.
Of course it is a slow process. People don't change old habits instantly.
Errai seems to fit your requirements.
Basically is uses regular HTML5 templates, binded to GWT logic.
"Create standard conform HTML5 templates or use existing HTML and CSS files to design your web and mobile applications."
Here is an example of a sign-in page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel=stylesheet href="css/TodoList.css">
<div data-field="main">
<h1>Get it done with Errai.</h1>
<div class=form>
<p class=error data-field=loginError>
Login failed. Please check that your email address and password were entered correctly.
<input type=text data-field=username placeholder="Email">
<input type=password data-field=password placeholder="Password">
<button data-field=loginButton>Sign In</button>
<p>New here? Sign up in seconds!</p>
(p.s. I've never used it, yet)

I want to make a accordion, and I want it to function like a site I found

It has to be able to run in Wordpress, and it also has to be able to house as many "sections" as I wish. It also has to be able to have multiple instances of the accordion with different information in each. The site that I got the idea from was http://www.steppenwolf.org/Plays-Events/.
I have next to no experience with javascript, but am proficient with HTML and CSS.
I am NOT asking you to make this for me, only help me in the building of such a thing.
I want to be able to use an unordered list to form the accordion:
<ul class="accordion-1">
<li class="accordion-item-1"></li>
<li class="accordion-item-2"></li>
<li class="accordion-item-3"></li>
<li class="accordion-item-4"></li>
<ul class="accordion-2">
<li class="accordion-item-5"></li>
I would advise looking to see if there is already a plugin available. I did a quick search and found a jQueryUI one - http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/jquery-ui-widgets/
This will allow you to use the Accordian plugin

How to get Facebook comments count in HTML5 without using a <div>?

The Facebook comments count can be done in three different ways: (without directly using JS)
<fb:comments-count href="http://example.com" />
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/comments.php?href=example.com" />
<div class="fb-comments-count" data-href="http://example.com">0</div>
The issue, however, is that doing something like this messes things up:
<p><div class="fb-comments-count" data-href="http://example.com">0</div> comments</p>
...because a <div> is firstly, not valid inside a <p> tag and secondly, looks wrong (though this could be fixed with CSS).
Basically, my question is: is there a way to do the above without using a <div> (a <span> for example), bearing in mind that I want to use the HTML5 method and (if possible!) want to avoid using javascript?
Clarification: I would like to avoid writing extra JS in the page simply because the MVC view currently looks nice and clean and I would prefer to keep it that way. Obviously, I'm still including the Facebook Connect library.
So, one solution would be to use a DIV instead of a P as the outer element.