Start Wildfly / JBoss from GUI - jboss

how is it possible to start JBoss (Wildfly) application server from a GUI ?
I would like to implement a own GUI like XAMPP.
Only a "start" - Button and "stop" - Button.
Maybe I have to start the .bat - file?
There is a start and stop .bat available, but how can I do this in JAVA? To implement a GUI is not the case. The question is to start / stop the server.
Any ideas?

You will have to execute the batch file by passing them to the cmd shell.
If you are developing the script for windows you can have a field that points the JBossAS/Wildfly's Home directory(or can read it from the JBOSS_HOME if its set), and then in the Java Code execute the .bat file in the following way:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start standalone.bat");
Preferably you can also use the [ProcessBuilder][1] API to create a new process.
Please refer to this post for some helpful pointers


Opening a file in a Metro app from command line

I need a way to open a file in a Metro app from command line.
So far I've figured out how to start the app from command line without any third-party scripts
explorer shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.Reader_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Microsoft.Reader
but I haven't been able to figure out how to include a file name yet.
explorer shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.Reader_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Microsoft.Reader example.pdf
just opens up a default explorer window.
Any idea from Windows 8 experts on how to accomplish this without any third-party tools/cmdlets/etc.?
Note: In fact I'm using Windows 10 but I guess if there's a Windows 8 / 8.1 way to do it, it'll work for 10, too.
If you're still looking for the answer, the best way to open a file in a metro app is to use an execution string like a normal app protocol does. The execution string looks like this:
bingnews:[arguments, can be left blank.]
microsoftvideo:[arguments, can be left blank.]
netflix:[arguments, can be left blank.]
So, to start up netflix, it's as simple as typing in Start netflix: into the command line.
To find the execution string for an app, go here: Control Panel\Programs\Default Programs\Set Associations
More info and examples can be found here.
PLEASE NOTE: To open an app WITHOUT A PROTOCOL (One not listed in the registry or under "Set Associations") use OP's method:
explorer shell:AppsFolder\[appuid]![appfullname]
The app UID is the folder name without the version number. For example,
The app fullname is the [App author].[App name] For example, 4DF9E0F8.Netflix. 4DF9E0F8 is the author, and Netflix is the name.
Put it all together to get
explorer shell:AppsFolder\4DF9E0F8.Netflix_mcm4njqhnhss8!4DF9E0F8.Netflix
Store Apps can only be started by the shell. So try this:
explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsAlarms_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App
Or from run (Win+R):
If the app is the default handler then you can just launch the file or protocol. There isn't a good in-box way to launch a file into a non-default handler from the command line.
Windows Store apps aren't designed to run from the command line and there isn't a straightforward way to launch them from the command line. Apps which handle specific files or protocols receive them through FileActivatedEventArgs or ProtocolActivatedEventArgs rather than command line arguments
You could write a launcher app which uses CLSID_ApplicationActivationManager's IApplicationActivationManager to ActivateForFile a specific app.
The best way I've found to pass command-line arguments to the executable targeted by the shell command is via the Windows start command.
Using your example, you would end up with this:
start "" shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.Reader_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Microsoft.Reader example.pdf
I don't have Microsoft.Reader installed, so I can't test that. However, I can verify that this pattern works with Windows Terminal. In this case, I pass it a command-line argument to tell it which profile I want to open.
start "" shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App new-tab -p "GitBash"
The first argument to the start command here — the empty string — is just the title of the window.
You can also pair this with cmd /c, which I've found is necessary for some launcher applications, such as my personal favorite, SlickRun:
cmd /c start "" shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App new-tab -p "GitBash"
I have a blog post with more info on running Modern apps from the command line, which you might find helpful in constructing these ridiculously obtuse commands.
Not sure if it works on Windows 8, but on Windows 10 I use this:
cmd /C start <app-name>:
For example, to start Slack:
cmd /C start slack:

How to Create Windows service from PERL script on Windows 7 64-bit

Does anybody have an example of how to create a windows service on windows 7 64-bit from PERL script?
On windows XP professional 32-bit, I have created windows service successfully with Win32::Daemon which has call back functions. This doesn't work on 64-bit.
I have seen this and created a service using that but it doesn't keep state and it gives errors. If anybody has a proper example perhaps ...
Some idea much appreciated.
I managed to solved this now.
I now have my perl script running as a windows service now on windows 7 64-bit.
Basically win32::Daemon works on win 7 64-bit but the service creation needs to be done manually. I.e. the callback functions and start up is fine.
Here is a example to create perl windows service from scratch.
Create folder c:/myservice
Copy the code example from this link and save it to the directory above. Call it (
Add these two lines after the print hello statement in the script.
$Context->{last_state} = SERVICE_RUNNING;
Win32::Daemon::State( SERVICE_RUNNING );
This is needed to keep the service running. Otherwise it stops.
Open a Dos cmd terminal in admin mode. Create service using following command
% sc create myservice binpath= "c:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe"
It will display following message on success.
[SC] CreateService SUCCESS
Now we need to edit the registry. Open registry editor. (start -> then type regedit)
Find the service under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SYSTEM->CurrentControlSet->Services->myservice
Click on 'myservice' and edit the imagePath variable to be :
c:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe -I "C:\myservice" "C:\myservice\" --run
Now open the services window and start the service. (start->control panel -> Administrative tools -> services)
In the current directory of the script a log is created and updated every couple of seconds. If using cygwin for windows, you can tail it.
% tail -f *.log
Process will print Hello! periodically ...

Starting XAMPP with batch only if it isn't already running

I am writing a batch for a new deployment of my company's software.. Here is what I have so far...
wscript.exe "invisible.vbs" "apache_start.bat" /wait
wscript.exe "invisible.vbs" "mysql_start.bat" /wait
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" http://localhost
So as you can see, this script should start apache, then start mysql and then open the default page with IE.
The problem is if the user runs this script twice, it runs apache and mysql twice and loads two seperate instances. The solution I need is a way to check to see if the processes are already running and, if not, run the two wscript commands. I am absolutely horrible with shell, so please try to give specific responses! I am a software engineer, not a sysadmin. Thanks for the help!
As a software engineer I think you have a leg up on scripting over some sysadmins...
Using PowerShell would make this easy. Use the following template to execute the services - you'll need to use it twice, and follow up with launching IE as above.
If ((Get-Process mysqlprocessname.exe)) {Write-Host Skipping MySQL}
Else { Start-Process ...}
This is going to take a few minutes for you to research the best way of starting a process with PowerShell. Also, you might want to pipe Start-Process to Out-Null so the script waits to start IE and Apache.
Others may want to chime in with a simpler way from a batch file.
For XAMPP, there is a pv.exe file in the apache/bin folder that XAMPP uses to see if a service is running. Look at WorldDrknss' answer in this thread for some great info:
The code to solve your problem is to modify your mysql_start.bat file to this:
#echo off
apache\bin\pv mysqld.exe %1 >nul
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto Process_NotFound
echo MySQL is running
goto END
echo Process %1 is not running
mysql\bin\mysqld.exe --defaults-file=mysql\bin\my.ini --standalone --console
goto finish
That will check if mysqld.exe is running. If it is, it just echos that out. If not, it starts the service.

run .exe in the background

I know that if you want to run a program in the background from a unix command line, you simply add & to the end of the command, but is there an equivalent in windows in order to run something in the background?
A low-budget way of doing this is:
start /min some.exe
This starts the program in a minimised console window, and doesn't wait for the second program to finish.
You can:
Use Windows Scheduler.
Run the exe as a Windows service.
I don't really know of a way to manually start something and have it run in the background like you can do in Unix.
Although not a definitive answer to your question there was a similar question on serverfault here:
The closest thing in windows to the Linux & is described here from what I can tell:

How do I get the command prompt do dissapear after starting a program via a batch script?

I have a windows batch file which I run to start a java application. The problem is that I don't want the command prompt output to be visible after the app starts. And not only that,... I don't event want to see it minimised. I don't want it at all. Any ideas?
start/b javaw.exe ...
If your program is not a console application, you can use START.EXE in your batch file to actually launch the real app. The initial console used to launch the batch file will be closed when the batch file ends.
You could actually probably launch the .bat file with start /b too in order to avoid all console windows.