error in postgres (connection limit exceeded for non-superusers) - postgresql

We got an error from postgres one day.
"connection limit exceeded for non-superusers"
In postgresql.conf setting, the max_connection is 100.
At that time I checked the access with command (select * from pg_stat_activity;)
the result only 17 access.
We used this application for almost 10 years and never done any changed.
This is the first time we received this kind of error.
So, I assume that "not closing the connections properly in program "
is not the cause of this error.
Any tips?


Postgres crashes when selecting from view

I have a view in Postgres with the following definition:
CREATE VIEW participant_data_view AS
SELECT participant_profile.*,
"user".public_id, "user".created, "user".status, "user".region,"user".name, "user".email, "user".locale,
(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM message_log WHERE message_log.target_id = "user".id AND message_log.type = 'diary') AS diary_reminder_count,
(SELECT SUM(pills) FROM "order" WHERE "order".user_id = "user".id AND "order".status = 'complete') AS pills
FROM participant_profile
JOIN "user" ON "user".id =
The view creation works just fine. However, when I query the view SELECT * FROM participant_data_view, postgres crashes with
10:24:46.345 WARN HikariPool-1 - Connection org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection#172d19fe marked as broken because of SQLSTATE(08006), ErrorCode(0) c.z.h.p.ProxyConnection
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: An I/O error occurred while sending to the backend.
this question suggests to me that it might be an internal assertion that causes it to crash.
If I remove the diary_reminder_count field from the view definition, the select works just fine.
What am I doing wrong? How can I fix my view, or change it so I can query the same data in a different way?
Note that creating the view works just fine, it only crashes when querying it.
I tried running explain (analyze) select * from participant_data_view; from the IntelliJ query console, which only returns
[2020-12-08 11:13:56] [08006] An I/O error occurred while sending to the backend.
[2020-12-08 11:13:56]
I ran the same using psql, there it returns
my-database=# explain (analyze) select * from participant_data_view;
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
Looking at the log files, it contains:
2020-12-08 10:24:01.383 CET [111] LOG: server process (PID 89670) was terminated by signal 9: Killed: 9
2020-12-08 10:24:01.383 CET [111] DETAIL: Failed process was running: select "public"."participant_data_view"."id", "public"."participant_data_view"."study_number", <snip many other fields>,
"public"."participant_data_view"."diary_reminder_count", "public"."participant
2020-12-08 10:24:01.383 CET [111] LOG: terminating any other active server processes
In all likelihood, the Linux kernel out-of-memory killer killed your query because the system ran out of memory.
Either restrict the number of database sessions (for example with a connection pool) or reduce work_mem.
It is usually a good idea to set vm.overcommit_memory = 2 in the kernel and tune vm.overcommit_ratio appropriately.

Error when trying to do multiple joins in tableau

I am trying to build a report in tableau desktop 9.3.2 with mongodb (live connection). I using the simba odbc driver for mongodb. I trying to join tables but I keep getting errors if I perform more than one joins and also I cannot do anything other than an inner join. It gives the following errors:
[Simba][MongoDBODBC] (110) Error from MongoDB Client: Failed to read 4 bytes from socket within 300000 milliseconds. (Error Code: 4)
[Simba][MongoDBODBC] (110) Error from MongoDB Client: Corrupt or malicious reply received. (Error Code: 14).
It is not even taking 5 minutes, it gives the error immediately. I was working with some sample data(around 1000 documents) and it worked fine. But now I have 800MB of data. Is it too much data?
Also When I create data source filters and do update now it give me an error:
[Simba][MongoDBODBC] (110) Error from MongoDB Client: Failed to read 262250 bytes from socket within 300000 milliseconds. (Error Code: 4)
Does anyone know what the problem is and how I can resolve it?

"Too many connections for role" error in Heroku (with Ebean)

I'm using the configuration below for Ebean, so normally there shouldn't be more than 20 connections open, which is the limit for the Hobby-basic plan that I use in Heroku. Even so, Heroku is throwing the error: FATAL: too many connections for role... from time to time. Any clues?
db.default.acquireRetryDelay=30 seconds
db.default.connectionTimeout=30 seconds
db.default.idleMaxAge=5 minutes
db.default.maxConnectionAge=15 minutes
db.default.initSQL="SELECT 1"

Powercenter SQL1224N error connecting DB2

Im running a workflow in powercenter that is constatnly getting an SQL1224N error.
This process execute a query against one table (POLIZA) with 800k rows, it retrieves the first 10k rows and then it start to execute to another table with 75M rows, at ths moment in DB2 an idle thread error appear but the PWC process still running retrieving the 75M rows, when it is completed (after 20 minutes) the errros comes up related with the first table:
[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1224N A database agent could not be started to service a request, or was terminated as a result of a database system shutdown or a force command. SQLSTATE=55032
sqlstate = 40003
[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1224N A database agent could not be started to service a request, or was terminated as a result of a database system shutdown or a force command. SQLSTATE=55032
sqlstate = 40003
Database driver error...
Function Name : Fetch
EXA01.POLIZA.BSPOL_IDEMPR='0015' for read only with ur
Native error code = -1224
DB2 Fatal Error].
I have a similar process runing against the same 2 tables and it is woking fine where the only difference I can see is that the DB2 user is different.
Any idea how can i fix this?
The common causes for -1224 are:
Your instance or database has crashed, or
Something/somebody is forcing off your application (FORCE APPLICATION or equivalent)
As for the crash, I think you would know by know. This typically requires a database or instance restart. At any rate, can you please have a look into your DIAGPATH to check for any FODC* directories whose timestamp would match the timestamp of the -1224 errors?
As for the FORCE case, you should find some evidence of the -1224 in db2diag.log. Try searching for the decimal -1224, but also for its hex representation (0xFFFFFB38).

"Lost connection to MySQL server during query" in Google Cloud SQL

I am having a weird, recurring but not constant, error where I get "2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query'". These are the premises:
a Python app runs around 15-20minutes every hour and then stops (hourly scheduled by cron)
the app is on a GCE n1-highcpu-2 instance, the db is on a D1 with a per package pricing plan and the following mysql flags
max_allowed_packet 1073741824
slow_query_log on
log_output TABLE
log_queries_not_using_indexes on
the database is accessed only by this app and this app only so the usage is the same, around 20 consecutive minutes per hour and then nothing at all for the other 40 minutes
the first query it does is
SELECT users.user_id, users.access_token, users.access_token_secret, users.screen_name, metadata.last_id
FROM users
LEFT OUTER JOIN metadata ON users.user_id = metadata.user_id
WHERE users.enabled = 1
the above query joins two tables that are each around 700 lines longs and do not have indexes
after this query (which takes 0.2 seconds when it runs without problems) the app starts without any issues
Looking at the logs I see that each time this error presents itself the interval between the start of the query and the error is 15 minutes.
I've also enabled the slow query log and those query are registered like this:
start_time: 2014-10-27 13:19:04
query_time: 00:00:00
lock_time: 00:00:00
rows_sent: 760
rows_examined: 1514
db: foobar
last_insert_id: 0
insert_id: 0
server_id: 1234567
sql_text: ...
Any ideas?
If your connection is idle for the 15 minute gap the you are probably seeing GCE disconnect your idle TCP connection, as described at Try the workaround that page suggests:
sudo /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=60 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=60 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes=5
(You may need to put this configuration into /etc/sysctl.conf to make it permanent)