Why my NSOperation is not cancelling? - swift

I have this code to add a NSOperation instance to a queue
let operation = NSBlockOperation()
self.asyncMethod() { (result, error) in
if operation.cancelled {
// etc
When user leaves the view that triggered this above code I cancel operation doing
When testing cancelation, I'm 100% sure cancel is executing before async method returns so I expect operation.cancelled to be true. Unfortunately this is not happening and I'm not able to realize why
I'm executing cancellation on viewWillDisappear
asyncMethod contains a network operation that runs in a different thread. That's why the callback is there: to handle network operation returns. The network operation is performed deep into the class hierarchy but I want to handle NSOperations at root level.

Calling the cancel method of this object sets the value of this
property to YES. Once canceled, an operation must move to the finished
Canceling an operation does not actively stop the receiver’s code from
executing. An operation object is responsible for calling this method
periodically and stopping itself if the method returns YES.
You should always check the value of this property before doing any
work towards accomplishing the operation’s task, which typically means
checking it at the beginning of your custom main method. It is
possible for an operation to be cancelled before it begins executing
or at any time while it is executing. Therefore, checking the value at
the beginning of your main method (and periodically throughout that
method) lets you exit as quickly as possible when an operation is
import Foundation
let operation1 = NSBlockOperation()
let operation2 = NSBlockOperation()
let queue = NSOperationQueue()
operation1.addExecutionBlock { () -> Void in
repeat {
print(".", terminator: "")
} while !operation1.cancelled
operation2.addExecutionBlock { () -> Void in
repeat {
print("-", terminator: "")
} while !operation2.cancelled
try this simple example in playground.
if it is really important to run another asynchronous code, try this
if operation.cancelled {
self.asyncMethod() { (result, error) in
// etc

it's because you doing work wrong. You cancel operation after it executed.
Check this code, block executed in one background thread. Before execution start – operation cancel, remove first block from queue.
Swift 4
let operationQueue = OperationQueue()
operationQueue.qualityOfService = .background
let ob1 = BlockOperation {
print("ExecutionBlock 1. Executed!")
let ob2 = BlockOperation {
print("ExecutionBlock 2. Executed!")
// ExecutionBlock 2. Executed!
Swift 2
let operationQueue = NSOperationQueue()
operationQueue.qualityOfService = .Background
let ob1 = NSBlockOperation()
ob1.addExecutionBlock {
print("ExecutionBlock 1. Executed!")
let ob2 = NSBlockOperation()
ob2.addExecutionBlock {
print("ExecutionBlock 2. Executed!")
// ExecutionBlock 2. Executed!

The Operation does not wait for your asyncMethod to be finished. Therefore, it immediately returns if you add it to the Queue. And this is because you wrap your async network operation in an async NSOperation.
NSOperation is designed to give a more advanced async handling instead for just calling performSelectorInBackground. This means that NSOperation is used to bring complex and long running operations in background and not block the main thread. A good article of a typically used NSOperation can be found here:
For your particular use case, it does not make sense to use an NSOperation here, instead you should just cancel your running network request.

It does not make sense to put an asynchronous function into a block with NSBlockOperation. What you probably want is a proper subclass of NSOperation as a concurrent operation which executes an asynchronous work load. Subclassing an NSOperation correctly is however not that easy as it should.
You may take a look here reusable subclass for NSOperation for an example implementation.

I am not 100% sure what you are looking for, but maybe what you need is to pass the operation, as parameter, into the asyncMethod() and test for cancelled state in there?
asyncMethod(operation) { (result, error) in
// Result code
func asyncMethod(operation: NSBlockOperation, fun: ((Any, Any)->Void)) {
// Do stuff...
if operation.cancelled {
// Do something...
return // <- Or whatever makes senes


Swift await/async - how to wait synchronously for an async task to complete?

I'm bridging the sync/async worlds in Swift and doing incremental adoption of async/await. I'm trying to invoke an async function that returns a value from a non async function. I understand that explicit use of Task is the way to do that, as described, for instance, here.
The example doesn't really fit as that task doesn't return a value.
After much searching, I haven't been able to find any description of what I'd think was a pretty common ask: synchronous invocation of an asynchronous task (and yes, I understand that that can freeze up the main thread).
What I theoretically would like to write in my synchronous function is this:
let x = Task {
return await someAsyncFunction()
However, when I try to do that, I get this compiler error due to trying to access result:
'async' property access in a function that does not support concurrency
One alternative I found was something like:
Task.init {
self.myResult = await someAsyncFunction()
where myResult has to be attributed as a #State member variable.
However, that doesn't work the way I want it to, because there's no guarantee of completing that task prior to Task.init() completing and moving onto the next statement. So how can I wait synchronously for that Task to be complete?
You should not wait synchronously for an async task.
One may come up with a solution similar to this:
func updateDatabase(_ asyncUpdateDatabase: #Sendable #escaping () async -> Void) {
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
Task {
await asyncUpdateDatabase()
Although it works in some simple conditions, according to WWDC 2021 Swift Concurrency: Behind the scenes, this is unsafe. The reason is the system expects you to conform to a runtime contract. The contract requires that
Threads are always able to make forward progress.
That means threads are never blocking. When an asynchronous function reaches a suspension point (e.g. an await expression), the function can be suspended, but the thread does not block, it can do other works. Based on this contract, the new cooperative thread pool is able to only spawn as many threads as there are CPU cores, avoiding excessive thread context switches. This contract is also the key reason why actors won't cause deadlocks.
The above semaphore pattern violates this contract. The semaphore.wait() function blocks the thread. This can cause problems. For example
func testGroup() {
Task {
await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
for _ in 0 ..< 100 {
group.addTask {
func syncFunc() {
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
Task {
try? await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000)
Here we add 100 concurrent child tasks in the testGroup function, unfortunately the task group will never complete. In my Mac, the system spawns 4 cooperative threads, adding only 4 child tasks is enough to block all 4 threads indefinitely. Because after all 4 threads are blocked by the wait function, there is no more thread available to execute the inner task that signals the semaphore.
Another example of unsafe use is actor deadlock:
func testActor() {
Task {
let d = Database()
await d.updateSettings()
func updateDatabase(_ asyncUpdateDatabase: #Sendable #escaping () async -> Void) {
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
Task {
await asyncUpdateDatabase()
actor Database {
func updateSettings() {
updateDatabase {
await self.updateUser()
func updateUser() {
Here calling the updateSettings function will deadlock. Because it waits synchronously for the updateUser function, while the updateUser function is isolated to the same actor, so it waits for updateSettings to complete first.
The above two examples use DispatchSemaphore. Using NSCondition in a similar way is unsafe for the same reason. Basically waiting synchronously means blocking the current thread. Avoid this pattern unless you only want a temporary solution and fully understand the risks.
Other than using semaphore, you can wrap your asynchronous task inside an operation like here. You can signal the operation finish once the underlying async task finishes and wait for operation completion using waitUntilFinished():
let op = TaskOperation {
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000)
Note that using semaphore.wait() or op.waitUntilFinished() blocks the current thread and blocking the thread can cause undefined runtime behaviors in modern concurrency as modern concurrency assumes all threads are always making forward progress. If you are planning to use this method only in contexts where you are not using modern concurrency, with Swift 5.7 you can provide attribute mark method unavailable in asynchronous context:
#available(*, noasync, message: "this method blocks thread use the async version instead")
func yourBlockingFunc() {
// do work that can block thread
By using this attribute you can only invoke this method from a non-async context. But some caution is needed as you can invoke non-async methods that call this method from an async context if that method doesn't specify noasync availability.
I wrote simple functions that can run asynchronous code as synchronous similar as Kotlin does, you can see code here. It's only for test purposes, though. DO NOT USE IT IN PRODUCTION as async code must be run only asynchronous
let result = runBlocking {
try? await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000)
return "Some result"
print(result) // prints "Some result"
I've been wondering about this too. How can you start a Task (or several) and wait for them to be done in your main thread, for example? This may be C++ like thinking but there must be a way to do it in Swift as well. For better or worse, I came up with using a global variable to check if the work is done:
import Foundation
var isDone = false
func printIt() async {
try! await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 200000000)
print("hello world")
isDone = true
Task {
await printIt()
while !isDone {
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.1)

In XCTest: how to test that a function forced execution onto main thread

In the UI class I have a method that accesses UI elements, and hence is supposed to force itself onto a main thread. Here's a minimal example of what I mean:
class SomeUI {
func doWorkOnUI() {
guard Thread.isMainThread else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("Doing the work on UI and running on main thread")
In the tests, of course there's no problem to test the case when doWorkOnUI() is already running on main thread. I just do this:
func testWhenOnMainThread() {
let testedObject = SomeUI()
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Completed doWorkOnUI")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 10.0)
// Proceed to some validation
That is: force execution onto main thread. Wait for it to complete. Do some checks.
But how to test the opposite case, i.e. ensure that function forced itself to run on main thread when called from the background thread?
For example if I do something like:
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
I just tested that function got executed from the background thread. But I didn't explicitly check that it ran on main thread. Of course, since this function accesses UI elements, the expectation is that it crashes if not forced on main thread. So is "no crash" the only testable condition here? Is there anything better?
When there is an outer closure in the background and an inner closure on the main thread, we want two tests:
Call the outer closure. Do a wait for expectations. Wait for 0.01 seconds. Check that the expected work was performed.
Call the outer closure. This time, don't wait for expectations. Check that the work was not performed.
To use this pattern, I think you'll have to change your code so that the tests can call the outer closure directly without having to do an async dance already. This suggests that your design is too deep to be testable without some changes.
Find a way for an intermediate object to capture the closure. That is, instead of directly calling DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async, make a type that represents this action. Then a Test Spy version can capture the closure instead of dispatching it to the background, so that your tests can invoke it directly. Then you can test the call back to main thread using async wait.

Swift 4. Wait for async result of HealthKit HKQuery before continuing execution

Problem is how to wait for an async query on HealthKit to return a result BEFORE allowing execution to move on. The returned data is critical for further execution.
I know this has been asked/solved many times and I have read many of the posts, however I have tried completion handlers, Dispatch sync and Dispatch Groups and have not been able to come up with an implementation that works.
Using completion handler
per Wait for completion handler to finish - Swift
This calls a method to run a HealthKit Query:
func readHK() {
var block: Bool = false
hk.findLastBloodGlucoseInHealthKit(completion: { (result) -> Void in
block = true
if !(result) {
print("Problem with HK data")
else {
print ("Got HK data OK")
while !(block) {
// now move on to the next thing ...
This does work. Using "block" variable to hold execution pending the callback in concept seems not that different from blocking semaphores, but it's really ugly and asking for trouble if the completion doesn't return for whatever reason. Is there a better way?
Using Dispatch Groups
If I put Dispatch Group at the calling function level:
Calling function:
func readHK() {
var block: Bool = false
hk.findLastBloodGlucoseInHealthKit(dg: dispatchGroup)
print ("Back from readHK")
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
print("Function complete")
block = true
while !(block){
Receiving function:
func findLastBloodGlucoseInHealthKit(dg: DispatchGroup) {
print ("Read last HK glucose")
let sortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: HKSampleSortIdentifierEndDate, ascending: false)
let query = HKSampleQuery(sampleType: glucoseQuantity!, predicate: nil, limit: 10, sortDescriptors: [sortDescriptor]) { (query, results, error) in
// .... other stuff
The completion executes OK, but the .notify method is never called, so the block variable is never updated, program hangs and never exits from the while statement.
Put Dispatch Group in target function but leave .notify at calling level:
func readHK() {
var done: Bool = false
print ("Back from readHK")
hk.dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
print("done function")
done = true
while !(done) {
Same issue.
Using Dispatch
Documentation and other S.O posts say: “If you want to wait for the block to complete use the sync() method instead.”
But what does “complete” mean? It seems that it does not mean complete the function AND get the later async completion. For example, the below does not hold execution until the completion returns:
func readHK() {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).sync {
print ("Back from readHK")
Thank you for any help.
Yes, please don't fight the async nature of things. You will almost always lose, either by making an inefficient app (timers and other delays) or by creating opportunities for hard-to-diagnose bugs by implementing your own blocking functions.
I am far from a Swift/iOS expert, but it appears that your best alternatives are to use Grand Central Dispatch, or one of the third-party libraries for managing async work. Look at PromiseKit, for example, although I haven't seen as nice a Swift Promises/Futures library as JavaScript's bluebird.
You can use DispatchGroup to keep track of the completion handler for queries. Call the "enter" method when you set up the query, and the "leave" at the end of the results handler, not after the query has been set up or executed. Make sure that you exit even if the query is completed with an error. I am not sure why you are having trouble because this works fine in my app. The trick, I think, is to make sure you always "leave()" the dispatch group no matter what goes wrong.
If you prefer, you can set a barrier task in the DispatchQueue -- this will only execute when all of the earlier tasks in the queue have completed -- instead of using a DispatchGroup. You do this by adding the correct options to the DispatchWorkItem.

Race condition in unit tests

I'm currently testing a number of classes that do network stuff like REST API calls, and a Realm database is mutated in the process. When I run all the different tests I have at once, race conditions appear (but of course, when I run them one by one, they all pass). How can I reliably make the tests pass?
I have tried to call the mentioned functions in a GCD block like this:
DispatchQueue.main.async {
One of my tests are still failing, so I guess the above didn't work. I have enabled Thread Sanitizer and it reports, from time to time, that race conditions appear.
I can't post code, so I'm looking for conceptual solutions.
Typically some form of dependency injection. Be it an internally exposed var to the DispatchQueue, a default argument in a function with the queue, or a constructor argument. You just need some way to pass a test queue that dispatches the event when you need to.
DispatchQueue.main.async will schedule the block async to the callee on the main queue and therefore isn't guarenteed by the time you make an assertion.
Example (disclaimer: I'm typing from memory so it might not compile but it gives the idea):
// In test code.
struct TestQueue: DispatchQueue {
// make sure to impement other necessary protocol methods
func async(block: () -> Void) {
// you can even have some different behavior for when to execute the block.
// also you can pass XCTestExpectations to this TestQueue to be fulfilled if necessary.
// In source code. In test, pass the Test Queue to the first argument
func doSomething(queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main, completion: () -> Void) {
queue.async(block: completion)
Other methods of testing async and eliminating race conditions revolve around craftily fulfilling an XCTestExpectation.
If you have access to the completion block that is eventually invoked:
// In source
class Subject {
func doSomethingAsync(completion: () -> Void) {
// In test
func testDoSomethingAsync() {
let subject = Subject()
let expect = expectation(description: "does something asnyc")
subject.doSomethingAsync {
wait(for: [expect], timeout: 1.0)
// assert something here
// or the wait may be good enough as it will fail if not fulfilled
If you don't have access to the completion block it usually means finding a way to inject or subclass a test double that you can set an XCTestExpectation on and will eventually fulfill the expectation when the async work has completed.

Is there a way to throw errors from asynchronous closures in Swift 3?

I’m executing some functions in a test asynchronously using a DispatchQueue like this:
let queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.global(qos: DispatchQoS.QoSClass.userInitiated)
let group: DispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
func execute(argument: someArg) throws {
queue.async {
do {
// Do stuff here
} catch {
Log.info(“Something went wrong")
Sometimes the code inside the do block can throw errors, that I have to catch later on. Since I’m developing a test, I want it to fail, if the code inside the do block throws an error.
Is there a way to throw an error, without catching it inside the queue.async call?
You cannot throw an error, but you can return an error:
First, you need to make your calling function asynchronous as well:
func execute(argument: someArg, completion: #escaping (Value?, Error?)->()) {
queue.async {
do {
// compute value here:
completion(value, nil)
} catch {
completion(nil, error)
The completion handler takes a parameter which we could say is a "Result" containing either the value or an error. Here, what we have is a tuple (Value?, Error?), where Value is the type which is calculated by the task. But instead, you could leverage a more handy Swift Enum for this, e.g. Result<T> or Try<T> (you might want to the search the web).
Then, you use it as follows:
execute(argument: "Some string") { value, error in
guard error == nil else {
// handle error case
guard let value = value else {
fatalError("value is nil") // should never happen!
// do something with the value
Some rules that might help:
If a function calls an asynchronous function internally, it inevitable becomes an asynchronous function as well. *)
An asynchronous function should have a completion handler (otherwise, it's some sort of "fire and forget").
The completion handler must be called, no matter what.
The completion handler must be called asynchronously (with respect the the caller)
The completion handler should be called on a private execution context (aka dispatch queue) unless the function has a parameter specifying where to execute the completion handler. Never use the main thread or main dispatch queue - unless you explicitly state that fact in the docs or you intentionally want to risk dead-locks.
*) You can force it to make it synchronous using semaphores which block the calling thread. But this is inefficient and really rarely needed.
Well, you might conclude, that this looks somewhat cumbersome. Fortunately, there's help - you might look for Future or Promise which can nicely wrap this and make the code more concise and more comprehensible.
Note: In Unit Test, you would use expectations to handle asynchronous calls (see XCTest framework).
Refactor your code to use queue.sync and then throw your error from there. (Since your execute function is actually synchronous, given the group.wait() call at the last line, it shouldn't really matter.)
For instance, use this method from DispatchQueue:
func sync<T>(execute work: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T
By the way, a good idiom for leaving a DispatchGroup is:
defer { group.leave() }
as the first line of your sync/async block, which guarantees you won't accidentally deadlock when an error happens.