XML-RPC returns wrong double precision - postgresql

I have written my own Odoo module where I added a property weight to the product.template model.
The implementation in the Python code is
weight = fields.Float('Weight', digits=(12,4))
I also changed the view so that I can set this value in the form. So I created a new product in the Odoo GUI and set the weight to 7.85. After storing the value, 7.8500 is shown which seems to be reasonable as the definition declares 4 float digits. The value stored in the PostgreSQL is a numeric and the value is 7.8500. So this all seems to be correct.
When I now want to get the product with the Odoo API which is based on XML-RPC I do not get 7.8500 but 7.8500000000000005
So my question is, why is this and how can I prevent this?
This behavior occurs whenever I have 2 decimal places. So when I take 7.8 instead of 7.85 the return value is 7.8.


maxTableColumnSize in .ipsproject-File

I need to store a String of at least 2000 chars in the database, but i get the following validation message in Faktor-IPS:
Spalten-Size erreicht das Limit [1..255]
I found the PersistenceOptions in the .ipsproject-File and the attribute maxTableColumnSize - which is set to 255. If I change this value to 2000, all seems fine. Are there other effects if this value is changed or is this attribute only used for the validation?
The 'maxTableColumnSize' is only used for this validation and should be set according to your database implementation. Typical values can be found here: https://blog.faktorzehn.de/2021/06/faktor-ips-persistenz-optionen/?lang=en

How do I prevent users to use thousands separator in FileMaker Pro?

In FileMaker Pro, when using number field, the user can choose to use a thousand separator or not. For example, if I have a database with a field for the price of an item, the user can either enter 1,000 or 1000.
I am using my database to generate an XML file that needs to be uploaded. The thing is, that my XML scheme dictates that only a value of 1000 is allowed and not 1,000. Therefore, I want to either automatically remove the comma, or (my preference in this case) alert the user when trying to enter a value with a thousand separator.
What I tried is the following.
For the field, I am setting Validation options. For example:
Require Strict data type: Numeric Only
Validated by calculation: Position ( Self ; ","; 1 ; 1 ) = 0
Validated by calculation: Self = Substitue ( Self, ",", "")
Auto-enter calculation: Filter( Self ; "0123456789." )
Unfortunately, none of these work. As the field is defined as a number (and I want to keep it like this, as I am also performing calculations based on this number), the Position function and the Substitute function apparently ignore the thousand separator!
Note that I am generating my XML by concatenating a string, for example:
"<Products><Product><Name>" & Name & "</Name><Price>" & Price & "</Price></Product></Product>"
The reason is that what I am exporting is dependent on the values in my database. Therefore, I am not using the [File][Export records...] function.
Auto-enter calculation will work, but you need to uncheck the box "Do not replace existing value of field" (which is checked by default).
I'd suggest using the calculation GetAsNumber(self) as the auto-enter calc. If it should only contain integers, wrap that in a call to Int()
I am using my database to generate an XML file that needs to be uploaded. The thing is, that my XML scheme dictates that only a value of 1000 is allowed and not 1,000.
If this is only a problem when you export, why not handle it when exporting?
If you are exporting as XML using XSLT, you can add an instruction to
your stylesheet to remove the comma from all number fields;
Alternatively, you can export from a layout where the field is
formatted to display without the comma and select the Apply current's layout data formatting to exported data option when
Perhaps I should have clarified. I am not using the export function to generate the XML as there is some logic involved in how the XML should be formatted (dependent on the data that I want to export). What I do instead is that I make a string where I combine XML-tags and actual values from the database.
IMHO, you're making a mistake by not taking advantage of the built-in XML/XSLT export option. Any imaginable logic can be implemented this way, without burdening your solution with the fragile task of creating a valid XML.
In any case, if you're using the field in a calculation, you can replace all references to it with:
GetAsNumber (YourField )
to get an unformatted, numeric-only, value.
Your question puzzles me. As far as I know, FileMaker does not store the thousands separator, but rather offers it only as a display option.
That's also why those functions can't find it.
Are you sure you are exporting the raw data and not a "formatted as layout" variant?

embeddedmap of strings not working after 2.2

I had been developing some base queries for about 6 months prior to the release of 2.2
CREATE VERTEX Flag_Definitions SET title = "developer reference for all data flags", V_status = {"ACTIVE":"Normal active record", "SUSPENDED":"Currently inactive record","DELETED":"Discontinued record maintained for archiving"}, Block_type = {"Prop":"Holds text from a data object property","HTML":"Holds basic HTML for content","Container":"Holds other blocks"}
but now I'm getting this error in studio
{"errors":[{"code":400,"reason":400,"content":"Map found but entries are not defined as :\r\n\tDB name=\"TestDB\""}]}
From console, the phrasing is slightly different
Map found but entries are not defined as <key>:<value>
Either way, the format 'SET mapfield = {"key":"val"}' no longer seems to be working, and I can't find an explanation. I even looked into the orient code on github (line 118), but, having 2 parts, the format should be passing the check on line 117.
Solved this one, it has nothing to do with the Flag_Definitions object, but I had a default status flag being applied to all created vertices
The issue is the DEFAULT, which needs to be
DEFAULT '{"status":"ACTIVE"}'
Similarly, I had to change
DEFAULT sysdate() to DEFAULT "sysdate()"

Parse setting explicit type using REST

I know you can set a Date field explicitly like so:
But is there anyway to explicitly set the column type of 'Number' using REST? For instance, I'd like to set the column 'batch_size' to a Number instead of a string but when POST'ing via rest it keeps getting created as a string type column.
Meh, this was more of a Perl issue than a Parse issue.
What I had to do to tell Perl to treat the number like an actual number was to add a zero to the value. :/

Get statuscode text in C#

I'm using a plugin and want to perform an action based on the records statuscode value. I've seen online that you can use entity.FormattedValues["statuscode"] to get values from option sets but when try it I get an error saying "The given key was not present in the dictionary".
I know this can happen when the plugin cant find the change for the field you're looking for, but i've already checked that this does exist using entity.Contains("statuscode") and it passes by that fine but still hits this error.
Can anyone help me figure out why its failing?
I've not seen the entity.FormattedValues before.
I usually use the entity.Attributes, e.g. entity.Attributes["statuscode"].
Crm wraps many of the values in objects which hold additional information, in this case statuscode uses the OptionSetValue, so to get the value you need to:
This will return a number, as this is the underlying value in Crm.
If you open up the customisation options in Crm, you will usually (some system fields are locked down) be able to see the label and value for each option.
If you need the label, you could either do some hardcoding based on the information in Crm.
Or you could retrieve it from the metadata services as described here.
To avoid your error, you need to check the collection you wish to use (rather than the Attributes collection):
if (entity.FormattedValues.Contains("statuscode")){
var myStatusCode = entity.FormattedValues["statuscode"];
However although the SDK fails to confirm this, I suspect that FormattedValues are only ever present for numeric or currency attributes. (Part-speculation on my part though).
entity.FormattedValues work only for string display value.
For example you have an optionset with display names as 1, 2, 3,
The above statement do not recognize these values because those are integers. If You have seen the exact defintion of formatted values in the below link
you will find this statement is valid for only string display values. If you try to use this statement with Integer values it will throw key not found in dictionary exception.
So try to avoid this statement for retrieving integer display name optionset in your code.
Try this
string Title = (bool)entity.Attributes.Contains("title") ? entity.FormattedValues["title"].ToString() : "";
When you are talking about Option set, you have value and label. What this will give you is the label. '?' will make sure that the null value is never passed.