Swift higher order function (Church pair aka cons) with generic parameter types not accepting input parameter types - swift

I was messing around with the functional programming in Swift 2.1, trying to implement the Church encoding pair/cons function (cons = λx λy λf f x y in untyped lambda calculus), which I had read couldn't be done in earlier versions of Swift.
With generics it looks like
func cons<S,T,U>(x:S,_ y:T) -> ((S,T) -> U) -> U
return { (f:((S,T) -> U)) -> U in return f(x,y)}
//error: cannot invoke 'cons' with an argument list of type '(Int, Int)'
//note: expected an argument list of type '(S, T)'
which doesn't work, and gives an error I cannot understand (surely parameter list of type (Int,Int) can match generic type variables (S,T)?)
If you get rid of the generic types, and declare them all Ints, the function works, but of course we want to be able to cons together lists longer than 2; consing a list of length 3 is consing an Int with an (Int,Int) -> Int, for example.
Another option is to type everything as Any (see Type Casting for Any and AnyObject), but I couldn't make that work either.
Do you have any ideas? Is this possible in Swift yet? I'm sure there are simpler ways to implement cons/car/cdr, but I'm specifically interested in the Church encoding, where the list elements are arguments to anonymous functions (lambdas).

func cons<S,T,U>(x:S,_ y:T) -> ((S,T) -> U) -> U
return { (f:((S,T) -> U)) -> U in return f(x,y)}
let i: ((Int,Int)->Int)->Int = cons(1,2)
let d: ((Int,Int)->Double)->Double = cons(2,3)
let e: ((Double,Int)->String)->String = cons(2.2, 1)
let e: ((Double,Int)->Double)->Double = cons(2.2, 1)
stil one of type is an 'extra' type and could not be inferred by compilator. if you define the types, you can see, that not all combinations are valid. Just define the output type and the compilator should be happy
func cons<S,T, U>(x:S,_ y:T, outptAs: U.Type) -> ((S,T) -> U ) -> U
return { (f:((S,T) -> U)) -> U in return f(x,y) }
let i = cons(1.2 ,"A", outptAs: Int.self)
let j = cons("alfa","beta", outptAs: Double.self)


Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred after assignment

// Xcode 11.6 / Swift 5
import Foundation
func f<T>(_: (T) -> Void) { }
func g(_: Int) -> Int { 0 }
f { g($0) } // compiles fine
f { let _ = g($0) } // Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
In the above code, the generic function f expects as its argument a function that takes an argument of type T.
The function g takes an argument of type Int.
When I write f { g($0) }, the code compiles. I believe (please correct me if I'm wrong) this compiles because the compiler can infer that T is an Int based on g's argument type.
However, when I try to do something with the return value of g, for example in the let _ = g($0) line, the compiler complains that it can no longer infer the type of T.
It seems to me the return type of g should have no bearing on how the compiler infers T's type, but clearly it does.
Can anyone shed some light on why this happens, and what (if anything) can be done to correct it?
This may or may not be a compiler bug.
It is known that Swift does not try to infer the types of some closures, namely, multi-statement ones, as said in SR-1570:
This is correct behavior: Swift does not infer parameter or return types from the bodies of multi-statement closures.
However, your closure consists of only one statement, one declaration to be specific. It is possible, albeit weird, that they designed it so that Swift doesn't try to infer types if the closure contains one declaration as well. For example, this does not compile either
f { let x: Int = $0 } // nothing to do with "g"! The issue seems to be with declarations
If this were by-design, the rationale behind it might be because a single declaration in a closure doesn't make much sense anyway. Whatever is declared, won't be used.
But again, this is just speculation, and this could be a bug as well.
To fix it, simply make it a not-a-declaration:
f { _ = g($0) } // this, without the "let", is IMO the idiomatic way to ignore the function result
f { g($0) } // g has #discardableResult anyway, so you don't even need the wildcard
The function f takes in a function as a parameter which in turn takes a parameter of type T and returns nothing (Void). For a closure to infer types automatically, it has to consist of single (and sometimes simple) expression. Anything complex makes it difficult for the compiler to infer (which makes sense from the compiler's standpoint). Apparently, let _ = g($0) is a complex statement as far as the compiler is concerned. For further information, see this mailing list discussion
it looks like #discardableResult gives you an ability to have 2 types of functions:
g(_: Int) -> Int and g(_: Int) -> Void (it is when you don't want to use a result of function)
I think that
f { g($0) } - here your f can infer a type because it has the same Type
(_: (T) -> Void) and (_: (Int) -> Void)
f { let _ = g($0) } - in this case the type of g function is different from f function
(_: (T) -> Void) and (_: (Int) -> Int)
If you will remove "let" it will compile again:
f { _ = g($0) }
I think that
f { let _ = g($0) } - return only Int value
f { _ = g($0) } - return function (_: (Int) -> Int)
Maybe it is a key here

Generic Where Clause Ambiguity with Associated Types in Swift

I was writing some example code in a playground and wanted a function that returns the distance between two values, both of which conform to the Strideable protocol in Swift so that I could use the distance(to other: Self) -> Self.Stride function. My implementation was as follows:
func distanceFrom<T: Strideable, U>(_ a: T, to b: T) -> U where T.Stride == U
return a.distance(to: b)
After observing this function for a while, I realized that I wasn't sure which Stride was being used in the where clause, the one from a or from b. From what I understand it would be possible for a and b to define different associated types for Stride. Also I haven't made any statements to ensure that a.Stride == b.Stride, although I understand that I could expand my where clause to do so.
So, which one would get used to check equivalence to U? To be clear, the question isn't about this particular code block, but rather any situation in which this ambiguity would exist.
a and b are the same type. If you wanted them to be different Strideable types you would add another generic parameter conforming to Strideable such that the function signature appears as follows:
func bar<T: Strideable, V: Strideable, U>(_ a: T, to b: V) -> U where T.Stride == U, V.Stride == U {
return a.distance(to: a) //Trivial return statement (see explanation below)
Although the aforementioned code would compile, return a.distance(to: b) would not compile because they (a and b) are different types and the definition of distance in Swift3 is public func distance(to other: Self) -> Self.Stride (note the use of Self which restricts other to the same type as the Strideable upon which this function is called). In conclusion, although you could make a and b different types, for your application it would not make sense to do so.
As further evidence for not being able to call your original posted code with different types please see the attached
Playground screenshot which shows an error when using different types.
However, this works fine in the playground.
func distanceFrom<T: Strideable, U>(_ a: T, to b: T) -> U where T.Stride == U {
return a.distance(to: b)
let doubleFoo: Double = 4.5
let intFoo: Double = 4
let g = distanceFrom(doubleFoo, to: intFoo) // gives me a double of -0.5
I hope this helps.

Understanding why this Swift tuple assignment isn't allowed

The following code is fine:
func intTest() -> Int? {
var res : Int
res = 5
return res
There is no problem returning a non-optional Int from a method with a return type of optional Int.
Now lets see what happens when the return value is a tuple of optional values:
func tupleTest() -> (Int?, Int?) {
var res : (Int, Int)
res = (5, 5)
return res
The return res line results in the error:
error: cannot express tuple conversion '(Int, Int)' to '(Int?, Int?)' (aka '(Optional, Optional)')
Why does Swift not allow this?
I certainly understand why this would be an error in the other direction (optional to non-optional) but why can't a tuple accept a non-optional value in the place of an optional when a non-tuple works fine?
I've seen Swift tuple to Optional assignment but that doesn't cover why you can't do the assignment, it just covers how to solve it.
The reason that's happening is because of a type mismatch. Consider the following case:
let myClosure: (Int) -> ()
let myOtherClosure: (Int?) -> ()
The type of myClosure is (Int) -> () while myOtherClosure is of type (Int?) -> () which makes them fundamentally different types, despite the similarity of the parameters. When Swift is looking at these two constants, it's evaluating the type as a whole, not the individual pieces. The same is happening with your tuple; it's looking at the tuple type signature as a whole unit, not breaking down the parameters and recognizing that they're non-optional versions of the same type.
Converting from Int to Int? works because they're the same type, one is just an optional. Going from (Int, Int) to (Int?, Int?) doesn't because the parameters of the tuple are different therefore causing the overall type to be different, hence your error.
Taking a look at one of your examples:
func tupleTest() -> (Int?, Int?) {
let first: Int = 1
let second: Int = 2
let res: (Int?, Int?) = (first, second)
return res
This works because even though the values are non-optional integers, the tuple type is marked as (Int?, Int?) whereas:
func tupleTest() -> (Int?, Int?) {
let first: Int = 1
let second: Int = 2
let res = (first, second)
return res
doesn't compile because now res is of type (Int, Int). I'm not an expert on the Swift compiler but my guess is that the way the type system works is it doesn't deconstruct each individual part of a function or a tuple and recognize that the corresponding return parameter is the same type, just an optional.

What's generic types T and U in Swift?

What's generic types T and U in Swift?
take a look about function "func map(transform: (T) -> U) -> [U]"
What's the T?
What's the U?
Does T and U are different?
Its a generic closure that takes T as parameter and return U, T is the array type you want to map and U is the return type of what you want to extract
For example:
let map = ["",""].map { $0.isEmpty }
T is [String] and U is [Bool]

Passing generic type over functions in Swift

In order to avoid code repetition I'm trying to find a way to infer argument type Tor () -> T from a variable of type U.
I don't know if I'm clear enough so this is what I wan't to do:
func f<T>(closure: () -> T) -> String {
return "closure: () -> \(T.self)"
func f<T>(value: T) -> String {
return "value: \(T.self)"
f("test1") // -> "value: Swift.String"
f({ return "test2" }) // -> "closure: () -> Swift.String"
func foo<U>(bar: U) -> (String, String) {
return ("\(U.self)", f(bar))
foo("test3") // (.0 "Swift.String", .1 "value: Swift.String")
foo({ return "test4" }) // (.0 "() -> Swift.String", .1 "value: () -> Swift.String")
I expected foo({ return "test4" }) to call f<T>(closure: () -> T) function instead of f<T>(value: T). Why Swift can't infer that bar: U match with () -> T pattern ?
TL;DR: Type data is lost with foo() / U.
I suspect that you are coming from a C++ background.
This would work in C++ as C++ infers the type based on the call site. Swift is different though, in that the generic parameter is the only source of type data. In your case, you are providing no information about the type U, so the compiler does not know how it could convert it to the closure type. Your value override of f() works because you are not placing any conditions on T, whereas in your closure type override, you are specifying a specific form (a closure). Since all type data is lost by your call through foo that takes generic (think blank) type U, the compiler does not have enough information, and cannot deduce a conversion from (blank) to a closure.
This is the topic of "type reification", and there is a lengthy discussion on this on devforums.apple.com.