YouTube Analytics API: Get subscribers gained/lost by traffic source for video - youtube-analytics-api

Using the YouTube Analytics API, is it possible to retrieve the number of subscribers gained and lost by traffic source grouped or filtered by video?
The YouTube Analytics application has a "Subscribers Report" where it displays this data for all videos. I would like to retrieve this information with the YouTube Analytics API for each video.


Connect Google Analytics to Youtube analytics

I want to track my YouTube engagement with Google Analytics how do I connect my Youtube to Google Analytics? I have tried to obtain the tracking number of the Youtube channel and import it to Google Analytics but Im not sure where to embed it.
YouTube analytics and Google analytics are two separate applications which have no connection to eachother.
If you want to import data from YouTube analytics into your google analytics account you may want to check out the YouTube analytics api which will allow you to extract data from YouTube analytics. Then you can check out the measurement protocol which will allow you to insert hits into Google analytics.
This will be something you will need to code yourselves. TBH not sure why you would want to the data is not the same you will be comparing your website or application analytics with video performance. these things are unrelated and should not be part of the same analytics.

Securely Streaming Videos in Flutter with MongoDB based on authorization

I am working on a video streaming platform where I only want to allow premium users to access certain videos. I can store videos in CDN and save their URLs in MongoDB but that would give access to the video to everyone having that link. Is there any way to implement this in flutter based on authorization?

Get list of Offline/Saved Videos through YouTube API

I need some help to get list of videos which is downloaded(or taken offline) by a user.
Does YouTube Rest API provide us any API to get list of saved video?
AFAIK, you will not be able to list offline videos from other users, even your own offline videos. This stack exchange post discussed the reason.
Those "offline" videos can only be played using official YouTube App,
and those videos simply can not be played using any other Video/Media
player application.
YouTube (means Google) controls the access to the offline file.
The permission is controlled on their server to access those
downloaded files and Since they are part of specific device, you
cannot access/view those using Google Account, from another device.
But if you want to list videos in youtube api, you can refer to this documentation.

Is it possible to use Actions on Google to stream a video to Chromecast?

The promotion videos of Google Assistant show that it can stream a video on the family's chromecast. However, doesn't talk about that feature.
Is this feature already implemented?
Although Google Home and Google Assistant can control media devices and streaming - this is not something that works through the Actions on Google API yet. It was mentioned at I/O that there would be an API to send things to a Chromecast display, although the details aren't available.

Using Facebook for an online magic contest (Video upload /

I am currently developing a new website / facebook app for an online magic competition. I am hoping most of the functionality can come from Facebook's own services, and would like your feedback on how plausible our goals are.
Essentially there will be two types of users: magicians and voters. Magicians will upload a video of them performing a trick (or select a video they have already uploaded). Voters will vote for their favourite magicians, and be able to post these videos to their wall.
Are these possible:
Video upload to Facebook - I have had a search, but the only method I found uses the depreciated REST API. Is there a newer implementation?
Video download - After a user has uploaded a video are they (or can we) able to download their video from Facebook?
Embedding magicians Facebook videos on the standalone website?
Thank you in advance
You can still upload videos and photos using the graph api. We have done this into galleries for a number of clients.
see here for a picture example (works with other media objects such as videos):
Is it possible to post a status update and adding an image file with facebook graph API?
The problems you may face though are the issues of managing and approving content in the site.
One solution we have found is to combine YouTube API and Facebook to get the best of both worlds. you can now embed a YouTube uploader in your site / app which will post videos into a channel of yours but have an approval app to control what lands. Then add any voting mechanism of your choice to the stream of videos. You can use YouTube likes, Facebook likes or your own. Take a look at this video:
You can embed a YouTube channel into Facebook easily too:
Also using youtube, you can spread your net farther to reach more of an audience.
Hope this can be of some help. (No, I don't work for YouTube just find using more than one platform better)