Scala copy and reflection - scala

In my project, there are many places where objects are picked out of a collection, copied with some values changed, and pushed back into the collection. I have been trying to create my own 'copy' method, that in addition to making a copy, also gives me a 'Diff' object. In other words, something that contains the arguments you just put into it.
The 'Diff' object should then be sent somewhere to be aggregated, so that someone else can get a report of all the changes since last time, without sending the actual entire object. This is all simple enough if one does it like this:
val user = new User(Some(23), true, "arne", None, None, "position", List(), "email", None, false)
val user0 = user.copy(position = "position2")
list ::= user0
val diff = new Diff[User](Map("position" -> "position2"))
However, there is some duplicate work there, and I would very much like to just have it in one method, like:
val (user, diff) = user.copyAndDiff(position = "position")
I haven't been able to figure out what form the arguments to 'copy' actually takes, but I would be able to work with other forms as well.
I made a method with a Type argument, that should make a copy and a diff. Something like this:
object DiffCopy[Copyable]{
def apply(original:Copyable, changes:Map[String, Any]){
My first problem was that there doesn't seem to be any way to guarantee that the original object has a 'copy' method that I can overload to. The second problem appears when I want to actually assign the changes to their correct fields in the new, copied object. I tried to fiddle about with Reflection, and tried to find a way to set the value of a field with a name given as String. In which case I could keep my Diff as a a simple map, and simply create this diff-map first, and then apply it to my objects and also send them to where they needed to go.
However, I ended up deeper and deeper in the rabbit hole, and further and further away from what I actually wanted. I got to a point where I had an array of fields from an arbitrary object, and could get them by name, but I couldn't get it to work for a generic Type. So now I am here to ask if anyone can give me some advice on this situation?
The best answer I could get, would be if someone could tell me a simple way to apply a Map[String, Any] to something equivalent to the 'copy' method. I'm fairly sure this should be possible to implement, but it is simply currently beyond me...

A little bit overcomplicated but solve your original problem.
The best answer I could get, would be if someone could tell me a simple way to apply a Map[String, Any] to something equivalent to the 'copy' method. I'm fairly sure this should be possible to implement, but it is simply currently beyond me...
Take all fields from case class to map.
Update map with new values.
Create case class from new fields map.
low performance
I'm pretty sure it can be done simpler...
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
def getCCParams(cc: Any) =
(Map[String, Any]() /: cc.getClass.getDeclaredFields) {(a, f) =>
a + (f.getName -> f.get(cc))
def enrichCaseClass[T](cc: T, vals : Map[String, Any])(implicit cmf : ClassManifest[T]) = {
val ctor = cmf.erasure.getConstructors().head
val params = getCCParams(cc.asInstanceOf[Any]) ++ vals
val args = cmf.erasure.getDeclaredFields().map( f => params(f.getName).asInstanceOf[Object] )
ctor.newInstance(args : _*).asInstanceOf[T]
val j = Person("Jack", 15)
enrichCaseClass(j, Map("age" -> 18))


Scala: do something if get the value in getOrElse

If a variable is an Option[Account], and there is a string field called accountName in the class Account.
val allAccounts: Set[Option[Account]] = Set(Some(Account1), Some(Account2), None)
How do I get the accountName from Some(Account) if I get something from getOrElse?
I tried"").accountName) but it doesn't work. It cannot apply to the "get" part but the "OrElse" part
Thanks for your help!
PS: wonder why"")) works fine with None value but if I create another variable: val sampleAccount2 = None and"") will failed? Basically I just goes from Set(None) to None ?
Is this what you ultimately wanted to achieve?
final case class Account(accountName: String)
val allAccounts: Set[Option[Account]] =
Set(Some(Account("Account1")), Some(Account("Account2")), None)
def getAccountNames(maybeAccounts: Set[Option[Account]]): Set[String] ="")(_.accountName))
assert(getAccountNames(allAccounts) == Set("Account1", "Account2", ""))
You can play around with this code here on Scastie.
Another way to write getAccountNames is by using a combination of map and getOrElse instead of fold, like so:
def getAccountNames(maybeAccounts: Set[Option[Account]]): Set[String] =""))
This is probably closer to what you initially wanted to write. In this case fold and map with getOrElse are basically equivalent, choose whichever makes more sense given your knowledge of the code base you're working on at the moment.
This version is also available here on Scastie.
The problem with your attempt if that you were applying getOrElse to the Option[Account] type, meaning that you were trying to return something that was either an Account (within the Option) or a String and from that thing you were then asking the accountName, which only makes sense on Account but not on String. The key difference is that in this case you first map on Option[Account] to get the accountName on Somes, getting an Option[String], and then you either get what's in there or the default value if the Option is empty.
As further input, please note that since you are using a Set, if you have multiple empty values in your input, they will be effectively collapsed into one, as in the following example:
assert(getAccountNames(Set(None, None)) == Set(""))
If by any chance you would rather remove any empty value entirely from the output, you can do so by rewriting the function above so that it's defined like so (Scastie):
def getAccountNames(maybeAccounts: Set[Option[Account]]): Set[String] =
In this case getAccountNames can be redefined in terms of a for-comprehension (more on the topic here on the Scala documentation):
def getAccountNames(maybeAccounts: Set[Option[Account]]): Set[String] =
for {
maybeAccount <- maybeAccounts
account <- maybeAccount
} yield account.accountName
This last example is also available here on Scastie for you to play around with it.
In both cases, the assertion that holds now changes to the following:
assert(getAccountNames(allAccounts) == Set("Account1", "Account2"))

Prevent empty values in an array being inserted into Mongo collection

I am trying to prevent empty values being inserted into my mongoDB collection. The field in question looks like this:
MongoDB Field
"stadiumArr" : [
"Old Trafford",
"El Calderon",
Sample of (mapped) case class
case class FormData(_id: Option[BSONObjectID], stadiumArr: Option[List[String]], ..)
Sample of Scala form
object MyForm {
val form = Form(
"_id" -> ignored(Option.empty[BSONObjectID]),
"stadiumArr" -> optional(list(text)),
I am also using the Repeated Values functionality in Play Framework like so:
Play Template
#import helper._
#(myForm: Form[models.db.FormData])(implicit request: RequestHeader, messagesProvider: MessagesProvider)
#repeatWithIndex(myForm("stadiumArr"), min = 5) { (stadium, idx) =>
#inputText(stadium, '_label -> ("stadium #" + (idx + 1)))
This ensures that whether there are at least 5 values or not in the array; there will still be (at least) 5 input boxes created. However if one (or more) of the input boxes are empty when the form is submitted an empty string is still being added as value in the array, e.g.
"stadiumArr" : [
"Old Trafford",
"El Calderon",
Based on some other ways of converting types from/to the database; I've tried playing around with a few solutions; such as:
implicit val arrayWrite: Writes[List[String]] = new Writes[List[String]] {
def writes(list: List[String]): JsValue = Json.arr(list.filterNot(_.isEmpty))
.. but this isn't working. Any ideas on how to prevent empty values being inserted into the database collection?
Without knowing specific versions or libraries you're using it's hard to give you an answer, but since you linked to play 2.6 documentation I'll assume that's what you're using there. The other assumption I'm going to make is that you're using reactive-mongo library. Whether or not you're using the play plugin for that library or not is the reason why I'm giving you two different answers here:
In that library, with no plugin, you'll have defined a BSONDocumentReader and a BSONDocumentWriter for your case class. This might be auto-generated for you with macros or not, but regardless how you get it, these two classes have useful methods you can use to transform the reads/writes you have to another one. So, let's say I defined a reader and writer for you like this:
import reactivemongo.bson._
case class FormData(_id: Option[BSONObjectID], stadiumArr: Option[List[String]])
implicit val formDataReaderWriter = new BSONDocumentReader[FormData] with BSONDocumentWriter[FormData] {
def read(bson: BSONDocument): FormData = {
_id = bson.getAs[BSONObjectID]("_id"),
stadiumArr = bson.getAs[List[String]]("stadiumArr").map(_.filterNot(_.isEmpty))
def write(formData: FormData) = {
"_id" -> formData._id,
"stadiumArr" -> formData.stadiumArr
Great you say, that works! You can see in the reads I went ahead and filtered out any empty strings. So even if it's in the data, it can be cleaned up. That's nice and all, but let's notice I didn't do the same for the writes. I did that so I can show you how to use a useful method called afterWrite. So pretend the reader/writer weren't the same class and were separate, then I can do this:
val initialWriter = new BSONDocumentWriter[FormData] {
def write(formData: FormData) = {
"_id" -> formData._id,
"stadiumArr" -> formData.stadiumArr
implicit val cleanWriter = initialWriter.afterWrite { bsonDocument =>
val fixedField = bsonDocument.getAs[List[String]]("stadiumArr").map(_.filterNot(_.isEmpty))
bsonDocument.remove("stadiumArr") ++ BSONDocument("stadiumArr" -> fixedField)
Note that cleanWriter is the implicit one, that means when the insert call on the collection happens, it will be the one chosen to be used.
Now, that's all a bunch of work, if you're using the plugin/module for play that lets you use JSONCollections then you can get by with just defining play json Reads and Writes. If you look at the documentation you'll see that the reads trait has a useful map function you can use to transform one Reads into another.
So, you'd have:
val jsonReads = Json.reads[FormData]
implicit val cleanReads = => formData.copy(stadiumArr =
And again, because only the clean Reads is implicit, the collection methods for mongo will use that.
NOW, all of that said, doing this at the database level is one thing, but really, I personally think you should be dealing with this at your Form level.
val form = Form(
"_id" -> ignored(Option.empty[BSONObjectID]),
"stadiumArr" -> optional(list(text)),
Mainly because, surprise surprise, form has a way to deal with this. Specifically, the mapping class itself. If you look there you'll find a transform method you can use to filter out empty values easily. Just call it on the mapping you need to modify, for example:
"stadiumArr" -> optional(
list(text).transform(l => l.filter(_.nonEmpty), l => l.filter(_.nonEmpty))
To explain a little more about this method, in case you're not used to reading the signatures in the scaladoc.
transform[B](f1: (T) ⇒ B, f2: (B) ⇒ T): Mapping[B]
says that by calling transform on some mapping of type Mapping[T] you can create a new mapping of type Mapping[B]. In order to do this you must provide functions that convert from one to the other. So the code above causes the list mapping (Mapping[List[String]]) to become a Mapping[List[String]] (the type did not change here), but when it does so it removes any empty elements. If I break this code down a little it might be more clear:
def convertFromTtoB(list: List[String]): List[String] = list.filter(_.nonEmpty)
def convertFromBtoT(list: List[String]): List[String] = list.filter(_.nonEmpty)
list(text).transform(convertFromTtoB, convertFromBtoT)
You might wondering why you need to provide both, the reason is because when you call Form.fill and the form is populated with values, the second method will be called so that the data goes into the format the play form is expecting. This is more obvious if the type actually changes. For example, if you had a text area where people could enter CSV but you wanted to map it to a form model that had a proper List[String] you might do something like:
def convertFromTtoB(raw: String): List[String] = raw.split(",").filter(_.nonEmpty)
def convertFromBtoT(list: List[String]): String = list.mkString(",")
text.transform(convertFromTtoB, convertFromBtoT)
Note that when I've done this in the past sometimes I've had to write a separate method and just pass it in if I didn't want to fully specify all the types, but you should be able to work from here given the documentation and type signature for the transform method on mapping.
The reason I suggest doing this in the form binding is because the form/controller should be the one with the concern of dealing with your user data and cleaning things up I think. But you can always have multiple layers of cleaning and whatnot, it's not bad to be safe!
I've gone for this (which always seems obvious when it's written and tested):
implicit val arrayWrite: Writes[List[String]] = new Writes[List[String]] {
def writes(list: List[String]): JsValue = Json.toJson(list.filterNot(_.isEmpty).toIndexedSeq)
But I would be interested to know how to
.map the existing Reads rather than redefining from scratch
as #cchantep suggests

Scala map to HashMap

Given a List of Person objects of this class:
class Person(val id : Long, val name : String)
What would be the "scala way" of obtaining a (java) HashMap with id for keys and name for values?
If the best answer does not include using .map, please provide an example with it, even if it's harder to do.
Thank you.
This is what I have right now, but it's not too immutable:
val map = new HashMap[Long, String]
personList.foreach { p => map.put(p.getId, p.getName) }
return map
import collection.JavaConverters._
val map = => (,
personList has type List[Person].
After .map operation, you get List[Tuple2[Long, String]] (usually written as, List[(Long, String)]).
After .toMap, you get Map[Long, String].
And .asJava, as name suggests, converts it to a Java map.
You don't need to define .getName, .getid. .name and .id are already getter methods. The value-access like look is intentional, and follows uniform access principle.
How about this:
preallocate enough entries in the empty HashMap using personList's size,
run the foreach loop,
if you need immutability, return java.collections.unmodifiableMap(map)?
This approach creates no intermediate objects. Mutable state is OK when it's confined to one local object — no side effects anyway :)
Disclaimer: I know very little Scala, so be cautious upvoting this.

Map inside Map in Scala

I've this code :
val total = ListMap[String,HashMap[Int,_]]
val hm1 = new HashMap[Int,String]
val hm2 = new HashMap[Int,Int]
//insert values in hm1 and in hm2
total += "key1" -> hm1
total += "key2" -> hm2
val get = HashMap[Int,String] = total.get("key1") match {
case a : HashMap[Int,String] => a
This work, but I would know if exists a better (more readable) way to do this.
Thanks to all !
It looks like you're trying to re-implement tuples as maps.
val total : ( Map[Int,String], Map[Int,Int]) = ...
def get : Map[Int,String] = total._1
(edit: oh, sorry, I get it now)
Here's the thing: the code above doesn't work. Type parameters are erased, so the match above will ALWAYS return true -- try it with key2, for example.
If you want to store multiple types on a Map and retrieve them latter, you'll need to use Manifest and specialized get and put methods. But this has already been answers on Stack Overflow, so I won't repeat myself here.
Your total map, containing maps with non uniform value types, would be best avoided. The question is, when you retrieve the map at "key1", and then cast it to a map of strings, why did you choose String?
The most trivial reason might be that key1 and so on are simply constants, that you know all of them when you write your code. In that case, you probably should have a val for each of your maps, and dispense with map of maps entirely.
It might be that the calls made by the client code have this knowledge. Say that the client does stringMap("key1"), or intMap("key2") or that one way or another, the call implies that some given type is expected. That the client is responsible for not mixing types and names. Again in that case, there is no reason for total. You would have a map of string maps, a map of int maps (provided that you are previous knowledge of a limited number of value types)
What is your reason to have total?
First of all: this is a non-answer (as I would not recommend the approach I discuss), but it was too long for a comment.
If you haven't got too many different keys in your ListMap, I would suggest trying Malvolio's answer.
Otherwise, due to type erasure, the other approaches based on pattern matching are practically equivalent to this (which works, but is very unsafe):
val get = total("key1").asInstanceOf[HashMap[Int, String]]
the reasons why this is unsafe (unless you like living dangerously) are:
total("key1") is not returning an Option (unlike total.get("key1")). If "key1" does not exist, it will throw a NoSuchElementException. I wasn't sure how you were planning to manage the "None" case anyway.
asInstanceOf will also happily cast total("key2") - which should be a HashMap[Int, Int], but is at this point a HashMap[Int, Any] - to a HashMap[Int, String]. You will have problem later on when you try to access the Int value (which now scala believes is a String)

Scala match/compare enumerations

I have an enumeration that I want to use in pattern matches in an actor. I'm not getting what i'd expect and, now, I'm suspecting I'm missing something simple.
My enumeration,
object Ops extends Enumeration {
val Create = Value("create")
val Delete = Value("delete")
Then, I create an Ops from a String:
val op = Ops.valueOf("create")
Inside my match, I have:
case (Ops.Create, ...)
But Ops.Create doesn't seem to equal ops.valueOf("create")
The former is just an atom 'create' and the later is Some(create)
Hopefully, this is enough info for someone to tell me what I'm missing...
If you are just trying to get a copy of Create, then you should refer to it directly in your code:
val op = Ops.Create
But if you are parsing it from a string, the string might contain junk, so valueOf returns an Option:
val op1 = Ops.valueOf("create") // Some(Ops.Create)
val op2 = Ops.valueOf("delete") // Some(Ops.Delete)
val op3 = Ops.valueOf("aljeaw") // None
Now, in your match you can just carry along the Option[Ops.Value] and look for:
and you have built-in robustness to junk as input.
Enumeration.valueOf returns None or Some, because you may be asking to create a value that doesn't exist. In your case, for example, Ops.valueOf("blah") would return None, since you don't have an appropriate enumeration value.
To be honest, in this case, I'd use a case class or a case object instead of an Enumeration (they provide better type safety).
It looks like I needed to use the 'get' method of the returned Some to actually get what I wanted. E.g.
ops.valueOf("create").get == Ops.Create
Seems neither intuitive nor friendly but it works.