Adding a case to an existing enum with a protocol - swift

I want to create a protocol that enforces a certain case on all enums conforming to this protocol.
For example, if I have a enum like this:
enum Foo{
case bar(baz: String)
case baz(bar: String)
I want to extend it with a protocol that adds another case:
case Fuzz(Int)
Is this possible?

The work around is to use a struct with static variables.
Note: This is what is done in Swift 3 for Notification.Name
Below is an implementation on Swift 3
struct Car : RawRepresentable, Equatable, Hashable, Comparable {
typealias RawValue = String
var rawValue: String
static let Red = Car(rawValue: "Red")
static let Blue = Car(rawValue: "Blue")
//MARK: Hashable
var hashValue: Int {
return rawValue.hashValue
//MARK: Comparable
public static func <(lhs: Car, rhs: Car) -> Bool {
return lhs.rawValue < rhs.rawValue
protocol CoolCar {
extension CoolCar {
static var Yellow : Car {
return Car(rawValue: "Yellow")
extension Car : CoolCar {
let c1 = Car.Red
switch c1 {
case Car.Red:
print("Car is red")
case Car.Blue:
print("Car is blue")
case Car.Yellow:
print("Car is yellow")
print("Car is some other color")
if c1 == Car.Red {
if Car.Red > Car.Blue {
print("Red is greater than Blue")
Please note this approach is not a substitute for enum, use this only when the values are not known at compile time.

no, since you can't declare a case outside of an enum.

An extension can add a nested enum, like so:
enum Plants {
enum Fruit {
case banana
extension Plants {
enum Vegetables {
case potato

Here are a couple additional takes that may help somebody out there:
Using your example:
enum Foo {
case bar(baz: String)
case baz(bar: String)
You can consider to "nest" it in a case of your own enum:
enum FooExtended {
case foo(Foo) // <-- Here will live your instances of `Foo`
case fuzz(Int)
With this solution, it becomes more laborious to access the "hidden" cases associated type. But this simplification could actually be beneficial in certain applications.
Another alternative passes by just recreate and extend it while having a way to convert Foo into the extended enum FooExtended (eg. with a custom init):
enum FooExtended {
case bar(baz: String)
case baz(bar: String)
case fuzz(Int)
init(withFoo foo: Foo) {
switch foo {
case .bar(let baz):
self = .bar(baz: baz)
case .baz(let bar):
self = .baz(bar: bar)
There may be many places where one, the other, or both of these solutions make absolutely no sense, but I'm pretty sure they may be handy to somebody out there (even if only as an exercise).


Returning a type based on a constraint, SwiftUI

I'm looking for a way where I can change a list based on an enum case, where the source for the lists are CaseIterable enums. For example:
enum TypeA: Int, CaseIterable {
case one, two, three
enum TypeB: Int, CaseIterable {
case a, b, c
I would like to write something like:
enum PropChoice {
case typeA, typeB
func chosenEnumType<T: CaseIterable>() -> T {
switch self {
case .typeA:
return TypeA.self as! T
case .typeB:
return TypeB.self as! T
And then use it like this:
let propType = PropChoice.typeA
let choices = propType.chosenEnumType.allCases() \\\ Compiler error `Generic parameter T could not be inferred`
for choice in choices {
I'm getting a compiler error as shown above. For interest - the use case for me, is a SwiftUI app, where a user can select a property in a filter screen, and I want to show a list of the options in the Picker.
How about building some View? Good enough?
enum PickerSelection {
case typeA, typeB
#ViewBuilder var forEach: some View {
switch self {
case .typeA:
case .typeB:
private func forEach<PickerSelection: CaseIterable & Identifiable>(
_: PickerSelection.Type
) -> some DynamicViewContent
where PickerSelection.AllCases: RandomAccessCollection {
ForEach(PickerSelection.allCases) {
Text(verbatim: "\($0)")
#State var selection = PickerSelection.typeA
Picker("Picker Selection", selection: $selection) {
extension Identifiable where Self: CaseIterable {
var id: Self { self }
enum TypeA: Int, Identifiable, CaseIterable {
case one, two, three
enum TypeB: Int, Identifiable, CaseIterable {
case a, b, c

Is there a Swift type for a string-based enum?

I have a function that takes a String tag argument:
func findFooByTag(_ tag: String) -> Foo
Now I would like to make the code shorter and safer by introducing an enum for the valid tag values:
enum Tags: String {
case one
case two
case three
But I still have to call the function with a String:
let foo = findFooByTag(
Is there a way to say “findFooByTag takes any string-based enum”? I have found this:
func findFooByTag<T>(_ tag: T) -> Foo where T: RawRepresentable, T.RawValue == String
But that’s quite a mouthful. Is it at least possible to sweep that under the rug with a type alias somehow?
What you have found looks awesome, but still I would suggest something like the following:
protocol Taggable {
var raw: String { get }
extension String: Taggable {
var raw: String { return self }
enum Tag: String, Taggable {
var raw: String {
return self.rawValue
case one = "aa"
case two = "bb"
case three = "cc"
func findByTag(_ tag: Taggable) {
if tag.raw == "aa" { ... }
// do something...
findByTag( // works
findByTag("abc") // also works
As there is nothing in common between enum's having a String RawValue, there is no common type for these or no protocol to which all would conform.
However, Swift 4 introduces type constraints on associated types using where clauses as described in SE-0142. Using this new capability, you can define a protocol with an associated type the type constraints describing an enum with a String rawValue, then you only need to make your Tags enum conform to this protocol and you won't need the type constraint in your function definition anymore.
class Foo {}
protocol StringEnum {
associatedtype EnumType: RawRepresentable = Self where EnumType.RawValue == String
static func findFooByTag<EnumType>(_ tag: EnumType) -> Foo
extension StringEnum where EnumType == Self {
static func findFooByTag<EnumType>(_ tag: EnumType) -> Foo {
return Foo()
enum Tags: String, StringEnum {
case one
case two
case three
let foo = Tags.findFooByTag(
This is implementation of course could be improved, but this is just an example showing how you can use a where clause to implement the type constraint using a protocol and its associatedType.
Due to the default implementation fo the findFooByTag func in the protocol extension, you don't need to implement the function for all of your custom enum types having a String rawValue, you only need to declare them as conforming to the StringEnum protocol.
If you don't have Xcode9 installed, you can play around with this code in the IBM Swift Sandbox using this link.
Maybe you can try do that with CustomStringConvertible?
enum Tags: String, CustomStringConvertible {
case one
case two
case three
var description: String {
return self.rawValue
func findFooByTag<T>(_ tag: T) -> Foo where T: CustomStringConvertible
looks more better
or just
func findFooByTag<T>(_ tag: CustomStringConvertible) -> Foo
For this purpose you can use any kind of wrapper object. For example:
enum TypeNotSpecifiedTag {
case one
enum StringTag: String {
case one
enum IntTag: Int {
case one = 1
enum Wrapper<T>: RawRepresentable {
typealias RawValue = T
case value(T)
init?(rawValue: RawValue) {
self = .value(rawValue)
var rawValue: RawValue {
switch self {
case let .value(item):
return item
print(Wrapper.value( // "one"
print(Wrapper.value( // "one"
print(Wrapper.value( // 1
Notice, that according to documentation about RawValue, you doesn't always need to specify RawValue, that's why first example also compile.

if-let Any to RawRepresentable<String>

Let's assume this:
enum MyEnum: String { case value }
let possibleEnum: Any = MyEnum.value
if let str = stringFromPossibleEnum(possibleEnum: possibleEnum)
What's my best bet of implementing stringFromPossibleEnum without knowing enum type name?
func stringFromPossibleEnum(possibleEnum: Any) -> String? {
// how should this be implemented without knowing enum type name?
UPD: ok, it's getting better, with this I can tell if possibleEnum is an enum:
if Mirror(reflecting: possibleEnum).displayStyle == .enum { print("yes!") }
But how to tell if that's a String-based enum?
UPD: this tweet suggests that you can get rawValue as Any from Enum. You can probably then check if that rawValue is String. But how to get rawValue from Mirror?
Ok, so this is basically not doable currently out of the box, as you can't as?-cast to RawRepresentable, and Mirror does not provide rawValue for enums.
I'd say the best bet is to make own protocol, provide default implementation for String-based RawRepresentable and conform all enums manually like so:
Assuming these are the enums:
enum E1: String { case one }
enum E2: String { case two }
enum E3: String { case three }
StringRawRepresentable protocol and default implementation:
protocol StringRawRepresentable {
var stringRawValue: String { get }
extension StringRawRepresentable
where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue == String {
var stringRawValue: String { return rawValue }
Conform all needed existing enums to the protocol:
extension E1: StringRawRepresentable {}
extension E2: StringRawRepresentable {}
extension E3: StringRawRepresentable {}
And now we can cast to StringRawRepresentable:
func stringFromPossibleEnum(possibleEnum: Any) -> String? {
if let e = possibleEnum as? StringRawRepresentable { return e.stringRawValue }
return nil
stringFromPossibleEnum(possibleEnum: E2.two as Any)
Not sure what you're really trying to achieve here, but here it is:
enum MyEnum: String {
case A
case B
case C
func stringFromEnum<T: RawRepresentable>(_ value: T) -> String
where T.RawValue == String {
return value.rawValue

How to check if an instance is of type enum

'emun' seems to me like a keyword or a primitive type.
And obviously following code does not compile:
if self is enum {
But how can I be able to check if certain protocol is implemented by any enum?
protocol Enumatable {
extension Enumatable {
func isEnum() -> Bool {
return self is enum //it does not compile
But what I really want is to set some kind of constraint in the protocol to force the adopting class to be an enum. Is that possible?
I'm not sure how performant it is to use Mirrors. But here you go:
enum SomeEnum {
case one
case two
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting:
if let displayStyle = mirror.displayStyle {
switch displayStyle {
case .enum:
print("I am an enum")
print("not an enum")

Enum variables in Swift?

I would like to associate multiple values with an enum value, in a generic way.
This can be done in Java:
enum Test {
A("test", 2);
final String var1;
final int var2;
Test (String var1, int var2) {
this.var1 = var1;
this.var2 = var2;
public static void main(String []args){
Test test = Test.A;
But it looks like it's not possible with Swift? So far, according to docs, there are:
Associated values. Example (from docs):
enum Barcode {
case UPCA(Int, Int, Int, Int)
case QRCode(String)
But this is not what I need.
Raw value. Example (from docs):
enum ASCIIControlCharacter: Character {
case Tab = "\t"
case LineFeed = "\n"
case CarriageReturn = "\r"
This would be what I need, but it can have only one value!
Is there an elegant solution for this...? Seems like a language design decision, as it would conflict with the associated values concept, at least in the current form. I know I could use e.g. a dictionary to map the enum values to the rest, but really missing to do this in one safe step, like in Java.
For Swift enum, you can only use (String|Integer|Float)LiteralConvertible types as the raw value. If you want to use existing type(e.g. CGPoint) for the raw value, you should follow #Alex answer.
I will provide 2 alternatives in this answer
Very simple solution
enum Test: String {
case A = "foo:1"
case B = "bar:2"
var var1: String {
return split(self.rawValue, { $0 == ":" })[0]
var var2: Int {
return split(self.rawValue, { $0 == ":" })[1].toInt()!
let test = Test.A
println(test.var1) // -> "foo"
You don't like this? go to next one :)
Behavior emulation using struct and static constants
struct Test {
let var1: String
let var2: Int
private init(_ var1:String, _ var2:Int) {
self.var1 = var1
self.var2 = var2
extension Test {
static let A = Test("foo", 1)
static let B = Test("bar", 2)
static let allValues = [A, B]
let test = Test.A
println(test.var1) // -> "foo"
But of course, struct lacks some features from enum. You have to manually implement it.
Swift enum implicitly conforms Hashable protocol.
extension Test: Hashable {
var hashValue:Int {
return find(Test.allValues, self)!
func ==(lhs:Test, rhs:Test) -> Bool {
return lhs.var1 == rhs.var1 && lhs.var2 == rhs.var2
Test.A.hashValue // -> 0
Test.B.hashValue // -> 1
Test.A == Test.B // -> false
In the first code, we already have allValues that is corresponding to values() in Java. valueOf(...) in Java is equivalent to init?(rawValue:) in RawRepresentable protocol in Swift:
extension Test: RawRepresentable {
typealias RawValue = (String, Int)
init?(rawValue: RawValue) {
if find(Test.allValues, self) == nil{
return nil
var rawValue: RawValue {
return (var1, var2)
Test(rawValue: ("bar", 2)) == Test.B
Test(rawValue: ("bar", 4)) == nil
And so on...
I know this is not "in a generic way". And one thing we never can emulate is "Matching Enumeration Values with a Switch Statement" feature in Swift. you always need default case:
var test = Test.A
switch test {
case Test.A: println("is A")
case Test.B: println("is B")
default: fatalError("cannot be here!")
Yes it is a design decision but you can kind of work around it in some cases.
The idea is to extend a Type to conform to one of:
integer-literal­ floating-point-literal­ string-literal
The solution can be found here
Bryan Chen's solution:
How to create enum with raw type of CGPoint?
The second solution presented there by Sulthan may also be a way to go for you.
I'm not familiar enough with Swift's history to know if this was possible back when the question was asked. But this is what I would do today in Swift 5.x:
enum Direction {
case north
case east
case south
case west
func name() -> String {
switch self {
case .north: return "North"
case .east: return "East"
case .south: return "South"
case .west: return "West"
func degress() -> Double {
switch self {
case .north: return 0.0
case .east: return 90.0
case .south: return 180.0
case .west: return 270.0
It retains all the benefits of Swift enums, chief of all, IMO, the ability for the compiler to infer when your code is exhaustive when pattern matching.